Page Contents

13 January 2023 (8.13.0)

PV, CV, SB Discounts

Store Properties – Foundation

  • Added a default property allowedPromotionPriceFacets in the store level whenever the new store is created. This property is mandatory to configure promotion discounts for PV (Point Volume), CV (Commission Volume), and/or SB (Sharing Bonus) values. [PLT813-683]

Collection Properties – Promotions

  • Update the collection property ruleengine.settings with the values PV, CV, and SB under the Item Price Rule and Cart Price Rule, as well as the actions for % offer, Fixed Offer, and Amount offer. [PLT813-649]

Release Changes for Microservices

Pricing Microservice

  • Ability to provide PV, CV, and SB support in the Pricing microservice. [PLT813-659, PLT813-669]

Promotions Microservice

  • Ability to support round of logic in promotion microservice. [PLT813-1041]
  • Added support for PV, CV, and SB in action classes under the price rules classes. [PLT813-660]
  • Provided PriceFacets (PV/CV) support for special products. [PLT813-1741]
  • Added support for PV, CV, and SB in the cart level action classes. [PLT813-671]

Admin Orchestration Microservice

  • Ability to render the price facets based on the store property allowedPromotionPriceFacets [PLT813-1099]
  • Added PV, CV, and SB support in the orchestration layer. [PLT813-666]
  • Ability to save the PV, CV, and SB details in the price facets within a SKU. [PLT813-1100]
  • Ability to honor promotion changes for PV and CV in product list API. [PLT813-1334, PLT813-1102]
  • Ability to place order request changes for PV and CV. [PLT813-1106]
  • Added support for PV,CV, and SB in cart calculation in Orchestration Microservice. [PLT813-674]
  • Added support for PV, CV, and SB in cart calculation in Cart Microservice. [PLT813-672]
  • Added support in the SFO layer for subscription APIs to display the PV and CV values and discounts [PLT813-2042]

Storefront Orchestration Microservice

  • Added a new API “Get promotion by productID” to support bundle SKUs and normal products. [PLT813-1230]
  • Based on the SKU IDs from the request, the price value is calculated, and the promotion request is constructed with the same price value and API request call is raised to the promotion microservice.
  • Based on the response from the promotion microservice the discount information is updated in the header and component level for the SKU.
  • Added support in the SFO layer for subscription APIs to display the PV and CV values for normal products and special products. [PLT813-1173, PLT813-2042, PLT813-1030, PLT813-2158]
  • Added support in the SFO layer for PLP, Search, and PDP APIs calls to display the discount values for special products. [PLT813-1244, PLT813-994]
  • Added support in the SFO layer for view cart API and order request API to maintain and display the PV and CV information of special products on the Cart and Order History page. [PLT813-995]
Cart Microservice
  • Support provided for the PV/CV price facets and the discounted values in the SFO response to display the PV and CV information on the cart. [PLT813-1031]
Subscription Microservice
  • Support provided for the PV/CV price facets and the discounted values in the SFO response to display the PV and CV information on the subscription page along with discount information. [PLT813-1031]
  • Ability to maintain PV and CV discount information for special products at the header level and component level in Cart microservice. [PLT813-996]
Order Microservice 
  • Ability to maintain PV and CV discount information for special products at the header level as well as component level in Order microservice. [PLT813-997]
  • Support provided for the PV/CV price facets and the discounted values in the SFO response to display the PV and CV information on the Orders. [PLT813-1031]

Release Changes for Admin Console

Pricing Admin Console

  • Ability to configure custom prices for PV, CV, and SB discounts. [PLT813-659]

Promotions Admin Console

  • Ability to configure discount for a bundle product. [PLT813-4354]
  • Ability to configure discounts on the PV and CV values in addition to the transaction price. [PLT813-45]
  • Ability to honor discounts on Rounding Off Logic. [PLT813-567]
  • Ability to support the admin UI to display the discounted PV and CV. [PLT813-1103]
  • Ability to access the PV/CV data in multi select format. [PLT813-650]
  • Ability to validate the PV and CV inputs with respect to the max length, integer validation and copies. [PLT813-651]
  • Ability to store and retrieve data and pre-populate the values in admin UI. [PLT813-652]
  • Ability to ensure that the configured Promotions does not break when a JSON value is removed for “Offers in other values”. [PLT813-568]

Customers Admin Console

  • Ability to display the discounted PV and CV at the item level and the order level when a CSR places a normal order or subscription order. [PLT813-538, PLT813-268]
  • Ability to display the PV, CV, and SB discounts at the item level and the order level for a normal product or special products. [PLT813-538]

