Editor of Infosys Equinox Studio

Once a user opens a project, a blueprint, or an app, the user is landed in the editor of Infosys Equinox Studio. For example, you can view the below screen of the editor of Infosys Equinox Studio:

Infosys Equinox Studio has the following components:

Note: For the icons used in Infosys Equinox Studio, see the section Icons Used in Infosys Equinox Studio.

Top Header

Using the top header of a project, blueprint, or app, you can navigate to the landing page or dashboard of Infosys Equinox Studio, view the name of the project, blueprint, or app, select a specific mode of the project, blueprint, or app, view the user(s) who are currently working in the project, blueprint, or app, manage the notifications, and view the user profile details.

The top header of a project:

Using the top header of a project, select a specific stage of the projectpreview the project, and publish the project.

The top header of a blueprint:

Using the top header of a blueprint, promote the blueprint to the workspace, and publish the blueprint.

The top header of an app:

Using the top header of an app, select a specific version of the app, view the status of the app, and submit an app for approval workflow.

Note: Based on the selected project, blueprint, or app, an icon is displayed as shown in the screenshot given below:


A project, blueprint, and app/ have the following modes:

  • Build – Use this mode to build and configure the pages/app blocks and their contents in a project, blueprint, or app. Elements can be dragged and dropped into the canvas and configured in this mode. Any datapoints in the page/app block are rendered using the sample response in the Build mode.
  • Simulate – Use this mode to preview the contents of a project, blueprint, or app before publishing it to live. The data dimensions can be used to simulate the page/app block response for different scenarios. To know more about simulating a project, refer to the section Hyper Personalization.
  • History – Use this mode to display the history details of the pages/app block of a project, blueprint, or app irrespective of what is published.

Left Navigation Panel

Using the left navigation panel, you can open various items such as the elements panel, buckets list, pages/app blocks list, various theme options, variables, datapoints, app library, privileges, people, and data model. For example, when the page icon is selected by the user:

Note: To know more about the icons in the left navigation panel, see the section Icons Used in Infosys Equinox Studio.

Page Header

Page header allows the user to select:

Responsive Views of Pages or App Blocks

While developing a project, app, or blueprint, you can set up any kind of responsive  view. You can also set up a specific page/app block width using the Width option available on the page header.

The below table lists the width of different responsive views are:

Width Description
320 Suitable for smartphones.
768 Suitable for tablets.
1024 Suitable for laptops.
1200 Suitable for desktops.

Right Navigation Panel

Using the right navigation panel, you can view the properties of the item such as page, app block, and various elements. This panel appears only when you select a specific item using the left navigation panel. This panel helps to configure the item with its properties.

For example, when a layout cell is selected:

Resize Handlers

The resize handlers available on both sides of a page can be used to set the page width.


The canvas is the area where the storefront site contents are placed.



Revision History 

Date Description  Created By  Peer-Reviewed By  Approved By 
2023-06-22  Page created and content added.  AN  JP Suganya