30 June 2022 (8.5.0)


The following new features have been implemented to support actions as part of this release: 

  • Added “Change Block State” action. [ES-181] 
  • Ability to configure success callbacks for the action “Update App Response”. [ES-8211] 
  • Ability to change the element state using the action “Change Element State”. [ES-8391] 
  • Ability to trigger actions when the focus is placed on an element. [ES-8347]
  • Ability to configure the Go To page action to open the new page in the same tab or a new tab. [ES-8393] 
  • Ability to trigger success call back action after updating a variable. [ES-7368] 
  • Ability to add multiple callback actions for the actions Trigger Datapoint, Update Variable, and Update App Response. [ES-8233] 
  • Ability to handle actions of the components. [ES-3567] 
  • Removed Actions from the Dev panel. [ES-5344] 
  • Ability to support the action Go to Previous page. [ES-4072] 
  • Ability to support the action Change Block State. [ES-2884] 
  • Ability to support the action Go to page. [ES-3566] 

App Integrations 

The following new features have been implemented for app integrations as part of this release: 

  • Integrated the PayPal app successfully for payment. [ES-8807] 
  • Integrated the Stripe app successfully for payment. [ES-8854] 
  • Integrated the Amazon Pay app successfully for payment. [ES-6842] 
  • Ability to create the data dimensions for the data provided to the store creation. Reflect the changes in the store data from Studio to Simba and vice versa. Associate the locales chosen while creating a store in the Studio languages sub header. [ES-6838] 
  • Ability to install and configure USPS app by merchants. [ES-6241] 
  • Ability to use USPS app as shipment mode in the PDP, cart, and/or checkout pages. [ES-6239] 
  • Ability to support AVS and CVV options in the Braintree app.  [ES-8883] 
  • Ability to enable Samsung Pay, Venmo, VCO, and PayPal Credit in Braintree. [ES-8874] 
  • Integrated the Amazon Pay app. [ES-8419] 
  • Ability to support multiple shipping methods in USPS. [ES-8085] 
  • Ability to support subscription in Braintree payment. [ES-8292] 
  • Ability to control the log levels in Braintree app. [ES-8808] 
  • Implemented Drop-in UI for Braintree. [ES-8290] 
  • Integrated Google Pay with Braintree. [ES-8227] 
  • Integrated PayPal with Braintree. [ES-8228] 
  • Ability to support recurring payments with subscription. [ES-8088] 
  • Integrated the Klarna payment app. [ES-8418] 
  • Ability to support recurring payments in admin. [ES-8087] 
  • Merged Create Customer and Create Session APIs with Braintree for better performance. [ES-8876] 
  • Added support to enable or disable Avalara app config to toggle the tax calculation in the cart page.  [ES-8877] 
  • Ability to support two- or three-digit country codes based on the country code length in the billing address. [ES-8882] 
  • Ability to create a customer in Braintree. [ES-8291] 
  • Integrated Avalara tax app successfully for tax calculations. [ES-7458] 
  • Ability to disable tax calculation based on the default tax code. [ES-8878] 
  • Listed USPS app in App Marketplace. Ability to install USPS app from App Marketplace successfully by a merchant. [ES-6240] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-6242]: 
    • Ability to use the USPS app as a shipment mode in PDP, Cart, and Checkout pages. 
    • Ability to place an order by selecting the USPS shipment app.  
  • Listed Klarna app in App Marketplace. [ES-6247] 
  • Ability to install Klarna app from Marketplace successfully by a merchant. [ES-6248] 
  • Integrated Klarna app successfully with StoreFront Orchestration (SFO) and Payment microservices. [ES-6249] 
  • Listed Amazon Pay app in App Marketplace. [ES-6843] 
  • Ability to install and configure the Amazon Pay app by merchants. [ES-6844] 
  • Migrated Node JS implementation of USPS. [ES-7457] 
  • Ability to preview the app blocks of an app in the left panel. [ES-1357] 
  • Integrated the PayPal app. [ES-1722] 


The following new features have been implemented to support apps as part of this release: 

