What’s New
In June 2018, Skava released version 7.5 of its Commerce platform. The Customers (User) microservice was impacted in the following ways with the 7.5 release:
- Accessing User through a store has been discontinued. The Stores List page will NOT be the landing page for User.
See below for the Customers (User) Guide.
For details about the technical implementation of the Customers (User) microservice, please see Customers (User) Overview under the Skava Commerce 7.5 section of this portal. |
User Management is a microservice. Functions provided by this micro service include user-based functions for Cart, Payment, Orders, Loyalty, and Preferences.
This document describes the following User Management functions:
- Accessing a User Service
- Feed Upload
- Creating User Account
- Searching Users
- Managing User Profile
- Managing User Address
- Managing User Properties
- Managing User Orders
- Managing Store Credits
Intended Users
This document is intended for the Customer Service Representatives for managing User details.
User Overview
The “User” is defined as a consumer or customer who browses and purchases products from his/her mobile, tablet, or desktop devices. This “User” is different and distinct from the users of the Skava Content Management System / Skava Administration.
Key Terms
Term | Definition |
CSR | Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) manage customer inquiries. CSRs also process orders, returns, appeasements and customer registrations. |
Feed | An ongoing stream of structured data that provides users with updates of current information from one or more sources. |
Fulfillment | The process of picking items from the warehouse, packing and shipping/distributing to buyers. |
Order Management | CSRs can manage orders, assist customers and help them resolve any order related issues. |
Order on Behalf Of | Order on behalf of refers to the act of a CSR adding products to a customer’s cart and placing an order on their behalf. |
Payment | The act of making payments for the products added to cart in order to place the order. |
Privileges | Permission or right given to a user to perform an action in the admin console. |
User Management
Customer Service Representative (CSR) can manage user details with User Management feature.
Accessing a User Service
To access a User instance through Skava Commerce,
1. Log in to Skava Commerce using the URL https://<domain>/mcadmin/v2/login.jsp
with valid credentials.
2. In the business landing page, click the required business instance; for example:
All the stores and microservice instances associated with the required business appears.
3. In the Stores section, click on a particular store:
The Store Information page opens.
4. In the Microservices section, select the appropriate user instance and click to launch the user service:
The User Management page appears in the next tab of your browser.
Feed Upload
You can upload user segments and custom properties using Feed Upload feature. Multiple properties can be uploaded to multiple users.
To upload properties and segments from User Management, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click Feed Upload.
The Upload File dialog box will be displayed as shown below:
2. Click Choose File, to browse and upload the Excel file with properties. The file will be uploaded and the file URL will be displayed as shown below:
3. Once file is uploaded click Ok.
4. To view the uploaded custom properties, click Properties tab of the user. The Properties tab will be displayed as shown below:
Note: The custom properties were entered into the Excel file as shown below:
Creating User Account
The CSR can now create a new user account from the SkavaADMIN page. User’s general information such as first name, last name, email ID, phone number, gender, and password should be provided to create a user account. However, you cannot create an account with an email ID or the phone number already associated with an account.
To create a user account, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click Create Account from the User Management page.
The Create User dialog box will be displayed as shown below:
2. Enter the First Name, Last Name, Email ID, Phone number.
3. Select the Gender from the drop-down options.
4. Select the date of birth.
5. Select the checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions.
6. Enter the password in Password field and confirm the password in Confirm Password field.
7. Click Create Account.
The user account will be created and a success message will be displayed.
- If an email ID or phone number entered is already associated with an account, the error message ‘User Already Exists‘ will be displayed.
- Multiple accounts with same email ID or phone number cannot be created.
- When a new user account is created, the account will be inactive until the user activates it. An email to activate password will be sent to the user. The user can click on the link to provide a password. By providing the password, the user account will get registered in the database.
Searching Users
You can search for users to manage their details. You can search for users based on Email ID/ Phone number/First name, Last name, and/or ZIP code/city.
To search for a user, you can follow the steps below:
1. In the Search by Email, Phone or First Name text box, specify the user first name, email ID, or phone number.
2. Alternatively, in the Search by Last Name text box, specify the user’s last name.
3. Alternatively, in the Search by Zipcode or City text box, specify the user’s ZIP code or city.
Note: To search only for active users, select the checkbox associated with Only Search Active Users.
