08 June 2023 (8.14.0)

Rules Manager Service

Foundation Service

  • Introduced the role ROLE_RULESMANAGER_ADMIN in the Privileges Controller in the Foundation service API endpoints to perform operations in the Rules Manager service API endpoints. [EQPLAT-16025]

Foundation Admin Console

  • Ability to navigate to the Rules Manager admin console from the admin console of the other services via the Hamburger menu. [EQPLAT-12721]
  • Introduced the role ROLE_RULESMANAGER_ADMIN in the Teams tab to allow the Rules Manager admin user to access the Rules Manager admin console from the StoreOps page. [EQPLAT-16025]

Rules Manager Service

  • A new service Rules Manager has been introduced to manage the events, rules manager groups, and rules for configuring conditions on various use cases by a Rules Manager admin user. [EQPLAT-7058]
  • Ability to manage the collection, collection properties, events, rules manager groups, and rules via Rest APIs. [EQPLAT-4931]
  • Ability to view all the collection properties of the Rules Manager service via the “Fetch All Collection Attributes” API. [EQPLAT-7101]
  • Introduced a default JSON structure for the “customActionTypesConfig” collection property with Allow, Deny, Redirect, Add Param action types, which appears in the Actions page. [EQPLAT-16023, EQPLAT-24124]
  • A new action type “Allow” has been created to allow the customer actions based on the condition(s) via the “Create a Rule” API endpoint. [EQPLAT-7107]
  • A new action type “Deny” has been created to deny the customer actions based on the condition(s) via the “Create a Rule” API endpoint. [EQPLAT-7109]
  • A new action type “Redirect” has been created to redirect a customer to a defined URL for the customer actions based on the condition(s) via the “Create a Rule” API endpoint. [EQPLAT-7117]
  • A new action type “Add Param” has been created to configure a list of parameters for the customer actions based on the condition(s) via the “Create a Rule” API endpoint. [EQPLAT-24124]
  • Introduced an API endpoint “RulesManager Actions” to execute actions based on events and conditions to interact with SFO service and get the response in the storefront accordingly. [EQPLAT-13956]
  • Ability to execute redirect action type for the request passed and obtain the response accordingly. [EQPLAT-19856]
  • The following features have been upgraded as part of the story [EQPLAT-24125]:
    • Ability to get an array of actions from the Rules Manager Actions Controller API based on the configured event and conditions.
    • Ability to display the response of the Rules Manager Action controller API as breakup and summary of multiple actions (array of objects).
    • In summary, allow and deny actions are combined using the OR and AND operators. A response from multiple Redirect action responses is displayed based on the priority and time stamp of the rules. Multiple “Add Param” action responses are displayed as an array of objects.

Admin Orchestration Service

  • Introduced the Rules Manager Controller APIs in the Admin Orchestration service. [EQPLAT-8024]

Rules Manager Admin Console

  • A new admin console Rules Manager has been introduced with Rules Manager features. [EQPLAT-7103]
  • Ability to associate a Rules Manager collection with one or more stores. Ability to launch the Rules Manager admin console via the StoreOps page. [EQPLAT-7102]
  • Ability to create a new action type “Allow” to allow the customer actions based on the condition(s). [EQPLAT-7108]
  • A new action type “Deny” has been created to deny the customer actions based on the condition(s). [EQPLAT-7110]
  • A new action type “Redirect” has been created to redirect a customer to a defined URL for the customer actions based on the condition(s). [EQPLAT-7118]
  • Ability to create a new action type “Add Param” via the Rules Manager Admin console to configure a list of parameters for the customer actions based on the condition(s). [EQPLAT-24123]

Order Reports

Order Service

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-269]

  • A new API “Get Order Report” has been introduced to generate reports such as sales overtime, orders fulfilment, sales by product, basic order reports for a given period. [EQPLAT-22381]
  • Ability to sort the generated report in ascending or descending order. [EQPLAT-7152]
  • Ability to generate the Fulfilment Order Report data for the various statuses such as submitted, shipped, and/or cancelled.
  • Ability to breakdown the reports by hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, by hour of day, or by day of week.
  • Ability to pass the filter parameters and fetch the summary details for a report.
  • Ability to compare the generated data with a different date range.

Admin Orchestration Service

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-269 and EQPLAT-4413]

  • A new API “Get Order Report” has been introduced to generate reports such as sales overtime, orders fulfilment, sales by product, and basic order reports for a given period.
  • Ability to sort the generated order reports in ascending or descending order via the “getReport” API. [EQPLAT-7152]
  • Ability to breakdown the reports by hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, by hour of day, or by day of week.
  • Ability to compare the generated data with a different date range.
  • Ability to pass the filter parameters and fetch the summary details for a report.

