This document consolidates the updates from Releases 8.19.1 to 8.19.6. The release notes are organized into the following sections:

  • Functional Changes
  • Technology Maintenance & Upgrades

Refer to these release notes for more information:

  • For Infosys Equinox Ultra Storefront Release Notes, see here.
  • For Release 8.19.4 Sprint Release Notes, see here.
  • For Apps (Consolidated) Release Notes, see here.

Click on the page contents below to navigate to the required sections:

Ultra Admin – CSR Enhancements

The following new features or enhancements have been added to the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform.

General Features

  • Session Timeout: When a CSR, Merchandising, or Settings admin session times out, the user is redirected to the Foundation login page and after success log-in, can redirect to the same page where the session timeout.
  • Manage Customer Attributes: CSR Admin can view and manage additional customer attributes in Customer Information.
  • Address Suggestions: Address suggestions are available when creating or updating a customer address.
  • View Different Carts: CSR Admin can view different carts for a Customer (CSR Cart and storefront Cart) and option to do place orders from the cart directly.
  • View Discounts: CSR Admin can view all types of discounts (item-level, cart-level, and shipping-level) which applied for an order.
  • View Payments: CSR Admin can view all payments and their transaction details for an order.
  • Select Reason for “Unable to Ship”: CSR Admin can update the Order Item status to ‘Unable to Ship’ with a reason.
  • Apply Loyalty Points in Payment: CSR Admin can view and apply loyalty points as payment while placing an order.
  • Enhanced Returns and Cancellations: Enhanced the order return and cancellation scenarios for orders with multiple card payments.
  • Cancel and Create New Order: Option to cancel an existing order and create a new order while editing the order.
  • Add or Remove Account & Customer Attributes: Option to add or remove attributes in the customer’s and account profile.


Customer and Account Action Extensions

  • Configure conditions to restrict or allow editing of account or customer profiles (e.g., based on Home Country), including restrictions for guest users and customers from other regions.
  • Make Customer and Account fields editable or non-editable.
  • Configure additional tags (e.g., Primary/Spouse, Verified) in the customer profile section.
  • Enable or disable actions like resetting passwords, creating new orders, acting on behalf of customers, and deleting profiles.
  • Validate the customer’s phone number using OTP while updating it through the iFrame app.

Payment Extensions

  • Paymetric Payment Integration: Integrated the Paymetric payment option when creating a new order.

Order Extensions

  • Configure the option to cancel orders fully or partially with a reason.
  • Show additional tags (such as In-Stock, Out-of-Stock, Discontinued, etc.) while adding a product to the cart.
  • Enable or disable Other Charges, Vouchers, Rewards, and Shipping Cost updates in the order creation flow.
  • Generate the order print format as per client requirements by configuring a custom template.
  • Configure reasons for order returns.
  • View different order statuses on sub-tabs in the Orders tab.
  • Enable or disable Other Charges and Product Price updates in the subscription creation flow.
  • Show a new page in the CSR Admin using an iFrame app (e.g., Reconciliation Report).
  • Display applicable promo codes while creating an order.

New Fulfillment Option: Walk-In-Center, BOPIS, Ship-To-Store

The following new features or enhancements were made to the CSR component of the Ultra Admin console:

  • Different Fulfilment Options: We have introduced various fulfillment options, such as Buy Online, Pick Up in Store (BOPIS), Ship to Store (STS), and Walk-in-Center.
  • Optional ‘Location’ Field: Added an optional ‘Location’ field on the New Order page for CSR users to select a pickup store location.
  • ‘Pickup in Store’ and ‘Ship to Store’ Options: For “Web” or “Phone” channels, added a ‘Pickup in Store’ checkbox on the PDP if the item is available. If not, a ‘Ship to Store’ checkbox is shown. For “Walk-in Center” channels, the ‘Pickup in Store’ checkbox is default if available; otherwise, the ‘Add to Cart’ button is disabled. Users can select a different location using the ‘Choose another store’ option.
  • ‘Pickup Person Details’ Overlay: When an item is selected as ‘Pickup in Store’ or ‘Ship to Store’ and added to the cart, an overlay drawer opens for users to submit the pickup person’s details (name, email, phone number).
  • Shipping Method Selection: For “Ship to Store” items only, users can select the “Shipping Method” at the cart item level.
  • Update Fulfillment Option Details: CSR admin or customers can update the ‘Ship to Store’ location, ‘Pickup Person’ details, and ‘Shipping Method’ at the item level while creating a new order.
  • Multiple Payment Methods: Added support for selecting multiple payment methods (Cheque, Dropbox, Cash) in the Payment section for the “Walk-in Center” order channel.
  • Offline Payment Details: CSR admin or customers can now use offline payment methods (such as Cheque, Dropbox, Cash) when placing their orders.
  • Pickup Details on Order Page: On the customer’s Order page, the Pickup Location and Pickup Person details (name, phone number, email address) are displayed at the item level.
    Note: For BOPIS Enhancements in Ultra Storefront, see the Release Notes here.

Logging Enhancements

The following new features or enhancements have been added to the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform for the Change Log feature.

  • Audit History for Collection Properties: Previously, business admins could not view the changes made to the collections. Now, the change log can retrieve the changes made at the collection level for the following services: Catalog, Pricing, Subscription, Inventory, Promotion, and Loyalty.

Promotion and Loyalty Change Log Enhancements

The following enhancements on the promotion and loyalty change logs have been added to the Ultra Admin console:

  • Ability to view change logs for Promotion and Loyalty services.

