This page gives an overview of the App Marketplace microservice, including core features, for the Infosys Equinox platform.


Why App Marketplace

Apps in the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace can extend the existing functionality or add new features without overriding or modifying the core Infosys Equinox platform.

See also Flyer – App Marketplace.

What are Apps in Infosys Equinox App Marketplace

  • Apps are pluggable components or applications hosted outside the core platform that enhance the platform’s behavior.
  • Apps can be built using any language or framework, provided they can interact with the Infosys Equinox platform.

Types of Apps

Apps can be classified into two types in the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace:

Asynchronous Apps

Events in the Platform

  • Events are instances or incidents that initiate actions within a system.
  • Events are generated whenever a user takes an action. For example, the event “Order Created” is triggered when an order is placed. Similarly, the event “Product Update” is triggered when product details are updated. 

Refer to the events for more information.

Asynchronous Webhooks

  • Webhooks notify applications when specific events occur on Infosys Equinox Microservices.
  • Apps can register for webhooks to get notified about the events (async) occurring on the platform.

Refer to the Asynchronous Webhooks page for detailed information.

App Callback

Apps can register for pre-defined scopes (microservices and associated roles) to call back Infosys Equinox microservices APIs.

Refer to the App Callback section in the Asynchronous Apps document.

Standard Apps

The standard apps are available on the platform for payment, shipping, tax, and address. The app must make synchronous API calls to third-party providers via the extensions provided by the Infosys Equinox platform.


  • Infosys Equinox platform allows apps to register for extensions. 
  • Apps must expose REST API endpoints to support the request/response structure for each extension point they subscribe to.

Refer to the Extensions page for the list of extensions developed for standard apps.

Build an App in Infosys Equinox App Marketplace

  1. Create the HTTP endpoints. Develop an app, host it in the required environment, and provide the HTTP endpoint that is configured as a webhook endpoint in Infosys Equinox.
  2. Verify the signature in the header based on the app secret that is generated on the app submission during app registration in the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace.
  3. Develop the app as Lambda, cloud functions, etc. to handle the events via internal processing to implement custom business logic.

Refer to the link to build a sample for tax category.

Publish the App in App Marketplace

  • A super admin can invite an app developer to a test business created for app development to register and validate their app in test stores. 
  • An app developer can upload app metadata template files to create and update app configurations using admin business tools, which are submitted for approval. App Marketplace administrator can approve or reject the same.
  • Developers can publish approved apps in the App Store, and there are provisions to unpublish them.

For more information, see Publishing an App to the App Marketplace.

App Installation and Activation by Business Owners

Merchants can find a list of all published apps in the App Store and will be able to install them in their respective stores. Merchants can activate or deactivate the apps in their stores. Merchants can also uninstall an app if required.

For more information, see Activating an Installed App.

Private Apps

Developers can register and publish “Private” apps, which are private to selected businesses and unavailable for all businesses when published. Developers can enable/disable the access provided to the other businesses for their private apps.

Validator Extensions

Validator Extensions are available for Catalog, Merchandizing, Promotions, Loyalty, Pricing, List, Inventory, Subscription, Cart, Account, Notification, User and Orders.

Third-Party Integrations

Extensions to enhance 3rd party integrations in payment, tax, shipping, notifications, address, etc. have been enabled.



Revision History

2024-11-15| JP- Updated few more details.
2024-05-20| JP- Updated the content and the links.
2024-05-10| Doc team- Updated for 8.17.4 release.
2023-16-10| SW- Create the document for the 8.15 release.