Order Admin Console

  • Ability to provide support for PV and CV promotion value split in item and SKU level. [PLT813-1169]
  • Ability to display the PV/CV values in Admin – Order UI. [PLT813-992]
  • Ability to provide support for PV, CV, and SB in cart calculation in Order Management microservice. [PLT813-675]
  • Ability to display the total PV, CV, and SB discounts in the Order Summary section and at the item level and order level for Edit Order, Return, Cancel, Replace, Exchange, Corrections, and all other supported actions. [PLT813-268, PLT813-792, PLT813-1338]

Release Changes for Infosys Equinox Reference Storefront

Product Listing Page (PLP)/Product Detailed Page (PDP)

  • Ability to display the discounted PV/CV values of an item for normal products and special products (Bundle, SKU kit) in the Product Listing Page (PLP) and Product Detailed Page (PDP). [PLT813-330, PLT813-998, PLT813-668]
  • Ability to display the Default SKU values in PLP and PDP for bundles. [PLT813-566]
  • Ability to display PV and CV values based on the store property and UI changes in the Product Listing Page. [PLT813-1105]


  • Ability to display the PV, CV promotion value split in item and SKU level. [PLT813-1168]
  • Ability to display the PV, CV information for subscription products while placing an order [PLT813-1513]
  • Ability to store and retrieve data and pre-populate the values in admin UI. [PLT813-652]
  • Ability to prepopulate the data in the action list. [PLT813-655]
  • Ability to display the default price values in Storefront UI. [PLT813-1097]

Cart and Checkout

  • Ability to display the price facets for PV and CV at an item level and cart level. [PLT813-991]
  • Ability to provide PV, CV, and SB support for Cart and Checkout pages. [PLT813-676]
    • Ability to display the discounted values for normal of Transaction Price, PV, and CV of an item in Cart. [PLT813-280]
    • Ability to display the discounted PV/CV values for special products (Bundle, SKU kit) in the Cart. [PLT813-330]
  • Ability to validate the PV and CV values before and after applying promotions as part of cart calculations. [PLT813-1101]

Subscription Tab

  • Ability to display the PV and CV discounts in the Subscriptions tab. [PLT813-1174, PLT813-2043, PLT813-1032]
  • Ability to display the discounted PV, CV, and price values in the Subscriptions dashboard page for normal and special products. [PLT813-812]

Order History Tab

  • Ability to display PV, CV, and SB discounts on the order history dashboard page. [PLT813-677]

Gift With Purchase Promotion Offer

Collection Properties – Promotions

  • Update the collection property ruleengine.settings with the values GWP for normal product and Bundle GWP for special products under the BOGO Rules as well as the actions for % offer, Fixed Offer, and Amount offer.
  • Update the collection property ruleengine.settings with the values Cart GWP under the Cart Price Rules as well as the actions for offers.

Release Changes for Microservices

Promotions Microservice

  • Ability to provide special product support for GWP. [PLT813-2690]
  • Ability to add the gift product in the product APIs (PDP API and semantics API) for the normal products with a single SKU and multiple SKUs. [PLT813-99]
  • Ability to add the gift product in the Product APIs (PDP API and semantics API) for the special products. [PLT813-219, PLT813-220]
  • Ability to add the gift product for the special products in the new API to calculate the price and promotion when the SKUs are switched on the PDP page. [PLT813-2535]
  • Ability to add the gift product in the View cart APIs. [PLT813-100]
  • Ability to skip the tax and shipping charge for gift item while creating an order request. [PLT813-105]
  • Ability to configure promotion for cart gift. [PLT813-3242]

Admin Orchestration Microservice

  • Support for free gifts at subscription cart level. [PLT813-3245]
  • Support the orchestration API, Product List API, and Search API to add the promotion details to PLP, Search, and PDP responses. [PLT813-52]
  • Support to return the Gift Item’s information in the subscription/preference API. [PLT813-3294, PLT813-2554, PLT813-3317, PLT813-3295]
  • Support for gift items in the Order History API. [PLT813-2536, PLT813-2537, PLT813-2620]
  • Support for order request changes for special products with GIFT items in the PDP API and semantics API. [PLT813-2538]
  • Added cart level support to return/replace normal products and special products with gift item. [PLT813-2623, PLT813-3504]

Storefront Orchestration Microservice

  • Ability to skip the shipping calculation for gift item. [PLT813-104]
  • Support for free gifts and gift message at the cart level has been implemented. [PLT813-3026]
  • Support to add the gift product for the special products in the Orchestrion microservice. [PLT813-220]