  • Ability to publish an app. [ES-1360] 
  • Ability to manage app blocks in a project created using a blueprint that consumed an app. [ES-4369] 
  • Added an element named “Extension” in apps. [ES-5572] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-3943]: 
    • Ability to view a list of app blocks in the Add panel for any installed app.  
    • Ability to preview the snapshot images of the app blocks with their name.  
    • Ability to preview images with a minimum height and width.  
  • Ability to enable or disable the Set Text control in apps. [ES-3210] 
  • Ability to select the style tab in the right panel of apps. [ES-3337] 
  • Ability to enable or disable the Set Image control in apps. [ES-3007] 
  • Ability to render properly the app blocks in the preview mode of the apps and the projects where it is used. [ES-1390] 
  • Ability to list the apps category-wise. [ES-65] 
  • Ability to enable or disable the Set Alt Text control in apps. [ES-3008] 
  • Ability to delete the app blocks in a project. [ES-1923] 
  • Ability to support the placeholder element in apps. [ES-1721] 
  • Ability to view app in build mode with add icon. [ES-1353] 
  • Ability to add app blocks to an app. [ES-1362] 
  • Ability to display the properties of app block in the right panel when it is clicked from the left panel. [ES-1363] 
  • Ability to install or uninstall apps from the App library. [ES-1361] 
  • Ability to display the properties of cells or blocks in the right panel when it is selected from the left panel. [ES-1355] 
  • Ability to see Layers and Dev icons in the left panel where Layers is selected by default. [ES-1352] 
  • Ability to view the settings and style properties of the app blocks in the right panel. [ES-1354] 
  • Ability to see an app on live mode and after publishing in the live space. [ES-1519] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-4442]: 
    • Ability to add and manage privileges in Apps. 
    • Ability to add people and assign privileges in Apps.  


The following new features have been implemented to support block as part of this release: 

  • Ability to delete a master block along with all its instances. [ES-8192] 
  • Ability to repeat a block by the configured number of times. [ES-3586] 
  • Ability to make a block as a public block. [ES-8061] 
  • Ability to create public blocks under the Public Blocks workspace. [ES-7968] 
  • Ability to set Drop Shadow, Corner Radius, and Border of a block. [ES-7205] 
  • Ability to set the length of the repeat blocks. [ES-7148] 
  • Ability to manage duplicate blocks in all types of blocks.  [ES-5674] 
  • Ability to manage the anchors of the blocks. [ES-4070] 
  • Ability to duplicate a block. [ES-3583] 
  • Ability to add multiple rules for a master block. [ES-3587] 
  • Ability to share or unshare blocks. [ES-271] 


The following new features have been implemented to support blueprints as part of this release: 

  • Ability to upload assets for blueprints. [ES-4045] 
  • Ability to navigate to the blueprint from the store created using a blueprint. [ES-8166] 
  • Ability to lock/unlock a blueprint when multiple concurrent users are editing it. [ES-4350] 
  • Ability to duplicate any uploaded fonts if it is used when a blueprint or project is duplicated. [ES-8674] 
  • Ability to configure block instances of a blueprint locally when it is consumed in a project. [ES-7105] 
  • Ability to add a local property for variables or datapoints in a blueprint. [ES-7419] 
  • Ability to set variables as public and editable in blueprints. [ES-5460] 
  • Ability to manage privilege and people for blueprints. [ES-7127] 
  • Ability to set actions for the elements of a blueprint using the Controls tab. [ES-6853] 
  • Ability to automatically create a test project and switch between blueprint and its test project. [ES-6840] 
  • Ability to create a local component in a store that consumed a blueprint. [ES-6658] 
  • Ability to hide the Delete option of all components of the blueprint in a project created from a blueprint. [ES-7106] 
  • Ability to control the positions of cells in a blueprint. [ES-5323] 
  • Ability to control the positions of cells in a blueprint when it is consumed in a store. [ES-5613] 
  • Ability to show or hide the blocks or shared elements of a blueprint in the bucket. [ES-5462] 
  • Ability to view or hide the Style tab of a block in the project created using a blueprint. [ES-5215] 
  • Ability to create, manage, and use the datapoints in a project created using a blueprint. [ES-5532] 
  • Ability to search, view, create or sort blueprints via the dashboard. [ES-3729] 
  • Ability to rename a macro. [ES-5322] 
  • Ability to propagate any changes made in the blueprint to the live space of the projects that are created using the blueprint. [ES-5295] 
  • Ability to publish a blueprint. [ES-3731] 
  • Ability to reorder the pages (including the pages coming in from blueprints) in a project which consumes a blueprint. [ES-5448] 
  • Ability to propagate any new elements, cells, blocks, pages, etc. added in a blueprint to the project consuming that blueprint. [ES-5369] 
  • Ability to control the style of the elements in a blueprint when it is consumed in a project. [ES-67] 
  • Ability to preview a project which is created using a blueprint. [ES-3734] 
  • Ability to allow local configurations of variables and Theme panels when a blueprint is consumed in a project. The changes made in variables and Theme panels of the blueprint will be reflected in the project. [ES-4899] 
  • Implemented Go to page action for blueprint. [ES-5111] 
  • Ability to convert a project to a blueprint. [ES-4979] 
  • Ability to set controls in blueprints. Ability to configure controls in a project which is created using a blueprint only if the corresponding control is enabled. [ES-4520] 
  • Ability to install apps and use the app blocks in blueprints. [ES-4348] 
  • Ability to create a project using a blueprint. [ES-3733] 
  • Ability to set the status of blueprints such as draft and published. [ES-4838] 
  • Ability to support variables, datapoints, actions, and theme variables in blueprints and projects created using a blueprint. [ES-4370] 
  • Ability to view the history of the blueprints. [ES-4349] 
  • Ability to add people to blueprints. [ES-3988] 
  • Ability to autosave the changes in a blueprint. [ES-4519] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-4438]: 
    • Ability to publish a blueprint.  
    • Ability to make a blueprint to live. 


