27 November 2023 (8.16.1)

AI Use Cases


The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-49499]:

  • Created a feed for “Frequently Bought Together” feature. [EQPLAT-49883]
  • Created a feed for “You May Also Like” feature. [EQPLAT-49882]
  • Created a Lambda function for “Frequently Bought Together” feature. [EQPLAT-49880]
  • Created a Lambda function for “You May Also Like” feature. [EQPLAT-49881]
  • Created a Lambda function for “Recently Viewed” feature. [EQPLAT-49504]


The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-47285]:

  • Completed functional validation for multiple-backend deployment. [EQPLAT-51619]

Generation of Product Description

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-47050]:

  • Ability to generate product descriptions using the existing attributes. [EQPLAT-47275]
  • Completed the end-to-end validation of the product description async app. [EQPLAT-47273]

Image Search

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-47054]:

Feed Job Service

  • Created a new event “send event” for image embedding. [EQPLAT-47266]
  • Created a new API “Update the Image Embeddings in the SOLR Document” under the Search Feed controller for updating the embeddings in the SOLR document. [EQPLAT-47069]

Admin Orchestration

  • Integrated the async app for image search. [EQPLAT-49508]

Image Utilization

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-47284]:

Storefront Orchestration

  • Introduced a new API “Get all Image Assets” to load all the image assets. [EQPLAT-49866]

Catalog Service

  • Updated the following APIs [EQPLAT-49511]:
    • Create an Image Asset – added a new field property in the request.
    • Patch Update an Image Asset – updated the field imageurl in the imageassets model, added JUnit, and added validator class.
  • Created Lambda function for image personalization. [EQPLAT-47532]

App Marketplace

  • Ability to install the image utilization app. [EQPLAT-47536]

Catalog Admin

  • Ability to create image assets from the asset creation section of the Assets tab to change product image color, generate/change image background, and image personalization. [EQPLAT-47538]
  • Ability to update image assets from the asset creation section of the Assets tab to change product image color, generate/change image background, and image personalization. [EQPLAT-49710]
  • Integrated the async apps for background image and image color change. [EQPLAT-49513]

Multi-Locale Translation

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-47051]:

App Marketplace

  • Ability to install the multi-locale translation app. [EQPLAT-47279]

Foundation Service

  • Completed the end-to-end validation of the translation app. [EQPLAT-47281]

Ratings & Review

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-47052]:

Foundation Service

  • Completed the end-to-end validation of the ratings and reviews async app. [EQPLAT-47276]

Semantic Search

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-47053]:

Admin Orchestration

  • Integrated the async app for semantic search. [EQPLAT-49509]

Feed Job Service

  • Created a new event “send event” for image embedding. [EQPLAT-47262]
  • Created a new API “Update the Image Embeddings in the SOLR Document” for updating the embeddings in the SOLR document. [EQPLAT-47068]

App Marketplace

App Marketplace Admin

  • On the Developer Apps page, in the App Install tab, app developers can view details of an installed app, such as the store where it was installed, its status, and the date and time of installation. [EQPLAT-46974, EQPLAT-46979]
  • Merchants can view the list of privileges associated with an app in the App Permissions tab on the App installation page. [EQPLAT-46723]
  • The merchants can view the webhooks configured by the app during the installation of the app. [EQPLAT-46724]
  • Merchants can view the list of privileges the app can access on the consent pop-up during installation of the App. [EQPLAT-46721]

App Marketplace Services

  • Private Apps Entity (New Entity in App Marketplace and Portal Orchestration for Private apps)
    • POST API “privateapps” has been introduced in the App Marketplace and Portal Orchestration to link or associate the business that needs access to the private apps. [EQPLAT-49807, EQPLAT-49808]
    • GET API “privateapps” has been introduced in the App Marketplace and Portal Orchestration to fetch the associated private apps. [EQPLAT-49810, EQPLAT-50434]
    • GET API “privateapps/{appId}” has been introduced in the App Marketplace and Portal Orchestration to fetch the Private Apps associated with a business by their business ID and status by appId. [EQPLAT-50526, EQPLAT-50567]
  • Ability to set priority for Async webhooks. [EQPLAT-49804, EQPLAT-49805]
  • Modifications are done in response of the GET All installed apps. [EQPLAT-49800, EQPLAT-49801]
  • A new event has been added in the App Marketplace for capturing the app configuration update history. [EQPLAT-50211]