Release Changes for Admin Console

Promotions Admin Console

  • Ability to configure gift on a particular product ID and/or SKU ID, so that on purchasing the SKU or product, user gets a gift. [PLT813-3]
  • Ability to configure gift with purchases on a particular category, so that all the products under the category is eligible for the promotion. [PLT813-2]
  • Ability to configure cart-level gift for an order that meets certain conditions. [PLT813-4, PLT813-3164]
  • Ability to configure cart GWP as an Action Type in the Cart Price Rules. [PLT813-40]
  • Ability to configure cart level promotional gifts in subscription screens. [PLT813-3246]
  • Ability to configure normal product as a gift for any special product. [PLT813-41]
  • Ability to configure normal product as a gift to any subscribed product. [PLT813-2190]
  • Ability to update actions and status changes for normal products with gift item. [PLT813-2767]

Customers Admin Console

  • Ability to display the free gift promotions details on Admin. [PLT813-30]
  • Ability to display the Free Product for special products in the CSR admin. [PLT813-2322, PLT813-2411]
  • Ability to display the free gift for the subscribed products in the Subscriptions tab of the Customer admin console. [PLT813-2311]
  • Support for return, replace, or exchange normal products with gift items has been provided. [PLT813-2624]
  • Support for cancelling a normal product with a gift item by a CSR has been implemented. [PLT813-2626]
  • Ability to display inventory of gift partially available for main product quantity in the customer admin. [PLT813-4792]
  • Ability to see the free gift configured for the Products in Subscription for a CSR admin, when adding a “New subscription order” for an account.
  • Ability to display an alert popup for the inventory of gift partially available for main product quantity in the customer admin UI. [PLT813-5134]

Release Changes for Infosys Equinox Reference Storefront

Order History Tab

  • Ability to display the purchased product and associated free gifts with their details on the Order History dashboard for a particular order. [PLT813-266]
  • Ability to display the promotions for the normal products and special products irrespective of the order (subscription order or one-time order). [PLT813-42, PLT813-2409]
  • Ability to display the free product for normal and special products in the order history dashboard. [PLT813-227, PLT813-2321]
  • Ability to display the promotions for the subscription orders in the Order History page for normal products and special products.  [PLT813-2410]
  • Ability to display the promotions of the subscribed product (normal and bundle) in the Order history dashboard. [PLT813-3309]

Subscription Tab

  • Ability to display the gifts for sub-products in the PDP place order page, subscription order page, and in the subscription [PLT813-3603]
  • Ability to display the gift promotions details on the  PLP, PDP, Cart, Checkout, and Order history pages with zero price. [PLT813-2534, PLT813-2546, PLT813-2619]
  • Ability to maintain the gift item and normal items as individual cart items. [PLT813-103]
  • Ability to display inventory of gift partially available for main product quantity. [PLT813-4792]
  • Ability to display the gifts for sub-products in the Subscription dashboard. [PLT813-3603]


  • Ability to display the promotions messages on the PLP page as well as the Search page. [PLT813-51]
  • Ability to provide support for cart-level promotional gifts in PLP and PDP. [PLT813-3025]
  • Ability to display the gifts for sub-products in PDP for the place order page and subscription order page. [PLT813-3603]

Cart and Checkout

  • Ability to provide support for cart-level promotional gifts in checkout screens. [PLT813-3025]
  • Ability to display the gift promotions details for a normal product on the cart overlay (mini-cart), cart, and checkout pages. [PLT813-31]
  • Ability to display the gift promotions details for a bundle product on the cart overlay (mini-cart), cart, and checkout pages. [PLT813-2408]


  • Ability to return a gift product when a normal or special product is returned, replaced, exchanged, or reconciled by a CSR Admin.
  • Ability to provide support to cancel the gift item when a product is canceled. [PLT813-2762]
  • Ability to display inventory of a gift partially available for main product quantity in the order admin UI. [PLT813-4792]


  • Ability to display inventory of a gift partially available for main product quantity. [PLT813-4792]

Promotions Class

Collection Properties – Promotions

  • Added a new collection property promotionclass in the Foundation Admin console, which holds the list of promotion class properties.

Release Changes for Microservices

Promotions Microservice

  • Support for the Promotion Class has been provided. The configured promotion class is stored and retrieved through APIs. [PLT813-2892]
  • Ability of a customer to place an order with the promotion configured normal product or bundle product, so that the promotion class mapped with the promotion is sent to SAP once the order is placed. [PLT813-2563]

Admin Orchestration

  • Ability to provide support for Promotion Class in the Promotions data. [PLT813-2894]

Release Changes for Admin Console

Promotion Admin Console

  • Introduced “Promotion Class” drop-down in the Promotion level to add a promotion class when configuring a promotion. [PLT813-2562, PLT813-2895]

Release Changes for Infosys Equinox Reference Storefront


  • Ability to support Promotion Class in the Promotion data. [PLT813-2893]

Cart and Order

  • Ability to support Promotion Class in the Cart and Order data. [PLT813-2891]

Properties Support at Promotion Level

Store Properties – Foundation

  • Ability to add the store property key orderChannelTypes and define its value (such as Web, Phone, Walk-in-Center). This property is mandatory to configure promotions based on the channel type and order type properties.
  • Ability to add the store property key productPropertiesForPromotion with its value.

