This page provides the list of events and associated payloads for the Payment microservice.

List of Events

1Provider Master CreatedThis event is triggered when the provider master is created.Topic: PaymentMsgTopicprovidermaster.createdfalseProviderMaster
2Provider Master UpdatedThis event is triggered when the provider master is updated.Topic: PaymentMsgTopicprovidermaster.updatedfalseProviderMaster
3Collection Provider CreatedThis event is triggered when the collection provider is created.Topic: PaymentMsgTopiccollectionprovider.createdfalseCollectionProvider
4Collection Provider UpdatedThis event is triggered when the collection provider is updated.Topic: PaymentMsgTopiccollectionprovider.updatedfalseCollectionProvider
5Payment CreatedThis event is triggered when the payment is created.Topic: PaymentMsgTopicpayment.createdfalsePayment
6Payment UpdatedThis event is triggered when the payment is updated.Topic: PaymentMsgTopicpayment.updatedfalsePayment
7Payment Item CreatedThis event is triggered when the payment item is created.Topic: PaymentMsgTopicpaymentitem.createdfalsePaymentItem
8Payment Item UpdatedThis event is triggered when the payment item is updated.Topic: PaymentMsgTopicpaymentitem.updatedfalsePaymentItem
9Transaction CreatedThis event is triggered when the transaction is created.Topic: PaymentMsgTopictransaction.createdfalseTransaction
10Payment Bulk Transaction RequestPayment service is subscribed to the provided event to charge, refund, or authorize the payment. When the order has to be authorized with the payment given by the user, either charge for the order or refund the amount to the user if the order is canceled, deleted, or returned.Queue: bulkTransactionRequestQueuebulkTransactionRequestQueuetrueBulkTransactionRequestQueue

Payload Models

Below are payloads for the Payment microservice.


nameStringIndicates the name of the event.PROVIDERMASTER_CREATED, PROVIDERMASTER_UPDATED
providerMaster.providerMasterIdIntegerIndicates the unique ID of the provider master.1
providerMaster.nameStringIndicates the name of the created or updated provider master.provider1
providerMaster.currencyTypeStringIndicates the currency type of the provider master.CASH/NONCASH
providerMaster.processorClassNameStringIndicates the class name, which implements the payment


collectionProviderIdIntegerIndicates the unique ID of the collection provider.1
providerMasterIdIntegerIndicates the unique ID of the provider Master.1


nameStringIndicates the name of the transaction.PAYMENT_CREATED, PAYMENT_UPDATED
payment.paymentIdIntegerIndicates the unique ID of the payment.1
payment.paymentTypeStringIndicates the type of the payment.CREDITCARD
payment.statusStringIndicates the status of the created or updated payment.ACTIVE
payment.profileIdStringIndicates the unique ID of the profile. It can be ID of the user or account.1
payment.profiletypeStringIndicates the type of the profile.USER/ACCOUNT


nameStringIndicates the name of the event.PAYMENTITEM_CREATED, PAYMENTITEM_UPDATED
paymentItem.paymenItemtIdStringIndicates the unique ID of the payment item.1
paymentItem.paymentIdStringIndicates the unique ID of the payment.1
paymentItem.providerIdStringIndicates the unique ID of the provider.1
paymentItem.currencyCodeStringIndicates the currency code.USD
paymentItem.valueBigDecimalRefers to the actual amount, currency, or points of a payment item.100


nameStringIndicates the name of the event.TRANSACTION_CREATED
transaction.transactionIdIntegerIndicates the unique ID of the transaction.1
transaction.valueIntegerRefers to the actual amount, currency, or points of a transaction.100
transaction.transactionTypeStringIndicates the currency type of the provider master.CASH
transaction.statusStringIndicates the status of the transaction.SUCCESS
transaction.responseCodeStringRefers to the response code from the third-party service.200
transaction.responseMessageStringRefers to the response message from the third-party service.SUCCESS
transaction.paymentItemIdStringIndicates the unique ID of the payment item.1


transactions[].valuelongRefers to the actual amount, currency, or points of a transaction.1000
transactions[].typeStringRefers to the type of a transaction. The possible values are PREAUTH, AUTH, CANCELAUTH, CHARGE, REFUND and CREDIT.REFUND
transactions[].properties[].nameStringSpecifies the custom property name of the property.It is a charge transaction
transactions[].properties[].valueStringSpecifies the custom property value of the name.1000
transactions[].paymentItemIdStringIndicates the ID of the payment item.p1
transactions[].idStringIndicates the ID of the transaction.p1
transactions[].statusStringIndicates the status of the transaction.CHARGE
transactions[].responseCodeStringRefers to the response code from the third-party service.200
transactions[].responseMessageStringRefers to the response message from the third-party service.Success
transactions[].createdByStringIndicates the user, who has created the transaction.p1
transactions[].createdTimelongIndicates the timestamp (in milliseconds), when the transaction is created.1548328965
allOrNonebooleanIndicates whether all the transactions have to be processed or not.true

Revision History
2019-05-20 | Mary – Updated to a new table tool.
2019-05-07 | PLK – Minor copyedit.
2019-04-11 | MA – Content updated for April 2019 release.
2019-01-23 | PLK – Content uploaded.