4. Press Enter key from your keyboard. Users matching the specified search criteria will be displayed as shown below:
5. To make an inactive user active, click .
6. To make an active user inactive, click .
- Active users are valid users who can login to the site with valid login credentials.
- Inactive users are users who are locked for reasons such as multiple invalid login attempts.
7. To reset the user password, click RESET PASSWORD. An email containing the link to reset the password will be sent to the user. If the user did not provide an email ID during registration; the user will be sent an SMS with the verification code to reset the password.
Important: When a user attempts to reset his password with a valid email ID, with an invalid email ID or when the account is blocked, an email will be triggered to the user stating “If you have an account, an email/SMS will be sent”.
- Users can also be searched based on their custom property. You can search based on multiple custom properties.
- The CSR can now search for users by providing partial details. For example if the username is James, the CSR can search for the user by specifying Ja, Jam, Jame or James. For all these strings, the user James will be retrieved.
- A user can be registered either through email ID or through phone number.
- Users can register with the same email ID to different types. For example, in the above image, adam.skava@gmail.com is registered through Skava Social Sign-On (SSO) Google, Facebook and Email options. However, using a single mail ID and type, you can register only once to a website.
- Along with the authentication through Facebook, Google, and Twitter, users can sign in to the site using a single sign-on feature.
Managing User Profile
You can manage user profile details from the Profile tab of User Management page.
To manage a user profile, follow the steps below:
1. Click View Full Profile associated with the user.
The Profile section of the User Management page will be displayed as shown below:
2. The user profile details that can be edited by a customer service representative are given in the table below:
Field | Description |
First Name | Specify the user’s first name |
Last Name | Specify the user’s last name |
Password Reset Preference | Select the password reset preference from Mobile/Email options |
Gender | Select the gender |
Note: Email address and Phone number can be updated only by Super Admins.
3. To make the user status as Inactive, click .
Note: To make the user status as Active, click .
4. To reset the user password, click RESET PASSWORD.
- An email containing the link to reset the password will be sent to the user. If the user did not provide an email ID during registration; the user will be sent an SMS with the verification code to reset the password.
- If only email is provided while creating the user account, only Email option will be displayed under Password Reset Preference.
- If only phone number is provided while creating the user account, only SMS option will be displayed under Password Reset Preference.
- If both email and phone number is provided while creating the user account, Email and SMS options will be displayed under Password Reset Preference drop-down.
5. To login on behalf of another user, click ACT ON BEHALF OF. The Skava Store MY ACCOUNT page will be displayed as shown below:
6. To view/ manage notes for the user, click View/ Manage Notes.
The Notes pop-up will be displayed as shown below:
7. Click Add Notes to add a note.
The add notes field will be displayed as shown below:
8. Enter the notes and click Add Note to add it.
- A note can contain a maximum of only 120 characters.
- Click Cancel to exit without adding a note.
The note will be displayed along with the date and time it was added as shown below:
- To remove the note, click
- To add more notes, click
- To close the Notes pop-up, click
9. Click Save to save the updates. A success message will be displayed as shown below:
10. Click Cancel to leave this screen without making any changes to the user details. You will be navigated back to the User Management page.
Managing Addresses
You can manage user’s shipping and billing address from the Address tab of the User Management page.
To manage user’s address, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click View Full Profile associated with the user. The Address section of the User Management page will be displayed as shown below:
2. Under Shipping Address, edit the required fields.
3. To add another shipping address, click Add Address. A section as shown below will be displayed:
4. Enter values for the fields.
5. To make this address as the default address, click . The default option will be displayed as
Note: By default, the first address added will be the default shipping address.
6. To delete any added address, click Delete.
7. To save the address, click Save.
8. Click Cancel to exit without making any changes.
Adding Billing Address
You can add multiple billing addresses for a user.
To add billing address for a user, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click Billing Address. A section as shown below will be displayed:
2. Enter values for the fields.
3. Click to make this address as the default address.
Note: By default, the first address added will be the default billing address.
4. To add another billing address, click Add Address.
5. To delete an address, click Delete.
6. Click Save to save the address.
7. Click Cancel to exit without making any changes.
Managing User Properties
You can add user custom properties from the Properties tab of the User Management page.
To manage user’s properties, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click View Full Profile associated with the user.
