The following table describes the collection properties for the Ratings and Reviews microservice:

AttributeDefault ValueDescription
autoprofanitycheckfalseThis property detects and filters profanity words added by the customers via storefront when set to true.
defaultreviewstatusPENDINGThis property specifies the default status of the rating and review. The possible statuses are: APPROVED, PENDING, and REJECTED. The pending reviews are reviewed and approved/rejected by the administrator or moderator. Only the approved reviews appear in the storefront's product details page.
min.reviewlength3This property specifies the minimum character length of the review.
max.reviewlength1500This property specifies the maximum character length of the review.
This property holds the CloudFront URL containing a CSV file with the list of profanity words.
This property filters the reviews based on positive or negative and it can be both. Based on that, we will generate review summary and keyword generation by the AI app.
minProductReview5This property specifies the minimum number of reviews of a product. If a product does not have this count, the user can not add questions and answers to the product.

Revision History
2023-10-25 | AN – Updated content for 8.15.0 release.
2023-01-12 | JP – Updated content for 8.13.0 release.
2020-03-03 | AN – Created the page for April 2020 release.