Release Changes for Microservices

Promotions Microservice

  • Ability to provide support for promotions based on the properties. [PLT813-3029]

Admin Orchestration Microservice

  • Ability to provide properties support in promotion level in the storefront. [PLT813-3030]
  • Ability to provide Additional product properties support for PLP, PDP, Search, View Cart API, Subscription flow. [PLT813-4174]

Storefront Orchestration Microservice

  • Ability to provide support for properties based promotion. [PLT813-3030]

Order Microservice

  • Ability to provide properties support in the promotion level. [PLT813-3031]

Cart Microservice

  • Ability to provide properties support in the promotion level. [PLT813-3031]

Orders Microservice

  • Ability to provide support to store the properties in the order data. [PLT813-4181]

Release Changes for Admin Console

Promotions Admin Console

  • Ability to provide properties support at the promotion level.
Frequency Property

Collection Property

  • Ability to add the collection property key additionalPromotionFields define with the property key. This holds the list of frequencies, such as Monthly, Weekly, and One-time.

Promotions Admin

  • Ability to have a properties tab to configure the properties. [PLT813-3028]
  • Ability to configure promotions with the One Time Use option which allows the user to use the promo code one-time per user. [PLT813-3123]
  • Ability to configure promotions based on the product quantity limit. [PLT813-3292]
  • Ability to configure product discount (one-time per user) promotions for some products. [PLT813-3291]
Channel Type Property

Story Properties

  • Ability to add the store property key orderChannelTypes with its value. This property is mandatory to configure promotions based on the channel type and order type properties.

Promotions Admin

  • Ability to configure channel type properties such as Web, Phone, Walk-in-Center at the promotion level. [PLT813-3083]
Order Type Property

Story Properties

  • Ability to add the store property key orderChannelTypes with its value. This property is mandatory to configure promotions based on the channel type and order type properties.

Promotions Admin

  • Ability to configure order type properties such as standard and subscription at promotion level. [PLT813-3119]
Custom Class Property
  • Ability to configure Custom Class/Account Type as properties with values like Retail Customer, Brand Affiliate, etc. at the promotion level. [PLT813-3121]
  • Ability to configure one-time free gift for Loyalty members for a minimum amount purchase. [PLT813-3296]
Loyalty Tiers
  • Ability to configure promotions for the Loyalty members with Tiers level and with Min amount purchase. [PLT813-3282]
  • The promotion configuration conditions are:
    • user should be a Loyalty opt in member
    • user should come under Tier 2 to Tier 8
    • user should purchase for a minimum amount of 124 (every month first order)
Target Group

Store Properties

  • It is mandatory to configure the store property productPropertyForPromotion with the respective attribute values in the foundation admin console. [PLT813-4176]

Promotion Microservice

  • Support for referenceAttribute in promotion account. [PLT813-3654]
  • Promotions to be applied based on attribute value rather than configuration. [PLT813-4156]
  • Support to replace the macro value in product price offer action. [PLT813-4177]

Admin Orchestration Microservice

  • Support for referenceAttribute under promotion list and actions. [PLT813-3656]

Storefront Orchestration Microservice

  • Support for referenceAttribute under promotion list and actions. [PLT813-3657]

Promotions Admin

  • Configuration and support for referenceAttribute in the Promotion List. [PLT813-4156, PLT813-3650]
  • Ability to configure promotions with the target group list. [PLT813-3281]
  • Ability to add new attributes in List and Action. The Product Discount attributes such as pvdis, cvdis, grpdis, retaildis, wholesaledis are imported as a product attribute for all products or for the required products. The Product Discount attributes are configured in the Promotions Admin console. [PLT813-3626].

Orders Microservice

  • Support to store the properties in the orders data. [PLT813-4181]
Products Property

Store Properties

  • It is mandatory to configure the store properties pointRedeem, pointEarn, and redeemloyaltyproperty in the Foundation Admin console with the respective product property values.

