

A bucket is a container to store block and shared elements so that you can reuse these items across the project. A user can also create any number of buckets within a project. When you create a project, a default bucket named GENERAL BUCKET is created automatically within the project.

When you create a block, the master is placed under GENERAL BUCKET. Block instance is only available for that page. The master block can be reused across the project. For more details, refer to the section Block. When you convert a standard element to a shared element, the shared element can be placed in any one of the available buckets. The shared element can be reused across the project. For more details, refer to the section Element.

You can move blocks and shared elements across the buckets available within a project.

How To

A user can:


Viewing a Bucket

You can view the blocks and shared elements of a bucket.

To view a bucket,

  1. Log in to the Infosys Equinox Studio environment with valid credentials provided to you.
  2. Open the required project or asset.
  3. Click available at the top-left corner:

    A list of bucket names appear:
  4. Click the desired bucket to be viewed:

    The blocks and shared elements within the bucket are visible to use.

Creating a New Bucket

You can create a new bucket to store and share the block elements.

To create a new bucket,

  1. Log in to the Infosys Equinox Studio environment with valid credentials provided to you.
  2. Open the required project or asset.
  3. Click available at the top-left corner:
  4. Click the Add Bucket option:
    A new bucket is created with the default name new bucket:

Renaming a Bucket

You can rename a bucket using the Rename option in the  (Ellipsis) menu.

To rename a bucket,

  1. Log in to the Infosys Equinox Studio environment with valid credentials provided to you.
  2. Open the required project or asset.
  3. Click available at the top-left corner:
  4. Click available next to the bucket name:
  5. Select the Rename
  6. In the pop-up, provide a bucket name:
  7. Click the SAVE
    The bucket is renamed:

Deleting a Bucket

You can delete a bucket that is no longer required.

To delete a bucket,

  1. Log in to the Infosys Equinox Studio environment with valid credentials provided to you.
  2. Open the required project or asset.
  3. Click available at the top-left corner:
  4. Click available next to the bucket name:
  5. Select the Delete option
    The bucket is deleted:



Revision History 

Date   Description  Created By  Peer-Reviewed By  Approved By 
2023/06/22  Page created and content added.  AN  JP Suganya