This Release Notes for Infosys Equinox Commerce 8.17.5 is an independent branch of the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform. This release is feature-frozen, meaning it will not receive updates with new features, API changes, or functional improvements.

This release focuses on the following areas:

  • Critical Bug Fixes: Addresses significant bugs impacting platform stability. It also includes resolved issues that have re-emerged from previous versions. See Bug Fixes for more information.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Patches known security flaws to ensure platform safety. See Open Source Library Vulnerability Fixes for more information.
  • Upgrades: Includes necessary upgrades to maintain compatibility and performance. See Technology Maintenance & Upgrades for more information.

Bug Fixes

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release:

  • We have implemented a round off price logic for the fixed bundle in the Storefront Orchestration services.
  • Added condition for component SKU price facet for special products.
  • Added price round off and provided additional support for the line ID in the Other Properties of Order service.
  • Added round off price logic for the fixed bundle in the Admin Orchestration services.
  • In the Ultra Admin interface, users experienced an issue where scrolling affected the entire page, including the left navigation pane. Additionally, the Sidebar Collapse button was not anchored and moved with the scrolling action.
  • Changes made in the export filename format in the Feed Admin.
  • Pagination issue has been addressed issue.
  • Autoscaler issue has been addressed in the model mapper configuration.
  • As part of JDK 17 upgrade, we have introduced additional route IDs. This enhancement will improve the routing efficiency. Added null check conditions in the required places of Storefront Orchestration services.
  • Added null check for the min and max properties.
  • Redis cache logic has been improved in the Inventory service.
  • Single subscription feed has been newly added in the Feed Job service.
  • Added null check and provided response format for the customer update.
  • When accessing the pages view-product and view-skus under the Catalog microservice, a call was erroneously made to the App Marketplace from the admin, even if the App Marketplace was not configured.
  • Ability to redirect to the corresponding Accounts page from the Customer’s Profile page.
  • The Customer & Accounts Admin consoles now includes a Phone Number search functionality. This new feature enables a CSR to search for a customer using their phone number.
  • The “Get List of Accounts” API, under the Accounts controller in the Admin Orchestration services, has been updated. It now includes the ability to retrieve the phoneNumber in the API response.
  • The “Get/users (Search All Users)” API has been enhanced to support partial search using phone numbers as filter options. This allows for fetching and viewing the results of phone numbers associated with the customers.
  • Indexed the Account Phone Number using Liquibase script.
  • The Foundation service was experiencing intermittent failures to respond during pod prescaling times.
  • A discrepancy was identified in the PV, CV, and SB values for Bundle SKUs with multiple quantities when a promotion offer was applied.
  • An issue was identified where the deletion in Solr was successful, but the re-indexing failed. This resulted in a “No document found” error related to that product/SKU data in Solr.
  • On editing the same promotions in two different tabs with two different project IDs at the same time which resulted in throwing 500 error.
  • Extra spaces in promo codes including prefix and suffix values are removed automatically.
  • Solr collection name passing incorrectly has been rectified.
  • Ability to have the admin to search by ‘Buyer Admin’s email ID’ and ‘Username’ in the Accounts Admin console.
  • Support is provided to filter promotions by promotion class on the Promotions page.
  • The Merchandising Admin console required passing the complete Site Navigation Hierarchy with the necessary category details for any of the following operations:
    • Addition of a new category
    • Deletion of an existing category
    • Update in the category parent/child relationship

    This process was inefficient and potentially impacted performance, especially when trying to create, update, or delete categories through eventing. Each event required constructing the entire tree and passing it as part of the API.

  • The issue in the Order plugin related to ‘setQuantity’ was causing a type conversion for ‘Quantity’ in the Order service, leading to a ‘No backward compatibility’ problem.
  • For resolving cache issues, objects in Redis have been converted using the object mapper for the impacted services.
  • The Payment service was attempting to access a Hibernate proxy object after the Hibernate session had been closed.
  • When updating the price, the time displayed on the Pricing Admin panel is observed to be one hour earlier than the time specified in the event.
  • Upon the creation of a promotion group and a promotion within the promotion group, a discrepancy has been observed between the ‘Created’ time and the ‘Modified’ time. It is believed that the ‘Created’ time is in UTC, while the ‘Modified’ time is in MST, leading to a mismatch.
  • A new collection property “dayLightSavingsTimezones” has been added to configure the daylight saving time zone. Supported time zones are: EST, HST, and/or MST. Use comma-separated values to add multiple timezones.
    Note: If you have already deployed 8.17.5 release, then this property will be available as part of this release.

Open-Source Library Vulnerability Fixes

  • The unique security vulnerabilities that have been patched in the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform are 46 vulnerabilities.
    • High – 18
    • Medium – 23
    • Low – 5

Technology Maintenance & Upgrades

The following technology maintenance and upgrades have been performed as part of this release:

  • The direct dependency in the Maven Shade plugin has been reduced. The dependency is now managed through the Equinox Framework.
  • The following libraries have been upgraded for all the services in the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform:
Library Name Upgraded To
Spring Boot 3.3.1
DevTools in Spring Boot 3.3.1
Spring Boot Maven Plugin 3.3.1
Spring Boot Starter Batch 3.3.1
Spring Boot Starter Thymeleaf 3.3.1
Micrometer Tracing Bridge Brave 3.3.1
Micrometer Tracing 3.3.1
Swagger Annotations 1.6.14
Swagger Core 1.6.14
Apache Camel 4.4.3


Revision History
2024-07-24 | JP – Added Release 8.17.5 content.