Promotion Admin

  • Properties required to configure promotions. [PLT813-3567]. In Products, the properties given below needs to be added as conditions to configure promotions.
    • pointRedeem: can redeem points to purchase the product/SKU
    • pointEarn: Eligible to earn points
    • redeemloyaltyproperty: whether the product has eligibility to redeem the point earned

Release Changes for Infosys Equinox Reference Storefront


  • Ability to display properties based promotions. [PLT813-3030]

Orders and Cart

  • Ability to display properties based promotion on the Order and Cart. [PLT813-3031]

Free Gift for Opt-In Users

  • Ability of a loyalty opt in customer to get a free gift on placing my first order every month. [PLT813-2178]

Promotions Microservice:

  • Ability to provide support to store the frequency and code value in promotion entity/DB. [PLT813-3526]

Admin Orchestration Microservice

  • Ability to provide support for the user properties and opt-in value in the Promotion request. [PLT813-3527]

Orders Microservice

  • Ability to provide support to store the latest property value in user properties to add support for frequency. [PLT813-3529]

Storefront Orchestration Microservice

  • Ability to provide support to return the frequency details. [PLT813-3736]

Promotions Admin Console

  • Support for frequency and unique code have been added. [PLT813-3525]


  • Ability to add support for user properties and opt-in value in promotion request. [PLT813-3528]
  • Ability to provide user ID support in PLP and PDP in admin both SFO and front end. [PLT813-4126]

Frequency Setup in Promotions

  • Ability to configure Frequency setup to provide gift to the Loyalty customers opt in customers. [PLT813-3021]

Collection Properties – Promotions

  • Ability to add the collection property additionalPromotionFields and define its value. This property is mandatory which holds the configure the list of frequency types.

Promotion Microservice

  • Ability to skip the promotions based on certain conditions. [PLT813-3389]

Admin Orchestration Microservice

  • Ability to provide support to return the frequency details. [PLT813-3736]

Promotion Admin Console

  • Ability to configure the frequency for the loyalty opt in customers to receive their gift in every first purchase. [PLT813-3021]
  • Ability to configure a promotion based on weekly frequency. [PLT813-3305]

Loyalty Rewards Program

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the Infosys Equinox microservices to implement Loyalty Rewards Program:

Release Changes for Microservices

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the store properties of Foundation microservice for this release:

Store Properties – Foundation Microservice

  • Ability to add the store property productPropertyToEarnRewards with an attribute name. The products with this attribute are displayed in the Product Details page as “Reward point eligible products”. [PLT813-2738]
  • Ability to add the store property redeemloyaltyproperty with an attribute name. The products with this attribute are displayed in the Product Details page as “Eligible for Redemption”. [PLT813-4394]
  • Introduced the store property allowedRewardTypesForOptIn with the value as LOYALTY. It is used to allow the user to opt-in and opt-out from the storefront. [PLT813-2015]
  • Introduced a store property tierConfigMap to hold the tier name and tier percentage of the users. [PLT813-3268]
  • Introduced the store property fetchRewardsEventId to hold the ID of an event. It used to fetch rewards before the actual reward points are credited to the account. [ECG-2618]

Collection Properties – Loyalty Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the collection properties of Loyalty microservice for this release:

  • Introduced the collection property LoyaltyOptOutForFeitPoint to forfeit the loyalty points when the user opts out from the Loyalty Rewards Program. [PLT813-2038]
  • Introduced the collection property allowedRewardTypesForOptIn to hold the list of allowed reward types for opt-in and opt-out functionality. [PLT813-2188]
  • Introduced the collection property pointsExpiryDays which is used to tack the events. [PLT813-3617]
  • Introduced the collection property tierConfig which is used to store the current and next tier for tracking the events. [PLT813-759]

Loyalty Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Loyalty microservice for this release:

  • Ability to calculate loyalty points for “Reward point eligible products”. Only the products that has the pointEarn attribute are eligible for earning points. [PLT813-817, PLT813-2859]
  • Ability to opt-in to the Loyalty Rewards Program. [PLT813-2001]
  • Ability to opt-out from the Loyalty Rewards Program. [PLT813-2038]
  • Introduced a new field optInStatus in SpecificMath. [PLT813-2164]
  • Added a new string field loyaltyOptInDate in SpecificMath. [PLT813-2349]
  • Added a new action class LoyaltyOptInOptOutAction, which is used in the custom action type configuration. [PLT813-2272]
  • Added a new action class “Order Total Value” to find the total order value. [PLT813-2482]
  • The following actions have been introduced as part of the ticket [PLT813-2484]:
    • UpdateProfileProperty – to find the subscription count
    • SetTierAction – to set the user tier
    • LoyaltyForfeitAction – to set the order total value to zero and to forfeit the user from the Loyalty Rewards Program when the user’s opt-in status is true
  • Ability to update tier of the user after shipping the order. [PLT813-3593]
  • Ability to set the user tier when the user opt-in/opt-out to/from the Loyalty Rewards Program. It sets the user tiers based on the total order value and subscription status. [PLT813-1969]
  • Ability to export a report of the current balance of all the users. [PLT813-2785]

Order Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Order microservice for this release:

  • Added the type of the loyalty payment as LOYALTY in the Order’s JSON. [PLT813-4936]
  • Support has been added to pass the item’s price value instead of the total order value in the Order Shipped event data when the item is shipped. [PLT813-2088]
  • When a customer returns the order partially or fully, the earned and redeemed loyalty points from the order is returned back for the returned items. [PLT813-2784]

