This page gives an overview of the Foundation microservice, including core features, for the Infosys Equinox platform.


The fundamental differentiator of Infosys Equinox is its microservices-based architecture. All of the commerce capabilities are served by individual microservices and can plug-and-play into any other system cohesively. The key microservices are Catalog, Pricing, Merchandising, Promotions, Customers (User), Order, Cart, Store, Content, Recommendations, Loyalty, and Lists. These microservices combine to form a rich suite of the feature set that forms the Infosys Equinox platform, release 8 (“Infosys Equinox”). The Foundation microservice (“Foundation”) allows authorized roles to create businesses, stores, and associate microservices with stores. Foundation provides a list of supported countries, currencies, locales, services, store types, and time zones for business.

Two (2) distinct capabilities available in Infosys Equinox that allow admins to manage the business effectively are admin and operations. Admin controls are available to store and service admins to control all administrative aspects of the business, including enabling microservices, adding a microservice collection, creating a store with domain specific data (like MLM, Retail, Telco, and Auto), and mapping stores to services.

Operation capabilities are used by teams to manage the day-to-day operation of each of the microservices. Business Admins have the ability to:

  • switch between the admin and operations capabilities.
  • invite other users to the business.
  • customize the admin consoles.

Core Features

  • Ability for administrators to establish relationships between microservices
  • Holds details such as store name, store ID, store type, store status, and locales
  • Provides operational services to business administrators so that they can create and manage stores and provision microservices to stores
  • Manage business by providing relevant metadata (such as business name) along with a logo
  • Show or configure the business-specific secret key used for JWT token generation
  • Show or configure the business-specific API gateway key
  • Show or configure the credentials of business-specific messaging interfaces
  • Manage custom properties for a business
  • Manage a list of all collections for a specific microservice within a business
  • Launch the admin console for the applicable microservices
  • Manage and configure the collection properties specific for a microservice
  • Show a list of all stores within a business
  • Categorize a store as B2C or B2B during the creation
  • Associate a collection for a microservice that is applicable to the store
  • Associate multiple pricelists to a store based on the shipping region
  • Manage custom properties for a store 
  • Configure the values of storefront orchestration properties 
  • Enable retailers to set the default language & currency for the store
  • Configure MFA at the store based on transactional constraints
  • Generate unique OTP and validate it in order to authenticate the user transaction
  • View the status of the feed and auto-refresh capability to view the latest status
  • Support B2B2C store (New!)
  • Support multi locales for different stores (New!)


Business is typically a client who has signed up with Infosys Equinox to launch a commerce store or a digital experience.

Note: Each Business can have a separate Content Delivery Network (CDN), storage service, web site URL, and publish domain.

A Business is also the parent of a Store or set of Stores. The basic use of the Business is to manage common sets of users, catalogs, and other services for Stores. Alternately, each Store can have its own set of services mapped to it.

Service Collection

A Service Collection is single SPAWN (i.e. Security, Privacy, and Authentication in Wireless Networks) of a particular microservice. There can be multiple services of the same type of microservice. A Service Collection can be created from within the Business if the microservice is enabled for the business.

Service to Store Mapping

Within each Business, each microservice type can have multiple Service Collections. For example, Catalog can have multiple Catalog service collections. Each Store can map to any of the Service Collections. However, each Store can have only one (1) Service Collection of type Catalog, one Service Collection of type Promotion, etc.


A logical entity that is part of the Foundation microservice and is hierarchically a child of the Business entity. The Store entity has default properties such as Name, Store locale, Store type (B2C/B2B), Store Status and can also have any number of custom properties. The Store is the central entity that holds the association of all the microservices in order to deliver the complete e-commerce solution. Stores have the distinction of being pivotal in the entire suite of Infosys Equinox microservice-based solutions. An administrator can leverage Store administration and configure the complete Infosys Equinox solutions to meet specific business objectives. Similar to other Infosys Equinox microservices, the Store microservice provides administrative services and operational services. Operational services are typically used in the transactional and operational information flows whereas administrative services enable administrators to create and manage the Store.

The Store microservice within Infosys Equinox is unique in that all microservices within Infosys Equinox or any combination of microservices MUST first include Infosys Equinox Store.

Store Summary

The term Store is a central concept for all commerce so it is a very intuitive concept for Infosys Equinox users. It provides a single, comprehensive definition or view of all Infosys Equinox’s microservices that are actively engaged in the entire customer journey from storefront (Infosys Equinox Studio, Infosys Equinox Content) to order placement (Infosys Equinox Cart), to order notifications (Infosys Equinox Marketing), to order fulfillment and customer service (Infosys Equinox Customers, Infosys Equinox Order). The store provides quick and easy access to store-level operational functions as well as the ability to deactivate a Store, if necessary.


Any separate installation of Infosys Equinox with one (1) or more microservices and all the associated configurations is an Instance. An Instance Landing Page displays for admin users managing the elements of deployment, providing a dashboard view of all necessary tools for management.

An Instance Administrator can perform the following actions from the Instance Landing Page:

  • Create a new Business
  • Add users and set roles for the Instance
  • Edit the properties of an existing Business
  • View list of stores within each Business
  • View health checks of the Instance and access log files
  • View third-party extensions deployed within the Instance

An Instance Administrator is a Super User with the highest available level of access.

Revision History
2023-06-07 | AN – Updated content for 8.14 release.
2023-01-12 | AN – Updated content for 8.13 release.
2020-09-28 | HM – Updated core features content.
2020-03-11 | JP – Minor copyedits
2019-12-04 | JP – Minor copyedits.
2019-06-08 | PLK – Minor copyedits.
2019-05-14 | PLK – Minor copyedit.
2019-05-10 | AN – Fixed link issue.
2019-01-22 | PLK –  Page created and content uploaded.