This document describes the supported feeds for the Loyalty microservice.

Supported Feeds

The supported feeds for the Loyalty microservice are as follows:

loyaltycyclecalculation Feed

This feed is used to update the User Tier based on the property continuousSubscriptionMonth (CSM) value.

The “LoyaltyCycleCalculation” feed updates the User Tier based on the property value “continuousSubscriptionMonth.” For each subscription order, the property value “continuousSubscriptionMonth” increases for the defined frequency via feed. For example, the property value increases by 1 if the frequency level is every month.

The Loyalty Admin must configure the events for a Continuous Subscription Month (CSM) Update, CSM Reset, or Tier Update. The frequency to run this feed is ONDEMAND. After the feed is completed, an email is notified to the registered email address(es) with the feed status.

In the Feed admin console, you can view the feed summary and history details.

loyaltytransactionexpiry Feed

This feed is used to clear the expired loyalty points (transaction) from storefront. Loyalty Admin has the configuration to earn points in the Order shipped loyalty and based on that loyalty, point is added to the basic, VIP, or Luxe VIP users.

The loyaltytransactionexpiry feed checks for the transaction expiration time for the user. If the time is less than the current time, then the transaction status is changed to “Expired,” and the respective point is deducted from the total points. The frequency to run this feed is ONDEMAND. After the feed is completed, an email is notified to the registered email address(es) with the feed status.

In the Feed admin console, you can view the feed summary and history details.

loyaltypointsexport Feed

This feed is triggered when you export the available loyalty points balance of all the users from the Loyalty Admin console to your local computer in the .csv file format. After the feed is completed, an email is notified to the registered email address with the feed status.

The frequency to run this feed is ONDEMAND.

To view the feed in the feed history page, see Viewing Run Details of a Feed Job in the Feeds Admin Guide

For more information on exporting loyalty points balances via the Loyalty Admin console, see Exporting Loyalty Points Balance of Users in the Loyalty Admin Guide.

loyaltypointsexpiry Feed

This feed is used to trigger events to send notifications when the loyalty points expire. The event to be triggered is loyaltyservice/pointsexpiring/transaction. The frequency to run this feed is SCHEDULED. It triggers events to send notifications based on the value configured in the collection property pointsExpiryDays. For example, the value 1,3,5 indicates this feed triggers event to send a notification to the users whose loyalty points expire in one day, three days, and/or five days.

How to Run the Feed

To trigger this feed, go to the loyaltypointsexpiry Feed Job details page of the required Loyalty microservice collection and create a schedule for this feed job. After the feed is completed, an email is notified to the configured email address(es) with the feed details.
To view the feed summary and history details, refer to the feed job history page of the  Feed Admin console.

loyaltyimport Feed

This feed is used to import the loyalty details such as loyalty users and the transactions of the users into the Loyalty service via the import excel sheet. The extension can be in .xlsx or .xls file format. After the feed is completed, an email is notified to the registered email address with the feed status.

The frequency to run this feed is ONDEMAND.

How to Run the Feed

There is no admin UI support to trigger this feed. To trigger this feed, go to the loyaltyimport Feed Job details page of the required Loyalty microservice collection and create a schedule for this feed job with the custom parameter inputFileCdnUrl with its value as a S3 URL of the .xls or .xlsx file.

Note: To import, you can use the sample sheet

To view the feed in the feed history page, see Viewing Run Details of a Feed Job in the Feeds Admin Guide.

Note: For detailed information about Feeds microservice, see here.


Revision History

2023-02-07 | SW, AN – Updated content for 8.13 release.
2020-06-05 | AN – Updated the content.
2019-10-31 | AN – Page created and the content uploaded.