Page Contents

What’s New

In June 2018, Skava released version 7.5 of its Commerce platform. The Product Information Management microservice was impacted in the following ways with the 7.5 release:

  • Store has been removed from PIM and made as a separate microservice. Stores are replaced by Catalogs in PIM
  • PIM Master Catalog and Catalogs are enhanced with Notification tab. You can set conditions to the notification with macro name and message campaign ID.
  • The admin UI for export tab is enhanced with a step by step design. You can retrieve the last exported file using Last Feed Status button.
  • The admin UI for Import tab is enhanced with a step by step design. Import history tab is introduced to view the details of previous import feeds.
  • Publish tab is enhanced with Incremental Publish containing options to publish all additional changes or only changes made on selected properties of that particular version.

See below for the PIM Guide.  For details about the technical implementation of the Customers (User) microservice, please see PIM Microservice Overview under the Skava Commerce 7.5 section of this portal.


Skava PIM handles product information management. It is a single console that helps in maintaining product catalog information that includes master catalog, catalog, and settings. You can create and manage product catalog and configure settings to create and manage products using Skava PIM.

Intended Users

This document is intended for users to create and manage Product Information Management (PIM) in Skava CMS.

Key Terms

Term Description
Approval Workflow Enables separation of concerns between business users on who can author, edit the content and who can approve it before it gets live for external consumption.
Bundles Allows merchants to group certain related products so that it can be sold together.
Catalog The product catalog is a set of information about individual products/SKUs uploaded in PIM.
Category In Product Information Management (PIM) a set of similar or related products are grouped together under a category, Example: Men's Shoes – is a category with shoes where gender='men'.
Collections Similar to bundles, a collection is a group of related products. However, in a collection the end customer has choice of what products to buy in a given collection.
DAM Digital Asset Management
Default Locale See Locale. Default locale is the locale used when a locale is not specified in the API request.
Facet Product attributes.
Feed or Data Feed An ongoing stream of structured data that provides users with updates of current information from one or more sources.
Filter Allows organizing and listing of products based on certain product tags.
Groups A set of related products can be grouped together so that they can be returned together on the product detail page.
Hidden Product A product that is in PIM but not shown in a category listing. The end-user must have a deep link to view the product.
Locale A set of parameters that defines the user’s language, region, currency and date format. Example: en_US refers to English language, USA region, USD currency, and MM/DD/YYYY format. A set of possible locales is provided at the time of the deployment of the Instance. When a Store service is instantiated, a set of allowed locales for that store AND a default locale are identified by the administrator.
Master Catalog Master Catalog refers to the one single hierarchically highest catalog in PIM. Each instance of PIM will always have a Master Catalog and may also have other sub-catalogs or child catalogs. All PIM data is first entered in the Master Catalog and may subsequently have different values in a sub-catalog.
Product In Skava Commerce, a Product refers to an item that is manufactured and available for sale. Since a Product can have multiple variants, Skava Commerce also has a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) which refers to a particular variant of the Product which is transacted upon by the consumer. For example, the Product can be Oxford Classic Casual Shoe and the particular variant with Black color and size 9 is a SKU.
Sale Price Typically, the price at which the particular item is sold. PIM offers multiple prices and offers the ability to define the specific price which will be used for the sale as well as what label should be attached to that price.
SKU Stock Keeping Unit – a variant of the product that is transacted upon in Skava Commerce.
Sorting Sorting refers to the order/sequence in which Categories/Products/SKUs are presented to the consumer user.
Subcategory Category is a set of similar products grouped together. Frequently, there is a need to define hierarchically related subcategories inside a category for further classification (taxonomy) of the catalog. Example: Category – Men, Subcategory – Shoes, Sub-Subcategory – Casual Shoes“,
Variable Price Products such as a gift card that may have a price depending upon the consumer’s choice. For example, a consumer wants a gift card with $30 on it.
Variant Version of a product that differs in some respect from other versions of the same product. For example, a shoe called Oxford Classic available in Brown or Black.
Versioning When creating content, the system can maintain different versions of the content in order to process content through workflow approvals and also have different versions in case business needs require to revert to a previous version.


Accessing a PIM Service

To access a PIM instance through Skava Commerce:
1. Log into Skava Commerce using the URL https://< domain>/mcadmin/v2/login.jsp with valid credentials.

2. In the business landing page, click the required business instance and all the microservice instances associated with the required business appear. For example:

3. In the Microservices section, under the PIM card, click to launch the required PIM service.

4. The PIM page appears in the next tab of your browser as shown below:

Product Information Management

Product Information Management (PIM) creates and manages product catalog information using admin panel.

Master Catalog

Master catalog contains information on categories, products, SKUs, and facets. You can also import, export, and publish catalog information from here. The various tabs available in Master Catalog are as follows:

  • Import
  • Export
  • Category
  • Product
  • SKU
  • Facet
  • Publish
  • Notification

To view the master catalog, click Enter in the Master Catalog section. The PRODUCT tab of the master catalog will be displayed.

Import Tab

Import feature enables you to import bulk catalog information to the PIM database.

Importing Master Data

To import master data, follow the steps below:
1. Click the IMPORT tab. The Import Sheet section will be displayed as shown below:

2. Select any one of the following file templates:

  • Default – Select this to import catalog information from PIM template.
  • Custom – Select this to import catalog information from the customized template, and then select the required template from the dropdown list:

3. Click to proceed to the second step.

  • Custom Template option will appear only when you enable Allow Custom Template for Import in Common Settings.

* For more information on enabling custom template, refer to Enabling Custom Template.

4. Drag and place your file or click browse and upload the sheet.

  • You can upload data sheets in .xls, .xlsx, or .tsv formats.
  • To download a sample Excel sheet (PIM_SampleImport_7.5.xls) for importing data, click the Download sample file (.xls) link, enter the required information in the sample Excel sheet, and upload it.

Note: The date and time in the sample Excel sheet should be converted in an Epoch converter.

5. Once the upload is successful, click to proceed to the third step.
6. Click Select All or select the required catalog sheets for importing into PIM:

The available items are as follows:

Category categorymaster
Product productmaster
SKU skumaster
Facet facetmaster
Catalog catalogmaster

Note: For more information, refer to Appendix B – PIM Import/Export Sheet Format.
7. Click to proceed to the fourth step.
8. Select any one of the import feed type:

  • Incremental Import: This feed type updates on the existing catalog information.
  • Full Import: This feed type overrides on the existing catalog information with the newly imported catalog information.

9. Click to proceed to the fifth step.
10. Enter a description stating reason for importing the file.

11. Click to import the bulk catalog information. The IMPORT screen appears as shown below:

Note: The “Import in progress” counter will indicate the progress of the import process; however, importing sheets to PIM will not be interrupted and you can navigate away from this page. Once the import process is completed, the process details will be sent to the admin through email.
12. Once import is successfully completed, you can view log details of the current import process.


  • While updating the import details, you can go back to the previous step by clicking .
  • To exit without importing, click .
  • To view the history of the previous import feeds, click or , which appears above the log details.
  • To download the log file in the .txt format file, click .
  • To import another file, click and perform all the steps explained in this section.
Enabling Custom Template

To enable Custom Template option, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to SETTINGS > Common Settings, under Allow Custom Template for Import, select Enable as shown below:

2. On clicking Enable, a URL text area will appear along with the browse button to upload the file.
Note: The uploaded file must be a JSON file that contains the required configuration details to convert import sheet from custom template to standard template.
3. Click Browse and upload the file as shown below:

4. Click Save.

Associating Emails Containing User Details for Import/Export Tab

Whenever a feed is triggered in Import/Export tab, the process details about the user will be sent to the admin through email.

Note: To associating emails, ensure to enable marketing.

To enable marketing, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the required campaign for which email has to be enabled.
2. Click Settings from the left navigation pane.
3. From the Settings page, click MAILERS.
4. Click the icon to expand the ENABLE/DISABLE MARKETING section.
5. Click Enabled.
6. Specify the domain name in INFO_ALLOWED_WEB_DOMAIN field. For example, The section will be displayed as shown below:

7. Click Save.
8. Once marketing is enabled, you need to enter the following information in CREATE/UPDATE MAILERS.

Field Description
Mailer Id You can leave this field blank to auto-generate.

Note: Mailer ID will be generated once you save. Example: 312

Mailer Name Specify the mailer name. Example: PIM Catalog Store Association Feed Results
Mailer Description Specify the description for the mailer. Example: PIM Catalog Store Association Feed Results
Max TO addresses Specify the maximum number of the recipient address. For example, 50 (the mail will be sent to 50 addresses)
HTML Specify one of the following:

  • Yes: When Yes is selected, it will send email
  • No: When No is selected, it will send SMS
Subject Specify a subject to the mail. Example: PIM Catalog Store Association Feed Results for %feedid%
Body Specify the body of the mail. Example: Feed Results

  • Campaign : %campaignname% (%campaignid%)
  • Feed Id : %feedid%
  • Triggered by : %username%
  • Time taken : %time% mins
  • Status : %status%
  • %catalogdata%
Macro Length Config Specify the maximum length of the values.

The CREATE/UPDATE MAILERS will be displayed as shown below:

9. Click Save. The created mailer will be displayed as shown below:

Now you have successfully configured the email.
10. To set the mailer ID for catalog map feed, navigate to PIM > SETTINGS and select Feed Settings.
11. Select the following Feed Type:

  • PIM Import/Export

13. Specify the Mailer Template ID for Catalog map feed that is specified in CREATE/UPDATE MAILERS.
14. Enter the node to be run.
15. Enter the list of email IDs to run the feed. The Feed Settings section appears as shown below:
16. Click Save.

Export Tab

Export feature enables exporting product catalog information from PIM database to an .xlsx or .tsv file format.

Exporting Master Data

To export catalog information from PIM database, follow the steps below:

1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: The Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Search for the required catalog using the available filters. The search results will be displayed.
3. Click ENTER on a particular catalog. The Catalog’s Product tab will be displayed.
4. Navigate to the EXPORT tab. Steps to export the catalog information appears:

5. Select any one of the following file type to export:

  • Excel (.xlsx) – Select this option to export catalog information containing less than 10,000 rows. The catalog will be exported as a single file.
  • TSV (.tsv) – Select this option to export catalog information containing 10,000 or more rows. The catalog will be exported as separate files. This file format is recommended for larger exports.

6. Click to proceed to the second step. The following section will be displayed as shown below:
7. Click Select All or select the required sheets/catalog information you want to export:

The available items are as follows:

Category categorymaster
Product productmaster
SKU skumaster
Facet facetmaster
Catalog catalogmaster

Note: For more information, refer to Appendix B – PIM Import/Export Sheet Format.
8. Click to proceed to the third step.
9. Enter a name for the file to be exported. This is optional.

10. Click to export the catalog information. The screen appears as shown below:


  • The “Export in progress” counter will indicate the progress of the export process; however, exporting sheets to PIM will not be interrupted and you can navigate away from this page. Once the export process is completed, the process details will be sent to the admin through email.
  • To download and view the last feed status, see Viewing the Previous Feed Status.

Viewing the Previous Feed Status

To export catalog information from PIM database, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the EXPORT tab. Steps to export the catalog information appears:

2. To obtain the latest feed status, click , and then click . The file will be downloaded to your local computer.

Note: To export a file again, click .

3. Open the downloaded file to view the last feed status. A sample screen is shown below:

Note: For more information on associating emails containing user details, refer to Associating Emails Containing User Details For Import/Export Tab.

Category Tab

Category is used to group products with similar characteristics and functionalities, and display them in a structured manner.  The categories will be displayed in the Catalog section under the CATEGORY tab. You can search for categories by their names in the catalog section.  Example: Men, Women, Electronics, Gift Items, Health Care Items, etc.  The following image illustrates how the categories created in PIM appear in the e-commerce site:

For more information on categories, refer to:

  • Creating a Category
  • Creating a Dynamic Category
  • Associating Products to a Category
  • Previewing a Category
  • Versioning a Category
  • Managing a Category

Creating a Category

You can create categories and manage products under different categories. If products are associated under related categories, users can navigate to the category and select the product.  To create a new category, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.

2. Click Create New Category.  The Category section will be displayed as shown below:

Note: After creating a category, you can associate products to this category from the Product tab. For more information, refer to Associating Products to a Category section. The field descriptions for creating a category are provided in the table below:


Field Description
Category ID Enter a category ID.
Category Name Enter a category name. Example: Men.
Category Type Select from the following:

  • Static – Allows the user to enter fixed category values.
  • Dynamic – Allows the user to create virtual categories.

The products will be mapped virtually from parent level category.

Note: A top category cannot be made as a dynamic category.

For more information, refer to Creating a Dynamic Category.

Semantic IDs Click , and enter a semantic ID to maintain unique identity. (Optional)


  • You can add multiple semantic IDs by clicking the icon. To remove a semantic ID, click the icon.
  • If you enter an existing semantic ID and click Save and Continue, an error message appears as shown below:
URL Enter a URL for the category. Example: Men.
Category Image Browse and select the required image or enter image/DAM URL.


  • Click Reset to reset the category image. Once the image is uploaded, you can lock the image field.
  • If an image is already available for the category, you can override it with a new image.
Status Select any one of the following category status:

  • Active – to make the category active.
  • Deactive – to make the category inactive.

Note: Only active categories will be displayed in the application.

Is Visible Select any one of the following:

  • Yes – to make the category visible in the service API call.
  • No – to hide the category in the service API call.
Sort By Select the Field and Order (Ascending/Descending) for the category sorting.
Start Date Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

End Date End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.
Product Facet Group Select a required product facet group to associate.
SKU Facet Group Select a required SKU facet group to associate.
Segment Select the required segments from the drop-down options.

Note: This field appears when you have enabled and defined the values in the Common Settings page.

Add Additional Property Click Add Additional Property , and enter the Property Name and the Property Value.


  • To make this field visible, enable Allow Additional Category Properties in Category Settings.
  • Click  to delete the created additional property.

3. Click Save. The category will be created in the catalog.
Note: To manage a category, refer to the Managing a Category section.

Editing a Facet Group into a Category

When any change is made to the category facet group, the products that are associated with the category will be dissociated from it.

Example: For the category Men, you can select the required facet group from the Product Facet Group drop-down options. All products within the category Men will be associated to the facet group selected here (Shoe Facet).

When any change is made to the Shoe Facets, the products that are associated with Men will be dissociated.

An alert message appears after changing the category facet group is shown below:

Adding a Parent Category

You can add a parent category to the catalog. [Child categories](#section-creating-a-child-category) can be added to the parent category in hierarchy.

There are two options to create parent categories:

  • Create and move the category to create parent category in the hierarchy. For more information, refer to Move a Category section.
  • Select Add Parent Category to create a category.

After creating a category, to create a parent category, perform the steps below:
1. In the Category tab, click Add Parent Category option.

The Parent Category option will be displayed as follows:

Note: For the option Add Parent Category to appear, ensure that a minimum of one category is available.
2. By default, top option will be displayed in the Parent Category field with which you can create a top level parent category and add the sub-categories.

  • Parent Category will be displayed along with the Category ID when hovered on a particular category.
  • You can edit a parent category, by selecting the required category from the parent category drop-down.

3. Click Save. The parent category will be created in the catalog.
You can add child categories to the parent category maintaining the catalog hierarchy. For more information, refer to:

  • Creating a Child Category
  • Associating Products to a Category
  • Moving a Category
  • Aliasing a Category

Note: To manage a category, refer to [Managing a Category](#section-managing-a-category) section.