The following new features have been implemented to support bucket as part of this release: 

  • Added support for the “All Things” bucket which holds the list of all blocks or shared elements in the project, blueprint, or app. [ES-8193] 
  • Ability to add a new bucket. [ES-383] 
  • Ability to categorize the buckets for stores, blueprint, and new buckets. [ES-1338] 

StoreFront Builder 

The following new features have been implemented in storefront builder as part of this release: 

  • Ability to upload images. [ES-162] 
  • Ability to undo and/or redo the changes while editing a store, blueprint, or app. [ES-157] 
  • Integrated a rich text editor for editing the properties in the right panel. [ES-9022] 
  • Ability to create a password protected live link of the project. [ES-7941] 
  • Ability to disable the elements. [ES-8363] 
  • Ability to set the background of the elements as a solid color, gradient color, or image. [ES-6835] 
  • Ability to autofill the extra space available in the parent by a cell.  [ES-8997] 
  • Ability to see the list of projects created using a blueprint. [ES-9125] 
  • Ability to revert the local edits in projects consuming blueprint. [ES-7715] 
  • Ability to display the states of the blocks and pages in the left navigation panel. [ES-3323] 
  • Ability to add the Toggle element to a page with properties under the tabs such as general, style, settings, and actions. [ES-2056] 
  • Ability to autosave the changes made in the Storefront builder. [ES-1359] 
  • Ability to swipe through the carousel element in touch devices. [ES-8881] 
  • Removed undo and redo options of variables and datapoints. [ES-7971] 
  • Ability to select the background design of the components. [ES-3941] 
  • Ability to list apps, stores, and blueprints in separate workspaces. [ES-7114] 
  • Ability to undo and/or redo the changes while updating the variables and datapoints. [ES-5796] 
  • Ability to have random colors and popups for language input fields of elements. [ES-6231] 
  • Synced up builder and renderer (simulate mode). [ES-2483] 
  • Ability to drag and drop elements, blocks, or cells in the left panel into a page, block, cell, or app block. [ES-3259] 
  • Ability to enable a block at the master level as an overlay. [ES-4445] 
  • Ability to display suggestions when the user enters a variable token in a property. [ES-1520] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-5328]: 
    • Centralized the font size and color of the texts throughout the builder.   
    • Ability to set the desired values through the mode editor.  
  • Ability to set scroll effect as sticky. [ES-4076] 
  • Ability to customize the dropdown arrow color through a variable. [ES-5001] 
  • Ability to change the canvas width through resize handlers or screen width icons from secondary navigation. When a user changes the canvas width, the values in the right-hand panel are automatically refreshed to show the values configured for the breakpoint. [ES-3947] 
  • Sliders in the editor are replaced with the material slider. [ES-4657] 
  • Ability to publish the blueprints. [ES-4062] 
  • Ability to change a block’s initial state as per the selected breakpoint. [ES-3390] 
  • Ability to extend the right panel locking time. [ES-4067] 
  • Ability to display the five avatars in the sub header. [ES-4326] 
  • Ability to restrict the dragging and dropping of elements when a block is locked. [ES-3917] 
  • Ability to view the properties of the radio button in the right panel. [ES-2055] 
  • Ability to navigate to the pages. [ES-3563] 
  • Ability to set the alternate text of an image element. [ES-2059] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-3879]: 
    • Ability to handle refresh when an element is shared. 
