This section provides the list of events and associated payloads for the Customers (User) microservice.

List of Events

1User CreatedThis event is created when a user is created successfully. It has complete information about the user.Topic: ecommuser.usercreatedtrueUserCreated
2Reset PasswordThis event is created when a user is trying to reset the password. It has the user information like email ID and phone number.Topic: ecommuser.resetpasswordtrueResetPassword
3Validate ActivationThis event is created when a user is activated successfully. It has the user information like user ID.Topic: ecommuser.activationsuccesstrueValidateActivation
4Validate Reset PasswordThis event is created when a user resets the password successfully. It has the user information like user ID.Topic: ecommuser.resetsuccesstrueValidateResetPassword
5Delete UserThis event is created when a user account is deleted successfully. It has the user information like user ID, email ID, phone number, first name, and last name.Topic: ecommuser.userdeletedtrueDeleteUser
6Update UserThis event is created when a user account is updated successfully. It has the user information like user ID, email ID, phone number, first name, and last name.Topic: ecommuser.userupdatedtrueUpdateUser
7Resend ActivationThis event is created when a user is invited again successfully. It has the user information like user ID, email ID, phone number, first name, and last name.Topic: ecommuser.resendactivationtrueResendActivation
8Send NotificationThis event is created when a user sends a notification successfully. It has the user information like user ID, email ID, phone number, first name, and last name.Topic: ecommuser.sendnotificationtrueSendNotification
9Validate NotificationThis event is created when a user validates the notification param successfully. It has the user information like user ID, email ID, phone number, first name, and last name.Topic: ecommuser.notificationsuccesstrueValidateNotification
10User MFA LoginThis event is created when a user sends an MFA login OTP successfully. It has the user information like user ID, email ID, phone number, first name, last name, login OTP, and login token.Topic: ecommuser.userloginMFAtrueUserMFALogin
11User MergeThis event is created when a user is merged successfully with the token user. It has the user information like fakeUserId and winnerUserId.Topic: ecommuser.usermergedtrueUserMerge

Payload Models

Below are the payloads for the Customers (User) microservice.


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the
users.phoneNumberstringHolds the unique phone number of the user.9999999999
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.John
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.Smith
users.statusstringIndicates the status of the user.NOTACTIVATED
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.1
users.genderstringIndicates the gender of the user.male
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.string_url
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.08-10-1990
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.a72240a24692b78103c866f8c268110f48fc7e583dcd77d01beee64ad01b1b50
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.1543558673000
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.1543558673000
users.addressesslistIndicates the address of the user.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.86400000
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.86400000
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.true


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the
users.phoneNumberstringHolds the unique phone number of the user.9999999999
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.John
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.Smith
users.statusstringIndicates the status of a user.
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.
users.genderstringRefers to the gender of the user.
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.e6b2c0468120e9034067f4c70bf6f179fa1b11634cc69ba89d991ccf783058d6
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone number.
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.
users.addressesslistIndicates the user's address.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.86400000
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.86400000
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.true


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the user.
users.phoneNumberStringHolds the unique phone number of the user.
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.
users.statusstringIndicates the status of a user.
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.
users.genderstringRefers to the gender of the user.
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.e6b2c0468120e9034067f4c70bf6f179fa1b11634cc69ba89d991ccf783058d6
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone number.
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.
users.addressesslistIndicates the address of the user.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.false


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the user.
users.phoneNumberStringHolds the unique phone number of the user.
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.
users.statusstringIndicates the status of a user.
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.
users.genderstringRefers to the gender of the user.
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.e6b2c0468120e9034067f4c70bf6f179fa1b11634cc69ba89d991ccf783058d6
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone number.
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.
users.addressesslistIndicates the address of the user.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringRefers to the redirect URL of the site used which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringRefers to the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.false


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the
users.phoneNumberStringHolds the unique phone number of the user.9999999999
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.John
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.Smith
users.statusstringIndicates the status of the user.
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.
users.genderstringIndicates the gender of the user.
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone number.
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.
users.addressesslistIndicates the address of the user.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.false


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the
users.phoneNumberStringHolds the unique phone number of the user.9999999999
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.John
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.Smith
users.statusstringIndicates the status of the user.
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.
users.genderstringIndicates the gender of the user.
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone number.
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.
users.addressesslistIndicates the address of the user.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.false


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the
users.phoneNumberStringHolds the unique phone number of the user.9999999999
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.John
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.Smith
users.statusstringIndicates the status of the user.
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.
users.genderstringIndicates the gender of the user.
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone number.
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.
users.addressesslistIndicates the address of the user.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.false


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the
users.phoneNumberStringHolds the unique phone number of the user.9999999999
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.John
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.Smith
users.statusstringIndicates the status of the user.
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.
users.genderstringIndicates the gender of the user.
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.0be6c3c5b22fd7658f30424e75132def976e1b85b85ff0433b1df44f54f84705
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone number.
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.
users.addressesslistIndicates the address of the user.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.false


collectionIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the collection.1
storeIdlongIndicates the unique ID of the store.1
users.idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
users.emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the
users.phoneNumberStringHolds the unique phone number of the user.9999999999
users.firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.John
users.lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.Smith
users.statusstringIndicates the status of the user.
users.typestringIndicates the user type, such as a guest user or a registered user.
users.genderstringIndicates the gender of the user.
users.photostringHolds the uploaded image URL of the user's profile photo.
users.dateOfBirthstringIndicates the user's date of birth.
users.resetParamstringIndicates the reset parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.notificationParamstringIndicates the notification parameter, which is received through the email or SMS.
users.activationParamstringIndicates the activation param, which is used to activate the user.
users.preferencesstringIndicates the user's preferences, which are either email or phone number.
users.createdDateDateIndicates the created timestamp of the user.
users.updatedDateDateIndicates the updated timestamp of the user.
users.addressesslistIndicates the address of the user.
users.userConsentslistRefers to the list of user consents details.
resetPasswordRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to reset the user password.
activationRedirectUrlstringIndicates the redirect URL of the site, which is used to activate the user.
activationParamExpiryMillisecstringRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's activation parameter.
resetParamExpiryMilliseclongRefers to the expiry time (in millisecond) of the user's reset parameter.
inviteUserFlagbooleanIndicates whether an invite email or a welcome email needs to be sent or not.false


idlongIndicates the ID of the user.1
emailstringIndicates the unique email address of the
phoneNumberStringHolds the unique phone number of the user.9999999999
firstNamestringIndicates the first name of the user.John
lastNamestringIndicates the last name of the user.Smith
loginOTPstringIndicates the login OTP, which is used for validating the OTP of a user for 2FA (2-Factor Authentication).884204
loginTokenstringIndicates the login token, which is used for validating the OTP of a user for 2FA (2-Factor Authentication).6a5b011c9a0b2e2162cd136789d9808406334588b789462d36fe75ddb309c2ac


userMerge.fakeUserIdlongIndicates the ID of the user, which will be deleted as part of the user merge.1
userMerge.winnerUserIdlongIndicates the ID of the user, which will be retained as part of the user merge.2

Revision History
2019-06-08 | PLK – Minor copyedits.
2019-05-16 | AM – Updated to a new table tool.
2019-04-11 | AM – Updated content and format for April 2019 release.
2019-01-21 | PLK – Page created and content uploaded.