This page provides Business administrators a user guide for the Loyalty microservice for the Infosys Equinox platform.

Getting Started


Accessing the Loyalty Admin Console

The Loyalty microservice (“Loyalty”) gives a business the ability to set up and schedule loyalty rewards for a period of time where a customer can use the loyalty reward programs to earn, track, and redeem rewards.

For a detailed overview of the Loyalty microservice, see the Loyalty Microservice Overview.

Service Glossary

  • Business Admin – a role that manages business settings, creates and manages stores, and enables microservice(s) for a business.
  • Customer– a business consumer or buyer.
  • Loyalty Group – container for individual loyalties that are grouped logically based on an event or marketing campaign. Creation of a Loyalty Group is required and should be defined before a Loyalty can be created.
  • Loyalty – rewards presented to consumers or buyers in a client’s Storefront and Apps.
  • Events – defines the event type (such as installing an App, referring a friend, liking the business on Facebook, etc.) which is configured and used within a loyalty.
  • Rewards – defines the reward type, which enables customers to earn rewards (i.e., points, stars, miles, etc.) based on their activities and redeem those rewards using the customer’s bank of earned points.
  • Reward Banks – defines the reward banks of the users, which enables a Loyalty Admin user to manage the rewards of the users.

End-to-End Steps to Configure the Loyalty Data 

To configure loyalty data, you need to follow the sequence given below, 

  1. Configure the store properties based on the business needs. 
  2. Configure the loyalty collection properties based on the business needs. 
  3. Create the loyalty events with the required properties. 
  4. Create the rewards based on the business needs. 
  5. Create the loyalty groups. 
  6. Create loyalties under each loyalty group. 
  7. Configure conditions in each loyalty. 
  8. Configure action(s) in each loyalty. 
  9. Verify the result in the storefront. 
    Note: Once you have configured the loyalty data, to manage the loyalty users refer to
    Manage the Rewards Bank of the Users and Loyalty Points Report.

Accessing the Loyalty Admin Console

top | Configuring Search Parameters

To access the Loyalty Admin console,

  1. Log in to the Foundation server for your business (URL provided by Infosys Equinox).
  2. Click Loyalty in the StoreOps page.

    The Loyalty landing page appears:

Configuring Search Parameters

Accessing the Loyalty Console | Loyalty Group Page

In the Loyalty page, you can search based on Loyalty Group Name, Priority, Status,  and/or Date, modify the search fields as needed, and select the number of pre-defined rows per screen.

Search for Loyalty Group

To search the loyalty group,

  1. Click the Loyalty Group Name, Priority, and/or Status drop-down list in the header to open an entry field to provide search criteria.
    Note: For displaying a predefined number of loyalty groups per screen, see Selecting Predefined Rows.
  2. Enter the desired search criteria in the search field, and then click Go:

    The loyalty group(s), which matches the search criteria appears:

Modify Searchable Fields

To modify the searchable fields,

  1. Click the vertical ellipse available at the beginning of the search field.
  2. Select or deselect the items to add or remove the searchable fields in the header:
  3. Click the Go button.
    The selected searchable fields appear in the header:

Selecting Predefined Rows

By default, 10 loyalty groups per screen will appear, but the number of loyalty groups per screen can be modified as follows:

  1. Click the vertical ellipse available at the beginning of the search field.
  2. Select Row Select. The Row Select appears as part of the search criteria.
  3. Select 10 Rows, 25 Rows, or 50 Rows from the drop-down list.
  4. Click the Go button. The selected rows of loyalty groups appear on the screen.
    Note: To reset the search field in the header, click the Reset button.

Loyalty Group Page

Configuring Search Parameter | Configuring Loyalty Events

In the Loyalty Group page, you can:

  • create a new Loyalty Group
  • view or edit the existing Loyalty Groups
  • search by loyalty group name, priority or status
  • sort loyalty group name, priority, or status by ascending/descending order


  • Pagination option appears in all screens that contain the loyalty group information.
  • To navigate to the next page, click Next.

Creating a New Loyalty Group

A Loyalty Group enables you to organize multiple similar loyalties within the group.

For creating a new loyalty group and a loyalty, see the video given below or refer to the step-by-step instructions for creating a loyalty group and for creating a loyalty:

To create a new loyalty group,

  1. In the Loyalty home page, click the Create Loyalty Group button. The Create Loyalty Group page appears:
  2. Enter/select the following required information:
    Field Description
    Group Name

    Enter a name that describes the loyalty group.


    Select the start date and time, and end date and time for the loyalty group.


    When the loyalty group is within its time bounds and the status is made inactive, the loyalty group will not be picked up by the loyalty rule engine to execute.


    • Active to activate the loyalty group. The loyalty rule engine checks only active loyalty groups.
    • In-Active to deactivate the loyalty group. Later, you can change the status to ‘Active’ if required.

    Enter the priority number between 1 and 25 where 25 being the highest and 1 being the lowest in the priority order. The loyalty engine reads the active loyalty groups in it as per the priority order.

  3. Click the Save button to save the newly created loyalty group. Once the group is created, in the Loyalty Group tab, you can view/edit the created loyalty group details and/or create a new loyalty within the group.

Creating a New Loyalty

You can create multiple loyalties with a different set of event types, action types, and priorities for each loyalty.

The loyalty engine executes the loyalty group based on the priority, active status, and event type. The loyalty engine reads each active loyalty within the group, executes the loyalty event and actions set for each loyalty.

Note: Before creating a loyalty, you need to configure events and rewards. For more information, see Configuring Loyalty Events and Configuring Loyalty Rewards.

