17 June 2024 (8.18.2)

App Marketplace/Apps

The following new features have been implemented as part of this release:

App Marketplace

App Marketplace Service Enhancements

Event rules are created in the Event Bridge only for the events that are registered for an app. Hence, all events need NOT be created as event rules for Wrapper Lambda, which reduces the costs incurred.

App Marketplace Admin Enhancements

  • A few attributes of app metadata are made optional to simplify the app template required for app registration.
  • Multiselect list is configured on the app’s installation configuration page as an UI element.
  • The app’s update status and the timestamps are stored to display the app workflow history in the App Marketplace Admin.

Performance Improvements

A cache is included for the API calls made to the App Marketplace service to fetch the webhooks. This reduces the calls made to App Marketplace service, which improves the performance of Async apps and platform apps.

Tax Integrations and Order Enhancements

  • For every order, a Tax Item entity is created in the Tax service.
  • A tax transaction entity is created in the Tax service for AUTH, CANCELAUTH, REFUND, and CANCEL transaction types based on the status updates of an order in the order’s BPM flow.


Reference Price Integrations App

A starter app for price integrations has been developed and added to the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace. This app helps to synchronize the price updates between an external source system and Infosys Equinox Pricing microservice in near real-time.

Stripe Payment App

The Stripe Payment app supports the Google Pay Wallet option, which is enabled via the Stripe payment provider. This payment method allows end users to place both normal and subscription orders.

Ship Engine App

The Ship Engine App is integrated into the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace. Merchants can configure USPS via this app, which provides USPS shipping rates for various shipping methods that are supported by the USPS.

Avalara Address App

The Avalara Address app validates the address provided by the user during their checkout journey or when the user adds an address to their profile. This app validates, responds, and gives the recommended address details.

Avalara Sales Tax App Enhancements

The Avalara Sales Tax app has been modified to support sales tax transactions. This includes capturing all tax transactions (for authorization, capture, refund, and cancellation) in Avalara, supporting customer tax exemptions, etc.

Inventory Dashboard

Ability for the user to apply various filter criteria in the “Controls” option and view the ‘Metrics’, ‘Visualized Representation’ and ‘Data Grid’ appropriately with the inventory data in the Inventory dashboard.


  • Available Quantity
  • Available Quantity Price
  • Out-ofStock SKU Count
  • Low-in-Stock SKU Count
  • Pre-Order Quantity
  • Back-Order Quantity


  • Top 10 Inventory Items
  • Bottom 10 Inventory Items
  • Inventory Forecast


  • Top Selling Products Inventory
  • Inventory Data

Open Source Security Vulnerabilities

The unique security vulnerabilities that have been patched in the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform via the Snyk tool are 19 vulnerabilities.



Revision History

2024-06-12 | SW – Added Release 8.18.2 content.