05 August 2024 (8.18.5)

The following new features or enhancements have been added to the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform.

Loyalty Voucher Enhancements

  • Ability to credit back the voucher spent on a partially returned order or cancelled order.
  • Ability to forfeit an earned voucher under certain conditions related to the fully or partially return of an order.
    • If it is full return, forfeits the voucher.
    • If it is partial return and if the item value is greater than 20$, then on returning one item which
      • Forfeits the voucher – breaks the loyaltyeligibleordervalue condition.
      • No forfeit in this case – does not break the loyaltyeligibleordervalue condition.

If a user decides to return one or more ‘Voucher Ineligible’ products, the voucher is retained, and no action is taken on the voucher.

App Marketplace Enhancements

App Marketplace Service

  • Enhanced the getMerchantStoresListAPI in the Portal Orchestration and App Marketplace services by introducing businessId as a new node in the API response.

Payment Service

  • Introduced enablePayment node to the Payment Options controller in the Payment service.

Shipping Service

  • Shipping Label Controller in the Shipping Service has been updated as follows:
    • Added new parameter isReturn.
    • Included orderId in the request body, which will now persist in the database.
    • Changed the type of shippingLabelImageUrl to string.
    • Introduced new node extShippingLabelId in the request and response of shipping labels.
  • Enhanced GETAllShippingLabel API to support fetching of shipping labels using orderId as a filter.

Order Service

The event names for the fat events of Return_Submitted and Return_Accepted have been modified.

  • Return_Submitted:  “omsservices/orders/returnsubmitted”
  • Return_Accepted:  “omsservices/orders/returnaccepted”

App Marketplace Console

  • The app configuration template for shipping and tax apps has been simplified, and validations have been added.

Ultra-Admin CSR Enhancements

  • Payment App (Card) / Shipment App integration for CSR


Starter App

  • Integrated a starter app for bulk transfer of inventory data from source system to Infosys Equinox Inventory service.

AI-First: Special Product Suggestions App

  • A new feature has been introduced that enhances the shopping experience for storefront users by providing special product suggestions. Here are the specifics:
    • This feature enables users to view special product suggestions, which include both bundle products and SKU kits, based on the items in the cart.
    • These product suggestions are dynamically presented, ensuring that they are relevant and tailored to the user’s shopping experience.

Dashboard Reports

Catalog-Merchandise Dashboard

  • The dashboard offers a comprehensive suite of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for loyalty programs, events, and loyalty points, providing valuable insights with the flexible filter and sort options.
  • Widgets included: Loyalty opt-in trends, Trends for loyalty points earned, redeemed, and expired, Top 20 members by redeemed loyalty points.
  • Option to view and download:  Customer Transaction Events for each Reward Type, Customer Opt-in details for each Reward Type, and loyalty transactions.

Loyalty Dashboard

  • The dashboard offers a comprehensive set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Products, SKUs, and Categories, delivering valuable insights with the flexible filter and sort options.
  • Widgets included: Top-performing and underperforming categories, as well as products by both order quantity and ratings.
  • Option to view and download: Details of the Products, SKUs along with their attributes.

Ultra Storefront Enhancements

  • CSR Admin can now act on behalf of a customer in Ultra Storefront from the Customer Admin console.
  • Category landing page now dynamically powered by Strapi.

Technology Maintenance & Upgrades

The following technology maintenance and upgrades have been performed as part of this release:

Library Version Upgrade

The following library versions have been upgraded:

Library Name Upgraded From Upgraded To
Spring Boot 3.3.0 3.3.1
DevTools in Spring Boot 3.3.0 3.3.1
Spring Boot Maven Plugin 3.3.0 3.3.1
Spring Boot Starter Batch 3.3.0 3.3.1
Spring Boot Starter Thymeleaf 3.3.0 3.3.1
Micrometer Tracing Bridge Brave 1.3.0 1.3.1
Micrometer Tracing 1.3.0 1.3.1
Swagger Annotations 1.6.11 1.6.14
Swagger Core 1.6.11 1.6.14
Apache Camel 4.4.2 4.4.3

Optimization of Infosys Equinox Framework

In this release, the Equinox Framework and admin console property tags have been optimized by consolidating and eliminating duplicate property tags and designating a common property. This enhancement streamlines the maintenance of library versions and expedites vulnerability fixes.

Removed these duplicate properties Pointed to these common properties
  • spring-boot-devtools.version
  • spring-boot-maven-plugin.version
  • spring-boot-starter-batch.version
  • spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf.version
  • spring-boot.version
  • micrometer-tracing-bridge-brave.version
  • micrometer-tracing.version
  • swagger-annotations.version
  • swagger-core.version

Open Source Library Vulnerability Fixes

The unique security vulnerabilities that have been patched in the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform via the Snyk tool are 3 vulnerabilities.


Revision History

2024-08-05 | JP – Added Release 8.18.5 content.