Creating a Dynamic Category

You can create dynamic categories using Skava PIM.

To create a new dynamic category, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.

2. Select a catalog from the available catalogs.
3. Select the required child catalog within which the dynamic category has to be created.
Note: A top category cannot be made a dynamic category.
The Category section will be displayed as shown below:

4. Enter a name for the category.
Note: The category ID will be auto-fetched from the catalog.
5. Select the category type as Dynamic from the drop-down options.
The Filterable Facets section will be displayed a shown below:

6. Select the required facet from the Facets drop-down options and enter its value(s).
Note: You can add multiple facets by clicking icon.
7. Enter semantic IDs to maintain a unique identity (optional).
Note: If you enter an existing semantic ID and click Save and Continue, an error message will be displayed as shown below:

8. Enter a URL for the category.
9. Browse and select the required image or enter image URL.

  • Click Reset to reset the category image. Once the image is uploaded, you can lock the image field.
  • Even if an image is already available for the category, you can override it with a new image.

10. Select status from the following options:

  • Active– to make the category active.
  • Deactive– to make the category inactive.

Note: Only active categories will be displayed in the application.
11. To make the category visible in the service API call, select Yes for Is Visible.
12. Click and select a start date.
The end time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.
Note: You can modify the existing start date and end date.
13. Select the product facet group from the drop-down options.
14. Select the SKU facet group from the drop-down options.
15. To add an additional property value, click
Note: To make this field visible, enable Allow Additional Category Properties in Category Settings.
16. Click Save.
The dynamic category will be created in the catalog.

Associating Products to a Category

Once products and categories are created, PIM allows you to associate one or more products to a category.

To associate products to a category, you can follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.
2. Select a catalog on the left pane, and click the Product tab.
The products of this category will be displayed as shown below:

3. Enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
ID Enter the product ID specified while creating the product. For example, c898950.

If you search with product ID, other fields such as Name, Price From, and Price To will be disabled.

Note: You can also search using Name, Price From, and Price To fields without entering the product ID.

Name Enter the product name.
Price From Enter the lowest price limit.

Note: Price From is used to filter the list of products with a minimum of the entered price.

Price To Enter the highest price limit.

Note: Price To is used to filter the list of products with a maximum of the entered price.

4. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Note: Click Reset to reset the search criteria.
5. From the search results, select the checkboxes of the required products, and click Save Category.
The selected products will be associated to the category.

Boost/Bury the Products in a Category

Once you associate the products to a category, you can Boost/Bury the products. Boost/Bury is used to promote the rank of specific brands or products to higher or lower in search results and category listings.

To Boost/Bury the products, you can perform the steps below:
1. Click Boost/Bury tab. The screen appears as shown below:

2. Enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
Product ID Enter a valid product ID.
Product Name Enter a valid product name.
Property Filter Select a property to filter the product by its properties.


·       When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.

·       The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.

3. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Click Reset to reset the search criteria. The products that are associated with the category will be displayed in the Boost/Bury tab.
4. Click on the selected product. Boost button will be displayed as shown below:

5. Click Boost to boost the product in the category. The product will appear under BOOST section. The Boost/Bury screen will be displayed as shown below:

Note: You can add more than one product to Boost/Bury and can re-arrange the existing products by drag and drop.
6. Click Boost on another product to promote. The screen appears as shown below:

7. Click Save Category.

Previewing a Category

The Snapshot tab allows you to preview a category on a required date. Once you create the template in Template Settings perform the below steps to preview a category:
1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.
2. Select the required catalog. The screen appears as shown below:

3. Click the Snapshot tab. The Snapshot tab will be displayed as shown below:

4. Select a required template and select the required date.
5. Click Preview to preview the selected category. The Snapshot tab will appears as shown below:

Note: To display the category snapshot, select the template level as productlist in Template Settings.

Versioning a Category

The Versions tab allows you to view the category history. When any changes are made, and approved by the administrator, a version with previous master record will be created.

To view the category version, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.
2. Select the required catalog.
3. Click the Versions tab.
The Versions tab will be displayed as shown below:

4. To search for a particular version, enter any of the following in search field:

  • Version ID
  • Updated Date
  • Updated By
  • Approved Date
  • Approved By
  • View and Apply

5. To save the category edits, click View and Apply on the required version.
The Unapproved Edit page will be displayed as shown below:

6. Click Save to save the version.
Note: The saved edit must be approved by the administrator.

Managing a Category

You can search a category, export a category, lock a category, delete a category, create a child category, move a category, and alias a category.

Searching a Category

You can search for a category and view the assigned products.

To search for a category in the catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.

2. In the Search Categories By Name textbox, enter a string for your category search.
The categories matching the entered string will be displayed as shown below:

Exporting a Category

You can export category information based on the search results from PIM database to an Excel/TSV.

To export category information, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to CATEGORY tab.
2. Search the required category. For more information on searching a category, refer Searching a Category.
Note: You can view the search results related to the particular search.
3. You can select the category to export or you can export all categories available based on the search results. The screen will be displayed as shown below:

4. Click EXPORT.
The export screen will be displayed as shown below:

5. Select any one of the following Feed Type:

  • Excel
  • TSV

6. Click Export to export the category information.

  • You can use excel format for exporting < 10,000 records. Use TSV format for exporting more than 10,000 records. The entities in TSV format will be exported as separate files corresponding to the selected tabs.
  • When you export a category, the associated product and SKU details will be exported along with the category.
Locking a Category

To retain a category and prevent it from editing, you can lock that category from the catalog pane. To lock a category, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.

2. [Search for the category](#section-searching-a-category) to be locked, from the catalog pane.

3. Right-click on the required category and click Lock. * The category and its sub-categories will be locked.

Note: To unlock a locked category, right-click on the respective category and click Unlock.

Deleting a Category

You can delete only a sub-category from the Catalog pane. Note: To delete a parent category, all its sub-categories must be removed.

The products associated to the category will not be removed on deleting a category. The products will be available in the PIM database. You can associate these products to other categories. To delete a category in the catalog, perform the steps below:

1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.

2. Search for the category to be deleted, in the catalog pane.

3. Right-click on the respective category and click Delete. The category will be removed.

Creating a Child Category

Child categories can be created as follows:

  • Create and move the categories to structure child categories in a hierarchy. For more information, refer to Moving a Category section.
  • Click Add Parent Category and then select the required parent category from the drop-down. After creating a category and a parent category, perform the following steps:

1. By default, top option will be displayed in the Parent Category. Click to display the categories available in the catalog.

2. Select the required category for which you want to create a child category.

3. Click Save. The child category will be created in the catalog. Note: * You can select multiple parent categories for a child category.

  •  To manage the category, refer to Managing a Category section.
Moving a Category

You can move categories in the catalog according to your requirement. Categories can be moved to: * re-structure the hierarchy of categories in the catalog * make a parent category as a child category, or vice-versa In the Catalog pane, select the required category. Drag the category to the required place as shown below:

Aliasing a Category

Aliasing a category creates a category in multiple places that is dependent to the original category. Note:

  • You cannot edit an alias category. The information displayed in the original category will be reflected in the alias categories.
  • You cannot delete an alias category. Deleting the original category will delete the respective alias categories.

To alias a category, perform the steps below:

1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.

2. Click to enable creating alias categories by dragging a category into the other. The screen appears as below:

3. From the Catalog, select the category, and drag the category to the required place. An alias category will be created as shown below:

Product Tab

New products can be created from the PRODUCT tab. You can associate one or more products to a category. Example: Blue Printed Shirt, Men’s Casual Blue Shirt, Girl’s Denim Jean, etc. After creating the categories and products, you can associate one or more products to a category. Example:

  • If you have created a product Blue Printed Shirt, you can categorize it under the Shirts category.
  • If you have created a product Brown Party Wear Shoe, you can categorize it under the Men’s Footwear category. For more information on a product, refer to:
    • Creating a Product
    • Viewing and Editing Product Details
    • Editing Product Details
    • Viewing SKUs for the Product
    • Searching a Product
    • Exporting a Product
    • Deactivating a Product
    • Locking a Product

Creating a Product

You can create a product by specifying a product name, ID, facets, and price. You can also link up-sell and cross-sell information to the product. After adding the product, you can associate the product with the required categories. To create a new product, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to PRODUCT tab.

2. Click Create New Product. The Create Product page will be displayed as shown below:

You can perform the following actions from the Create Product page:

  • Defining Product Information
  • Defining Assets for a Product
  • Selecting Products for Bundle
  • Select the Products for Collection (if required)
  • Defining Prices for Product
  • Associating SKU to Product
  • Selecting the Category
  • Adding Facets to Product
  • Defining Up Sell
  • Defining Cross Sell
  • Previewing a Product
  • Versioning a Product

Note: Once the product is created, click the required tab to edit.

Defining Product Information

The General tab allows you to define product information such as product ID, product name, semantic ID, product image, start date, end date, status, bundle, and collection.

To define general product information, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to PRODUCT tab > Create Product page.

2. In General tab, select the required options as explained in the table:

Field Description
Product ID Enter a valid Product ID.
Group ID Enter a Group ID.


  • You can group different products using group ID.
  • The related product group will be shown in the PDP.
Product Name Enter a valid product name.
Semantic IDs Click , and enter a semantic ID to maintain unique identity. (Optional)


  • You can add multiple semantic IDs by clicking  icon. To remove a semantic ID, click  icon.
  • If you enter an existing semantic ID and click Save and Continue, an error message appears as shown below:
Is Visible Select from the following options:

  • Yes – product will be displayed
  • No – product will not be visible in white label product list and search results
Is Bundle Select from the following options:

  • Yes – displays Bundle tab next to the Assets tab
  • No – will not display Bundle tab

Bundle tab is used to add different products as a bundle.

Note: You can add a product to a bundle only if the product exists in the DB. Search the product and assign as a bundle product.

Product bundles are classified in PIM as main products, mandatory products, and optional products.

Is Collection Select from the following options:

  • Yes – displays Collection tab next to the Assets tab
  • No – will not display Collection tab

Collection tab is used to add different products to a collection.

Example: Shoes, sunglasses and watch.

Note: You can add a collection product to a product only if the product exists in the DB. You can search the product and assign as a collection product.

Status Select any one of the following:

  • Active – to make the product active.
  • Deactivate – to make the product inactive.

Note: Only active products will be displayed in the application within the specified date range.

Product Image Browse and select the required image or enter image/DAM URL.
Is Payable by cash This field appears when you have selected General option in Display Settings under Facets tab. For more information, refer to Creating a Facet.
Segment Select the required segments from the drop-down options.

Note: This field appears when you have enabled and defined the values in Common Settings page.

Start date Click and select a start date for the product to be active.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

End date End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.

Note: The lock icon displayed next to a field indicates that the field can be locked. Lock feature helps to avert updating either through feed or via individual edit/update in product/category/SKU unless it is unlocked.
3. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Defining Assets for a Product

The Assets tab allows you to define a product with its primary image, alternative images, and swatch images.

Once the product information is provided in the General tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Assets tab. To define an asset for a product, follow the steps below:
1. In Assets tab, select the required options as explained in the table:

Field Description
Primary Image Primary Image appears on the products page. By default, Primary Image will be displayed for a product if you have uploaded an image in the General tab.


  • Click Reset to reset the uploaded image.
  • Click Save to save the changes.
Alternate Image Add alternate images for the product (optional).

Click Browse to browse and select the required image, or enter image/DAM URL.


  • Click Reset to reset the uploaded image.
  • Click  to add an additional image.
  • Click Save to save the changes.
Swatch Image Add swatch images for the product (optional). The swatch images will be displayed when a product is clicked. To configure swatch images, perform the following:

  • Click Browse to browse and select the required image or enter image/DAM URL.

Note: Click Reset to reset the uploaded image.

  • Enter swatch name and value.

2. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Selecting Products for Bundle

The Bundle tab allows you to search and add one or more products to a bundle.

Once the asset information is provided in the Asset tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Bundle tab. To define a bundle for a product, follow the steps below:
Note: The Bundle tab will be displayed only if Is Bundle is set as Yes in the General tab.
1. In the Bundle tab, to search for products select the required options as explained in the table:

Field Description
Product ID Enter a valid product ID. Example: c898950

You can filter the product by the product ID.

Note: Other filters will be disabled when the product ID is specified.

Name Enter a valid product name. Example: Men.

You can filter the product by its name.

Note: Suggestions will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the name.

Status Select any one of the following:

  • Active – to search active products
  • Deactive – to search inactive products
  • Both – to search both active and inactive products

Note: Only active products will be displayed in the application.

Date From Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Category Select a category to filter the product.
Group ID Select a group ID to filter the product.
Property Filter Select a property to filter the product.


  • When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.
  • The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the products based on their updated dates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.

2. Click Search. The search results will be displayed as shown below:

Note: Click Reset to reset the search criteria.
3. Select the required product to be set as the main, mandatory, and optional product for the bundle.

Note: Each bundle should have one main product.
4. Click Save Bundle List to save the bundle list that is created.
5. Click Save and Continue to save the bundle list and navigate to the next tab.
Note: The bundle price is calculated with the minimum and maximum prices of SKUs.
That is, Lowest Price = Min Price of Main Product + Min Price of Mandatory Products and Highest Price = Max Price of Main Product + Max Price of optional products.

Selecting Products for Collection

The Collection tab allows you to search and add one or more products to a collection.

Once the asset information is provided in the Asset tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Collection tab.

Note: The Collection tab will be displayed only if Is Collection is set as Yes in the General tab.
To define a collection for a product, follow the steps below:
1. In the Collection tab, select the required options as explained in the table:

Field Description
Product ID Enter a valid product ID. Example: c898950

You can filter the product by the product ID.

Note: Other filters will be disabled when the product ID is specified.

Name Enter a valid product name. Example: Men.

You can filter the product by its name.

Note: Suggestions will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the name.

Status Select any one of the following:

  • Active – to search active products
  • Deactive – to search inactive products
  • Both – to search both active and inactive products

Note: Only active products will be displayed in the application.

Date From Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Category Select a category to filter the product by its category.
Group ID Select a group ID to filter the product.
Property Filter Select a property to filter the product by its properties.


  • When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.
  • The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the products based on their updated dates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.

2. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Note: Click Reset to reset the search criteria.

3. Select the checkbox of the required product and click Save Collection.
The selected products will be associated.
Note: Repeat the steps (2-4) to associate another product.
4. Click Save and Continue to save the collection and navigate to the next tab.

Defining Prices for Product

The Price tab allows you define the prices such as variable price and periodic sale price for a product. You can also add price through SETTINGS tab.

Once the collection is provided in the Collection tab, by clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Price tab. To define the price for a product, follow the steps below:
1. In the Price tab, enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
Variable Priced Select the checkbox to make the price variable. A section as shown below will be displayed:
Enter a minimum and maximum price.
Sale Price Enter the sale price of the product.
Add Price Group Click to add a price for a specific duration. A section will be displayed as shown below:
Enter information in the following fields:

  • Start Date: Click and select a start date for special sale price for the product.
  • End Date: End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.


  • To remove a price group, click .
  • You can add multiple price groups by clicking Add Price Group.

If Variable Priced is selected, then the screen will be displayed as below:

Enter the required information in the following fields:

  • Start Date: Click and select a start date for special sale price for the product.
  • End Date: End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.
  • Maximum Price: Enter the maximum price.
  • Minimum Price: Enter the minimum price.

