11 August 2023 (8.15.1)

Earning/Redeeming Voucher

Foundation Admin Console

Added these store-level properties as part of this release:

  • productPropertyToEarnVouchers with the default value earnVoucher which allows to earn vouchers.
  • productPropertyToRedeemVouchers with the default value redeemVoucher which allows to redeem vouchers.

Loyalty Service

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to configure the existing Loyalty’s collection property, “CustomActionTypeConfig” with the value “voucherName” and the values that need to appear in the dropdown list when an appropriate action type “Earn Voucher Action” is selected for an action. [EQPLAT-30424]

Loyalty Admin Console

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to select the required voucher name (like Birthday Voucher) in the “Voucher Name” field when “Earn Voucher Action” is selected under the ACTIONS tab of a Loyalty. [EQPLAT-30424]

Admin Orchestration/Customer Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to display the “Voucher Discount” as a line item under the “Order Summary” section in the checkout flow when the order is placed by a CSR in the Customer Admin console. [EQPLAT-30430]
  • Ability to display “Eligible to Earn Voucher!” and “Eligible to Redeem Voucher!” for a product/SKU when placing an order in the Product Quickview page and product selection page of the Customer Admin console. [EQPLAT-30434]
  • Ability to display Loyalty points and Voucher details appropriately in the “Loyalty / Credits” dashboard. [EQPLAT-30422]

Storefront Orchestration/Reference Storefront

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to display the “Voucher Discount” as a line item under the “Order Summary” section in the checkout flow when the order is placed by customers in the storefront. [EQPLAT-29522]
  • Ability to display “Eligible to Earn Voucher!” and “Eligible to Redeem Voucher!” for a product/SKU on the product detailed page in the storefront. [EQPLAT-30434]
  • Ability to display Loyalty points and Voucher details appropriately on the Rewards & Credits page in the Customer’s My Profile page. [EQPLAT-30421]
  • Ability to redeem vouchers in the checkout flow. [EQPLAT-29055]

Enabling Search Configuration

Merchandising Service

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented as part of this release:

  • Introduced the collection property “enableSearchConfiguration” to show/hide the search options such as Search Configuration, Search Override, Search Synonyms, and Search Redirect URLs.

Merchandising Admin

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • The Search Override option has been changed to Search Configuration in the left navigation panel. [EQPLAT-32640]
  • Ability to configure Search Synonyms and Search Redirect URLs. [EQPLAT-32641, EQPLAT-32873, EQPLAT-32911]
  • Ability to update or delete the configured search synonym or search redirect URL. [EQPLAT-32875, EQPLAT-32913]

Search Service

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to edit/delete the configured data from the search entity. [EQPLAT-36311]

App Marketplace

App Marketplace Services

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to create an app using POST /appmarketplaceservices/apps for a businessId via the Get App Marketplace Controller. [EQPLAT-34523]
  • Ability to update an app using PATCH /appmarketplaceservices/apps/{appId} Patch Update an App for a businessId via the Get App Marketplace Controller. [EQPLAT-34523]
  • Ability to add any pre-defined roles across services in the “Save App Configuration Details” API in the App Metadata Controller. [EQPLAT-34192]
  • Ability to add roles to determine access to the Infosys Equinox Commerce services. [EQPLAT-34192]
  • Ability to update the clientId (Oauth/System client) field in the App Merchant data using the PATCH ​/appmarketplaceservices​/apps​/{appId}​/installation Update an App API in the Merchant Apps Controller. [EQPLAT-27857]
  • A new Privileges Controller has been added for the App Marketplace service to enable creating, updating, installing, or configuring, or uninstalling an app and associated Webhooks based on the privileges/privilege group [EQPLAT-34942, EQPLAT-34526]:
    • GET /appmarketplaceservices/privilegeGroups Retrieve the Privilege Groups
    • GET /appmarketplaceservices/privileges Retrieve All Privileges
    • GET /appmarketplaceservices/roles Retrieve All Standard Roles
  • The privileges creating, updating, installing, or configuring, or uninstalling an app and associated Webhooks based on the privileges/privilege group have been added to ROLE_BUSINESS-ADMIN. [EQPLAT-34910]
  • Added includeAll param to the “Retrieve all webhooks based on WebhookName” in the Webhooks App Subscription Controller. When the includeAll param is [EQPLAT-32572]:
    • true – returns all entries irrespective of status
    • false – returns only the active status, by default
  • The Webhooks PATCH API call “/appmarketplaceservices/webhooksApp/{subscriptionId}” has been added in the App Marketplace services in the Webhooks App Subscription Controller to update the Webhook Store Apps based on the Subscription ID. [EQPLAT-27876]