    • Ability to show the name of the user that holds a lock at the bottom right corner in preview.  
  • Ability to share or unshare blocks, elements, and pages. [ES-272] 
  • Ability to log out of the application. [ES-3954] 
  • Ability to set the first page as the home page. Ability to drag and rearrange the list of pages in the left panel in the Build mode. [ES-3581]
  • Ability to move a project to live. [ES-3564] 
  • Ability to enable or disable the wrapping of text in multiple lines. [ES-101] 
  • Ability to automatically resize the live page based on breakpoints. [ES-44] 
  • Ability to autosave the changes after 1.5 seconds without impact or slowness to the user. [ES-1394] 
  • Ability to inherit the styles from the immediate lower breakpoint when a new breakpoint is created. [ES-3197] 
  • Ability to set the initial state of a block instance. [ES-3033] 
  • Ability to add a cell before or after an existing cell. [ES-145] 
  • Ability to add a new page and move an existing page to another place. [ES-278] 
  • Ability to render values of the variable tokens in the style panel. [ES-1448] 
  • Ability to drag and drop the elements or blocks to the preview panel. [ES-373] 
  • Ability to list blocks and elements in the general bucket. Ability to drag and drop any element or block into the page on the builder. [ES-164] 
  • Ability to view the elements by clicking the Add icon. Ability to drag and drop the elements into the builder. [ES-161] 
  • Ability to select an element in the preview panel. Ability to drop and drop an element from one place to another. [ES-367] 
  • Ability to drag and drop elements or blocks from the left panel to the builder area. [ES-186] 
  • Ability to view elements, pages, buckets, etc. in the left panel. [ES-178] 
  • Ability to view the complete structure and breakdown of a page. [ES-92] 
  • Ability to view different screen size presets in the build sub header. [ES-72] 
  • Ability to view the Notifications icon on the top header. [ES-155] 
  • Ability to view and select a list of modes from the top header. [ES-153] 
  • Ability to see the breakpoint area and padding around the canvas in the Build mode. [ES-77] 
  • Ability to resize the canvas as required from left or right in the Build mode. [ES-76] 
  • Ability to render the elements, blocks, layouts, or pages in the Preview mode. [ES-140] 
  • Ability to configure settings for the master block. [ES-188] 
  • Ability to configure settings for instances of a block. [ES-189] 
  • Ability to add blocks or elements into a bucket. [ES-196] 
  • Ability to create a page ‘Page One’ with a cell ‘Page cell one’ when creating a new project by default. [ES-286] 
  • Ability to assign unique IDs for blocks, cells, or elements. [ES-180] 
  • Ability to update and refresh the variables alone for rendering instead of refreshing the page. [ES-179] 
  • Ability to view variables and datapoints by clicking the Dev icon. [ES-169] 
  • Ability to view the contents of the page by clicking on it. Ability to add a new page. [ES-166] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-163]: 
    • Ability to view the buckets and their sub buckets. Ability to view the elements and blocks of a bucket.  
    • Ability to drag and drop any element or block in a bucket into the page on the builder.   
  • Ability to publish a project in Build or Simulate mode. [ES-154] 
  • Ability to enlarge or reduce the size of the viewer as needed by using the zoom options in the build sub header. [ES-75] 
  • Ability to view the builder in dark or light modes by using the mode options in the build sub header. [ES-74] 
  • Ability to automatically create a live space when a project is created and linked to it. [ES-46] 


The following new features have been implemented to support datapoints as part of this release: 