Foundation Admin Console

A new collection property orderCategorizationTabs for Order service has been added as part of the release [EQPLAT-19576] to:

  • display the “Order Statistics” in the Orders Admin console.
  • generate report types such as Sales Over Time, Fulfilment Report, Sales by Product, and Basic Order Report as Default value.
  • generate order reports based on specific values such as PV, CV, SB, Customer Type, etc.

Order Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-269 and EQPLAT-4413]

  • Ability to generate various reports such as sales over time, order fulfilment, sales by product, and basic order reports for a given period.
  • Ability to filter order data and generate reports.
  • Ability to filter the specific order reports by configuring rule-based conditions to generate the reports.
  • Ability to view the graphical chart of the generated reports.
  • Ability to display the order data of the corresponding report data that you see in the graph in a table grid format.
  • Ability to display “0” records in the table grid when there are no data for specific fields.
  • Ability to select custom filters to generate graphs based on Average Order Price, Orders, Discounts, Gross Sales, Net Sales, Return, Shipping, Tax, Total Sales, and Additional Fees.
  • Ability to set up custom fields based on product, customer, and order entities for sales reports based on which the data can be populated. [EQPLAT-4875]
  • Ability to download graphical reports such as Sales Over Time, Fulfillment, and Sales by Product Reports in a PDF or PNG format file and exported in .CSV format.
  • Ability to export the customized sales report data in .CSV format.
  • Display the overall summary of each column along with the Order Summary for the selected view.
  • Ability to breakdown the reports by hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, by hour of day, or by day of week.

Feed Job Service

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-506, EQPLAT-19488, EQPLAT-19487 and EQPLAT-7142]

  • A new “Report Feed Controller” has been introduced to export reports such as sales over time, fulfilment, sales by product, and basic order reports for a given period.
  • Ability to export generated reports in the Orders Admin which triggers the Report Export Feed API.
  • Ability to export the generated data which triggers the Report Export Feed API and saves the file in a CSV format to a local folder.

Segment Based Automatic Store Setup

Feed Job Service

  • Introduced a new feed “automatestore” which automates the store setup process of a new store. [EQPLAT-6947]

Admin Orchestration Service

  • Support has been added in the “Create a Store” API to automate the store setup process. Integrated “automatestore” feed with the API. [EQPLAT-6476]
  • A new Admin Orchestration Controller “Foundation Collection” has been introduced to trigger the newly created Spring Batch Job “automatestore”. [EQPLAT-6930]

Foundation Admin Console

  • Ability to trigger the “automatestore” feed during store creation. [EQPLAT-7747]
  • Ability to set up a store with domain specific data such as MLM, Retail, Telco, and Auto. [EQPLAT-6927, EQPLAT-6931]
  • Ability to trigger Attribute, Pricing, Merchandising, and Inventory import feeds in parallel as part of the store automation process. [EQPLAT-6926, EQPLAT-10440, EQPLAT-10441]
  • Ability to import custom pricing (floor price, bundle price, etc.) from the import sheet as part of the store automation process. [EQPLAT-6940]
  • Ability to create loyalty events and rewards automatically for the store set up. [EQPLAT-18890]
  • Ability to create loyalty groups automatically for the store set up. [EQPLAT-18888]
  • Ability to upload the loyalty data via a sheet as part of the store setup process. [EQPLAT-7266]
  • Ability to automate the promotion group data setup as part of the store setup process. [EQPLAT-6943]
  • Ability to create promotions automatically for the store set up. [EQPLAT-18989]
  • Enabled default project access to approve the promotion updates automatically during automation. [EQPLAT-6480]
  • Ability to trigger the Catalog and Pricing re-indexer feeds when all the import (models, catalog, pricing, merchandise, inventory) feeds have been completed as part of the store automation process. [EQPLAT-6928]
  • Ability to trigger the reindexing of merchandising data during the store automation process. [EQPLAT-6944]
  • Ability to view the progress of the store automation. [EQPLAT-10444]
  • The following features has been introduced as part of the ticket [EQPLAT-7748]:
    • Ability to handle error scenarios in the store setup process.
    • Ability to show the Back button to go back to the stores listing page when store creation fails.
    • Ability to show the Retrigger button to retry the automation process.
  • Ability to redirect the user to the Admin UI or storefront’s configuration page once the store setup is completed. [EQPLAT-18896]
  • Ability to redirect the user to the feed history page in case of error. [EQPLAT-18898]