Note: The lock icon displayed next to a field indicates that the field can be locked. Lock feature helps to avert updating either through feed or via individual edit/update in product/category/SKU unless it is unlocked.

2. Click Save and Continue to navigate to the next tab.

Associating SKU to Product

You can search and associate one or more SKU to a product.

To associate an SKU with a product, follow the steps below:
1. In the SKU tab, to search for SKU, select the required options as explained in the table below:

Field Description
SKU ID Enter a valid SKU ID. Example: c8989501

Note: The other filters will be disabled when you enter the SKU ID.

SKU Name Enter a valid SKU name. Example: Men’s blue Shirt

The Suggestion will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the name.

Product ID Enter a valid product ID.

The Suggestion will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the product ID.

Note: The other filters will be disabled when you enter the SKU ID.

Status Select any one of the following options:

  • Active – to search active SKU
  • Deactive – to search inactive SKU
  • Both – to search both active and inactive SKU

Note: Only active SKU will be displayed in the application.

Date From Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Price From Enter the lowest price limit for the SKU.

Note: Price From filters the list of SKU’s with a minimum price specified.

Price To Enter the highest price limit for the SKU.

Note: Price To filters the list of SKU’s with a maximum price specified.

Category Select the required option to filter the SKU by its category to which it belongs.
Group ID Select a group ID to filter the SKU.
Property Filter Select a property to filter the SKU by its properties.


  • When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.
  • The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.
By Image Select any one of the following options:

  • SKU with Image – to filter SKU with an image.
  • SKU without Image – to filter SKU without an image.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the SKU’s based on their updates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.

2. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Note: Click Reset to reset the search criteria.

3. Select the required SKU and click Save.
Note: To remove the SKU from the product you can clear the associated checkbox.
4. Repeat the above steps (2 – 3) to associate another SKU to the product.
The SKU will be added to the product and will be displayed as shown below:

Selecting Category

The Category tab allows you select a category for a product.

Once the price details are provided in the Price tab, by clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Category tab. To define a category for a product, follow the steps below:
1. In the Category tab, enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
Default Select this option to make the category as default.
Category Name Click and select the required category name from the category tree.
Start Time Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

End Time End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.

Note: To add more categories, click . If there is more than one category, you can remove the required category, by clicking icon.
2. Click Save and Continue to navigate to the next tab.

Adding a Category within a Product

When you associate a product P1 to a category C1, and the same product P1 is associated to another category C2, and satisfies C2’s facet group, then the product P1 will not be deactivated. P1 will be deactivated if it does not satisfy C2’s facet group.

For example, if a product Hero Pen is associated to a category Ink Pen, and Hero Pen is associated to another category Pen and dissatisfies Pen’s facet group, then Hero Pen will be deactivated.

An alert message that appears when a product is associated to another category (dissatisfying new category’s facet group) is shown below:

Adding Facets to Product

The Facet tab allows you to search and add the required facets from the available facet or facet group to a product.

Once the category details are provided in the Category tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Facet tab. To define facet for a product, follow the steps below:
1. To add a facet, you can search the facet and add the facet to the product.
Note: You can also search a facet by providing facet name or ID.
2. Alternatively, in Facet tab select the required facet group from the drop-down menu.
Facets available in the selected group will be displayed as shown:

3. Click Add New Facet to add a new facet. The screen appears as shown below:

4. Select the required existing facet and click Add. The facet will be added to the SKU as shown below:

5. To add the same facet with a different property, click to add a facet. To remove a facet click .
For more information on managing facet group, refer to Managing Facet Groups section.
6. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Defining Up Sell

The Up Sell tab allows you to define the related up selling products for a product.
Note: Up selling provides related product information to the customers for making a larger sale.

Once the facet details are provided in the Facet tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Up Sell tab. To define up sell for a product, follow the steps below:
1. Enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
Product ID Enter a valid product ID. Example: c898950

You can filter the product by the product ID.

Note: Other filters will be disabled when the product ID is specified.

Name Enter a valid product name. Example: Men.

You can filter the product by its name.

Note: Suggestions will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the name.

Status Select any one of the following:

  • Active – to search active products.
  • Deactive – to search inactive products.
  • Both – to search both active and inactive products.

Note: Only active products will be displayed in the application.

Date From Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Category Select a category to filter the product by the category.
Group ID Select a group ID to filter the product.
Property Filter Select a property to filter the product by its properties.


  • When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.
  • The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the products based on their updated dates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.

2. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Note: Click Reset to reset the search.
3. Select the check box of the required product from the search results, and click Save Up Sell List.

The selected products will be added to Up Sell.
4. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Defining Cross Sell

The Cross sell tab allows you to define the additional cross selling products for a product.
Note: Cross selling is selling an additional product to an existing customer.

Once the up sell details are provided in the Up Sell tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Cross Sell tab. To define cross sell for a product, follow the steps below:

1. To search for products, enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
Product ID Enter a valid product ID. Example: c898950

You can filter the product by the product ID.

Note: Other filters will be disabled when the product ID is specified.

Name Enter a valid product name. Example: Men.

You can filter the product by its name.

Note: Suggestions will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the name.

Status Select any one of the following:

  • Active – to search active products.
  • Deactive – to search inactive products.
  • Both – to search both active and inactive products.

Note: Only active products will be displayed in the application.

Date From Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Category Select a category to filter the product by category.
Group ID Select a group ID to filter the product.
Property Filter Select a property to filter the product by its properties.


  • When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.
  • The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the products based on their updated dates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.

2. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Note: Click Reset to reset the search.
3. Select the check box of the required product from the search list, and click Save Cross Sell List.

The selected products will be added to Cross Sell.
4. Click Save and Continue to save the product in cross sell.

Previewing a Product

The Snapshot tab allows you to preview the product on a required date. For each product, a preview template can be defined by the user. You can download the sample template to create a new template. The preview template can be viewed at product list and product level.

Once you create the template in Template Settings, perform the below steps to preview the product snapshot:
1. Navigate to the Snapshot tab. The Snapshot tab will be displayed as shown below:

2. Select the required template from the drop-down.
3. Select a date.
Note: The product details for the selected date will be displayed.
4. Click Preview to preview the product. The Preview tab will be displayed as shown below:

Versioning a Product

The Versions tab allows you to view the history of the product. When any changes are made, and approved by the administrator, a version with previous master record will be created.

Note: To view the version, the modified products must be approved by an administrator.

To view the product version, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the Versions tab. The Versions tab will be displayed as shown below:

2. To search for a particular version, enter any of the following in search field:

  • Version ID
  • Updated Date
  • Updated By
  • Approved Date
  • Approved By
  • View and Apply

3. To save the product edits, click View and Apply on the required version. The Unapproved Edit page will be displayed as shown below:

4. Click Save to save the version.
Note: The saved edit must be approved by the administrator.

Viewing and Editing Product Details

You can view and edit the required product details from the search results page.
To view and edit a product, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to PRODUCT tab.
2. Search for the required product using the available filters.
3. Click VIEW to view the product details.

On clicking VIEW, a page as shown below will be displayed:

4. Click EDIT on the required section (for example, General, Assets, Price, Properties, etc.,) to edit the product details. The Edit Product screen will be displayed as shown below:

5. Edit the required details and click Save and Continue.

Editing Product Details

PIM allows you to edit details of a product.

To edit a product, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to PRODUCT tab.

2. Search for the product using the available filters.
3. Click EDIT. The Edit Product page appears.
The Edit Product page contains multiple tabs (General, Collection, Price, Category, Facet, Additional Facet, Up Sell, and Cross Sell) that can be edited.
4. Click Save and Continue.

Viewing SKUs for the Product

You can view the SKUs that are available for the product. To view the SKUs for an existing product, perform the steps below:

1. Navigate to PRODUCT tab.
2. Search for the product using the available filters.

3. Click to view the SKUs for the selected product. The SKU will be displayed as shown below:

4. To edit a SKU, click on the SKU. You will be redirected to edit SKU page as shown below:

Searching a Product

You can search for a product to manage or edit product details. All products that are created will be listed in the PRODUCT tab.

To search for an existing product, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to PRODUCT tab.

2. The field descriptions for searching a product using filters are explained in the table below:


Field Description
Product ID Enter a valid product ID. Example: c898950

You can filter the product with the product ID.

Note: Other filters will be disabled when the product ID is specified.

Product Name Enter a valid product name. Example: Men

You can filter the product by its name. The suggestion will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the name.

Is Collection Select any one of the following options:

  • Yes – products searched based on the collections.
  • No – products searched irrespective of the collections.
  • Both – products searched based on collections as well as products not belonging to the collections.

Note: This field filters the collection products and non-collection products using the collection flag.

Date From Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Price From Enter the lowest price limit for the product.

Note: Price From filters the list of products with a minimum price specified.

Price To Enter the highest price limit for the product.

Note: Price To filters the list of products with a maximum price specified.

Category Select a category to filter the product by its category.
Status Select any one of the following:

  • Active – to search active products
  • Deactive – to search inactive products
  • Both – to search both active and inactive products

Note: Only active products will be displayed in the application.

Property Filter Select a property to filter the product by its properties.


  • When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.
  • The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.
By Image Select any one of the following options:

  • Product with Image – to filter the products having images.
  • Product without Image – to filter the products that do not have an image.
Group ID Select a group ID to filter the product.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the products based on their updated dates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.
Is Bundle Select any one of the following:

  • Yes – to search for bundled products
  • No – to search for non-bundled products
  • Both – to search for both bundled and non-bundled products
Is Visible Select any one of the following:

  • Yes – to search for visible products
  • No – to search hidden products
  • Both – to search for both visible and hidden products

3. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Note: Click Reset to reset the search criteria.

Exporting a Product

You can export product information based on the search results from PIM database to an Excel/TSV.

To export product information, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to PRODUCT tab.
2. Search products using the available filters. The search results will be displayed as shown below:

Note: You can view the search results related to the particular search.
3. You can select a product to export or you can export products based on the search results.
4. Click EXPORT. The export screen will be displayed as shown below:

5. Select any one of the following Feed Type:

  • Excel
  • TSV

6. Click Export to export the product information.

  • You can use excel format for exporting < 10,000 records. Use TSV format for exporting more than 10,000 records. The entities in TSV format will be exported as separate files corresponding to the selected tabs.
  • When you export a product, the associated category and SKU details will be exported along with the product.

Deactivating a Product

You can activate and deactivate a product.

To deactivate a product, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the PRODUCT tab.

2. Search for the product using the available filters.
3. Click to deactivate the selected product.
Note: To activate a deactivated product, click .

Locking a Product

Products can be locked to prevent them from editing.

To lock a product, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to PRODUCT tab.

2. Search for the product using the available filters.
3. Click to lock the product.
Note: To unlock a locked product, click .


An SKU is a type of a product with variance in characteristics such as color, size, etc. You can create one or more SKUs for a single product.


  • Blue Printed Shirt (Characteristics: cotton fabric, size - 40, slim fit), where Blue Printed Shirt is the product.
  • Brown Party Wear Shoe (Characteristics: Genuine leather, size - 10, with Lace), where Brown Party Wear Shoe is the product.

Products configured in PIM appear in the e-commerce site as shown below:

For more information on SKUs, refer to:

  • Creating a SKU
  • Managing a SKU

Creating an SKU

You can create SKUs for each product and associate different facets and prices to the SKUs.

Note: If you associate facets and price at SKU level, you will be able to override the price and facets set at the product level.

To create a new SKU, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to SKU tab.

2. Click Create New SKU. The Create Sku page appears.  The Create Sku page contains multiple tabs (General, SKU Product, Asset, Price, Facet, and Version) and allows you to:

  • Defining the General SKU Information
  • Associating Products to SKU
  • Defining Assets for the SKU
  • Defining the Prices for the SKU
  • Adding Facets to the SKU
  • Versioning a SKU

Note: After creating an SKU, if you want to edit any details, you can directly navigate to the respective tab and edit.

Defining the General SKU Information

You can define SKU details such as SKU ID, SKU name, SKU image, Semantic IDs, UPC IDs, Estimated Arrival Date, Pre-ordered date, start date, end date, and status.

To define the general SKU information, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to SKU tab and click Create New SKU. The Create Sku page will be displayed.
2. In the General tab, select the required options as explained in the table below:

Field Description
SKU ID Enter a valid SKU ID.
Start Date Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

End Date End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.
SKU Name Enter a valid SKU Name.
Semantic ID Click , and enter a semantic ID to maintain unique identity. (Optional)


  • You can add multiple semantic IDs by clicking the icon. To remove a semantic ID, click the icon.
  • If you enter an existing semantic ID and click Save and Continue, an error message appears as shown below:
Coming Soon Select this option to indicate the product will be launched soon.


  • Selecting Coming Soon option will enable Estimated Arrival Date.
  • When Coming Soon is selected, the Pre-Ordered field will be disabled.
Pre-Ordered Select this option to pre-order a product.


  • Selecting Pre-Ordered option will enable Pre-Order Shipment Date.
  • When Pre-Ordered option is selected, Coming Soon will be disabled.
UPC IDs Enter the UPC IDs for the SKU. Click  to add more UPC IDs.
Status Select any one of the following options:

  • Active – to make the SKU active.
  • Deactive – to make the SKU inactive.

Note: Only active SKU will be displayed in the application.

SKU Image Browse and select the required image or enter image/DAM URL.
Is Payable by cash This field appears when you have selected General option in Display Settings under Facets tab. For more information, refer to Creating a Facet.


  • The Coming Soon/Pre-order flag automatically changes based on the available inventory. To set the flag change automatically, enable Auto flag changes for Coming soon/Pre-order under Common Settings.
  • The lock icon displayed next to a field indicates that the field can be locked. Lock feature helps to avert updating either through feed or via individual edit/update in product/category/SKU, unless it is unlocked.

3. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Associating Products to SKU

You can search and associate one or more products to a SKU.

Once the SKU information is provided in the General tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the SKU-Product tab. To associate a product, follow the steps below:
1. In the SKU-Product tab, to search for products, select the required options as explained in the table below:

Field Description
Product ID Enter a valid product ID. Example: c8989

Note: The other filters will be disabled when you enter the product ID.

Name Enter a valid product name. Example: Men’s shirt.

The suggestion will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the name.

Status Select any one of the following options:

  • Active – to search active products
  • Deactive – to search inactive products
  • Both – to search both active and inactive products

Note: Only active products will be displayed in the application.

Date From Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Category Select the required option to filter the product by its category to which it belongs.
Group ID Select a group ID to filter the product.
Property Filter Select a property to filter the product by its properties.


  • When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.
  • The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the products based on their updates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.

2. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Note: Click Reset to reset the search criteria.

3. Select the required product and click Save.
Note: To remove the SKU from the product you can clear the associated checkbox.
4. Repeat the above steps (2 – 3) to associate another product to SKU. The product will be added to the SKU and will be displayed as shown below:

Defining Assets for the SKU

You can define a SKU with its primary image, an alternative image, and swatch images.

Once the product details are provided in the SKU-Product tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Assets tab. To define an asset for a product, follow the steps below:
1. In the Assets tab, select the required options as explained in the table:

Field Description
Primary Image Primary Image appears on the products page. By default, Primary Image will be displayed for a product if you have uploaded an image in General tab.


  • Click Reset to reset the uploaded image.
  • Click Save to save the changes.
Alternate Image Add alternate images for the product (optional).

Click Browse to browse and select the required image or enter image/DAM URL.