App Framework

  • Utility method developed for “Invoke app ” in the app framework. [EQPLAT-49736]
  • A new API endpoint “invokeapp” has been introduced in the App Marketplace to invoke the app details such as appID, appVersion, webhookId, webhookName, etc. for a Webhook for a store. [EQPLAT-49735]
  • Inclusion of the generic app validator class in the app framework. [EQPLAT-49747]


The following features/enhancements are added/reverted as part of this release:

Accounts Service

  • Removed the approvalworkflowconfig collection property. [EQPLAT-50367]

Storefront Orchestration Service

  • Removed the API “Get a Collection Property” from the Accounts controller. [EQPLAT-50368]

React Storefront

Approval Workflow

  • Ability to select the approvers for the workflow by a Buyer Admin. [EQPLAT-50390]
  • Ability to show a default workflow for a Buyer Admin without any condition. [EQPLAT-50391]

Fixes in Inventory

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

Inventory Admin

  • Thymeleaf components have been removed from the Inventory Admin and made a complete React-based admin console. [EQPLAT-49111, EQPLAT-50884, EQPLAT-50885, EQPLAT-50886]
  • Ability to launch the Inventory Admin console from the Inventory’s Collection Listing Page [EQPLAT-47463]
  • Ability to invite the new team member as Inventory Admin. [EQPLAT-47466, EQPLAT-47463]
  • Ability to find and view a particular SKU’s overall inventory details across all bins in the Inventory Bins page. [EQPLAT-49113, EQPLAT-50911]

Inventory Service

  • The following new API endpoints have been introduced to [EQPLAT-49116, EQPLAT-50887, EQPLAT-50888, EQPLAT-50901]:
    • load all the inventory rules
    • create a new inventory rule (for example, inventory can be picked up from the right bin, region-based inventory can be maintained, and so on)

Enhancements in Promotions

BOGO Support for Bundle Product

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

Promotions Service

  • Added action types such as “Buy Bundle X Get Bundle Y” and “Buy Bundle X and Y” for configuring the BOGO rules of bundle products. [EQPLAT-48587]
  • Added support for the new action types in the APIs such as Create a Promotion, Update Promotion, Get a Promotion, Apply Offer, and Get Offer. [EQPLAT-47512]

Promotions Admin Console

  • Enabled the action type “Buy bundle X Get bundle Y” under the BOGO offer type to configure the Buy X Get Y promotion for bundle products. [EQPLAT-48587]
  • Enabled the action type “Buy bundle X and Y” under the BOGO offer type to configure the Buy X and Y promotion for bundle products. [EQPLAT-48587]
  • Ability to configure Buy X Get Y promotion for bundle products. [EQPLAT-47523]
  • Ability to configure Buy X and Y promotion for bundle products. [EQPLAT-47523]

Promotion Admin Lookup: Users Filter and Search

User Service

The following APIs have been introduced as part of this release under the Selectors controller:

  • Search all Users – to get the list of all registered and guest users that matches the given filter for the user ID [EQPLAT-50646]
  • Get All Filterable Fields of an Entity – to list the filterable attributes associated with the given entity. [EQPLAT-50647]

Recurrence Promotions

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-40129]:

Admin Orchestration Service

  • Added two new optional fields startHour and endHour in the Promotion model. [EQPLAT-49401, EQPLAT-49400, EQPLAT-49399, EQPLAT-47272]

Equinox Commerce Framework

  • Updated the Equinox Commerce Framework to compile Drools rules with start hour and end hour. [EQPLAT-50271]

Payment Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • The following API endpoints have been newly introduced in the Payment Option Controller to manage the payment methods [EQPLAT-49355, EQPLAT-50913]:
    • Ability to load all payment options using the collection ID param.
    • Ability to load a payment option using the collection ID and payment option ID params.
    • Ability to create a new payment option with the required information.
    • Ability to patch update the payment options with the required information.
    • Ability to update the payment option with the required information.
    • Ability to delete a payment option by using the payment option ID.
  • The following API endpoints have been newly introduced in the Payment Option Rule controller to configure payment option rules [EQPLAT-51406]:
    • Ability to load all payment options rules using the collection ID param.
    • Ability to load a payment options rule using the collection ID and payment option ID params.
    • Ability to update the payment option rules with the required information.
    • Ability to patch update the payment option rules with the required information.
  • The following API endpoints have been newly introduced in the Payment Options Ranking controller to manage the ranking order for payment options [EQPLAT-51409]:
    • Ability to load all the payment options with the ranking order.
    • Ability to create a ranking order for a payment option.
    • Ability to update a ranking order of a particular payment option.

