The following table describes the roles and privileges of the Feeds microservice:

Role NamePrivilege Group /PrivilegeDescription
ROLE_FEED_ADMINfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_REG_USERfeed/scheduler/allAbility to to perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/scheduler/all.
ROLE_STORE_OPERATORfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_ACCOUNT_ADMINfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_ACCOUNT_REPfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_MERCHANDISE_ADMINfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_MERCHANDISE_EDITORfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_CATALOG_ADMINfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_PROMOTION_ADMINfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_PROMOTION_EDITORfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_PRICE_ADMINfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_PRICE_EDITORfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.
ROLE_CATALOG_EDITORfeed/admin/allAbility to to navigate to the landing page of the admin console and perform all operations based on the given privileges as in the privilege group feed/admin/all.

The following table describes the privilege group and privileges of the Feeds microservice:

Privilege GroupPrivilegeDescription
feed/admin/allfeed/delete/feedAbility to delete a feed.
feed/delete/scheduleAbility to delete a schedule.
feed/create/feedrunhistoryAbility to create a feed run history.
feed/delete/feedrunhistoryAbility to delete a feed run history.
feed/create/feedAbility to create a feed.
feed/view/scheduleAbility to view a schedule.
feed/view/feedjobAbility to view a feed job.
feed/delete/feedjobAbility to delete a feed job.
feed/update/scheduleAbility to update a schedule.
feed/viewall/feedjobAbility to view all the feed jobs.
feed/viewall/scheduleAbility to view all the schedules.
feed/update/feedjobAbility to update a feed job.
feed/create/scheduleAbility to create a schedule.
feed/update/feedAbility to update a feed.
feed/viewall/feedrunhistoryAbility to view all feed run history.
feed/viewall/feedAbility to view all the feeds.
feed/create/feedjobAbility to create a feed job.
feed/view/feedrunhistoryAbility to view a feed run history.
feed/update/feedrunhistoryAbility to update a feed run history.
feed/view/feedAbility to view a feed.
feed/scheduler/allfeed/viewall/feedrunhistoryAbility to view all feed run history.
feed/view/scheduleAbility to view a schedule.
feed/viewall/scheduleAbility to view all the schedules.
feed/view/feedrunhistoryAbility to view a feed run history.
feed/create/scheduleAbility to create a schedule.

Revision History
2023-01-17 | AN – Updated content for 8.13 release.
2019-09-30 | AM – Content uploaded.