  • Click Reset to reset the uploaded image.
  • Click  to add an additional image.
  • Click Save to save the changes.
Swatch Image Add swatch images for the product (optional). The swatch images will be displayed when a product is clicked. To configure swatch images, perform the following:

  • Click Browse to browse and select the required image or enter image/DAM URL.

Note: Click Reset to reset the uploaded image.

  • Enter a Swatch name and value.

2. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Defining the Prices for the SKU

You can define the prices such as variable price and periodic price for the SKU.

Once the assets details are provided in the Assets tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Price tab. To define price for a product, follow the steps below:
1. In the Price tab, enter the required information in the fields as explained in the table:

Field Description
Variable Priced Select the checkbox to make the price variable. A section will be displayed as below:
Enter a minimum and maximum price.
Sale Price Enter the sale price of the product.
Add Price Group Click to add a price group for a specific duration. A section will be displayed as shown below:
Enter the required information in the following fields:

  • Start Date: Click and select a start date for special sale price for the product.
  • End Date: End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.

Note: To remove a price group, click .

If Variable Priced is selected, then the screen will be displayed as below:

Enter the required information in the following fields:

  • Start Date: Click and select a start date for special sale price for the product.
  • End Date: End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.
  • Maximum Price: Enter the maximum price.
  • Minimum Price: Enter the minimum price.

Note: The lock icon displayed next to a field indicates that the field can be locked. Lock feature helps to avert updating either through feed or via individual edit/update in product/category/SKU, unless it is unlocked.
2. Click Save and Continue to navigate to the next tab.

Adding Facets to the SKU

The Facet tab allows you to search and add the required facets from the available facet or facet group, to a SKU.

Once the price details are provided in the Price tab, on clicking Save and Continue you will be directed to the Facet tab. To define facet for a SKU, follow the steps below:
1. To add a facet, you can search the facet and add the facet to the SKU.
Note: You can also search a facet by providing facet name or ID.
2. Alternatively, in Facet tab select the required facet group from the drop-down menu.
Facets available in the selected group will be displayed as shown:

3. Click Add New Facet to add a new facet. The screen appears as shown below:

4. Select the required existing facet and click Add. The facet will be added to the SKU as shown below:

5. To add the same facet with a different property, click . To remove a facet, click .
Note: For more information, refer to [Managing Facets](#section-managing-facets) section.

6. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Versioning a SKU

The Versions tab allows you to view the SKU history. When any changes are made, and approved by the administrator, a version with previous master record will be created.

Note: To view the version, the modified SKU must be approved by an administrator.

To view the SKU version, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the Versions tab. The Versions tab will be displayed as shown below:

2. To search for a particular version, enter any of the following in search field:

  • Version ID
  • Updated Date
  • Updated By
  • Approved Date
  • Approved By
  • View and Apply

3. To save the SKU edits, click View and Apply on the required version.
The Unapproved Edit page will be displayed as shown below:

4. Click Save to save the version.
Note: The saved edit must be approved by the administrator.

Managing a SKU

You can search a SKU, edit SKU details, export a SKU, deactivate and activate a SKU, and lock a SKU.

Searching a SKU

You can search for a SKU and edit its details. All SKUs created will be listed in the SKU tab.

To search for a SKU, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the SKU tab.

2. Search products using the available filters. Enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
SKU ID Enter a valid SKU ID. Example: 18013083.

Note: The other filters will be disabled when you enter the SKU ID.

SKU Name Enter a valid SKU Name. Example: Men.

Note: The suggestion will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the name.

Product ID Enter a valid product ID. Example: c898950.
Date From Click and select a start date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Price From Enter the lowest price limit.
Price To Enter the highest price limit.
Category Select the required category.
Status Select any one of the following options:

  • Active – to search active SKU
  • Deactive – to search inactive SKU

Note: Only active SKU will be displayed in the application.

Property Filter Select a property to filter the product by its properties.


  • When you select a property, enter the required value in the Value field.
  • The Value From and Value To fields will be visible when you select any property filter/facet with Field Type as Text Box and Validation Type as Number/Float.
By Image Select any one of the following options:

  • Product with Image – to filter products with an image.
  • Product without Image – to filter products without an image.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the products based on their updates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.

3. Click Search. The search results will be displayed.
Note: Click Reset to reset the search criteria.

Viewing and Editing SKU Details

You can view and edit the required SKU from the search results page. To view and edit a SKU, perform the steps below:

1. Navigate to the SKU tab.
2. Search for the required SKU using the available filters.
3. Click VIEW to view details of the SKU.

On clicking VIEW, a page as shown below will be displayed:

4. Click EDIT on the required section (for example, General, Assets, Product, Price, Properties, etc.,) to edit the SKU details. The Edit SKU screen will be displayed as shown below:

5. Edit the required details and click Save and Continue.

Editing SKU Details

You can edit the SKU details.

To edit a SKU, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SKU tab.

2. Search for the required SKU using the available filters.
3. Click EDIT of the required SKU. The Edit Product page will appear.
The Edit Product page contains multiple tabs (SKU Product, General, Price, Facet, and Additional Facet) that can be edited.

Exporting a SKU

You can export SKU information based on the search results from PIM database to an Excel/TSV.

To export SKU information, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to SKU tab.
2. Search SKUs using the available filters. The search results will be displayed as shown below:

Note: You can view the search results related to the particular search.
3. You can select the required SKU to export or you can export SKUs based on the search results.
4. Click EXPORT.  The export screen will be displayed as shown below:

5. Select any one of the following Feed Type:

  • Excel
  • TSV

6. Click Export to export the SKU information.

  • You can use excel format for exporting < 10,000 records. Use TSV format for exporting more than 10,000 records. The entities in TSV format will be exported as separate files corresponding to the selected tabs.
  • When you export a SKU, the associated category and product details will be exported along with the SKU.
Deactivating a SKU

You can activate and deactivate a SKU.

To deactivate a SKU, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SKU tab.

2. Search for the required SKU using the available filters.
3. Click associated with a SKU to deactivate it.
Note: To activate a deactivated SKU, click .

Locking a SKU

SKUs can be locked to prevent them from editing.

To lock a SKU, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to SKU tab.

2. Search for the required SKU using the available filters.
3. Click of the required SKU. The SKU will be locked.
Note: To unlock a locked SKU, click .

Facet Tab

Facets are searchable and sortable filters. Multiple facets can be added and related facets can be grouped.

  • PRICE - Below 499, 500 - 1000, 1000 – 2000. Here, Below 499, 500 - 1000, and 1000 - 2000 are the facets grouped under the facet group-PRICE.
  • COLOR - Red, Blue, Black, Green, Yellow. Here, Red, Blue, Black, Green, and Yellow are the facets grouped under the facet group-COLOR.

For more information on facets, refer to:

  • Creating a facet
  • Managing Facet Groups
  • Versioning a Facet
  • Managing Facets
  • Defining Dynamic Facet
  • Facets Validation Rules

Creating a Facet

You can filter products and SKUs using facets. The related facets can also be grouped.

To create a new facet, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the FACET tab.

2. Click Create New Facet. The Create New Facet section appears as below:

3. Enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
Facet ID The Facet ID is auto-generated.
Facet Name Enter a name for the facet.
Type Select any one of the following:

·       Static – Allows to enter values for facet while mapping in product/SKU. For example, Size, Color, etc.

·       Dynamic – Allows to calculate the facet values dynamically. Example: Loyalty points.
For more information, refer to Defining Dynamic Facet.

·       Personalized – Allows to create a personalized facet, which will be displayed in the SKU > Facet tab. For example, Greetings messages.

Field Type The available field types are as follows:

·       Text Box – Allows to create a facet with minimum and maximum characters length/values depending on the validation type.

·       Dropdown List – Allows to create a facet with pre-defined list of values.

·       Multi-Section List – Allows to create a facet with pre-defined list of values which allows to select multiple options.

·       Boolean – Allows to create a facet with Boolean values.

·       Text Area – Allows to create a facet with minimum, maximum characters, and number of rows.

·       HTML – Allows to create a facet with rich text editor.

Validation Type Select any one of the following data type:

·       String

·       Number

·       Float

·       Date

·       Email

·       URL

·       Regex

For more information, refer to Validation Rules.

Display Type Select any one of the following:

·       Single

·       Array

Display in tab Select any one of the following tab to define the facet in Product and SKU:

·       Facet

·       General

·       Asset

·       Price

Note: You can create or modify the schedule field for the above facets using Facets tab only. Also, you can remove the facets for a particular product/SKU only using Facet tab.

Required Select any one of the following:

·       Yes – makes the field mandatory

·       No – makes the field optional

Searchable Select any one of the following:

·       Yes – facet will be searchable on the productlist API call

·       No – facet will not be searched on the productlist API call

Note: You can search for the facet in the productlist API call, only if Searchable is set to Yes.

Sortable Select any one of the following:

·       Yes – facet sortable in the productlist API call

·       No – facet unsorted in the productlist API call

Note: You can sort the facet in the productlist API call, only if Sortable is set to Yes.

Filterable Select any one of the following:

·       Yes – facet filterable in the productlist API call

·       No – facet will not be filtered in the productlist API call

Note: You can filter the facet in the productlist API call, only if Filterable is set to Yes.

Status Select any one of the following options:

·       Active – to make the facet active.

·       Inactive – to make the facet inactive.

Note: Only active facets will be displayed in the application.

Start Date Click and select a start date to define the validity of the facet available from a specific date.
Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.
End Date End time will be automatically fetched from the Common Settings page.

4. Click Save and Continue. The facet will be created.

  • You can add any additional information in the Notes field by clicking the icon.
  • Click to add an additional list. To remove a created list, click .

Managing Facet Groups

You can group related facets and manage them.

  • Men Clothing: Material, Size, Color, Style.
  • Mobile: Brand, OS, RAM, Storage.

To create a new facet group, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the FACET tab.

2. Click FACET GROUPS. The FACET GROUPS section appears as below:

3. Click Create New Group. The Create new FacetGroup will be displayed as below:

4. Enter a name for the facet group.
5. Select a Facet group type:

  • product
  • sku

6. Enter a facet group order to manage the facets associated with Product/SKU.
7. In Facet Name field, enter name of the facet to be added to the group.
8. Click to confirm adding the facet.
Note: To add another facet to the group, click .
9. Click Save and Continue once the required facets are added to the group.
The newly added group will be displayed in the FACET GROUPS tab as shown below:


  • To edit the group and add more facets or remove any facet, click EDIT.
  • To search the group for any facet, enter the facet name and click Search.
  • To view facets in any facet group, select the facet group from the Facet Group drop-down and click Apply.
  • To remove any facet group, click REMOVE associated with it.

Versioning a Facet

The VERSIONS tab allows you to view the facet history. When any changes are made, and approved by the administrator, a version with previous master record will be created.

Note: To view the version, the modified facets must be approved by an administrator.

To view the facet version, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the FACET tab.
2. Click EDIT on the required facet.
3. Click the VERSIONS tab.
The VERSIONS tab will be displayed as shown below:

4. To search for a particular version, enter any of the following in search field:

  • Version ID
  • Updated Date
  • Updated By
  • Approved Date
  • Approved By
  • View and Apply

5. To save the facet edits, click View and Apply on the required version.  The Unapproved Edit page will be displayed as shown below:

6. Click Save.
Note: The saved edit must be approved by the administrator.

Managing Facets

You can search, export, edit facet details and add a facet into a facet group.

Searching Facet Details

You can search and filter the facets in the FACETS tab.

To search a facet, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the FACETS tab.

2. Enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:

Field Description
Facet ID Enter the facet ID. For example, 2686.

Note: All other fields will be disabled, when the facet ID is provided.

Type Select the required facet type.
Date from Enter a starting date.
Date To Enter an end date.
Facet Name Enter name of the facet.

Note: Auto-suggestions will be displayed on entering a name of the facet.

Facet Group Select the required facet group.

Note: When a facet group is selected, all other fields will be disabled.

Searchable Select the required option.
Filterable Select the required option.
Required Select the required option.
Sortable Select the required option.

3. Click Search. The search results will be displayed as shown below:

Note: Click Reset to reset the search data.

Exporting a Facet

You can export facet information based on the search results from PIM database to an Excel/TSV.

To export facet information, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to FACET tab.
2. Search facets using the available filters. The search results will be displayed as shown below:

Note: You can view the search results related to the particular search.
3. You can select the facet to export or you can export all facets based on the search results.
4. Click EXPORT. The export screen will be displayed as shown below:

5. Select any one of the following Feed Type:

  • Excel
  • TSV

6. Click Export to export the facet information.

  • You can use excel format for exporting < 10,000 records. Use TSV format for exporting more than 10,000 records. The entities in TSV format will be exported as separate files corresponding to the selected tabs.
  • When you export a facet, all the facet details will be exported.
Editing Facet Details

You can manage or edit the facet details. When a facet’s Field Type or Validation Type is updated, the products that are mapped to the updated facet type will be deactivated with an alert message.
After Searching Facets, perform the following to edit facet details:
1. From the list of available facets, to edit the required facet, click EDIT as shown below:

On clicking EDIT, the Edit Facet page appears as shown below:

2. Edit the required details and click Save and Continue.
While updating the Field Type to Text Area, an alert message as shown below will be displayed:

Note: You can add any additional information in the Notes field by clicking the icon.

Adding a Facet into a Facet Group

When a facet is added to a facet group, all products under the category with which this facet group is associated, will be dissociated from the category.

For example, let us consider a facet group (color) associated with a category (shirts). When a new facet (blue) is added to the facet group (color), then all products in the category (shirts) will be dissociated.

An alert message that appears after changing the facet into a facet group is shown below:

Defining Dynamic Facet

You can define the custom calculated fields for dynamic facet. You can also define a property at the catalog level, where the same property can be applied with the entire master catalog.
Note: You must define the class name for dynamic facet to calculate the dynamic values.

To define the class for dynamic facet, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab.
2. Click Common Settings and enter the class name for dynamic facet configuration.
The screen will be displayed as shown below:

Note: The class name must be defined in JSON format.
3. Click Save. The class name for dynamic facet configuration will be defined.
For more information on the dynamic facets types, refer to

  • Custom Calculated Field
  • Hierarchical Management
Custom Calculated Field

The custom calculated field calculates the product properties and displays dynamic values.

To calculate the dynamic values using custom calculated field, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to FACET tab.
2. Click Create New Facet. The Create New Facet section will be displayed.
3. Enter a facet name in the Facet Name field.
4. Select Type as Dynamic.
The Dynamic Facets drop-down appears from which you can select the required class name and specify its value.

5. Select the required options and select a start date.
6. Click Save and Continue. The facet is created with dynamic values.
7. Navigate to the required Product or SKU.
8. Click on Facet tab.
9. Click on Add New Facet to add a new facet.  The screen appears as shown below:

10. Select the required existing facet and click Add. The facet will be added to the SKU as shown below:

11. To add a different property to the same facet, click . To remove a facet click . For more information on managing facet group, refer to Managing Facet Groups section.
12. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Hierarchical Management

When a property is defined at a catalog level, the same property will be applied to the entire master catalog. For example, if Shipment policy is defined at the catalog level, the same policy will be applied to the entire master catalog.

The available hierarchical levels are as follows:

  • Catalog Item
  • Catalog Product
  • Catalog Category
  • SKU
  • Product
  • Category
  • Catalog

If any property is required for the entire master catalog, it can be defined at the catalog level. If the property is required only for a category or product, it can be defined at the category or product level.

