The following table describes the roles and privileges of the Accounts microservice:

ROLE_ACCOUNT_ADMINaccount/create/accountbuyerAbility to create a buyer user of an account.
account/viewall/accountbuyerAbility to view all the buyer users of an account.
account/view/accountbuyerAbility to view a buyer user of an account.
account/delete/accountbuyerAbility to delete a buyer user of an account.
account/update/accountbuyerAbility to update a buyer user of an account.
account/create/accountAbility to create an account.
account/viewall/accountAbility to view all the accounts.
account/view/accountAbility to view an account.
account/update/accountAbility to update an account.
account/delete/accountAbility to delete an account.
account/delete/accountpropertyAbility to delete an account property.
account/view/accountpropertyAbility to view an account property.
account/create/accountsellerAbility to create a seller user of an account.
account/viewall/accountsellerAbility to view all the seller users of an account.
account/view/accountsellerAbility to view a seller user of an account.
account/delete/accountsellerAbility to delete a seller user of an account.
account/update/accountsellerAbility to update a seller user of an account.
account/create/accounttypeAbility to create an account type.
account/viewall/accounttypeAbility to view all the account types.
account/view/accounttypeAbility to view an account type.
account/delete/accounttypeAbility to delete an account type.
account/update/accounttypeAbility to update an account type.
account/create/addressAbility to create an address.
account/viewall/addressAbility to view all the addresses.
account/view/addressAbility to view an address.
account/update/addressAbility to update an address.
account/delete/addressAbility to delete an address.
account/create/collectionAbility to create a collection.
account/viewall/collectionAbility to view all the collections.
account/view/collectionAbility to view a collection.
account/delete/collectionAbility to delete a collection.
account/update/collectionAbility to update a collection.
account/viewall/collection/propertiesAbility to view all the collection properties.
account/create/contractAbility to create a contract.
account/viewall/contractAbility to view all the contracts.
account/view/contractAbility to view a contract.
account/update/contractAbility to update a contract.
account/delete/contractAbility to delete a contract.
account/create/costcentreAbility to create a cost center.
account/viewall/costcentreAbility to view all the cost centers.
account/view/costcentreAbility to view a cost center.
account/update/costcentreAbility to update a cost center.
account/delete/costcentreAbility to delete a cost center.
account/create/paymentAbility to create a payment.
account/viewall/paymentAbility to view all the payments.
account/view/paymentAbility to view a payment.
account/update/paymentAbility to update a payment.
account/delete/paymentAbility to delete a payment.
account/create/paymenttermAbility to create a payment term.
account/viewall/paymenttermAbility to view all the payment terms.
account/view/paymenttermAbility to view a payment term.
account/delete/paymenttermAbility to delete a payment term.
account/update/paymenttermAbility to update a payment term.
account/viewall/collectionpropertiesAbility to view all the collection properties.
account/view/collectionpropertiesAbility to view a collection property.
account/create/teamAbility to create a team.
account/viewall/teamAbility to view all the teams.
account/view/teamAbility to view a team.
account/update/teamAbility to update a team.
account/delete/teamAbility to delete a team.
account/viewall/accounthistoryAbility to view all the account history.
account/view/buyeraccountAbility to view a buyer account.
ROLE_ACCOUNT_BUYER_ADMINaccount/create/accountbuyerAbility to create a buyer user of an account.
account/viewall/accountbuyerAbility to view all the buyer user of an account.
account/view/accountbuyerAbility to view a buyer user of an account.
account/delete/accountbuyerAbility to delete a buyer user of an account.
account/update/accountbuyerAbility to update a buyer user of an account.
account/create/accountAbility to create an account.
account/view/accountAbility to view an account.
account/update/accountAbility to update an account.
account/view/accountpropertyAbility to view an account property.
account/viewall/accounttypeAbility to view all the account types.
account/view/accounttypeAbility to view an account type.
account/create/addressAbility to create an address.
