This page provides the event and associated payload for the Authorization microservice.


1User Role EventThis event is triggered when the role(s) are assigned to a user, the role(s) are updated for a user, and/or the role(s) are deleted from a user.ecomm - exchangeauth.userrole.#trueUserRoleEvent

Payload Model

Below is the payload for the Authorization microservice.


added.userIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the user for whom the role is assigned.10
added.roles.idlongIndicates the unique ID of the role.100
added.roles.userIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the user for whom the role is assigned.10
added.roles.roleNamestringIndicates the name of the role to be added.ROLE_SEARCH_ADMIN
added.roles.servicestringIndicates the name of the service in which the role is applicable. One of the collection ID of this service will be listed under the property
added.roles.businessIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the business.20
added.roles.collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection. The Authorization service will contain this collection ID.1
added.roles.serviceCollectionIdlongHolds the unique ID of the collection of the service for which the role is applicable. This service collection ID will be created under the property added.roles.service.25
added.roles.attributeJSONIndicates the attribute(s) of the service. It is used to give role-specific attributes to the user.{"\CatalogId":100, "\Category":"shirts"}
added.roles.storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.5
removed.userIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the user for whom the role is removed.10
removed.roles.idlongIndicates the unique ID of the role.100
removed.roles.userIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the user for whom the role is removed.10
removed.roles.roleNamestringIndicates the name of the role to be removed.ROLE_PROMOTION_ADMIN
removed.roles.servicestringIndicates the name of the service in which the role is applicable. One of the collection ID of this service will be listed under the property removed.roles.serviceCollectionId.promotion
removed.roles.businessIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the business.20
removed.roles.collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection. The Authorization service should contain this collection ID.1
removed.roles.serviceCollectionIdlongHolds the unique ID of the collection of the service for which the role is applicable. This service collection ID should be created under the property removed.roles.service.28
removed.roles.attributeJSONIndicates the attribute(s) of the service. It is used to give role-specific attributes to the user.{"\PromotionId":100}
removed.roles.storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.5
updated.userIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the user for whom the role is updated.10
updated.roles.idlongIndicates the unique ID of the role.100
updated.roles.userIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the user for whom the role is updated.10
updated.roles.roleNamestringIndicates the name of the role to be updated.ROLE_PRICING_ADMIN
updated.roles.servicestringIndicates the name of the service in which the role is applicable. One of the collection ID of this service will be listed under the property updated.roles.serviceCollectionId.pricing
updated.roles.businessIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the business.20
updated.roles.collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection. The Authorization service should contain this collection ID.1
updated.roles.serviceCollectionIdlongHolds the unique ID of the collection of the service for which the role is applicable. This service collection ID should be created under the property updated.roles.service.25
updated.roles.attributeJSONIndicates the attribute(s) of the service. It is used to give role-specific attributes to the user.{"\CatalogId":100, "\PriceId":200}
updated.roles.storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.5

Revision History
2019-07-09 | Ananthi – Content updated for July 2019 release.
2019-01-21 | PLK – Page added.