The Properties section of the User Management page will be displayed as shown below:
2. To add a custom property, click Add. The Property Name and Value field will be displayed.
3. Enter the required details and click Save.
- User properties that are updated through Feed Upload will be displayed under User Properties section.
- User custom properties added/updated through Feed Upload will be displayed under Custom Properties section.
Managing User Specific Orders
To view and manage user’s orders from User Management, click Order History. All orders placed by the user along with their status will be displayed as shown below:
The following are the available statuses for an order:
- ONHOLD: The orders for which the payment got failed will be displayed with an ONHOLD status.
- SUBMITTED: The orders that are successfully placed will be displayed with a SUBMITTED status.
- READYTOEDIT: The orders that are just placed will have a READYTOEDIT status. You can cancel the order from this status.
- FREEZEEDIT: The orders that are placed and cannot be edited anymore will be displayed with a FREEZEEDIT status.
- SUBMITTEDTOFULFILMENT: Orders that are submitted to fulfillment will be displayed with the status SUBMITTEDTOFULFILMENT.
- UNABLETOSHIP: Products that are not available to be shipped will be displayed with the status UNABLETOSHIP.
- SHIPPED: Products that are shipped will be displayed with the status SHIPPED.
- UNABLETODELIVER: Products that are not available to be delivered will be displayed with the status UNABLETODELIVER.
- DELIVERED: Products that are delivered will be displayed with the status DELIVERED.
- RETURNSUBMITTED: Products that are submitted for return will be displayed with the status RETURNSUBMITTED.
- RETURNED: Products that are returned will be displayed with the status RETURNED.
- CANCELED: The orders that are canceled for any reason will be displayed with a CANCELED status.
The available Fulfillment types are as follows:
- Physical: All products/ items ordered from the T-Giant site are referred to as physical products.
- Digital: E- gift cards that are purchased from the T-Giant site are referred to as digital products.
- Instore: Products/Items that are purchased from the store are referred to as In-store products.
- Exchange: Products or items that are exchanged will be displayed under Exchange fulfillment type.
You can perform the following on orders from the Order History tab:
- Filtering the orders based on:
- Order ID
- From date and To date
- Order Status
- Fulfillment Type
- Tracking Order
- Viewing Activity History
- Viewing Payment Details
- Viewing Delivery Document Details
- View Refund Details
- Viewing Order Details
Tracking Order Progress
The CSR can track order progress at both order level as well as order item level.
To track order progress, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click Track Order Progress.
Tracking Details page will be displayed.
The order’s price details such as items’ subtotal cost, shipping and handling charges, tax, discounted amount, gift discount, and grand total will be displayed:
Tracking Order Item Level Progress
To track order item level progress, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click on the order. The order details will be displayed.
2. Click Track Item Progress. Tracking Details page will be displayed.
3. Click MATH DETAILS. The item’s price details such as items’ subtotal cost, shipping and handling charges, tax, discounted amount, gift discount, and grand total will be displayed:
Viewing Activity History
You can view the activity details of an order such as adding notes, mail sent, etc. To view the activity history details of an order, first, you need to locate the order.
1. Click View Activity History. The Activity History Details will be displayed.
Viewing Payment Details
You can view payment details of an order using this feature. To view the payment details, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click on the order. The order details will be displayed.
2. Click the payment information link. The Payment Details dialog box will be displayed with the details of payment as shown below:
Viewing Delivery Document Details
You can view details of shipped, delivered, and returned orders using this feature. To view the delivery document number details, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click on the order. The order details will be displayed.
2. Mouse hover on the delivery document number link. The delivery document details will be displayed.
Viewing Refund Details
You can refund details of a returned order using this feature. To view the refund details, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click on the order. The order details will be displayed.
2. Mouse hover on the REFUNDED link. The refund details will be displayed as shown below:
Viewing Order Details
You can view more details of an order using this feature. To view order details you can follow the steps below:
1. Click the order number link displayed below order number.
2. You will be navigated to the Manage Orders page.
3. To view more details on the order, click on the order. For more details on managing orders from Manage Orders tab, refer to Skava Cart Payment Order Management documentation.
Managing Store Credit
You can view store credit details of a user from the Store Credit tab.