Storefront Orchestration Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Storefront Orchestration microservice for this release:

  • Introduced a REST API to handle opt-in and opt-out of the user. [PLT813-2271]
  • Introduced the attribute Opt_in in the SFO API call. [PLT813-2269]

Admin Orchestration Microservice

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented in Admin Orchestration microservice for this release:

  • Added Opt_in attribute in the /customers/{userId}/loyalty API call. [PLT813-2274]

Release Changes for Admin Consoles

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in various Admin consoles for this release:

Customers Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Customers Admin console for this release:

  • Ability to calculate loyalty points based on “Reward point eligible products”. [PLT813-2859]
  • Ability to place an order by a CSR for a customer and the loyalty points that is earned for that order should be calculated and displayed. The loyalty points are accrued to the customer’s account once the order is shipped. [PLT813-751]
  • Ability to display the “Points you will earn” for an order in the Order Summary section of the order checkout page for a B2B2C store. [PLT813-1536]
  • Allows a CSR to place an order which can earn loyalty points for a customer. [PLT813-757]
  • Ability to display Loyalty Rewards Program status “OPTED-IN” or “OPTED-OUT” of a customer based on the optInStatus field “true” and “false“. [PLT813-2186]

Loyalty Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Loyalty Admin console for this release:

  • The following action types have been introduced:
    • Earn Points Action – to calculate the earned loyalty points
    • Approve Points Action – to approve the earned loyalty points
    • Loyalty OptIn / OptOut Action – to configure opt-in and opt-out status of the reward types
    • Cycle Transaction Action – to update the transactions for the Loyalty Cycle Program
    • Update Profile Property – to find subscription count, order count, account type, etc.
    • Order Total Value – to calculate the order total value based on the configured months and the last opt-in date
    • Loyalty Forfeit Action – to set the order total value to zero and to forfeit the user from the Loyalty Rewards Program when the user’s opt-in status is true
    • Loyalty Partial Forfeit Action – to partially forfeit the user from the Loyalty Rewards Program when the user’s opt-in status is true
  • Ability to configure the tier-based actions. For example, [PLT813-1903, PLT813-1904,  PLT813-1905]
    • Tier 1: Basic Rule Configuration to move a registered user to Tier1 to earn 5% loyalty points.
    • Tier 2: VIP Rule Configuration to move a Tier1 user to Tier2 when the user is having an active subscription to earn 10% loyalty points.
    • Tier 3: LUXE VIP Rule Configuration to move a Tier2 user to Tier 3 when the user is having order value greater than 800 and an active subscription to earn 20% loyalty points.

Order Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Order Admin console for this release:

  • Ability to display points earned(loyalty points) on the selected product to place order. [PLT813-1610]
  • Ability to show the total reward points that the user is earning as part of the subscription order in the Order Review Summary page. [PLT813-2783]
  • Ability to earn or redeem loyalty points by a CSR while editing an order for a customer. [PLT813-2875]
  • Ability to redeem loyalty points by a CSR while placing an order for a customer. [PLT813-3203]

Release Changes for Reference Storefront

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Reference Storefront for this release:

  • Ability to display the option “Opt-in to Rewards Program” in the Sign Up page. [PLT813-1840]
  • Ability to display the option “Opt-in to Loyalty Rewards Program” in the “My Account” page [PLT813-1841]
  • Ability to display the option “Opt-In to Loyalty Rewards Program” in the “Cart & Checkout” Page [PLT813-1842]
  • Introduced Loyalty Opt-In Functionality in Loyalty Dashboard. [PLT813-1919]
  • Introduced Loyalty Opt-Out Functionality in Loyalty Dashboard. [PLT813-1968]
  • Ability to display the message “Eligible for Loyalty Rewards” in the PDP page. [PLT813-3449]
  • Ability to see the total reward points that is earned for a subscription order in the Subscription page. [PLT813-2782]

Loyalty Rewards Bank

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the Loyalty Admin console microservices to manage Loyalty Reward Banks:

Release Changes for Loyalty Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Loyalty Admin console for this release:

  • Ability to create the reward banks of the users.
  • Ability to edit the reward banks of the users.
  • Ability to view the reward banks of the users.

