

You can view all your notifications by clicking the notification icon available at the top-right corner.

In the notifications pop-up, these three tabs are shown:

  • Invites – Shows a list of invites sent by the other users to join a project or an asset. You can choose to accept or decline the invite.
  • Actions – Shows a list of actions to be taken by the admin user like reviewing the submitted assets, etc. An admin user can choose to review the asset.
  • Notifications – Shows a list of event notifications such as user invites, review approval, asset publish, etc. It also shows the number of days on which the event occurred.

How To

A user can:

Joining a Project or an Asset

You can join as a member of a project or an asset when invited by a user.

To join a project or an asset,

  1. Log in to the Infosys Equinox Studio environment with valid credentials provided to you.
  2. Select the notification icon at the top-right corner:

    The notifications pop-up appears:

  3. In the pop-up, select the INVITES tab.
    The invite(s) appear.
  4. On each notification, click:
    • Accept to accept the invite.
    • Decline to decline the invite. The user is added as a member of a project or asset:
Reviewing the Asset Updates

Note: This section is only applicable to the admin user roles.

As an admin user, you can review the changes done by the developer users.

To review the changes,

  1. Log in to the Infosys Equinox Studio environment with valid credentials provided to you.
  2. Select the notification icon at the top-right corner:

    The notifications pop-up appears:

  3. In the pop-up, select the ACTIONS tab.
  4. Click Review.
    The asset to be reviewed is loaded.Note: For more details on reviewing, see Approval Dashboard.
Viewing the Notifications
You will get a notification when an asset is moved to the marketplace, when an asset is published, when a user accepts an invite, etc.
To view the notifications,
  1. Log in to the Infosys Equinox Studio environment with valid credentials provided to you.
  2. Select the notification icon at the top-right corner:

    The notifications pop-up appears:

  3. In the pop-up, select the NOTIFICATIONS tab.



Revision History 

Date Description  Created By  Peer-Reviewed By  Approved By 
2023-06-22  Page created and content added.  AN  JP Suganya