To calculate the dynamic values using hierarchical calculated field, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to FACET tab.
2. Click Create New Facet. The Create New Facet section will be displayed.
3. Enter a facet name in the Facet Name field.
4. Select Type as Dynamic.
The Dynamic Facets drop-down appears from which you can select the required class name and specify its value.

5. Select the required options and select a start date.
6. Click Save and Continue. The facet is created with dynamic values.
7. Navigate to the required Product or SKU.
8. Click on Facet tab.
9. Click on Add New Facet to add a new facet.
10. Select the required existing facet and click Add. The facet will be added to the SKU as shown below:

11. To add a different property to the same facet, click . To remove a facet click . For more information on managing facet group, refer to Managing Facet Groups section.
12. Click Save and Continue to save and navigate to the next tab.

Facets Validation Rules

The validation rules have been setup to regulate the master catalog data in PIM. While creating a facet, you can define a Field Type and then select the available Validation Type for mapping the facet with a Product/SKU.

The following table illustrates the different field and validations types available in PIM:

Field Type Validation Type
Text Box ·       String

·       Number

·       Float

·       Date

·       Email

·       URL

·       Regex

Dropdown List Enumeration
Multi-Selection List Enumeration
Boolean Boolean
Text Area String
HTML String

You can define the validation rules by selecting the required Validation Type for the Field Type.
The following are the multiple validation rules:

  • Text Box Field Type with String Validation Type
  • Text Box Field Type with Number Validation Type
  • Text Box Field Type with Float Validation Type
  • Text Box Field Type with Date Validation Type
  • Text Box Field Type with Email Validation Type
  • Text Box Field Type with URL Validation Type
  • Text Box Field Type with Regex Validation Type
  • Dropdown List Field Type with Enumeration Validation Type
  • Multi-Selection List Field Type with Enumeration Validation Type
  • Boolean Field Type with Boolean Validation Type
  • Text Area Field Type with String Validation Type
  • HTML Field Type with String Validation Type
Text Box Field Type with String Validation Type

For Field Type as Text Box, and Validation Type as String, you need to define the Min Length and Max Length.

A sample screen is shown below when the maximum length of the textbox is defined as four.

Here, you can enter up to four characters. When you try to save with more than the defined maximum length, an alert message will be displayed as shown below:

When you try to save with less than the defined minimum length, the product will be deactivated. An alert message will be displayed as shown below:

Text Box Field Type with Number Validation Type

For Field Type as Text Box, and Validation Type as Number, you need to define the Min Value and Max Value.

A sample screen when the maximum value of the text box is defined as 100 is shown below:

Here, you can enter a value up to 100. When you try to save with more than the defined maximum value, an alert message will be displayed.

Text Box Field Type with Float Validation Type

For Field Type as Text Box, and Validation Type as Float, you need to define the Min Value, Max Value, and Max digits after decimal.

A sample screen while mapping a facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

Here, you can enter up to a maximum value of 50 with two digits after decimal (as defined). When you try to save with more than the defined maximum value, an alert message will be displayed. If you try to save with less than the defined minimum value, the product will be deactivated. An alert message will be displayed as shown below:

Text Box Field Type with Date Validation Type

For Field Type as Text Box, and Validation Type as Date, you need to define From and To dates for which the facet should be available.

A sample screen while mapping a facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

Here, you can enter the date for the specific product. When you try to save with a date outside the defined date range, an alert message will be displayed.

Text Box Field Type with Email Validation Type

For Field Type as Text Box, and Validation Type as Email, you need to define an email address for the specific product.

A sample screen while mapping the facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

When you try to save with an invalid email address, an alert message will be displayed as shown below:

Text Box Field Type with URL Validation Type

For Field Type as Text Box, and Validation Type as URL, you can define a URL for the specific product.

A sample screen while mapping a facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

Text Box Field Type with Regex Validation Type

For Field Type as Text Box, and Validation Type as Regex, you need to define regex values for the specific text box. For example,
^[0-9]$, ^[A-D]$, ^[a-z]$, and ^[a-zA-Z]$.

A sample screen while mapping a facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

Here, you can enter regex value with numbers from 0 to 9. When you try to save with any alphabet, an alert message will be displayed.

Dropdown List Field Type with Enumeration Validation Type

For Field Type as Dropdown List, and Validation Type as Enumeration, you need to define a list for drop-down values.

A sample screen while mapping a facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

Multi-Selection List Field Type with Enumeration Validation Type

For Field Type as Multi-Selection List, and Validation Type as Enumeration, you need to define the List for multiple selections for the specific facet.

A sample screen while mapping a facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

Here, you can select multiple values from the specified list.

Boolean Field Type with Boolean Validation Type

For Field Type and Validation Type as Boolean, you need to define Boolean Values for the specific Facet.

A sample screen while mapping a facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

Text Area Field Type with String Validation Type

For Field Type as Text Area and Validation Type as String, you need to define the Number of Rows for the specific Facet.

A sample screen is shown below when the number of rows is defined as three:

HTML Field Type with String Validation Type

While creating a facet, for Field Type a new option HTML has been setup. This can be used for formatting text while mapping a facet to Product/SKU. By selecting the Field Type as HTML, a rich text editor appears where the formatted text can be added.
For Field Type as HTML and Validation Type as String, you need to define the Min Length and Max Length for the specific facet.

A sample screen while mapping a facet to a Product/SKU is shown below:

Publish Tab

Using PIM, you can author the product catalog information as well as publish them fully or partially. The authored information and published information will be stored in the separate databases. You can publish product, category, SKU, and facet information.

Full Publish

Once you have logged in to Skava PIM, to publish the information, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click the PUBLISH tab. The PUBLISH page will be displayed as shown below:

2. Enter a version name.
3. Select the start date and end date for product, category, or SKU.
4. To publish only an approved product, category, or SKU, select Only Approved.
5. To include all the items irrespective of the status, select the Include All Items option.
Note: If you DO NOT select this option, then only the approved versions will be included for publishing.
6. Click . A message appears for publishing the feed successfully.
The current published version details will be displayed.

Incremental Publish

Incremental Publish enables you to publish all additional changes or only changes made on selected properties of that particular version.
1. Click the PUBLISH tab.
The PUBLISH page will be displayed.
2. Click the Incremental Publish section.
The following options will be displayed:

3. Select to publish all the changes or the changes made to the selected properties.
4. If you have selected to publish only the changes made to the selected properties, then select the required facet from the dropdown list.
5. Click .
Note: To view the log details of the full or incremental publishing, click . The log details will be displayed:

To hide the log details, click .

Published Versions

You can view or roll-back to any of the versions (max. of 15; default is 5). Maximum versions allowed for roll-back is configurable.
To roll-back to a required previous version,
1. Click the PUBLISH tab.
2. Click the VERSIONS tab.

3. Identify the previous published version you want to restore and click .  The following pop-up opens:

4. Click , which restores to a particular version.

Notification Tab

PIM allows to set up notification through email or SMS. To create a notification, perform the following:

  • Enabling Marketing
  • Creating Message Template
  • Creating Email Campaign
  • Creating Notification
  • Configuring Properties
  • Creating Notification
  • Configuring Macro Settings
  • Configuring Feed]

Enabling Marketing

1. Navigate to the required campaign for which marketing has to be enabled.
2. Click Settings from the left navigation pane. The Settings page will be displayed.
3. Click MAILERS.
4. Click the icon to expand the ENABLE/DISABLE MARKETING section.
By default, Marketing will be disabled for a campaign. To enable Marketing, select the associated radio button.
5. Specify the domain name in INFO_ALLOWED_WEB_DOMAIN.
6. Click Save.

Once marketing is enabled for a campaign, Marketing option will be displayed in the left navigation pane of the specific campaign.

Creating Message Template

To create a message template, perform the following steps:
1. Login to SkavaADMIN and navigate to Marketing > MESSAGE TEMPLATE.

3. Provide a Message ID.
Note: You may specify an existing ID to edit, or leave the field blank to create a new ID.
4. Provide Message Name and Message Description for the message.
5. From the Is Email drop-down:

  • Select Yes to create an Email type Message Template.
  • Select No to create an SMS type Message Template.

7. Provide the Macro Length Config.
8. Enter the subject of the email that contains the required macros.
9. Enter the body of the email.
10. Click Save to save the macro message template.
Note: Message Name, Subject, and Body fields are mandatory.

Creating Email Campaign

To create a message template, perform the following steps:
1. Login to SkavaADMIN and navigate to Marketing > EMAIL CAMPAIGN.

2. Provide values for the following fields:

  • Email Campaign ID
  • Email Campaign Name
  • Email Campaign Description

3. Select Notification Servers from the drop-down options.
4. To update display data, select the checkbox associated with Update Display Data and provide the required values.
5. Select the required Message ID (Skava Mailer or Custom Mailer).
6. Select Skava Message Template from the drop-down options.
7. Select a Type from the drop-down options:

  • On Demand – To send email on demand, select On Demand.
  • Scheduling – To schedule sending emails, select Scheduling.
  • Both – Selecting Both will display both On Demand and Scheduling in the Email Campaigns.

8. Select Recipients List and enter the recipient mail ID in the Recipient List text box.

  • Multiple recipients can be added as a CSV.
  • Alternatively, you can upload the .txt file containing the list of the recipients (each row can hold only a single recipient), or provide the File URL.

9. Click Save.

Enabling Notification

For details on enabling notification, refer to [Configuring Notification Settings](#section-configuring-notification-settings).

Configuring Properties

1. Navigate to Settings on the left navigation pane.
3. In the prop.pim.mqserver field, enter the required value, for example: tcp://localhost:61616.
4. In the prop.pim.mqserver field, enter the required value, for example: 246_PIM1.  A sample is shown below:

5. Set prop.pim.enablemqnotification value as true.
6. Click Save.

Creating Notification

1. Login to SkavaADMIN and navigate to PIM and select the required catalog.
2. Click NOTIFICATION tab.

3. Click Create Notification.
4. Under General, enter a unique name, and then select Date and Status.
5. Under Conditions, select the required item type, and the required operation and click Generate Conditions. The screen appears as shown below:

6. Under Actions, enter the message format and unique Macro Name, and then select the Message Campaign ID. The screen appears as shown below:

7. Click Save.
The notification will be created as shown below:


  • You can view a notification by clicking View button.
  • You can delete a notification by clicking Delete button.

Configuring Macro Settings

The default macros are listed below:

  • ${date}
  • ${propName}
  • ${operation}
  • ${oldValue}
  • ${newValue}
  • ${updatedBy}
  • ${catalogId}
  • `${status}

The item based macros for fields are listed below:

  • ${productId}
  • ${skuId}
  • ${categoryId}

The item based macros for facets are listed below:

  • ${}
  • ${property.description}

Following is a sample macro for a product:

${productId} ${date} ${propName} ${operation} ${oldValue} ${newValue} ${updatedBy}

Note: The macro columns must match with the mail template configured for message campaigns.

Configuring Feed

After configuring the macro settings, you have to configure the feed settings.

To perform the feed configuration, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Content tab on the left navigation pane and select FEED.
The Feed Configuration page will be displayed.
2. Under the Feed Ids, select the campaignID_notification (ex: 2773_notification) from the drop-down list.

3. Under Run Feed, select the Feed Server Type as mcfeed and enter the Feed Id as 773_notification.
4. Click Run Feed.


Catalog retrieves the master catalog information either by setting rules and running the feed or by searching and assigning product/category/SKU individually to the catalog.

A catalog contains a catalog ID and name, description, and duration. You can also associate a catalog to a parent/master catalog, define one or more segments, and set additional properties to the catalog.

Example: Baby’s Shop, City of Clothes, Fashion & Comfort.

For more information on catalog, refer to:

  • Creating a Catalog
  • Viewing Catalog Hierarchy
  • Searching Catalogs
  • Exporting a Catalog
  • Viewing and Editing Catalog Details
  • Editing a Catalog
  • Entering and Managing a Catalog
  • Exporting a Catalog’s Product, Category, or SKU
  • Deactivating a Catalog
  • Creating a Catalog

PIM allows you to create a catalog and associate products and SKUs to the catalog.

To create a new catalog, perform the steps below:
1. In the Catalog tab, click .
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed when you launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.

The Create a Catalog page will be displayed as shown below:

2. Enter the required information in the fields as explained in the table below:

Field Description
ID Enter a unique identifier for the catalog.
Name Enter a name for the catalog.
Description Enter a description for the catalog.
Parent Catalog Associate the catalog to the Master catalog or a parent catalog. The catalog you are creating will be a sub-catalog. Likewise, when a catalog is created for a sub-catalog, that catalog will act as a child catalog to the sub-catalog (the sub-catalog will act as a parent to its child catalog).
Status Set the catalog status to:

·       Active – to activate the catalog

·       Deactive – to deactivate the catalog

Start Date Click and select Start Date and Time of the catalog.
End Date Click and select End Date and Time of the catalog.
Segment Set the required segments. Click  to define more segments.


·       Click  to delete the created segment.

·       This field appears when you have enabled and defined the values in Common Settings.

Property Click Add Additional Property and enter the Property Name and the Property Value.


  • To make this field visible, you must enable Allow Additional Store Properties in Store Settings.

Click  to delete the created additional property.

3. Click . A new catalog is created. Now, you can define:

Catalog Hierarchy

Catalogs are hierarchically structured in Skava PIM. A catalog hierarchy is a structure in which catalogs are ordered in their levels.

When a catalog is created, you can map the catalog to a parent catalog. The catalog that is created will be a sub-catalog. Likewise, when a catalog is created for a sub-catalog, that catalog will act as a child catalog to the sub-catalog (The sub-catalog will act as a parent to its child catalog).

A sample catalog hierarchy is shown below:

In the above catalog hierarchy, sub-catalog-1, 2, 3 are created with a parent catalog-A. Similarly, sub- catalog-3.1, 3.2 are created with parent catalog sub-catalog-3.

The catalog hierarchy helps to retrieve the products associated with the parent catalog. You can maintain catalog based master catalog property where each catalog has different properties for a product.

For example, if the product name in the master catalog is Men Shirts, the same product can be named as Men Cotton Shirts in sub-catalog-1.

Each product must be associated with its respective catalog/catalogs and each catalog can be linked to a parent catalog. If any product is not available in sub-catalogs and if the same product is available in the parent catalog, PIM retrieves the respective product.

Note: When an attribute in a product is changed, it remains unchanged for the same product in other catalogs.

Catalog A have products P 1, P 2, P 3 and Catalog B have products P 1, P 4, P 5. When the product price in P 1 (Catalog A) is changed, the P 1 price in Catalog B will not be changed.

Viewing Catalog Hierarchy

You can view the catalog hierarchy in PIM.

To view the catalog hierarchy, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to CATALOG page.
2. Click to expand the catalogs with the parent catalogs and sub-catalogs. The screen appears as shown below:

Note: Based on the privilege, the required catalog will be displayed to the user.

Searching Catalogs

You can search a catalog and edit details of the catalog. The catalogs available in the database will be listed in the CATALOG tab.

To search a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.  Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.

2. To search a catalog, enter any of the following information as explained in the table below:

Field Description
Catalog ID Enter a valid catalog ID.

Note: When the catalog ID is provided the other filters will be disabled.

Catalog Name Enter a catalog name. Example: Accessories.

Note: Suggestions will be displayed when you enter the first letter of the catalog name.

Status Select any one of the following options:

·       Active – to search active catalogs.

·       Deactivate – to search inactive catalogs.

