31 May 2024 (8.18.1)

Search Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made in this release:

  • Ability to search by phone number in the Accounts Admin console.
  • Ability to search by phone number in the Customer Admin console.
  • Navigate from the customer’s overview page by clicking the Account ID to the Accounts page of a customer.
  • As part of catalog reindexing, SOLR is updated without deleting the existing document.

Promotions Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made in this release:

  • Support is provided to filter promotions by promotion class on the Promotions page.
  • Extra spaces in promo codes including prefix and suffix values are removed automatically.

Loyalty Voucher Enhancements

The following enhancement has been made in this release:

  • Support for the redemption reversal of Loyalty Vouchers has been added for partial SKU returns.

Loyalty Viewer Role

The following new feature has been added to the Authorization services and can be configured on the Team page of the Foundation Admin console:

  • Introduced a new role “ROLE_LOYALTY_VIEWER” to give access to a user only to view the Loyalty Admin console.

App Marketplace/Apps Enhancements

The following new features have been implemented as part of this release:

App Marketplace Service Enhancements

  • Introduced the validation of asynchronous webhooks during the app registration in the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace services.
  • Introduced the validation of synchronous webhooks/extensions during the app registration in the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace services.
  • Validations are added for the app activation and app configuration attributes in the App Registration template.


Reference Catalog Integrations App

A reference catalog Integrations app will be available in the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace. The features of the app are as follows:

  • Ability to push the product updates from a source system to the Infosys Equinox Catalog microservice.
  • Ability to push the SKU (created/updated) updates from a source system to the Infosys Equinox Catalog microservice.
  • Ability to push the other product types like Bundle, SKU-kit, etc., from a source system to the Infosys Equinox Catalog microservice.

Stripe Payment App

Merchants can enable card payment via the Stripe Payment app and users can place normal/subscription orders via the card payment.

The Stripe Payment app is integrated on the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace to:

  • Authorize the payment transaction
  • Capture the payment transaction
  • Cancel a payment transaction
  • Refund a payment transaction
  • Ability to support subscription orders

Tax Integrations

  • Introduced a new controller “Tax Items” in the Tax service with the following APIs:
    • Create a Tax Item – to add a tax item for the tax collection.
    • Patch Update a Tax Item – to update a tax item.
    • Get a Tax Item – to fetch a tax item and its transactions.
    • Delete a Tax Item – to delete a tax item.
  • Introduced a new controller “Transactions” in the Tax service with the following APIs:
    • Create Transaction – to add the transactions for a tax item.
    • Update Required Attributes of a Transaction – to update the required attributes of a transaction based on the given transaction ID.
    • Get a Transaction – to fetch a transaction based on the given transaction ID.
    • Delete a Transaction – to delete a transaction based on the given transaction ID.


As part of tax transactions, the following new extensions have been newly introduced in the Tax services:

  • Authorize tax transaction extension: During the creation of an AUTH transaction entry, the extension will intercept the process, and the request payload will be sent to the apps registered for this extension and will expect a response defined by the extension.
  • Commit (Capture) tax transaction: During the creation of a CHARGE transaction entry, the extension will intercept the process, and the request payload will be sent to the apps registered for this extension and will expect a response defined by the extension.
  • Refund tax transaction: During the creation of a REFUND transaction entry, the extension will intercept the process, and the request payload will be sent to the apps registered for this extension and will expect a response defined by the extension.
  • Cancel tax transaction: During the creation of a CANCEL transaction entry, the extension will intercept the process, and the request payload will be sent to the apps registered for this extension and will expect a response defined by the extension.

Avoiding Milestone Overlapping

The collection property avoidMilestoneOverlap has been added to avoid milestone overlapping in the Merchandising Admin console. When the value is set to:

  • false – Allows the milestone to be overlapped. This is the default value.
  • true – Avoids the milestone overlapping.

Open Source Security Vulnerabilities

The unique security vulnerabilities that have been patched in the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform via the Snyk tool are 10 vulnerabilities.





Revision History

2024-05-31 | Doc team – Added Release 8.18.1 content.