Inject JS and CSS for Customized Admin Consoles

Foundation Admin Service

  • New store properties “customization_js” and “customization_css” have been created to inject the JS and CSS files into the store. The injected files customize the admin consoles at the store level. [EQPLAT-70]
  • Ability to combine multiple JS and CSS files of different admin consoles as a single JS or CSS file. [EQPLAT-6747]
  • Ability to inject the JS and CSS files from the store properties page to the Jenkins pipeline to reflect the changes in the admin consoles. [EQPLAT-14134]

Loyalty Changes

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Loyalty Redemption as a Payment Method: When the order is placed, the redeemed points is considered as one of the payment options rather than a discount.
  • Loyalty Reporting: A report is available for business to download from admin which has the monthly available balance points of the customers who has loyalty points.
  • Rewards Bank Support: Ability to display the reward history of customers.

Subscription Changes

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Blackout Dates: Dates when the subscriptions are not allowed to be placed is now available as a configuration. The subscription processing date would be set according to the configuration.
  • Freeze Window: The subscription dashboard is frozen before the processing date, so that customer cannot modify the subscription at the last moment when the orders are about to place. The day before which the subscription is frozen is configurable.

Zero Dollar Checkout Feature

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to process an order with the zero order value.

Support for Custom Locale

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to customize locale to support combination of locales. For example, Locale support required for: US Vietnam / US Chinese.

Social Commerce – Shopify/Facebook

Facebook Integration

Feed Service – AWS Glue job for Facebook Catalog Export

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT – 3768]:

  • Ability to schedule workflow with mandatory attributes from the Feed service using FULL or DELTA feeds.
  • Ability to generate specific FULL feed for the catalog data (products, SKUs, price, and/or inventory) via the Glue job.
  • Ability to generate specific DELTA feed for all the catalog, price, and inventory updates via the Glue job.

Infosys Equinox Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT- 3770, EQPLAT-3769]:

Feed Admin

  • Ability to download the catalog feed file for FULL or DELTA in a .csv format file.
  • Ability to copy the FULL or DELTA feed URL to be configured in Facebook.
  • Ability to view the order import summary details in the Feed admin.
  • Ability to view the order export summary details in the Feed admin.

Order Admin

  • Ability to bulk import the order data (single and/or multiple items in an order) from Facebook via the Import option in the Infosys Equinox Order Admin console.
  • Ability to view the status of the order import in the Import history section in the Infosys Equinox Order Admin console.
  • Ability to filter the orders by channel “Facebook”, updated timestamp, and export the orders in a .csv format file.
  • Ability to export fulfilled Facebook orders (Shipped status) in Infosys Equinox.
  • Ability to export unfulfilled Facebook orders (unable_to_ship status) in Infosys Equinox.

Order Service

  • New orders created in OMS with channel as “Facebook” in “Submitted to fulfillment” status after order import.
  • If the orders were in the “cancelled” status during import from Facebook, the existing order status is updated as “external_cancel” in the Infosys Equinox Order Admin console.
  • If the orders were in the “refunded” status during import from Facebook, the existing order status is updated as “external_refunded” in the Infosys Equinox Order Admin console.

Foundation Admin Console

  • The “Channel” attribute must be configured as “Facebook” in the store properties.

Shopify Integration

Admin Orchestration Service

  • The API “Invoke external function eg, AWS Lambda” is added to invoke an external function (AWS lambda) to run the functions given below: [EQPLAT-15321]
    • Persist Shopify admin API access token, Shopify Store name, system client ID & domain in parameter store.
    • Persist the collection IDs of the Infosys Equinox store to be linked with Shopify along with the session ID & Refresh token of the system client.
    • Invoke the lambda function to create Shopify webhooks.

Shopify Catalog Synchronization – via Feed approach

AWS Glue job with service type as “workflow service” for synchronizing catalog data:

  • Ability to schedule workflow with mandatory attributes from Feed services. [EQPLAT-16161]
  • Ability to bulk insert products, SKUs from Infosys Equinox to Shopify via the full feed. [EQPLAT-431]
  • Ability to push newly added products or SKUs from Infosys Equinox to Shopify via the delta feed. [EQPLAT-6451]
  • Ability to push updated products or SKUs from Infosys Equinox to Shopify via the delta feed. [EQPLAT-429]
  • Ability to push inventory updates for SKUs from Infosys Equinox to Shopify via the feeds. [EQPLAT-6452]
  • Ability to push price updates for SKUs from Infosys Equinox to Shopify via the feeds. [EQPLAT-7312]
  • Ability to push product or SKU status updates (Active/Inactive) from Infosys Equinox to Shopify. [EQPLAT-436]
  • Ability to view the feed job summary details in the Feed Admin for full/delta/repeated full. [EQPLAT-2883 EQPLAT-21969]
  • Ability to download the feed job error report for the jobs in the Feed Admin. [EQPLAT-14064]
  • Ability to push all products, SKU, prices, and/or Inventory updates via the repeated full feed. [EQPLAT-16566]
  • Configure variant attributes at the product level. [EQPLAT-4877]