·       Both – to search both active and inactive catalogs.

Note: Only active catalogs will be displayed in the application.

Date From Click and select a start date to search. This field will search the list of catalogs available from a specific date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Date To Click and select an end date to search. This field will search the list of catalogs available till a specific date.

Note: You can select the date and time in hour, minute, and second by dragging the slide.

Description Enter the description of the catalog you want to search.
Updated From/ Updated To To search the catalogs based on their updated dates, click and select the Updated From and Updated To dates.

3. Click Search. The search results will be displayed as shown below:

Note: To reset the entered search data, click Reset.

Exporting a Catalog

You can export catalog information based on the search results from PIM database to an Excel/TSV.

To export catalog information, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to CATALOG tab.
2. Search a catalog using the available filters. The search results will be displayed as shown below:

Note: You can view the search results related to the particular search.
3. You can select the required catalog to export or you can export catalogs based on the search results.
4. Click EXPORT. The export screen will be displayed as shown below:

5. Select any one of the following Feed Type:

  • Excel
  • TSV

6. Click Export to export the catalog information.

  • You can use excel format for exporting < 10,000 records. Use TSV format for exporting more than 10,000 records. The entities in TSV format will be exported as separate files corresponding to the selected tabs.
  • When you export a catalog, the associated catalog details will be exported.

Viewing and Editing Catalog Details

You can view and edit the required catalog changes from the search results page.

To view and edit a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Search for the required catalog using the available filters.
3. Click VIEW to view details of the catalog.

On clicking VIEW, a page as shown below will be displayed:

4. Click EDIT to edit the catalog details. The Edit Catalog screen will be displayed as shown below:

5. Edit the required details and click Save.

Editing a Catalog

PIM allows you to edit details of a catalog.

To edit a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Search for the required catalog using the available filters.
3. Click EDIT.

On clicking EDIT, the Edit Catalog page appears:

4. You can edit the required information and click Save.

Entering a Catalog

You can enter the catalog to edit the Categories, Products and SKUs. To associate the category/product/SKU with the catalog, you have to define rules and retrieve data from the master catalog. You can also import/export the feed and set up notifications through email or SMS. For more information, refer to Catalog Feed/Rules.

Note: When you modify a Category/Product/SKU at the catalog level, the changes will be reflected only within the specific catalog.

Importing Sheets into PIM

Once you enter a catalog, you can import bulk catalog information to the PIM database. For more information, see Import Tab.

Exporting Sheets from PIM

Once you enter a catalog, you can export catalog information from PIM database to an .xlsx or .tsv file format. For more information, see Export Tab.

Catalog’s Category Tab

You can create or modify categories in catalog. To create or modify categories, navigate to the SETTINGS tab > Category Settings, and select Enable under Allow Create/Delete Catalog Category.

Note: If Allow Create/Delete Catalog Category is disabled, then an alert message is displayed when you turn on to create alias categories. To allow creating or deleting catalog categories, refer to the Category Settings.

To edit the categories in a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the CATEGORY tab.
2. Click associated with a catalog to allow category modification to the catalog.
Note: By default, the allow category modification will be turned off.
3. Click OK to modify the category data.
4. Select a catalog and edit the catalog details as per your requirement.
Note: When you create/modify a category at the catalog level, the changes will be reflected only within the specific catalog.

The CATEGORY tab will be displayed as shown below:

Editing Catalog’s Category

PIM allows you to edit product details of a catalog.

To edit the product details of a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Search for the required catalog using the available filters. The search results will be displayed.
3. Click ENTER on the required catalog. The Catalog’s Product tab will be displayed.
4. Click the Category tab and click a particular category.
5. Edit the category.
The category page will be displayed as shown below:

6. Click to save the category.  For more information, on:

  • associating products to a category, refer to Associating Products to a Category
  • boost/bury to a category, refer to Boost/Bury the Products in a Category
  • previewing a category, refer to Previewing a Category
  • versioning a category, refer to Versioning a Category

Catalog’s Product Tab

To edit the products in a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Identify a catalog you want to enter and click ENTER.
The PRODUCT tab is the landing page as shown as below:

Note: You can search and edit the product catalog details as per your requirement.
3. Alternatively, you can click Enter Catalog from the Edit Catalog page.
For more information on editing catalog details, refer to Editing Catalog Details.

Editing a Product in Catalog

PIM allows you to edit the product details of a catalog.

To edit the product details of a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Search for the required catalog using the available filters. The search results will be displayed.
3. Click ENTER on the required catalog. The Catalog’s Product tab will be displayed.
4. Click EDIT to edit the catalog product. The Edit Product page will be displayed as shown below:

5. Make the necessary changes and click .

Catalog’s SKU Tab

To edit the SKUs in a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SKU tab.
The SKU tab will appear as shown below:

Note: You can search and edit the SKU catalog details as per your requirement.
2. Alternatively, you can click Enter Catalog from the Edit Catalog page.
For more information on editing catalog details, refer to Editing Catalog Details.

Editing Catalog’s SKU

PIM allows you to edit SKU details of a catalog.

To edit the SKU details of a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Search for the required catalog using the available filters. The search results will be displayed.
3. Click ENTER on the required catalog. The Catalog’s Product tab will be displayed.
4. Navigate to the SKU tab.
5. Click EDIT to edit a particular SKU. The SKU page will be displayed as shown below:

Catalog’s Notification Tab

PIM allows you to configure a notification for the following operations on Category, Product, or SKU:

  • Create
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Submit for approval
  • Approval
  • Deny

You can define an action to the configured conditions you want to notify on the above operations along with a macro name and message campaign ID.

To set notification from PIM,
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Identify a catalog you want to enter and click ENTER.
The PRODUCT tab opens.
3. Click the NOTIFICATION tab.
4. Click to create a notification from PIM.

The following Create PIM Notification opens:

5. In the General section, enter a name for the notification, select a required date, and set the notification to Active or In-Active. Only the status with Active will be notified.
6. In the Conditions section, select SKU, Product, or Category.
7. Select any one of the following operations on which the notification will be sent:

  • Create
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Submit for approval
  • Approval
  • Deny

8. Click to generate and view the condition.
9. In the Actions section, set the message format, enter a macro name, and select the required message campaign.
10. Click to save the notification.

Managing Catalog Feed/Rules

You can manage the catalog by defining rules and retrieving data from the respective master catalog.

To define feed/rules for a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Search for the required catalog using the available filters.
3. Identify the required catalog you want to define feed/rules, click Enter. The Product page opens.
4. Click the CATALOG FEED RULES tab:

Note: Catalog retrieves the product information from master catalog information by setting rules, defining conditions and running the feed.
5. In Add Conditions section, select Any or All and set the values (True/False) from the respective drop-down.
6. Select the required parameters from the drop-down and enter the values to define a rule.
Note: You can set rules for a catalog based on Category, Product, and SKU.
The table below lists the parameters for setting rules.


Parameters Category Product SKU
categoryid × ×
parentCategoryid × ×
productId ×
skuId × ×
salePrice × ×
regularPrice × ×

7. Click to add an additional rule to the catalog.
Note: To remove a created rule, click .
8. To overwrite the catalog categories, catalog products, and catalog SKUs, select the checkbox.
9. Click Save Rule to save the rules configured.
10. Click Save & Run Feed to save and run the feed.

If Category campaignId is == 2496, Product identifier is < 1000` and SKU `skuId is >= T1230
then, the Category with campaign ID 2496, all Products with product identifier < 1000 and SKU with sku ID >= T1230 will be mapped to the catalog.

Catalog Map Feed

While you save and run the catalog map feed (success or failure), an email will be sent with the user details to the admin email ID.

To activate the catalog map feed, you need to enable marketing for the campaign and define the Feed Settings. Perform the below steps to activate catalog map feed:
1. Navigate to the required campaign for which email has to be enabled.
2. Click Settings from the left navigation pane.
3. From the Settings page, click MAILERS.
4. Click the icon to expand the ENABLE/DISABLE MARKETING section.
5. Click Enabled.
6. Specify the domain name in INFO_ALLOWED_WEB_DOMAIN field. For example, The section will be displayed as shown below:

7. Click Save.
8. Once marketing is enabled, you need to enter the following information in CREATE/UPDATE MAILERS.

Field Description
Mailer Id You can leave this field blank to auto-generate.

Note: Mailer Id will be generated once you click save. Example: 312

Mailer Name Specify the mailer name. Example: PIM Catalog Store Association Feed Results
Mailer Description Specify the description for the mailer. Example: PIM Catalog Store Association Feed Results
Max TO addresses Specify the maximum number of the recipient address. For example, 50 (the mail will be sent to 50 addresses)
HTML Specify one of the following:

·       Yes: When Yes is selected, it will send email

·       No: When No is selected, it will send SMS

Subject Specify a subject to the mail. Example: PIM Catalog Store Association Feed Results for %feedid%
Body Specify the body of the mail. Example: Feed Results

Campaign: %campaignname% (%campaignid%)

Feed Id: %feedid%

Triggered by: %username%

Time taken: %time% mins

Status: %status%


Macro Length Config Specify the maximum length of the values.

The CREATE/UPDATE MAILERS will be displayed as shown below:

9. Click Save. The created mailer will be displayed as shown below:

Now you have successfully configured the email.
10. To set the mailer ID for catalog map feed, navigate to PIM > SETTINGS and select Feed Settings.
11. Select the following Feed Type:

  • Catalog Association

12. Specify the Mailer Template ID for Catalog map feed that is specified in CREATE/UPDATE MAILERS.
13. Enter the Node to be run.
14. Enter the list of email IDs to run the feed. The Feed Settings section appears as shown below:

15. Click Save and then, navigate to the CATALOG tab to run the feed.
16. Click on the required catalog and click the CATALOG FEED/RULES tab to associate the products to the catalog. For more information, see Managing Catalog Feed/Rules.
17. Click Save & Run Feed to run the feed as shown below:

Note: When you click Save & Run Feed, the emails (success or failure) with the user details will be sent to the admin email ID.

Exporting a Catalog’s Product, Category or SKU

You can export a catalog’s product, category, or SKU information based on the search results from PIM database to an Excel or TSV.

To export the catalog product information, follow the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. To enter into a catalog, click Enter.
The PRODUCT tab will be displayed.
3. Search the product using the available filters. The search results will be displayed as shown below:

Note: You can view the search results related to the particular search.
4. You can select a particular product to export or you can export all the products based on the search result. The screen will be displayed as shown below:
5. Click EXPORT.  The export screen will be displayed as shown below:

6. Select any one of the following Feed Type:

  • Excel
  • TSV

7. Click Export to export the catalog product information.

  • You can use excel format for exporting < 10,000 records. Use TSV format for exporting more than 10,000 records. The entities in TSV format will be exported as separate files corresponding to the selected tabs.
  • When you export a catalog category, the associated catalog product and catalog SKU details will be exported along with the catalog category. Similarly, for catalog product, the associated catalog category and catalog SKU details will be exported and for catalog SKU, the associated catalog category and catalog product details will be exported.

Perform the above steps to export catalog category and catalog SKU information based on the search results from the CATEGORY and SKU tabs respectively.

Deactivating a Catalog

You can activate or deactivate a catalog according to your requirement.

To deactivate a catalog, perform the steps below:
1. Launch the required PIM service from Skava Commerce.
Note: By default, the Catalog tab will be displayed.
2. Search for the required catalog using the available filters.
3. Click to deactivate a catalog.

Note: To activate a deactivated catalog, click of the required deactivated catalog.


You have to configure SETTINGS to create and manage products in PIM. The following settings can be configured:

  • Common Settings
  • Category Settings
  • Product Settings
  • SKU Settings
  • Catalog Settings
  • Template Settings
  • Feed Settings
  • Notification Settings

Configuring Common Settings (Language and Currency)

You can select a language and currency for the catalog in Common Settings section.

To configure common settings, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to SETTINGS tab.

2. Click Common Settings.

3. Under Common Settings section, select the required options. The field descriptions are given below:

Field Description
Selected Locale Select a locale. All locales configured in campaign settings will be displayed.

You can add catalog details (such as product description, image, category, or catalog) in the selected language.

Selected Currency The currency for the Selected Locale will be defined in CUSTOMIZE CAMPAIGN settings.
Default Locale Select a default locale.
Include out of Stock Select Enable to set the out of stock to appear based on available inventory.
Dynamic Facet Configuration Define class for the dynamic facet in JSON format.



Default PIM End Time Select a default end time.

Note: The time selected will be displayed as the default end time in PIM, wherever applicable.

Auto flag changes for Coming soon/Pre-order Select Enable to set the Coming Soon/Pre-order flag change automatically based on the available inventory.
Allow Collection into Bundle Select Enable to allow collection into bundle products.
Allow Custom Template for Import Select Enable to allow the custom template for Import. On selecting Enable, a text area will appear along with the browse button to upload the file.

Note: If this option is disabled, custom template option will not be visible on Import tab.

Allow Segmentation of Catalogs Select Enable to allow segmentation of catalogs. On Selecting Enable, segments for Master Catalog text field will appear. Enter the required segments in the field. For example, US, UK, Asia, and Africa. To add more segments, click .

4. Click Save to save the selected locale and currency details.

Configuring Category Settings

You can configure the sorting order and the additional category properties in Category Settings section.

To configure category settings, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab.

2. Click Category Settings.

3. In Category Settings, select the required options as explained in the table below:

Field Description
Category Sorting Select Enable to enable category sorting.

Enabling category sorting enables Sort by option in all categories.

Default Sort Order Select a field and its sort order.

This sort order will be selected by default for all categories. To add more sorting orders, click the icon.

Note: This option provides a sort order for categories without any specified sorting order.

Allow Additional Category Properties Select Enable to add additional property while creating or updating a category.

By enabling Allow Additional Category Properties, the Add Additional Property option will be displayed in the CATEGORY tab.

Allow Create/Delete Catalog Category Select Enable to create or delete new category.

By enabling Allow Create/Delete Catalog Category option, the catalog Category tab will be displayed as shown below:

Default Category Properties Enter default category property name.

Example: [{"name" : "Skava"}]

The default category property name specified will be displayed as mandatory field in the CATEGORY tab. If default category property name is provided as Skava, then a mandatory field Skava will be displayed in the CATEGORY tab.

Note: Ensure the property name is in JSON format.

Property name of category name Enter the property name of the category name.

4. Click Save.

Configuring Product Settings

You can define the product price and additional properties in the Product Settings section.

To configure Product Settings, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab.

2. Click Product Settings.

3. In Product Settings section, select the required options. The field descriptions are given below:

Field Description
Property name of Sale Price Enter a property name of the sale price.
Property name of Regular Price Enter a property name of the regular price.
Property Name and Label Mapping for Multiple Price Enter the property name and the label to be mapped.
Example: {"price1" : "Sale Price","price2" : "Original Price"}Note: This field must be provided in JSON format.
Price Property for Sort & Filter Enter the price property for sorting and filtering.
Example: Price1, Price2
Product Price Properties Enter the product price properties to define pricing in PIM.

Example: [“price”, “maxprice”, “minprice”]

Property name of Image Enter a property name for the image.
Property name of product name Enter a property name for the product name.

4. Click Save.

Configuring SKU Settings

You can define the SKU price and SKU additional properties in Sku Settings section.

To configure SKU Settings, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab.

