This page gives an overview of the Rules Manager microservice, including core features, for the Infosys Equinox platform. 


Infosys Equinox Commerce Rules Manager provides a flexible rules-based approach to manage the storefront workflow. Business Admins can define rules based on a range of expressions consisting of various logical operators and custom-defined fields (for example, user profile related information, order value information, checkout details, etc.). This service processes the user actions based on the rules configured. 

A Rules Manager Admin or Business Admin can configure rules to control the nature of the customer, secure your business, qualify your customer, restrict the customers from certain regions, define the customer journey, prevent a user from getting more offers, etc. 

Rules Manager allows you to configure multiple events. Here, the event is customer actions, for example sign up, login, search for products, checkout with more than 1000$ value, refer to your friends, leave feedback, etc. 

Core Features 

  • Scalable Rules Manager APIs (New!) 
  • Rules Manager Admin functionality (New!) 
  • Configure Events (New!) 
  • Configure Rules Manager Groups (New!) 
  • Effective dates for each Rules Manager Group and Rules (New!) 
  • Configure Rules within a Rules Manager Group (New!) 
  • Based on the configured condition(s) in the rules:
    • Allow the customer actions (New!) 
    • Restrict the customer actions. (New!) 
    • Redirect the user to a redirection URL. (New!)
    • Add a list of parameters for the customer actions. (New!)
  • Get an array of actions as a response based on the conditions configured. (New!) 


Revision History 

Date   Description  Created By  Peer-Reviewed By  Approved By 
2023/11/20 Updated the domain name SD JP
2023/05/30  Page created and content added for 8.14.  AN  JP  Shruthi