Shopify Synchronization – via Events approach

Catalog Service

  • Ability to push product updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s admin/swagger to Shopify in the real-time via events. [EQPLAT-6424]
  • Ability to push SKU updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s admin/swagger to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-6426]

Price Service

  • Ability to push price updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s via admin/swagger to Shopify in real time via events. [EQPLAT-6465]

Inventory Service

  • Ability to push inventory quantity updates performed via Infosys Equinox swagger to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-6468]
  • Ability to push inventory threshold updates performed via Infosys Equinox swagger to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-22442]

Feed Job Services

  • Ability to push product updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s Catalog IMPORT to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-6462]
  • Ability to push SKU updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s Catalog IMPORT job to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-6464]
  • Ability to push price updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s Price IMPORT job to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-6466]
  • Ability to push inventory quantity updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s Bin_Item IMPORT job to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-15608]
  • Ability to push product updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s via Catalog APPROVAL job to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-17201]
  • Ability to push SKU updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s Catalog APPROVAL job to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-17203]
  • Ability to push price updates performed via Infosys Equinox’s Price APPROVAL job to Shopify in real-time via events. [EQPLAT-17204]

Shopify Order Management

Admin Orchestration Service

  • The API “/orders/marketplaceOrder/Create Marketplace Order” has been newly introduced to sync/push the orders (with single and/or multiple items) created in Shopify to Infosys Equinox. [EQPLAT-5065]

Order Service

  • Ability to sync/push orders created (orders with single item or multiple items) in Shopify to Infosys Equinox. [EQPLAT-440,EQPLAT-448]
  • Ability to update the Shopify orders status in Infosys Equinox as “external cancel” if the orders were cancelled in Shopify. [EQPLAT-447]
  • Ability to update the Shopify orders status in Infosys Equinox as “external refund” if the orders were refunded in Shopify. [EQPLAT-3335]
  • Ability to update the Shopify orders status in Infosys Equinox as “shipped” if the orders were fulfilled in Shopify. [EQPLAT-445]
  • Ability to push the Shopify orders to Infosys Equinox with the order discount details [EQPLAT-6502]
  • Ability to update the Infosys Equinox order details in Shopify notes for the orders which are successfully pushed to Shopify. [EQPLAT-3371]
  • Ability to push the following order data from Infosys Equinox to Shopify:
    • Push the fulfilled orders status with the status updated as “shipped”. [EQPLAT-8033,EQPLAT-8038]
    • Push the order status with the status updated as “unable to ship”. [EQPLAT-8039]

Admin Orchestration Service

  • The API /foundation/openid/openidclients (Create OpenId Client for client’s Application) has been newly introduced to create a new application “System Client“, i.e., application type = System. It also adds a list of roles to be associated with the client for a collection. [EQPLAT-15642]
  • The API PATCH – /auth/sessionRefresh has been newly added which extends the current session and provides a new refreshed auth token. [EQPLAT-7234]

Authorization Service

  • The Client Role Controller has been newly introduced with the following new API endpoints: [EQPLAT-14060, EQPLAT-14146]
    • Get All Roles of Clients – to retrieve all the roles of the requested clients.
    • Add Roles to Clients – to add a list of roles to the requested list of clients.
    • Get All Roles of a Client – to retrieve all the roles of a client.
    • Update All Roles of a Client – to update a list of roles of the requested client by removing and adding the roles to the client.
    • Delete Roles from a Client – to remove the specified list of roles from the requested client.
  • The Client Session Controller has been newly introduced with the following new API endpoints: [EQPLAT-14061, EQPLAT-17220]
    • Create a Client Session – to create a new client session.
    • Remove a Session – to remove a session using the session identifier.
    • GET – /authservices/sessions – has been modified to support “system client”. application type = System
    • PATCH – /authservices/sessions has been modified to support “system client”. application type = System
  • The admin’s SSO page is developed to allow the user to select the Infosys Equinox store to be linked with the Shopify store with a specific business ID and store ID. [EQPLAT-18818]

Voice Commerce – Alexa

Support for voice commerce via Amazon Alexa voice service has been provided [EQPLAT-428]:

Storefront Orchestration Service

  • A new API POST/auth/authorize has been included in orchestrataion service to authorize the user for the registered client application and generate an auth token for the session.
  • A new API POST/auth/authrefresh/processor has been included in orchestrataion service to extend the current session and provide a new refreshed auth token for storefront user.
  • Ability to interact with Alexa and directly add a SKU to the cart.
  • Ability to interact with Alexa and directly add a product to Favorites/Wishlist.
  • Ability to interact with Alexa to get the status of the orders.
  • Ability to interact with Alexa to get all the past order information.
  • Ability to interact with Alexa to re-order the last order.
  • Ability to interact with Alexa to search for any products in the storefront and based on the results to add a particular SKUs to the cart.