B2B2C Flow

Release Changes for Foundation Microservice

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented in Foundation microservice for this release:

  • Added the store property activateB2B2C to enable B2B2C store. [ECG-2332]

Release Changes for Storefront

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in Reference Storefront for this release:

  • Added new fields for the user registration in B2B2C flow. [ECG-2333]
  • Ability to auto approve buyer admin for a B2B2C store. [ECG-2334]
  • Ability to skip validations such as contract, budget limit, cost center, etc. for an order placement in a B2B2C store.[ECG-2336]
  • Ability to manage loyalty points at account level in B2B2C flow. [ECG-2337]
  • Ability for a Buyer Admin to invite users for the account. [ECG-2339, ECG-2339]
  • Ability to maintain user tiers at the account level. [ECG-2600, ECG-2600]
  • Ability to place orders as a guest user in a B2B2C store. [PLT813-575, PLT813-575]

Spring Batch Changes

  • The feed jobs have been migrated from Pentaho to Spring Batch with added features, such as:
    • Individual feed notifications
    • View or download the summary details
    • Trigger/retrigger on-demand feeds via the Feed Job Admin console
    • Scheduled feed jobs via the Feed Job Admin console
  • Concurrent listener mechanism has been enabled in the Feed Job microservice.

Other Changes

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the Infosys Equinox microservices or admin consoles for this release:

Foundation Microservice

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented in the Foundation microservice for this release:

  • Ability to support multi-locales for different stores. [PLT813-696]

Accounts Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the Accounts microservice for this release:

  • Ability to manage the account entities with reference attributes. [PLT813-1500]
  • Added account properties and account type in the Buyer Account API call. [NUSKIN-1788]

Inventory Microservice

 The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented in the Inventory microservice for this release:

  • Introduced custom properties at bin item level to support backorder. [PLT813-260, PLT813-1448]

Loyalty Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the Loyalty microservice for this release:

  • Added the collection property duplicateTransactionCheck to enable or disable the duplicate transactions.
  • Added the collection property enrollBankOnTransaction to show the validation error message or create a reward bank for a new user who does not exist in the loyalty database.
  • Added the collection property frequencyFeedCurrentTimeInMs to hold time to update missing transactions.
  • Added the collection property frequencyTransactionConfig to hold the transaction frequency configurations.
  • Added the collection property roundOffMode to hold the round off modes.

Customers (User) Microservice

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented in the User microservice for this release:

  • Ability to manage the user entities with reference attributes. [PLT813-1500]

Feeds Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the Feeds microservice for this release:

  • All the feeds are migrated to Spring Batch from Pentaho. [PLT813-1810]
  • Added price rule support for normal and special products in searchindexer (reindexer) feed.[PLT813-111]
  • Ability to store the price value based on the custom attribute defaultSkuId for special products. [PLT813-1876]

Pricing Microservice

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the Pricing microservice for this release:

  • Ability to configure the price rule for normal flow and subscription flow. [PLT813-109]
  • Ability to get the price rule parameter based on Account Type from the store property PriceRuleConfigMap. [PLT813-235]
  • Ability to see price facets in the PLP page. Added the collection property applicablefeedconfig_pricefacets for the Feeds microservice. [PLT813-1801]

Pricing Admin Console

The following new feature has been implemented in the Pricing Admin console for this release:

  • Ability to configure the price rule with different account types (such as Retail price, Transaction price, PV, CV, SB). [PLT813-108]

Search Service

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented in the Search microservice for this release:

  • Added semantic ID support for products. [PLT813-4606]
  • Added semantic ID support for product lists. [PLT813-4607]

Technical Improvements

The following technical improvements have been implemented as part of this release:

Sl. # Service/Component Description
1. Feed Job Service This new microservice has been built using Spring Batch.
2. B2B2C Model This new e-commerce model has been created on top of B2B store type.
3. Events Integrated AWS EventBridge. [PLT813-1176]
4. AWS MQ Integrated AWS MQ.

Known Issues

The following is the known issue in this release:

JIRA Ticket # Service Name Description
EQPLAT-8312 Loyalty Admin Console Creating a Rewards Bank shows 500 error.

Placing/Editing a Normal Order or Subscription Order  by a CSR

Store Properties – Foundation

  • A new store specific custom property orderChannelTypes with the value “Web, Phone, Walk-in-Center “ should be configured in the Advanced tab of the Store Overview page in the Foundation Admin console which determines the type of channel used to place the orders.

Collection Properties – Customers

  • The following collections properties have been added to the Customers microservice:
    • public_profile_searchkey – indicates the public profile search key of the user profile separated by commas, such as firstName, lastName, userName.
    • firebase_user_config – holds the configuration and server properties of Firebase.