The following details will be displayed:
- Total Credit
- Used Credit
- Balance Credit
Viewing Credit and Reverse History
To view credit and reverse history, follow the steps below:
1. Click Store Credit History tab. The Store Credit History tab will be displayed a shown below:
2. Select the number of months based on which you need to view the store credit history.
3. Alternatively, specify the From date and To date.
4. Click Apply. The Credit and Reverse History details will be displayed. Details such as date and time, transaction details, the amount, and details on if the transaction was a debit or credit will be displayed.
Viewing Redemption History
To view redemption history, follow the steps below:
1. Click Redemption History tab. The Redemption History tab will be displayed a shown below:
2. Select the number of months based on which you need to view the redemption history.
3. Alternatively, specify the From date and To date.
4. Click Apply. The Redemption History details will be displayed. Details such as date and time, transaction details, and the redeemed amount will be displayed.
Adding Credit to Users
You can appease an order directly to the user using Add Credit feature. To add credit to a user, follow the steps below:
1. Click Add Credit. The Add Credit dialog box will be displayed.
2. Enter the amount to be credited.
3. Select a reason for adding credit.
4. Enter notes.
5. Click Add Credit. The credit will be added and will be displayed under Credit and Reverse History section.
Note: Whatever is set as default payment (irrespective of credit/debit card, store credit, etc.), when the user credit is credited, it will be credited to the default payment that is set.
Reversing Users Credit
You can reverse the credit added to a user. To reverse a user’s credit, follow the steps below:
1. Click Reverse Credit. The Reverse Credit dialog box will be displayed.
2. Enter the amount to be reversed.
3. Select a reason for reversing credit.
4. Enter notes.
5. Click Reverse Credit. The store credit will be debited and will be displayed under Credit and Reverse History section.
Note: Whatever is set as default payment (irrespective of credit/debit card, store credit, etc.), when the user credit is reversed, it will be debited from the default payment that is set.
Sending Emails for Store Credit
The CSR can now send mail for credit summary and modified store credit. To send emails, you can follow the steps below:
1. Click Send Mail.
2. The Send Mail dialog box will be displayed.
3. Select the required mail type, that is credit summary mail or modified store credit mail.
4. Enter email ID.
5. Click Send Mail.
Appendix: Privileges
The various privileges and their descriptions are explained in the below table:
Privilege | Description |
/createuser |
Allows creating a user. |
/viewuser |
Allows viewing users. |
/updateuser |
Allows updating user details. |
/finduser |
Allows searching for users. |
/updatestatus |
Allows updating user status. |
/loginuser |
Allows logging in a user. |
/logoutuser |
Allows logging out a user. |
/resetpassword |
Allows resetting user password. |
/loaduser |
Allows loading user details through feed. |
/getallusersbytimestamp |
Allows fetching user details based on time range. |
/usermgtsearch |
Allows searching for users. |
/createaccount |
Allows creating accounts for new user. |
/usermgtcreate |
Allows creating new users. |
/usermgtgetcartdetails |
Allows viewing user’s cart details. |
/getStreamuserAdminserviceToken |
Allows viewing stream user admin service token. |
/usermgtgetprofile |
Allows viewing user profile. |
/usermgtupdate |
Allows updating user details. |
/usermgtgetresetpwd |
Allows resetting user password. |
/usermgtgetloyaltyuser |
Allows viewing loyalty users. |
/viewstorecredit |
Allows viewing store credit. |
/storecreditreversetransaction |
Allows reversing store credit. |
/storecreditaddtransaction |
Allows adding store credit. |
/binitem/loadByBinIdSkuId |
Allows loading item in bin by Bin ID and SKU ID. |
/getloyaltyuser |
Allows viewing loyalty users. |
/createloyaltytransaction |
Allows creating loyalty transactions. |
/getloyaltytransaction |
Allows viewing loyalty transactions. |
/reverseloyaltytransaction |
Allows reversing loyalty transactions. |
/usermgtgetredemption |
Allows viewing redemptions. |
/getloyaltyredemption |
Allows viewing loyalty redemption. |
/addpayment |
Allows adding payment. |
/deletepayment |
Allows deleting payment. |
Revision History
2020-03-30 | AM – Minor copyedit.
2019-06-24 | PLK – Content uploaded.
2019-06-15 | PLK – Page created.