  • Ability to set up datapoints as public and editable. [ES-5461] 
  • Ability to pass data in array format through datapoint. [ES-4549] 
  • Ability to support datapoints. [ES-356] 

Dev Panel 

The following developer support options have been implemented as part of this release: 

  • Ability to use variables in the dimension related properties of pages, cells, blocks, or elements. [ES-312] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-9018]: 
    • Ability to open the variables alphabetically when opening the Variables panel.  
    • Ability to open the variable after creating it.  
  • Ability to nest multiple variables. [ES-8872] 
  • Ability to enable typography for the placeholder element. [ES-9028] 
  • Ability to add a variable token to store the value of the form element.  [ES-7710] 
  • Ability to manage variables. [ES-104] 
  • Ability to change the length of an array. [ES-7396] 
  • Ability to display a validation message while renaming a variable. [ES-366] 
  • Ability to map error response from datapoints. [ES-7711] 
  • Ability to show newly added variables as empty in mode editor. [ES-5000] 


The following new features have been implemented to support elements as part of this release: 

  • Support added for carousel element with indicators as a square by default. [ES-9082] 
  • Ability to upload captions of the video in the video element. [ES-8773] 
  • Ability to support accordion element. [ES-5125] 
  • Ability to set gradient color distribution degree of the background of an element. [ES-4731] 
  • Ability to set the properties of the accordion element under the tabs such as Settings, Options, Style, Actions, and Rules. [ES-5673] 
  • Ability to set the border color of the elements. [ES-5818] 
  • Ability to set the orientation of the elements such as LR and RL. [ES-5816] 
  • Ability to set the alignment of the elements. [ES-5817] 
  • Ability to set Auto width and height of the elements. [ES-5813] 
  • Ability to set the properties of the shape element under the tabs such as Settings, Style, and Actions. [ES-4075] 
  • Ability to duplicate a project. [ES-3909] 
  • Ability to consume the data from the service and render it in the Radio group elements. [ES-4557] 
  • Ability to set sides, radius, and general settings of the shape element. [ES-5493] 
  • Ability to upload locale-specific background images for all the elements. [ES-3735] 
  • Ability to view the properties of the button element in the right panel. [ES-94] 
  • Ability to view the properties of the spacer element in the right panel. [ES-100] 
  • Ability to view the properties of the text element in the right panel. [ES-93] 


The following new features have been implemented to support forms as part of this release: 

  • Ability to update the object corresponding to the currently selected option of a Radio element in an object variable. [ES-8231] 
  • Ability to submit another form also while submitting a form. [ES-8210] 
  • Ability to add array variable with indexes while triggering form submit. [ES-8212] 
  • Ability to add array variable with indexes in the form URL while triggering form submit. [ES-8235] 
  • Ability to set the visibility of the form elements. [ES-3213] 
  • Ability to add elements to a form. [ES-3515] 
  • Ability to define the validation rules for all the fields and/or form elements that are used in the Checkout flow. [ES-4558] 
  • Ability to add multiple callbacks for events such as Before, Success, or Error of a form. [ES-4522] 
  • Ability to define the validation rules for the phone number field. [ES-4552] 

Marketing and Integrations 

The following new features have been implemented for marketing as part of this release: 

  • Ability to delete, rename, or duplicate the libraries/scripts needed for the analytics. [ES-8915] 
  • Ability to integrate Google Analytics (GA). [ES-6832] 
  • Ability to enable GTM (Google Tag Manager). [ES-7705] 
  • Ability to configure the title, description, URL handle, schemas, social media sharing tags, and enable or disable the search robot tags for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). [ES-6831] 
  • Ability to automatically generate the Sitemap.xml file. [ES-210] 
  • Ability to show error messages of 404 or 500 errors when the URL handle is given as /404 or /500. [ES-7769] 


The following new features have been implemented for localization as part of this release: 

  • Ability to support the orientation of the languages. [ES-3005] 
  • Ability to set values for different languages in the right panel and header. [ES-1656] 
  • Ability to support locale options in variables. [ES-363] 
  • Ability to configure and manage locales at a project level. [ES-318] 
  • Ability to support localization of storefront. [ES-364] 


The following new features have been implemented for support pages as part of this release: 