2. Click Sku Settings.

3. In Sku Settings section, select the required options. The field descriptions are given below:

Field Description
Property name of Sale Price Select the property name of the sale price.
Property name of Regular Price Enter a property name for the regular price.
Property Name and Label Mapping for Multiple Price Enter the property name and the label to be mapped.
Example: {"price1" : "Sale Price","price2" : "Original Price"}Note: The Property Name and Label Mapping for multiple prices must be provided in JSON format.
Price Property for Sort & Filter Select the property price for sorting and filtering.
Example: Price1,Price2
SKU Price Properties Enter the SKU price properties to define pricing in PIM.

Example: [“price”, “maxprice”, “minprice”]

Property name of Image Enter a property name for the image.
Property name of SKU name Enter a property name for the SKU name.
Override with Default product properties Enter the SKU property name that can be overridden by product.

4. Click Save.

Configuring Catalog Settings

You can define the catalog properties in the Catalog Settings section.

To configure Catalog Settings, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab.

2. Click Catalog Settings.

3. Enter the required information in the fields as explained in the following table:


Field Description
Allow Additional Store Properties Select Enable to allow the user to add additional catalog properties while creating or updating a catalog.

Note: By enabling Allow Additional Catalog Properties, the Add Additional Property option will be displayed in the CATALOG tab.

Default Store Properties Enter default catalog properties to be configured in addition to the properties available in the CATALOG tab.

Example: [ {"name" : "Material","label" : "Material"}]

Note: The default catalog properties must be provided in JSON format.

4. Click Save.

Configuring Template Settings

You can define the template to preview a product or category in the Template Settings section.

To configure Template Settings, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab.

2. Click Template Settings. The Template Settings section appears as shown below:

3. Click Download Sample Template to download a sample template.
4. Click Add Template to add a template. The Template Settings section appears as shown below:

Note: You can create multiple templates.
5. Enter the name of the template.
6. Select any one of the required type:

  • Product– to create the template in PDP
  • Productlist– to create the template in product list

7. Click Browse and locate the respective template file to be uploaded.
8. Click Browse and locate the respective JS file to be uploaded.
Note: You can create a template either for a product or a product list.

Configuring Feed Settings

You can define the feed type, node to be run, and the list of email IDs to run a feed.

To configure Feed Settings, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab.

2. Click Feed Settings. The Feed Settings section appears as shown below:

3. Select any one of the following feed type:

  • PIM Import/Export
  • Catalog Association
  • PIM Publish

4. Enter the Node to be run.
5. Enter the list of email IDs to run the feed.
Note: When you run a feed, the trigger messages will be sent to the specified email IDs.

Configuring Notification Settings

You can enable notification and select the notification interval.

To configure Notification Settings, perform the steps below:
1. Navigate to SETTINGS tab.

2. Click Notification Settings. The Notification Settings section appears as shown below:

3. Select Enable.
4. Select the notification interval from the drop-down options:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly
  • Hourly
  • Every Minute
  • Every 30 Minutes
  • Every 15 Minutes

5. Click Save.

Approval Work Flow

Approval workflow is a process where product/category/SKU/facet is created or edited by a limited privileged user. For example, an editor can create or edit the products. It must pass through the process of approval. The admin can either approve or reject the request.

Submitting for Approval

A user can create or edit product/category/SKU/facet information, however, the approver must approve the specific create or edit.

Let us consider a scenario with products for approval.

To view the products pending for approval, and submit them for approval, you can follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the PRODUCT tab and click Show Pending Products.

The pending product(s) will be displayed as shown below:

Note: To hide the pending products, click Hide Pending Products.
2. To submit the pending products for approval, click EDIT associated with the required product.
You will be navigated to the Price tab. A message will be displayed as shown below:

Note: The added price group will be displayed only to the user who edited the price group.
3. Click Submit for Approval.  A message as shown below will be displayed:

Approving the Product/SKU/Category/Facet

An administrator with appropriate privilege can approve the products/SKU/Category/Facet pending for approval.  Let us consider a scenario with products for approval.  When the approver logs in the application, if there are any create or edit pending for approval, the Show Unapproved Edit and Show Unapproved New Products buttons will be displayed:

Unapproved Edit

To approve or reject the product edits, perform the steps below:
1. Click Show Unapproved Edit.  The unapproved edit will be displayed as shown below:

2. Click EDIT.  The Unapproved Edit page with the differences between the previous and the edited version highlighted will be displayed as shown below:

To approve the edit, click . Once approved, the edits will be shown as below:


  • To reject the edit, click . Once rejected, the edits will be shown as below:
  • To approve all edits, click .
  • To reject all edits, click .

Only the approved products/category/SKU/facets will be moved live with respect to the active start date and end date.

Unapproved New Products

When you click Show Unapproved New Products, all the unapproved new products will be displayed for approval or rejection.

To approve or reject the new products, perform the steps below:
1. Click Show Unapproved New Products to view the unapproved new products. The screen will be displayed as shown below:

2. Click to approve the new product. To reject the new product, click .

Appendix A – Manage Admin Privileges

Admin privileges are associated with user accounts. The admin privileges in PIM can be categorized as follows:

  • Managing Left Pane Menus
  • Managing PIM
  • Viewing PIM
  • Category Tab
  • Product Tab
  • SKU Tab
  • Facet Tab
  • Catalog Tab
  • DAM Services
  • PIM Feeds
  • Managing PIM Item
  • Managing PIM Item Properties
  • Manage Admin Access
  • PIM Import Privileges
  • PIM Export Privileges

Managing Left Pane Menus

The below privileges allows the user to view and manage all menus in PIM left pane:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /viewcontenttab Allows the user to view the CONTENT tab.
2. /viewbundletab Allows the user to view the BUNDLE tab.
3. /viewthemestab Allows the user to view the THEME tab.
4. /viewdistributionstab Allows the user to view the DISTRIBUTION tab.
5. /viewcampaignhometab Allows the user to view the HOME tab.
6. /viewworkflowtab Allows the user to view the WORKFLOW tab.
7. /viewstudiotab Allows the user to view the STUDIO tab.
8. /viewrecommendationtab Allows the user to view the RECOMMENDATIONS tab.
9. /viewpimtab Allows the user to view the PIM tab.
10. /viewcamppromotiontab Allows the user to view the PROMOTION tab.
11. /viewsearchtab Allows the user to view the SEARCH tab.
12. /viewsegmentationtab Allows the user to view the SEGMENTATION tab.
13. /viewstatisticstab Allows the user to view the STATISTICS tab.
14. /viewdynamicleftmenu Allows the user to view the DYNAMIC menu.
15. /viewpromotiontab Allows the user to view the PROMOTION tab.
16. /viewpartners Allows the user to view the PARTNERS.
17. /viewcampaigns Allows the user to view the CAMPAIGNS.
18. /hidepartners Allows the user to hide the PARTNERS.

Note: Add this privilege only if there is a requirement to hide partners and campaigns.

19. /viewapplication Allows the user to view the APPLICATION.

Managing PIM

Managing PIM privilege allows the user to view and manage all tabs in PIM. The following are the privileges available for managing the different tabs:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /manageimporttab Allows the user to view and manage the IMPORT tab.
2. /manageexporttab Allows the user to view and manage the EXPORT tab.
3. /managecatalogtab Allows the user to view and manage the CATALOG tab.
4. /manageproducttab Allows the user to view and manage the PRODUCT tab.
5. /manageskutab Allows the user to view and manage the SKU tab.
6. /managecategorytab Allows the user to view and manage the CATEGORY tab.
7. /managefacettab Allows the user to view and manage the FACET tab.
8. /managepreviewtab Allows the user to view and manage the PREVIEW tab.
9. /managesettingstab Allows the user to view and manage the SETTINGS tab.
10. /managepublishtab Allows the user to view and manage the PUBLISH tab.
11. /managecatalognotification Allows a user to view and manage the Catalog’s NOTIFICATION tab.

Viewing PIM

Viewing PIM privilege allows the user to view all tabs. The following are the privileges available for viewing the different tabs:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /viewimporttab Allows the user to view the IMPORT tab.
2. /viewexporttab Allows the user to view the EXPORT tab.
3. /viewcatalogtab Allows the user to view the CATALOG tab.
4. /viewproducttab Allows the user to view the PRODUCT tab.
5. /viewskutab Allows the user to view the SKU tab.
6. /viewcategorytab Allows the user to view the CATEGORY tab.
7. /viewfacettab Allows the user to view the FACET tab.
8. /viewpreviewtab Allows the user to view the PREVIEW tab.
9. /viewsettingstab Allows the user to view the SETTINGS tab.
10. /viewpublishtab Allows the user to view the PUBLISH tab.
11. /viewcatalognotification Allows a user to view the catalog notification.

Category Tab

Category tab allows the user to create, update, switch, and remove the categories in PIM. The following are the privileges available for the CATEGORY tab:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /directcreatecategorymaster Allows the user to create a category without approval process.
2. /directupdatecategorymaster Allows the user to update a category without approval process.
3. /createcategorymaster Allows the user to create a category with approval process.
4. /updatecategorymaster Allows the user to update a category with approval process.
5. /updateproductcategory Allows the user to update product category with approval process.
6. /updateproductcategorybyfilter Allows the user to update product category by filter.
7. /updateparentcategory Allows the user to update parent category.
8. /updatecategorysortconfig Allows the user to update category sort configuration.
9. /switchcategorystatus Allows the user to switch category status.
10. /approvecategorymaster Allows the user to approve category master.
11. /switchcategorylock Allows the user to switch category lock.
12. /deletecategorymaster Allows the user to delete category master.
13. /removeproductcategory Allows the user to remove product category.


Product Tab

The Product tab allows the user to create, update, switch, and approve the products in PIM. The following are the privileges available for the PRODUCT tab:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /directcreateproductmaster Allows the user to create a product without approval process.
2. /directupdateproductmaster Allows the user to update a product without approval process.
3. /createproductmaster Allows the user to create a product with approval process.
4. /updateproductmaster Allows the user to update a product with approval process.
5. /approveproductmaster Allows the user to approve the product master.
6. /switchproductstatus Allows the user to switch product status.
7. /switchproductlock Allows the user to switch product lock.


SKU tab allows the user to create, update, switch, and lock the SKUs in PIM. The following are the privileges available for the SKU tab:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /directcreateskumaster Allows the user to create a SKU without approval process.
2. /directupdateskumaster Allows the user to update a SKU without approval process.
3. /createskumaster Allows the user to create a SKU with approval process.
4. /updateskumaster Allows the user to update a SKU with approval process.
5. /updateskumasterproductid Allows the user to update SKU master product ID.
6. /approveskumaster Allows the user to approve SKU master.
7. /switchskustatus Allows the user to switch SKU status.
8. /switchskulock Allows the user to switch SKU lock.

Facet Tab

Facet tab allows the user to create, update, switch, remove and manage the facets in PIM. The following are the privileges available for the FACET tab:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /directcreatefacet Allows the user to create the facet without approval process.
2. /directupdatefacet Allows the user to update the facet without approval process.
3. /createfacet Allows the user to create the facet with approval process.
4. /updatefacet Allows the user to update the facet with approval process.
5. /approvefacet Allows the user to approve the facet master.
6. /switchfacetstatus Allows the user to switch the facet status.
7. /removefacetgroup Allows the user to remove the facet group.
8. /managefacet Allows the user to manage facet.

Catalog Tab

The Catalog tab allows the user to create, update, switch, open and close the catalogs in PIM. The following are the privileges available for the CATALOG tab:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /createcatalogmaster Allows a user to create catalog master with approval process.
2. /updatecatalogmaster Allows a user to update catalog master with approval process.
3. /deletecatalogmaster Allows a user to delete a catalog master with approval process.
4. /switchcatalogmasterstatus Allows a user to switch catalog master status.
5. /approvecatalogmaster Allows a user to approve catalog master.
6. /directcreatecatalogmaster Allows the user to create a catalog without approval process.
7. /directupdatecatalogmaster Allows the user to update a catalog master without approval process.
8. /directdeletecatalogmaster Allows the user to delete a catalog master without approval process.
9. /updatecatalogrules Allows a user to update catalog rules.
10. /manageentercatalog Allows the user to enter the catalog.
11. /managecatalogstatus Allows a user to manage the catalog status.

DAM Services

DAM services allow the user to create, update, delete, and load the assets in PIM. The following are the privileges available for DAM services:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /createasset Allows the user to create an asset.
2. /updateasset Allows the user to update an asset.
3. /deleteasset Allows the user to delete an asset.
4. /loadallasset Allows the user to load all assets.
5. /loadbyidasset Allows the user to load the asset by ID.

PIM Feeds

PIM feeds allow the user to import, export, and get feed status in PIM. The following are the privileges available for PIM feeds:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /pimdataprocess Allows the user to import PIM data.
2. /pimexportprocess Allows the user to export PIM data.
3. /getfeedstatus Allows the user to get feed status.

Managing PIM Item

Managing PIM item allows the user to view all products, catalogs, registers, transactions, categories, and facets with or without condition. The following are the privileges available for PIM items:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /viewallproduct Allows the user to view all products.
2. /viewproduct Allows the user to view products based on conditions.
3. /viewallcatalog Allows the user to view all catalogs.
4. /viewcatalog Allows the user to view catalogs based on conditions.
5. /viewallsku Allows the user to view all SKUs.
6. /viewsku Allows the user to view SKUs based on conditions.
7. /viewallcategory Allows the user to view all categories.
8. /viewcategory Allows the user to view categories based on conditions.
9. /viewallfacet Allows the user to view all facets.
10. /viewfacet Allows the user to view facets based on conditions.


Managing PIM Item Properties

Managing PIM item properties allows the user to view properties, product properties, SKU properties, and category properties in PIM. The following are the privileges available for PIM item properties:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /viewproperty Allows the user to view all properties.
2. /viewallproductproperties Allows the user to view all product properties.

The available access levels are as follows:

·       Manage – Allows the user to view and modify the properties

·       View – Allows the user to view the properties

·       None – All the properties will be hidden to users

3. /viewallskuproperties Allows the user to view all SKU properties.
4. /viewallcategoryproperties Allows the user to view all category properties.

Manage Admin Access

Manage admin access allows the user to add a role, add a privilege, and to manage groups. The following are the privileges available for manage admin access:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /managegroups Allows the user to view and manage the groups.
2. /addrole Allows the user to add a role.
3. /addprivilege Allows the user to add a privilege.

PIM Import Privileges

The following are the privileges available to import catalog information:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /loadentries Allows the user to upload the file.
2. /pimupload Allows the user to upload the file.
3. /afterupload Allows the user to upload the file.
4. /categoryimport Allows the user to import Categorymaster and CategorymasterProperties.
5. /productimport Allows the user to import Productmaster and ProductmasterProperties.
6. /catalogproductcategoryimport Allows the user to import CatalogProductCategory.
7. /productcategoryimport Allows the user to import productcategory.
8. /skuimport Allows the user to import Skumaster and SkumasterProperties.
9. /facetimport Allows the user to import facetmaster and facetmasterProperties.
10. /catalogimport Allows the user to import Catalogmaster and catalogmasterProperties.
  11. /catalogcategoryimport Allows the user to import Catalogcategory and catalogcategoryProperties.
  12. /catalogproductimport Allows the user to import Catalogproduct and CatalogproductProperties.
13. /catalogskuimport Allows the user to import Catalogsku and catalogskuProperties.
14. /inventoryimport Allows the user to import Inventorymaster.
15. /reviewimport Allows the user to import Reviewmaster.
16. /fullimport Allows the user to import all feeds.
17. /customimportcatalogid Allows the user to import catalogmaster, catalogmasterproperties, catalogcategory, catalogcategoryproperties, catalogproduct, catalogproductproperties, catalogsku, and catalogskuproperties.