Portal Orchestration Services

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to create an app using POST /apps/ CreateApp for a businessId via the App Marketplace API Controller. [EQPLAT-34525]
  • Ability to update an app using PATCH /apps/{appId} Patch Update an App for a businessId via the App Marketplace API Controller. [EQPLAT-34525]
  • Ability to add any pre-defined roles across services in the “Save App Configuration Details” API in the App Metadata Controller. [EQPLAT-34921]
  • Ability to add roles to determine access to the Infosys Equinox Commerce services. [EQPLAT-34921]
  • Ability to update the clientId (Oauth/System client) field in the App Merchant data using the PATCH /appmarketplaceservices/apps/{appId}/installation Update an App in the Merchant Apps Controller. [EQPLAT-31795]

AWS Services

The following new feature or enhancement has been implemented as part of this release:

  • The Invocation Lambda has been built to send the Webhook details and event payload to the target Webhook URL. [EQPLAT-27859]

App Marketplace Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • The header, footer, and common components for the Apps Manager page have been introduced. [EQPLAT-35552]
  • Ability to access the App Marketplace via the Hamburger menu. [EQPLAT-35239, EQPLAT-35240]
  • The App Marketplace Admin console has been added to the Store Ops page. [EQPLAT-34726]

Inventory Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • The Inventory Admin console has been newly introduced in the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform. For now, the console can ONLY be accessed via the direct link. [EQPLAT-32103]
  • Ability to view Bins in a hierarchy view with the columns Bin ID, LeafBin, and Status in the Bin listing page. [EQPLAT-32106]
  • Ability to view the Bins in a parent and child view. [EQPLAT-32106]
  • Ability to collapse and expand the entire hierarchy view. [EQPLAT-32106]
  • Ability to search for a particular bin by name. [EQPLAT-32106]
  • Ability to create a new Bin by clicking the “Add Bin” button on the Bin listing page. [EQPLAT-32106]
  • Ability to create a new Bin with fields such as ID, Description, Channel, Type, Status, Leaf Bin, and Parent Bin. [EQPLAT-32107]
  • Ability to view and edit the existing Bins. [EQPLAT-32108]
  • Ability to view the Bin Items with SKU Image, SKU ID, SKU Name, and along with other inventory details. [EQPLAT-32109]
  • Ability to filter the bin items.
  • Ability to create a new Bin Item with SKU ID, ATP QTY, Pre-Order Qty, Back Order Qty, Low Stock Threshold, Out-of-Stock Threshold, and Status. [EQPLAT-32110]
  • Ability to view and edit the existing Bin Items (except the SKU ID). [EQPLAT-32111]
  • Ability to view the list of transactions with the Transaction ID, Transaction Type, Transaction Date, Transaction Qty, Source Bin, Destination Bin, and Notes fields for a bin item. [EQPLAT-32112]
  • Ability to add, transfer, reconcile, or remove quantities for a particular bin item.
  • Ability to filter the transactions based on the Transaction ID and Type in the “Bin Items Transaction” page. [EQPLAT-32112]
  • Ability to import the Bin Items. [EQPLAT-32113]
  • Ability to download the Inventory template. [EQPLAT-32113]
  • Ability to upload the file for importing the bin items. [EQPLAT-32113]
  • Ability to view the history of imported files. [EQPLAT-32113]
  • Ability to view the summary of import. [EQPLAT-32113]
  • Ability to get the imported file. [EQPLAT-32113]
  • Ability to view imported file history. [EQPLAT-32113]
  • Ability to export the Bin Items using the Export button. [EQPLAT-32262]
  • Ability to check the Progress bar while processing the export. [EQPLAT-32262]
  • Ability to get the exported file in the Excel sheet (.xlsx) format. [EQPLAT-32262]

Improved Site Operations

Catalog Service

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-30525, EQPLAT-30528, EQPLAT-31575, EQPLAT-30529, EQPLAT-31238, EQPLAT-34754]:

  • A new API endpoint “Get Catalog Reports” has been introduced to generate reports.
  • The mandatory params added to this API are catalogID, projectID, reportType, and other common params from Infosys Equinox Framework. It also includes the other optional params such as fromDate, toDate, and Locale.
  • The param summary has been introduced in the “Get Catalog Reports” API to generate summary details based on the selected reportType param.
  • Ability to configure the reportType parameter as skuToExpire to generate a report containing SKUs that are going to expire within 7 days.
  • Ability to configure the reportType parameter as skuToLaunch to generate a report containing SKUs that will be launched in the upcoming days.
  • Ability to configure the reportType parameter as skuWithNoImage to generate a report containing SKUs with no images.
  • Ability to configure the reportType parameter as skuWithmultipleProduct to generate a report containing SKUs associated with Multiple Products.
  • Ability to configure the reportType parameter as productwithNoSku to generate a report containing products with no SKUs.
  • Ability to configure the reportType parameter as recentlyupdatedProduct to generate a report containing products that are recently updated with date and time.
  • Ability to configure the reportType parameter as recentlyupdatedSKU to generate a report containing SKUs that are recently updated with date and time.