  • Ability to create multiple pages consisting of shared blocks/elements, along with the capability to use variables across the multiple pages. [ES-8] 
  • Ability to create page overlays. [ES-7207] 
  • Ability to restore a page to its previous version. [ES-3393] 
  • Added the Scripts tab in the page properties and an action named Trigger Script Functions to trigger the functions in the script with the required parameters. [ES-8392] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-4354]: 
    • Ability to configure dynamic parameters for a dynamic page. 
    • Ability to trigger a dynamic page.  
    • Ability to accept dynamic parameter tokens in the URL of the datapoints.  
  • Ability to duplicate a page. [ES-3582] 

People and Privileges 

The following new features have been implemented to support people and privileges as part of this release: 

  • Implemented people and privileges for public blocks. [ES-8200] 
  • Ability to view the ID field in the right panel only by the users with developer privileges. [ES-4089] 
  • Ability to manage user groups and roles. [ES-5337] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-3934]: 
    • Ability to set Account Level Settings such as themes and languages.  
    • Ability to set User Level Settings. [ES-4782] 
  • Ability to manage the people needed for a project. [ES-3934] 
  • Ability to manage privileges using the Privileges editor. [ES-3933] 
  • Ability to add required privileges for the left navigation panel. [ES-3588] 
  • Ability to configure the mode preferences at a user level for the header. [ES-3325] 
  • Ability to configure privileges such as publish and edit at a project level for a user. [ES-3324] 
  • Ability to invite non-Infosys users to the Infosys Equinox Studio platform. [ES-175] 


The following new features have been implemented to support simulator as part of this release: 

  • Implemented Data Model Editor. [ES-343] 
  • The following features have been implemented as part of [ES-4983]: 
    • Ability to simulate a project in different languages. 
    • Ability to set the value of the data dimensions with the Range and Steps sliders. 
    • Ability to drag and drop and reorder data dimensions.  
    • Ability to autosave the changes.  
  • Ability to preview a storefront with multiple pages. [ES-63] 
  • Ability to preview a storefront. [ES-54] 

States and Breakpoints 

The following new features have been implemented to support states and breakpoints as part of this release: 

  • Ability to have the hidden state as the last state in the state’s list. Ability to set default visibility as off for the hidden state. [ES-8420] 
  • Ability to automatically create a state named Hidden state while creating a block. [ES-7995] 
  • Ability to create new breakpoints manually or choose the default breakpoints as breakpoints. [ES-6839] 
  • Ability to hide the page state in stores, apps, and blueprints. [ES-5570] 
  • Ability to change the state of the blocks by setting conditions in actions. [ES-4440] 
  • Ability to configure the style based on breakpoints for overlays. [ES-8465] 


The following new features have been implemented to support stores as part of this release: 

  • When creating a storefront site for a store: Ability to map store ID with Simba.  Ability to create a variable Storeid automatically and use it in the datapoints. [ES-7606] 
  • Ability to create just a storefront site, a storefront site of an existing store, or a storefront site for a new store. [ES-7702] 
  • Ability to assign store type to an existing store. [ES-5802] 
  • Ability to delete, rename, or change the logo of a store via the dashboard.  [ES-2342] 
  • Ability to publish the pages in a store. [ES-761] 


The following new features have been implemented to support theme as part of this release: 

  • Ability to update the existing fonts in a project. When it is updated, the changes are reflected wherever it is used. [ES-8938] 
  • Ability to upload fonts from font files. [ES-5900] 
  • Ability to have the sticky add button and display scroll bar throughout the left panel. [ES-7935] 
  • Ability to set the color of the elements using themes. Ability to manage color themes. [ES-291] 
  • Ability to set the typography of the elements using themes. Ability to manage typography themes. [ES-290] 
  • Ability to display progress messages while uploading an asset. [ES-2320] 
  • Ability to upload images for assets. [ES-1736] 
  • Ability to set the color using a variable token. [ES-5276] 
  • Ability to manage Colors, Typography, and Assets by clicking the Dev mode. [ES-167] 
  • Ability to upload the licensed fonts to the project. [ES-7938] 
  • Ability to upload fonts by providing an online font URL. [ES-7932] 

Revision History
2022-06-24| AN – Created the page and added June 2022 release content.