Release Changes for Microservices

Orders Microservice

  • Ability to display ‘Product Type’ as part of the Orders response once an order is placed. [PLT813-680]

Storefront Orchestration Microservice

  • Ability to display ‘Product Type’ as part of the SFO response once an order is placed. [PLT813-680]

Release Changes for Admin Consoles

Customers Admin Console

  • Ability to increase/decrease the quantity or manually add the required quantity while placing an order on behalf of the customer for normal products, subscription products, and special products. [PLT813-546]
  • The following functionalities have been implemented as part of the ticket [PLT813-1036, PLT813-1040]:
    • Ability to place orders for special products.
    • Ability to choose different variants from ‘View Items in this Bundle’ for a bundle product or ‘View Items in this SKU Kit’ for the special products.
    • Ability to update shipping details, promocodes, and payment methods while placing an order for ‘Special Products’.
  • Ability to notify a customer via email on order placement of the special products and their sub-products that has been chosen.
  • Ability to subscribe a product on behalf of a customer. [PLT813-1078]
  • Ability to set frequency (such as Monthly, Every 2 Months, and Every 3 Months) at the item level while placing a subscription order on behalf of the customer. [PLT813-1508]
  • Ability to create a new subscription in the Subscriptions tab for special products. [PLT813-1039]
  • Ability to change the processing order date of the next immediate subscription. [PLT813-1081, PLT813-1449]
  • Ability to process the subscription order immediately. [PLT813-1081]
  • The following functionalities have been implemented for normal products or special products in the Subscriptions tab as part of the ticket [PLT813-1082]:
    • Ability to update a subscription for a customer if the freeze window has not started.
    • Ability to update Quantity and Frequency in the current month tab and/or SHOW ALL tab.
    • Ability to add a new item to the subscription.
    • Ability to update and choose other payment method and shipping address.
    • Ability to apply a promocode while creating the subscription order.
    • Ability to cancel all or the selected items subscription items.
    • Ability to skip or un-skip a subscription item.
    • Ability to display the subscription products in the current month or SHOW ALL tab.

Orders Admin Console

  • Ability to enter/update a new address by a CSR while creating a subscription order on behalf of the customer. [PLT813-380]
  • Quick Address System validation has been implemented in the subscription order to validate the shipping and billing addresses. [PLT813-380]
  • The added shipping or billing address by a CSR in the subscription order will not be set to default. [PLT813-380]
  • The Order Statistics page has been hidden and the Total Orders is the landing page on clicking Orders in the StoreOps page. [PLT813-2820]
  • Ability to display a list of orders placed by a customer at the account level or customer level. [PLT813-541]
  • Ability to display the Account ID and Customer ID in the Orders tab for the store type B2B2C or B2B. [PLT813-541]
  • The CSR Admin’s name is displayed in the Order creation page when an order is placed on behalf of a customer. [PLT813-381]
  • The following functionalities have been implemented as part of the ticket [PLT813-382]:
    • Ability to update an order for a normal product when order status is ‘Ready to Edit’.
    • Ability to update quantity, add/delete any products, apply a promocode, update a payment method, and/or update shipping address while editing an order. [PLT813-382]
  • Ability to cancel any order that is in Open state (not processed/billed state). [PLT813-548]
  • Ability to display the cancellation reason in the Order details page. [PLT813-548]
  • Ability to display special products along with the chosen sub-products in the Products tab. [PLT813-1036]

Subscriptions Admin Console

  • Ability to update the subscription details such as item quantity and order frequency details based on customer’s request.
  • In the Subscriptions page, upon customers’ request a Subscription Admin can skip or un-skip the next order of an active subscription request.
  • Ability to view the list of orders for a subscription request in the Subscription console.
  • Ability to cancel a subscription created by a customer.
  • Ability to view the list of orders for a subscription request.

Release Changes for Storefront

  • Ability for a buyer admin to view all one time orders and subscription orders that are placed by the “buyer users”. [PLT813-116]
  • Ability of a buyer admin, who owns the account to see all the subscriptions of the buyer user tagged under the account. [PLT813-9]
  • Ability of the “buyer admins” to view all the subscription orders that are placed by the “buyer users” under them. [PLT813-10]
  • Ability to subscribe normal product or special type of products like normal bundle, fixed bundle, SKU Kit, and Collections from the storefront. [PLT813-634]
  • Ability to view the subscriptions progress bar which displays the progress of the active subscriptions.
  • Ability to directly add items to the subscription list from the Product Quick Add option in the Subscriptions dashboard screen.
  • Ability to add a new subscription to the existing subscription list in the Subscriptions tab for a normal product or special products.
  • Ability to change the processing order date of the next immediate subscription. [PLT813-1081]
  • Ability to process the subscription order immediately. [PLT813-1081]
  • The following functionalities have been implemented for normal products or special products in the Subscriptions tab as part of the ticket [PLT813-1082]:
    • Ability to display subscription products in the current month tab and View All tab.
    • Ability to update Quantity and Frequency in the current month tab and/or View All tab.
    • Ability to update and choose other payment method and shipping address.
    • Ability to delete all or selected subscription items.
    • Ability to skip or un-skip a subscription item.
  • Once a subscription is added by a CSR, it appears in the customer’s account on the storefront. [PLT813-1040]

Revision History

2023-01-13 | JP – Added Release 8.13.0 content.