Inventory Service

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this ticket [EQPLAT-31288]:

  • A new API endpoint “Get Inventory Reports” has been introduced to generate reports.
  • The mandatory params added to this API are reportType, summary, and other common params from Infosys Equinox Framework. It also includes the other optional params such as filter and locale.
  • The param summary has been introduced in the “Get Inventory Reports” API to generate summary details based on the selected reportType param.
  • When the reportType parameter is configured as skuAvailabilityReport, then generates a report containing SKUs that are out-of-stock, low-stock, backordered, and pre-ordered.

Foundation Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to display the following summary details of your store [EQPLAT-30525, EQPLAT-30528, EQPLAT-31575, EQPLAT-30529, EQPLAT-31238]:
    • Products With No SKU
    • SKU with No Image
    • Projects To Be Approved
    • SKU With Multiple Products
  • Displays Recently Updated Items under Dashboard. [EQPLAT-31574]
  • Display SKU Availability table with a list of statuses such as Out-of-Stock, Low-Stock, Pre-Ordered, Backordered [EQPLAT-30532]
  • Widgets Expand and Collapse feature has been enabled. [EQPLAT-31290]
  • Under the SKU Availability table, filters have been introduced to filter the results. [EQPLAT-31311]
  • The header row has been introduced in the Dashboard page to show the default locale [EQPLAT-34755]

Catalog Admin Console

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release [EQPLAT-31291]:

  • Ability to filter the results in product and SKU in the Catalog Admin console based on the Report Type filter for the required task from the Dashboard page.


The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

  • Ability to receive the “search” requests (the request with action is “Search”) from BG (that is, ONDC gateway). [EQPLAT-24586, EQPLAT-24588]
  • Ability to push the request to the ONDC Event bridge. [EQPLAT-24586, EQPLAT-24588]
  • Ability to receive the “select” requests (the request with action is “Select”) from the Buyer App (BAP). [EQPLAT-25625, EQPLAT-25627]

B2B Automation

  • Ability to automate the creation of contracts based on the details provided in the import sheet. [EQPLAT-24485]
  • The following new business properties have been introduced for store automation [EQPLAT-36252]:
    • Domain – name of the domain for automation
    • Sheetpath – the URL where the sheets are placed
  • Ability to display the progress of Accounts microservice activation as part of store automation. [EQPLAT-34371]

Segment Based Stores

Promotions Service

  • A new API “Load All Projects of a Promotion Group” has been introduced in the Audit Controller with the mandatory param “groupId”. [EQPLAT-28087]

Admin Orchestration Service

  • A new API “Load All Projects of a Promotion Group” has been introduced in the Promotions Group controller that loads all projects of a promotion group based on the collection ID and Promotion Group ID. [EQPLAT-30447]


The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

Wizard and Template:

  • Ability for a business associate to launch a site effortlessly. A user can log in, view the dashboard, access the wizard, and publish the live site. [EQPLAT-35663]
  • The ability for a business associate to edit the wizard and republish the site. [EQPLAT-36156]
  • Ability to complete the performance testing for renderer and multiple domain management. [EQPLAT-35078]

BA Dashboard & Store set-up

  • The ability for a business associate to view and manage the day-to-day operations of their site (sales, orders, inventory). [EQPLAT-36157]
  • Ability to update the site domain.
  • Ability for a business associate to update PDP, PLP, and product information. [EQPLAT-35135, EQPLAT-35131, EQPLAT-35138]

Other Changes

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

Store Front Orchestration

  • Ability to delete the subscribed product successfully in the Subscription dashboard. [EQPLAT-33582]

Admin Orchestration

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of the ticket [EQPLAT-35169].

  • Ability to apply promotions based on User details and/or Accounts details. If user ID is not passed to getproductbyID API, then an invalid userID should be thrown.
  • The approach in connecting the Redis server has been updated for security reasons. No new functional changes
  • Ability for the CSR to credit/debit points from the Rewards Bank page in admin.
  • Ability to handle bundle pages when price facet values are passed as null.