Storefront (React Lite)

  • Ability for the end-user to link his storefront account with Alexa (Authorization via a common OAuth sign-in page: https://demob2c.skavacommerce.com/authsigin).

Recommendations Via Amazon Personalize

  • Enabled Amazon Personalize for recommendations such as Most Viewed, Best Sellers, Frequently Bought Together, Recommended For You, and Also Viewed.
  • Add recommendations to Product Detail Page, Cart View Page, and Homepage.
  • Automatically create resources such as Event tracker for tracking customers purchases and viewed products, Dataset for storing interactions, and Recommender APIs to output product recommendations.
  • Sample store implementation on React based storefront.

GraphQL Integration

Integration of GraphQL

As part of this release, GraphQL has been integrated to use the GraphQL requests on Infosys Equinox Commerce [EQPLAT-4558]:

  • New GraphQL API endpoints have been created for the existing catalog APIs (PDP, PLP, Category, Search, Search Suggestions, Load a List of Products for Recommendation, and Get a Promotion for Products).
  • The above API endpoints will be based on the schema.org standards.
  • The above new API endpoints have been established to GraphQL using filter and keywords. In the API endpoints, user can query in the GraphQL and receive response accordingly.
  • Both query and mutation can be achieved under GraphQL.
  • Ability to custom transform the additional properties and image nodes in GraphQL.
  • Ability to handle required error responses in GraphQL.

Storefront Orchestration Service

A new controller “SchemaOrg” has been newly added with the following API endpoints as per schema.org standards:

  • Load All Category Lists
  • Load All Products of a Category
  • Load a Product
  • Get Promotion for Special Products
  • Load a List of Products for Recommendation
  • Load Products by Search Term

Technical Improvements

Data Archival

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

Data Archival has been implemented to reduce the DB load and to move the old data to the archival DB based on archival configuration in Atlas Mongo. This feature is implemented in the following microservices:

  • Order microservice: To view the old data via API based on the given date range. Currently, this feature is only available on Orders service.
  • Promotion microservice: Only moving the old data to archival DB. Archived data cannot be viewed in the application. Currently, this feature is supported only for a specific collection, i.e., Promotion collection.

Cost & Performance Optimization

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Added the additional index in the Mongo DB and MySQL DB to improve performance.
  • Adjusted the JVM flags like heap, meta space, etc. as per the AWS standards and to reduce the pods and nodes which results in reduced cost.
  • Spring batch feed jobs have been optimized for improved performance giving approx. 45% time saving over Pentaho.

Environment End-to-End Set Up (Phase 1)

  • Earlier, for a single backend environment with a store, it took a week. However, now, it takes in a day itself.
  • The following automation capabilities have been implemented as part of the release [EQPLAT-4257]:
    • Ability to spin up single backend environment using Terraform scripts via Infra pipeline. [EQPLAT-6899]
    • Ability to create automated Jenkins pipeline and run deployment pipelines through the DevOps pipeline. [EQPLAT -6901]
    • Ability to run automation scripts to setup and validate Vanilla version of Infosys Equinox Reference Store (T-Giant) B2C & B2B stores via Store Automation (QE) pipeline. [EQPLAT -6902, EQPLAT -19880]
    • Ability to trigger downstream (Infra, DevOps & QE) pipelines via Umbrella pipeline (single click) based on the Inputs received from Solutions team and send emails for every success & failure builds. [EQPLAT -6901]

Multi-Cloud Networks

The following multi-cloud networks for external events have been integrated with Infosys Equinox Commerce platform as part of this release [EQPLAT-4463]:

  • AWS Event Bridge
  • Microsoft Azure Event Grid
  • GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Event Arc

Technology Upgrades

The following backend service components have been upgraded as part of this release [EQPLAT-4415]:

  • MongoDB has been upgraded to 6.0
  • MySQL 8.032
  • Solr has been upgraded to 9.1.1
  • RabbitMQ 3.10.7
  • Apache ZooKeeper has been upgraded to 3.7.1
  • Synk vulnerability has been addressed partially.

Revision History

2023-06-08 | JP – Added Release 8.14.0 content.