Shipping Microservice

  • The following API endpoints have been newly introduced in the Shipping Options Ranking controller to manage the ranking order for shipping options [EQPLAT-49287]:
    • Ability to load all the shipping options with the ranking order.
    • Ability to create a ranking order for a shipping option.
    • Ability to update a ranking order of a particular shipping option.

Enhancements in Subscription

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

Subscription Services

Mark as one-time subscription order

The following support has been added in the existing PATCH API call “Patch update Itemby ID” [EQPLAT-50227, EQPLAT-50228]:

  • When the “Mark as one time subscription order” option is selected, then the selected item is removed from the subscription after processing the subscription successfully.
  • Ability to skip or delete a recurring item.
  • The property IsOneTimeOrderItem has been newly introduced in the Item Properties.

Subscription creation without order

  • Ability to create a subscription based on the future date (current date + 30 days). Subscription orders will be processed on the customer-selected date. [EQPLAT-47735]

Storefront Orchestration Services

Mark as a one-time subscription order using the API call “Get User Subscription summary by ID” [EQPLAT-50224]:

  • If a subscription has two items, and if a one-time order is enabled, the isOneTimeOrderItem in the item properties is obtained, and if the property is available, then the items are included in the upcoming processing irrespective of its frequency.
  • If a subscription has only one item, and if that is a one-time order item (isOneTimeOrderItem), then an error is thrown as “One-time Subscription items won’t ship without a recurring item”. For processing a one-time subscription item, at least one active item is required for the month.

Subscription creation without order [EQPLAT-47734]:

  • If there are only Subscription items, then the place order is skipped and only a subscription is created.
  • If the cart contains both subscription and one-time purchase item(s), then an order can be placed for the one-time purchase items while skipping subscription items.
  • For the first-time subscription, the subscription is allowed to process again based on the selected future date irrespective of its subscription frequency and its item’s frequency.

Admin Orchestration Services

Subscription creation without order

  • If there are only Subscription items, then the place order is skipped and only the subscription is created.
  • For the first-time subscription, the subscription is allowed to process again based on the selected future date irrespective of its subscription frequency and its item’s frequency.

Mark as a one-time subscription order

  • If the subscription has two items, and if a one-time order is enabled, the isOneTimeOrderItem in item properties is obtained, and if the property is available, then that item is included in the upcoming processing irrespective of its frequency.
  • If a subscription has only one item and that is a one-time order item (isOneTimeOrderItem), then an error is thrown as “One-time Subscription items won’t ship without a recurring item”. For processing a one-time subscription item, at least one active item is required for the month.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed in this release:

Reference Ticket Affected Service(s) Description


Promotions Services Previously, in the Promotions’ collection property, unable to update the expiry value for more than 1 hour based on configuration in the property blockExpireTime. If the blockExpireTime value is greater than 3600000 milliseconds, then the default value is hard coded to 3600000 milliseconds.

Now, introduced a new collection property enablebExpireTime, which should be configured along with the property blockExpireTime. When this property is set to:

  • true – considers value provided in the blockExpireTime even when the value exceeds 3600000 milliseconds (1 hour).
  • false – considers value provided in the blockExpireTime and the provided value is more than 1 hour, then it will set to the default value which is 3600000 milliseconds.


Customer Admin Console The transaction details such as credit and debit transactions which were not displayed for the reward type “Store Credit” are displayed appropriately now in the Transaction section of the “Loyalty / Credits” tab.


Order Admin Console Previously, on the Order History page, all the credit card details were not shown when payment was used by multiple cards.

Now, fix is provided to display all the credit cards that were used to place by a CSR or at walk-in center (WIC) for a one-time order in the invoice’s payment section. Also, the Loyalty discount details have been included in the Order Total section and Rewards Point and Loyalty details were not shown in the Payments section.



Promotions Services Previously, there was an issue “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException” error occurred when /promotionservices/offers/apply (Apply Offer) is triggered for special products.

Now, all the promotion functionalities are working fine for bundle offers and SKU-based with promocode and without promocode and category promotions.



Promotions Services Previously, for the promotion type BOGO (Buy X Get Y) promotion with the amount offer and discount type as a flat discount, the offer is applied to the price, however, the offer on other price facets is not applied for this type.
Now, it is fixed to apply the offer for both price and price facets.



Revision History
2023-11-27 | JP – Added Release 8.16.1 content.