Payment Options

The following new features or enhancements have been added to the Ultra Admin console:

  • Configuring Payments from Plugins: Previously, we had the ability to configure payments only from the apps. Now, we have enhanced this to configure payments from plugins as well via the Payment Settings admin.
  • Configuring Payment Options by Order Channel: Ability to configure the Payment options based on order Channel (Web, Phone, and Walk-in-Center) via the Payment Settings admin.

Enhancements in Enterprise Admin

The following new features or enhancements have been added to the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform.

Dashboard: Admin B2B Sales Dashboard

  • Ability for admin users to view the B2B sales dashboard, which will display KPIs, trends, and other graphical representations to help admin users understand store statistics specific to B2B store.

Location Admin Changes

  • Added ‘BIN Name’ as a new input when creating a location, with an associated list of available bin IDs.

Promotion Enhancements

The following new features or enhancements have been added to the Promotions Admin, Ultra Admin, and storefront.

Fulfillment Type Promotions

  • CSR Admins in the Ultra Admin can view and avail promotions based on “Fulfillment Type” options like “Ship To Store”, “Ship to Home”, and “BOPIS” while placing orders.
  • Customers can view and avail promotions based on “Fulfillment Type” (e.g., “Ship To Store”, “Ship to Home”, “BOPIS”) on PLP and PDP pages, and during checkout.
  • Example: “Save $30 more on oversized items when you Ship to Store.”

Store Locator Promotions

  • Business users in the Promotions admin can create promotions based on the “Store Locator” condition, supporting values like “identifier,” “postal code,” and “name”.
  • CSR Admins in the Ultra Admin can view and avail promotions based on the “Store Locator” field, including values like “identifiers”, “postal code”, and “name” while placing orders.
  • Customers can view and avail promotions based on the “Store Locator” field (e.g., ‘identifiers’, ‘postal code’, ‘name’) during checkout. Example: “Free Standard Delivery for this store #23.“

Proximity Messages

  • Business users via the Promotions admin can create proximity promotions for “Item Shipping Rules” and “Cart Shipping Rules” based on cart total, item subtotal, and item quantity. Promotions can be added to proximity calculations using the “Enable Proximity” flag. Locale-specific messages can be entered in the “Proximity Message” field.
  • Customers can see proximity messages in the cart/checkout page based on item quantity, cart total, and item subtotal.
  • For example, “You’re $10 away from qualifying for Free shipping”, “Add 1 quantity more item to get 5% off”, or “You’re $25 away from free delivery on specific categories.”

Summed Up Product Price Offer – Item- Subtotal Based Promotion

  • Business users in the Promotions admin can create promotions for “Item Price Rules” with a fixed price offer based on the subtotal value. Example: “$25 off on specific products for purchases over $100.“
  • CSR Admins in the Ultra Admin can view and avail ‘Fixed’ type promotions based on the subtotal value.
  • Customers can view and avail fixed discounts based on item subtotal during checkout.
  • For example, “$25 off on specific products for purchases over $100.”

Summed Up Product Shipping Offer

  • Business users in the Promotions admin can create promotions for “Item Shipping Rules” with fixed, percentage, or amount discounts based on the subtotal value.
  • CSR Admins in the Ultra Admin can view and avail discounts on shipping cost based on the item subtotal value.
  • Customers can view and avail ‘Fixed’, ‘Amount’, or ‘Percentage’ discounts on shipping cost based on item subtotal during checkout.
    For example, “Free shipping within specific categories for purchases of $49 and above.”

Promotion Authoring from Stage to Production Environment

  • Promotions Admin or Business Admin can trigger Promotion Full Publish & Promotion Delta Publish feed from StoreOps page of a store to migrate promotion data (collection, promotion group, promotions, promo code, list) from an authoring environment to production environment.

Technology Maintenance & Upgrades


Optimizing POD Boot Time

  • Previously, the Spring Boot application startup time was longer than expected. This has now been optimized, reducing the startup time of Infosys Equinox services by 4.72 minutes.

Graceful POD Shutdown

  • To ensure a graceful shutdown, the Spring Boot application has been configured to avoid immediate termination when a POD is terminated.

Platform Certification in GCP

  • All Infosys Equinox services compatible with Google Cloud Platform, including the 8.18 release, have been deployed in the GCP environment.

Platform Certification in Azure

The following services/admins have been deployed in the Azure environment:

  • Feed services
  • Foundation services
  • Authorization services
  • Cart services
  • Order services
  • Payment services
  • Customers (User) services
  • Feed Job services
  • Promotion services
  • Admin Orchestration services
  • Storefront Orchestration services
  • Foundation Admin
  • Promotion admin
  • Order admin
  • Authorization admin
  • Feed admin

Backend Jar Upgrade

Apache Camel has been upgraded on the Infosys Equinox Framework from the version 4.3 to 4.8.1.

Component Upgrades

The following backend components have been upgraded as part of this release:

Component Upgraded From Upgraded To
MongoDB 6.0.15 7.0.14
Apache Solr 9.6.0 9.7.0
MySQL 8.4.0 8.4.3
RabbitMQ 3.13.2 4.0.2
Redis NA 7.4.1

Library Upgrade

The Spring Boot version has been upgraded from the version 3.3.5 to the version 3.4.1. Several Spring Boot-related dependency library versions in the ecommerce framework have also been updated in the pom.xml file.

Open-Source Library Vulnerability Fixes

The unique security vulnerability that has been patched in the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform is 77 vulnerabilities.

The total number of vulnerabilities closed is: 3,574

Vulnerability severity levels are as follows:

Critical High Medium Low
278 1,069 1,171 1,056


Revision History

2025-02-10 | JP – Added Release 8.19 content.