account/viewall/addressAbility to view all the addresses.
account/view/addressAbility to view an address.
account/update/addressAbility to update an address.
account/create/costcentreAbility to create a cost center.
account/viewall/costcentreAbility to view all the cost centers.
account/view/costcentreAbility to view a cost center.
account/update/costcentreAbility to update a cost center.
account/delete/costcentreAbility to delete a cost center.
account/viewall/contractAbility to view all the contracts.
account/view/contractAbility to view a contract.
account/create/paymentAbility to create a payment.
account/viewall/paymentAbility to view all the payments.
account/view/paymentAbility to view a payment.
account/update/paymentAbility to update a payment.
account/delete/paymentAbility to delete a payment.
account/view/paymenttermAbility to view a payment term.
account/create/teamAbility to create a team.
account/viewall/teamAbility to view all the teams.
account/view/teamAbility to view a team.
account/update/teamAbility to update a team.
account/delete/teamAbility to delete a team.
account/view/buyeraccountAbility to view a buyer account.
account/viewall/collectionpropertiesAbility to view all the collection properties.
account/viewall/accountsellerAbility to view all the seller users of an account.
account/view/accountsellerAbility to view a seller user of an account.
ROLE_ACCOUNT_REPaccount/view/collectionAbility to view a collection.
account/create/accountbuyerAbility to create a buyer user of an account.
account/viewall/accountbuyerAbility to view all the buyer users of an account.
account/view/accountbuyerAbility to view a buyer user of an account.
account/delete/accountbuyerAbility to delete a buyer user of an account.
account/update/accountbuyerAbility to update a buyer user of an account.
account/create/accountAbility to create an account.
account/viewall/accountAbility to view all the accounts.
account/view/accountAbility to view an account.
account/update/accountAbility to update an account.
account/delete/accountAbility to delete an account.
account/view/accountpropertyAbility to view an account property.
account/viewall/accounttypeAbility to view all the account types.
account/view/accounttypeAbility to view an account type.
account/create/addressAbility to create an address.
account/viewall/addressAbility to view all the addresses.
account/view/addressAbility to view an address.
account/update/addressAbility to update an address.
account/delete/addressAbility to delete an address.
account/create/contractAbility to create a contract.
account/viewall/contractAbility to view all the contracts.
account/view/contractAbility to view a contract.
account/update/contractAbility to update a contract.
account/viewall/paymenttermAbility to view all the payment terms.
account/view/paymenttermAbility to view a payment term.
account/view/buyeraccountAbility to view a buyer account.
account/viewall/collectionpropertiesAbility to view all the collection properties.
account/view/collectionpropertiesAbility to view a collection property.
account/viewall/costcentreAbility to view all the cost centers.
account/view/costcentreAbility to view a cost center.
account/viewall/teamAbility to view all the teams.
account/view/teamAbility to view a team.
ROLE_ACCOUNT_BUYERaccount/viewall/accountbuyerAbility to view all the buyer users of an account.
account/view/accountbuyerAbility to view a buyer user of an account.
account/view/costcentreAbility to view a cost center.
account/viewall/contractAbility to view all the contracts.
account/view/contractAbility to view a contract.
account/create/paymentAbility to create a payment.
account/viewall/paymentAbility to view all the payments.
account/view/paymentAbility to view a payment.
account/update/paymentAbility to update a payment.
account/delete/paymentAbility to delete a payment.
account/view/paymenttermAbility to view a payment term.
account/view/teamAbility to view a team.
account/view/buyeraccountAbility to view a buyer account.
account/view/accountsellerAbility to view a account seller.
account/viewall/accounttypeAbility to view all the account type.
account/view/accounttypeAbility to view a account type.

Revision History
2024-04-15 | SD – Content updated for 8.17.2 release.
2023-01-11 | AN – Content updated for 8.13 release.
2019-06-22 | HM – Content updated for 8.9 release.
2019-09-30 | AM – Content uploaded.