PIM Export Privileges

The following are the privileges available to export catalog information:

S.No Privilege Name Description
1. /categoryexport Allows the user to export Categorymaster and CategorymasterProperties.
2. /productexport Allows the user to export Productmaster and ProductmasterProperties.
3. /productcategoryexport Allows the user to export productcategory.
4. /catalogproductcategoryexport


Allows the user to export catalogproductcategory.
5. /skuexport Allows the user to export Skumaster and SkumasterProperties.
6. /facetexport Allows the user to export facetmaster and facetmasterProperties.
7. /catalogexport Allows the user to export Catalogmaster and catalogmasterProperties.
8. /catalogcategoryexport Allows the user to export Catalogcategory and catalogcategoryProperties.
9. /catalogproductexport Allows the user to export Catalogproduct and catalogproductProperties.
10. /catalogskuexport Allows the user to export Catalogsku and catalogskuProperties.
11. /Inventoryexport Allows the user to export Inventorymaster.
12. /reviewexport Allows the user to export Reviewmaster.

Appendix B – PIM Import/Export Sheet Format

Using PIM import feed processor, the catalog information can be populated to the PIM MongoDB. Data is imported to PIM through a spread sheet. PIM is made up of the following entities:

  • Category
  • Product
  • SKU
  • Facet
  • Catalog

The PIM catalog is formed using the above entities. In the import spread sheet, each entity occupies a sheet.  Properties for these entities have to be maintained in separate sheets. Entity properties are listed below:

  • CategoryProperties
  • ProductProperties
  • SkuProperties
  • FacetProperties
  • CatalogProperties

The association of products and categories are maintained in a different sheet – ProductCategory

The catalog association of Categories, Products, and SKUs, and their properties are maintained in separate sheets as follows:

  • CatalogCategory
  • CatalogProduct
  • CatalogSku
  • CatalogCategoryProperties
  • CatalogProductroperties
  • CatalogSkuProperties

Spread Sheet Name and Format

S.No Entity Sheet Name
1 Category categorymaster
2 Product productmaster
3 SKU skumaster
4 Facet facetmaster
5 Catalog catalogmaster
6 ProductCategory productcategory
7 CategoryProperties categorymasterproperties
8 ProductProperties productmasterproperties
9 SkuProperties skumasterproperties
10 FacetProperties facetmasterproperties
11 CatalogProperties catalogmasterproperties
12 CatalogCategory catalogcategory
13 CatalogProduct catalogproduct
14 CatalogSku catalogsku
15 CatalogCategoryProperties catalogcategoryproperties
16 CatalogProductProperties catalogproductproperties
17 CatalogSkuProperties catalogskuproperties


Category Sheet Format

The various fields in Category Sheet and their possible values are listed below:


S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 categoryid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID to represent a category.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 parentcategoryid* Alphanumeric Specify the parent category ID for the current category. If the parent category is the top category, specify the parentcategoryid as top.
3 status* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
4 hasproducts* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) If products are associated with this category through productcategory sheet, then set the value as TRUE. In general, it will be TRUE for child category, and FALSE for top and intermediate level categories.
5 defaultparent
Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify TRUE, if a category should be set as the default parent category.
6 visible* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a category should be hidden or not. Set FALSE to hide this category in the user navigation. When the category is hidden, you can get the response by specifying the Category ID in the Product List page.
7 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a category should be locked or not. If a category is locked, it cannot be updated by feed or by an admin user.
8 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the category in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the category will be displayed from the API.
9 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the category in milliseconds.
10 type* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following:

  • 0 – Static categories are regular categories.
  • 1 – Dynamic categories will not have any products, it contains filter configuration.

Note: Based on the filter, products will get updated to the category from the parent category. Products will not be displayed in the Admin UI and will only be displayed in the API.


11 segment Alphanumeric Specify the segment based catalog for the category.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

CategoryProperties Sheet Format

The various fields in CategoryProperties sheet and their possible values are listed below:


S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 categoryid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the category properties.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 name* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the category properties.
3 value* String Specify values for the category properties.
4 locale* String Specify the language.

Note: Multiple languages can be specified using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.

5 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if the category properties should be locked or not. If set to TRUE, it will be locked and cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
6 starttime Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the category properties in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the category properties will be displayed from the API.
7 endtime Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the category properties in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

Facet Sheet Format

The various fields in Facet sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 name* Alphanumeric Specify a name for the facet.
2 locale* String Specify the language. Multiple languages can be defined using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.
3 type* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following type:

  • 0 – Static
  • 1 – Dynamic
4 fieldtype* Numeric (0/1/2/3/4/5) Select from the following type:

  • 0 – Textbox
  • 1 – Dropdown
  • 2 – Multi-selection
  • 3 – Boolean
  • 4 – Text Area
  • 5 – HTML
5 validationtype* Numeric (0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8) Specify any one of the following validation type:

·       String – 0

·       Number – 1

·       Float – 2

·       Boolean – 3

·       Enumeration – 4

·       Date – 5

·       Email – 6

·       URL – 7

·       Regular Expression – 8

6 displaytype* Numeric (0/1) Select any one of the following display type:

·       0 – Single digit

·       1 – Array

7 filterable* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify TRUE if the facet should be filterable, else specify FALSE.
8 searchable* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify TRUE if the facet should be searchable, else specify FALSE.
9 sortable* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify TRUE if the facet should be sortable, else specify FALSE.
10 required* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify TRUE if the facet should be required, else specify FALSE.
11 status* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
12 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the facet in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the facet will be displayed from the API.
13 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the facet in milliseconds.
14 showintab* Numeric (0/1/2/3) To display the facet for product/SKU, select any one of the following options:

  • specify 0 to display in facet tab
  • specify 1 to display in general tab
  • specify 2 to display in assets tab
  • specify 3 to display in price tab

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.


  • When the Field Type is 0 and Validation Type is 0, Field Type and Data Type will set to Text Box, String.
  • When the Field Type is 0 and Validation Type is 1, Field Type and Data Type will set to Text Box, Number.
  • When the Field Type is 0 and Validation Type is 2, Field Type and Data Type will set to Text Box, Float.
  • When the Field Type is 0 and Validation Type is 5, Field Type and Data Type will set to Text Box, Date.
  • When the Field Type is 0 and Validation Type is 6, Field Type and Data Type will set to Text Box, Email.
  • When the Field Type is 0 and Validation Type is 7, Field Type and Data Type will set to Text Box, URL.
  • When the Field Type is 0 and Validation Type is 8, Field Type and Data Type will set to Text Box, Regex.
  • When the Field Type is 1 and Validation Type is 4, Field Type and Data Type will set to Dropdown, Dropdown.
  • When the Field Type is 2 and Validation Type is 4, Field Type and Data Type will set to Multi-selection, Multi-selection.
  • When the Field Type is 3 and Validation Type is 3, Field Type and Data Type will set to Boolean, Boolean.
  • When the Field Type is 4 and Validation Type is 0, Field Type and Data Type will set to Text Area, Text Area.
  • When the Field Type is 5 and Validation Type is 0, Field Type and Data Type will set to HTML, HTML.

FacetProperties Sheet Format

The various fields in FacetProperties sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 facetname* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the facet.
2 facetlocale* String Specify the language for facet master.
3 name* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the facet properties.
4 value* String Specify values for facet properties.
5 locale* String Specify the language.

Note: Multiple languages can be specified using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.

6 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a facet property should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
7 starttime Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of facet properties in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the facet properties will be displayed from the API.
8 endtime Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of facet properties in milliseconds.

Note:An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

Product Sheet Format

The various fields in Product Sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 productid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID to represent the product.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 status* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
3 collection* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify TRUE if the product is a collection product, if the product is not a collection product, specify FALSE.
4 subproductids Comma separated string Specify the Product IDs of products that are collection products.

Note: This is applicable only if the product is a collection product.

5 upsellproductids Comma separated string Specify the Up sell products IDs of the current product.
6 crosssellproductids Comma separated string Specify the Cross sell products IDs of the current product.
7 bundle* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify whether the product is a bundle product or not.
8 bundlemainproductid Alphanumeric Specify product ID of the bundle’s main product.
Note: This is applicable only if the product is a bundle product.
9 bundlemandatoryproductids Comma separated string Specify product IDs of the bundle’s mandatory products.
Note: This is applicable only if the product is a bundle product.
10 bundleoptionalproductids Comma separated string Specify product IDs of the bundle’s optional products.

Note: This is applicable only if the product is a bundle product.

11 defaultparentcategoryid* Alphanumeric Specify the default parent category ID of the product.

Note: The same product can be mapped to multiple categories through ProductCategory sheet. If there are multiple categories, the default category should be specified.

12 groupid Alphanumeric Specify the group ID of the products to be grouped.
13 facetgroup Comma separated string Specify the facet groups’ name. Based on the specified names, validation occurs while creating and updating.
14 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the product in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the product will be displayed from the API.
15 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the product in milliseconds.
16 visible* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a product should be visible or hidden. If set to FALSE, then the product will not be displayed in the user navigation. Select TRUE to make this product visible in PDP.
17 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a product should be locked or not. If a product is locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
18 segment Alphanumeric Specify the segment based catalog for product.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

ProductProperties Sheet Format

The various fields in ProductProperties sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 productid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the product.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 name* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the product properties.
3 value* String Specify values for the product property.
4 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a product property should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
5 locale* String Specify the language.

Note: Multiple languages can be specified using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.

6 overridebysku* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a product property should be overridden by a SKU or not.
7 starttime Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the product properties in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the product properties will be displayed from the API.
8 endtime Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the product properties in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

ProductCategory Sheet Format

The various fields in ProductCategory sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 categoryid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the product category.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 productid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the product.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

3 status* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
4 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the product category in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the product category will be displayed from the API.
5 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the product category in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

SKU Sheet Format

The various fields in SKU sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 skuid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID to represent the SKU.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 productid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID to represent the product.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

3 upcids* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID to represent the UPC.
Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.
4 status* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
5 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a SKU should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
6 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the SKU in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the SKU will be displayed from the API.
7 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the SKU in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

SkuProperties Sheet Format

The various fields in SkuProperties sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 skuid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the SKU.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 name* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the SKU.
3 value* String Specify values for the SKU properties.
4 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a SKU property should be locked or not. If it is locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
5 locale* String Specify the language.

Note: Multiple languages can be specified using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.

6 starttime Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the SKU properties in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the SKU properties will be displayed from the API.
7 endtime Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the SKU properties in milliseconds.

Note:An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

Catalog Sheet Format

The various fields in Catalog sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values


1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a catalog ID for the catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 parentcatalogid Alphanumeric Specify a parent catalog ID. Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.
3 status* Numeric (0/1) Select any one of the following status:

  • Active – specify 1 for active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for inactive status
4 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalog in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalog will be displayed from the API.
5 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalog in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

CatalogProperties Sheet Format

The various fields in CatalogProperties sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID to represent a catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 name* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the facet properties.
3 value* String Specify values for the catalog property.
4 locale* String Specify the language.

Note: Multiple languages can be specified using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.

5 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a catalog property should be locked or not. If it is locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
6 starttime Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalog property in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalog will display from API.
7 endtime Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalog property in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

CatalogCategory Sheet Format

The various fields in CatalogCategory sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 categoryid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog category.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

3 parentcategoryid* Alphanumeric Specify the parent category ID for the current category. If the parent category is the top category, specify the parentcategoryid as top.
4 status* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following status:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
5 hasproduct* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) If products are associated with this category through productcategory sheet, then set the value as TRUE. In general, it will be TRUE for a child category, and FALSE for top and intermediate level categories.
6 defaultparentcategory* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify TRUE, if a category should be set as default parent category.
7 visible* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a catalog category should be visible or hidden. If set to FALSE, then the catalog category will not be displayed in the user navigation. Select TRUE to make this catalog category visible in PDP.
8 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a catalog category should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
9 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalogcategory in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalogcategory will display from API.
10 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalogcategory in milliseconds.
11 type* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following:

  • 0 – Static categories are regular categories.
  • 1 – Dynamic categories will not have any products, it contains filter configuration.

Note: Based on the filter, products will get updated to the category from the parent category. Products will not be displayed in the Admin UI and will only be displayed in the API.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

CatalogCategoryProperties Sheet Format

The various fields in CatalogCategoryProperties sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 categoryid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for catalog category properties. Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.
3 name* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the catalog category properties.
4 value* String Specify values for the catalog category property.
5 locale* String Specify the language.

Note: Multiple languages can be specified using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.

6 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a catalog category property should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
7 starttime Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalogcategory property in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalogcategory property will display from API.
8 endtime Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalogcategory property in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

CatalogProduct Sheet Format

The various fields in CatalogProduct sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 productid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the product.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

3 status* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following status:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
4 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a catalog product should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
5 visible* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a catalog product should be visible or hidden. If set to FALSE, then the catalog product will not be displayed in the user navigation. Select TRUE to make this catalog product visible in PDP.
6 defaultparentcategoryid* Alphanumeric Specify the default parent category ID of the product.
7 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalogproduct property in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalogproduct property will display from API.
8 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalogproduct property in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) symbol indicates mandatory fields.

CatalogProductProperties Sheet Format

The various fields in CatalogProductProperties sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 productid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the product.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

3 name* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the catalog product properties.
4 value* String Specify values for catalog product properties.
5 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a catalog product property should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
6 locale* String Specify the language.

Note: Multiple languages can be specified using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.

7 starttime Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalogproduct property in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalogproduct property will display from API.
8 endtime Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalogproduct property in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

CatalogProductCategory Sheet Format

The various fields in CatalogProductCategory sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 categoryid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for catalog category.
Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.
3 Productid Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog product.
Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.
4 status*  Numeric (0/1) Select from the following:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
5 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalogproductcategory property in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalogproductcategory property will display from API.
6 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalogproductcategory property in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

CatalogSKU Sheet Format

The various fields in CatalogSKU sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 skuid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the SKU.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

3 status* Numeric (0/1) Select from the following status:

  • Active – specify 1 for the active status
  • Inactive – specify 0 for the inactive status
4 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if a catalog SKU should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
5 starttime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalogSKU property in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalogSKU property will display from API.
6 endtime* Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalogSKU property in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.

CatalogSKUProperties Sheet Format

The various fields in CatalogSKUProperties sheet and their possible values are listed below:

S.No Field Name Possible Values Description
1 catalogid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the catalog.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

2 skuid* Alphanumeric Specify a unique ID for the SKU.

Note: Special characters and blank spaces are not allowed.

3 name* Alphanumeric Specify a unique name for the catalog SKU properties.
4 value* String Specify values for catalog SKU properties.
5 locked* Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) Specify if the catalogSKU property should be locked or not. If locked, it cannot be updated by feed or an admin user.
6 locale* String Specify the language.

Note: Multiple languages can be specified using a comma separator. Example: en_us, en_uk.

7 starttime Long (Timemillis) Specify the start time of the catalogSKU property in milliseconds. After the specified start time, the catalogSKU property will display from API.
8 endtime Long (Timemillis) Specify the end time of the catalogSKU property in milliseconds.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory fields.


Revision History
2020-03-30 | AM – Minor copyedit.
2019-07-01 | PLK – Content copyedited.
2019-06-28 | PLK – Content uploaded.
2019-06-15 | PLK – Page created.