Customer Admin

  • Ability to filter users by first name and last name in the Customer Admin. [EQPLAT-35204]

Promotion Admin

  • Ability to not generate multiple brackets on each update and save while editing a rule in the condition. [EQPLAT-35206]

Hot Fixes

The following new features or enhancements have been implemented as part of this release:

Reference Ticket Affected Service Release Notes Description
EQPLAT-35214 Feed Job Services Ability to ignore overriding the parameters of store A when the subscription Process Now feed is triggered in store B while the same is already running in store A.
EQPLAT-33909 Promotions Services Ability to handle java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 0.
EQPLAT-33913 Promotions Services Ability to handle java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed in this release:

Reference Ticket Affected Service Release Notes Description
EQPLAT-35631, EQPLAT-30148 Cart Services, Promotions Services Previously, any random value and invalid value promo codes could be added to the cart by changing the flag in the post body. Now, the Promo code validation is provided based on the input parameter “isValid:true“.
EQPLAT-35587, EQPLAT-31644 Storefront Orchestration Services In the Subscription dashboard, the user was not able to delete the subscribed products by clicking the check box. This issue is fixed.
EQPLAT-35574 Storefront Orchestration Services In the B2B2C existing store, when attempting to delete or master remove any item in the subscription dashboard within the edit freeze window date, a message stating that “Some time went Wrong” appears. Now, the correct message appears on the storefront.
EQPLAT-35553 Storefront Orchestration Services Previously, the cart page was throwing a 404 error, while trying to reorder and add an item to the cart from the Order History page. Now, this issue has been fixed.
EQPLAT-30253 Storefront Orchestration Services In the Storefront Orchestration service, when you provide the other user’s preference ID in the Get User Subscription By Id API, the subscription data of that user is fetched without session validation. Now, the current user’s role is validated and restricted access to other users’ data.
EQPLAT-35538 Loyalty Admin Console, Reference Storefront


In B2B and B2C stores, the payment call was throwing an error message, while redeeming the loyalty as payment through admin & storefront”. Now, this issue has been fixed.
EQPLAT-35447 Customer Admin Console, Reference Storefront


In B2B, on clicking the Process Now option, the subscription order from the Subscription dashboard in the storefront was not processed. Now, this issue has been fixed.
EQPLAT-35446, EQPLAT-29687 Order Admin Console


In the Order Admin console for B2B existing and new stores, unable to return an order due to a 505 error. This issue is fixed.
EQPLAT-25469 Order Admin Console


For a B2B store, unable to return an order when payment was processed through Loyalty.
EQPLAT-25472 Infosys Equinox Framework


In the Search service, in the storefront, on trying to search any term with special characters in the search box, the search result was not working.  Now, this issue has been fixed by setting the accuracy to 0.5 in solar.
EQPLAT-32671 Infosys Equinox Framework


Previously, while downloading Jenkins log files for any services, unable to get Audit logs. Now, the audit logs are enabled for all services.
EQPLAT-30256 Foundation Services


Previously, the Content security policy header was not found in the response. Now, provided with the fix Content security policy header needs to be set as Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors ‘self’.
EQPLAT-35524, EQPLAT-29609 Reference Storefront


Previously, WAF blocked XSS payloads in the higher environment but did not block the same in the storefront. Now, WAF is enabled in the applicable domain to block the scripts in the URL, which will block all the XSS Payloads that are injected in the URL.
EQPLAT-38666 Order Admin Console In all the store types (B2B, B2C, and B2B2C and for both existing and new stores), after placing an order with a special product for a one-time order or a subscription order, blank pages appeared. This issue is fixed.
EQPLAT-31871 Order Admin Console, Reference Storefront The storefront was throwing an error “Bad Request” for all the store types (B2B, B2C, and B2B2C) when we replaced and/or returned any special and/or bundle products. This issue is fixed, and the orders can now be replaced and returned.
EQPLAT-29881 Admin Orchestration Services In the Admin Orchestration, the ‘defaultSkuid’ property is considered for getting promotion details. If this property is not enabled, then the gift product is not loading on the PDP page. Now, if the defaultSku ID is not available, then first Skuid is considered to get promotion details.
EQPLAT-29320 Customer Admin Console In the B2B2C store, the product listing page while searching for special products by a CSR, the discounted price was not displayed. Now, the fix is provided to display the discount price on the product listing page.
EQPLAT-29400 Cart Services, Reference Storefront In the B2B Store type, in both the existing and new stores, the user was unable to add multiple shipping addresses. Now it is fixed, user can add multiple addresses to multiple items.

Revision History

2023-08-11 | JP – Added Release 8.15.1 content.