New Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been implemented in this release:

Component Name Description
All microservices Ability to add a business identifier for all events across all microservices. [SECOM-31873]
DevOps Ability to upgrade selected or all microservices by System Admin at any time without having downtime. [SECOM- 31707, SECOM-31221]
Foundation Admin Console Ability to create a business in the “Business Listing” page for the Instance Admin. In an instance, only an instance admin can create a business. A business admin can only edit the business details. [SECOM-31112, SECOM-31212]
Ability to support Business Admin role in all the admin consoles in addition to the Instance Admin. [SECOM-31663]
Ability to create an authentication secret for each business when creating a business. [SECOM-31366]
Ability to display a business-specific secret key in the “Business Overview” page. [SECOM-31367]
Ability to subscribe to the respective events for the businesses in the Skava Cloud. It is the extension point for the business to customize in the Skava Cloud. [SECOM-31588]
Promotions Admin Console Ability to navigate to all enabled microservices within a business in the pancake menu. [SECOM-31096]
Promotions Service Ability to provide a discount for the bundle products against the bundle-shipping price. [SECOM-1324]
Ability to provide a discount for the bundle products against the bundle price. [SECOM-30956]
Skava Framework Ability to segregate the logs for the business based on the business ID. [SECOM-31364]
Skava Infrastructure Added support to MongoDB Atlas. [SECOM-31218]
Ability to display the dashboard for each business based on the business ID. [SECOM-31364]
Added support to Amazon RDS, ElastiCache, Secrets Manager, and MongoDB Atlas. [SECOM-31222, SECOM-31295]
Used RabbitMQ credential with Admin tag instead of management tag for access by a business-specific user. [INFRA-16030]
Enabled the Shovel plugin with RabbitMQ server for SaaS. [INFRA-16041]

Bug Fixes

This section highlights important bugs fixed for Security component in this release:

  • Migrated server username and password from ZooKeeper to AWS Secrets Manager. [SECOM-30875]

Revision History

2019-02-04 | JP – Added Release 8.1.0 content.