To create a new loyalty,

  1. In the Loyalty’s home page, click a particular loyalty group.
  2. The summary of the created loyalty group opens:
  3. Click the Create Loyalty button.
  4. In the Create Loyalty page, enter/select the required information:



    Loyalty Name

    Enter a name that describes the loyalty.


    Enter the priority number between 1 and 25 where 25 being the highest and 1 being the lowest in the priority order. The loyalty engine reads the active loyalty groups and active loyalty in it as per the priority order.


    The configured loyalty event appears here.

    Select the required event type.

    For information on how to configure event types, see Configuring Loyalty Event Types.

    Date Range

    Select the start date and time, and end date and time for the loyalty. The loyalty offer will be applicable only on the selected date and time, otherwise, the loyalty expires. You will be able to select the date for a loyalty that falls within the loyalty group duration.

    Note: The loyalty created within the loyalty group is bound to be within this start and end dates.


    When the loyalty is within its time bounds and the status is made inactive, the loyalty will not be picked up by the loyalty engine to execute.


    • Active to activate the loyalty. The loyalty engine considers only active loyalty groups and loyalty.
    • In-Active to deactivate the loyalty. Later, you can change the status to ‘Active’ if required.

    Display Message

    Enter the locale-specific display message.


    Enter the locale-specific description.

    Add Locale

    Click this button to add multiple locales.

    • The list of locales are defined in the collection property applicablelocales.
    • If the multi-locale app is installed in your store, the description given for a locale is automatically translated to other locales once you save the loyalty.
  5. Click the Save button to save the loyalty to the loyalty group.
    The Summary page will be displayed where you can view/edit the loyalty details.

Editing a Loyalty

To edit a loyalty, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Loyalty Group page, click of a particular loyalty group. You can see the list of loyalties within the group.
  2. Click on a particular loyalty.
  3. Click:

    For configuring conditions and actions to the loyalty, see the video given below or refer to the above links:

Configuring Conditions to the Loyalty

You can add multiple rules or group of rules to a loyalty. By default, a row will be shown to add a rule. After setting the conditions to the loyalty, you may choose to click on Generate Query to check if your condition is appropriate to your use case.

  1. In the CONDITIONS tab, click the Edit icon.
  1. Set rules as required. The following table describes options to create rules or group of rules to the loyalty:

Options in Condition


Enables you to set logical operators such as NOT, AND, and OR. These operators apply the rules that are a direct descendant in the condition builder.

For example,

To create a condition where you need to provide loyalty offer to the specific account type users who have opted in the Loyalty Rewards Program:

Enables you to add multiple rules to the Loyalty Condition. For example,

Enables you to add a collection of rules within the group.

For example, if you need to provide a loyalty offer for the users of tier 3, users who are all having 5 subscription orders, or users who are all having 1000$ order total you need to create the following rules within a group:


Enables you to select the operands and operators for the condition. You can create different conditions by changing the combination of operands and operators. You can enter the required value in numeric for the selected item.

The operand is configured based on the event types.

Allows you to delete a rule group in a condition.

Allows you to delete a rule in a condition.

Enables you to generate conditions and validate against your appropriate use case, after creating conditions using the condition builders. Click this button to view the generated conditions. For example,

  1. Select a status, which allows you to stop further processing of the succeeding loyalty groups:
    • Never – Whether or not the condition matches in the current loyalty group, continue to execute the succeeding loyalty groups. By default, this option will be selected.
    • Always – Whether or not the condition matches in the current loyalty group, the loyalty engine stops executing the succeeding loyalty group.
    • If condition matches – When the current loyalty group’s condition matches, loyalty engine stops executing the succeeding loyalty group.
    • If stop condition matches – Enables you to define the stop condition. The loyalty engine stops executing when the Stop condition matches. The user can specify the business rule that can stop the processing of loyalty engine.

      Note: For details, see Creating Conditions to the Loyalty.

  2. Click the Save button to save the conditions to the loyalty.

Creating Actions to the Loyalty


After creating a new loyalty and creating conditions to it, you need to specify what needs to be done when the condition matches. This is set using the actions. You can also create multiple different actions based on the action condition and assign different loyalty values to each action by specifying the required formula. The actions will vary according to the event and the action selected for a loyalty.

Creating an Action

To create an action,

  1. In the ACTIONS tab, click Add Actions.
  2. Enter an action name, which describes the action.
  3. Select the action type as follows:

    Action Type 


    Earn Points Action 

    To calculate the earned loyalty points. An earned transaction is created for this action type. It will be added to the existing points.  

    You need to select reward type and provide the required formula to calculate the earned points, for example,${customEvent.orderInfo.loyaltyEligibleOrderValue}/100*10 


    • In Formula, based on the configured event type properties, suggestions will show for the data types such as integer, long, and/or double. You can select the required data type and enter the required numeric values for calculating loyalty points for the event. 
    • You need to start the formula with the $ symbol. You need to enter ONLY the event property values that are defined with the data type integer and decimal. For details, see Creating a New Event. 
    • The fields such as reward type and formula are associated with the action type. These fields are enabled based on the selected action type. 

    Approve Points Action 

    To approve the earned loyalty points. You need to select a reward type and provide minimum eliglible PV (Point Volume). 

    Earn Voucher Action

    To calculate a flat voucher value to be earned.

    An earned transaction is created for this action type. The calculated flat voucher value is split into multiple small vouchers and provided to the user.
    Note: You can configure the possible voucher types using the collection property voucherTypes and voucher limit using the collection property VouchersLimit.

    You need to select the reward type as VOUCHERS, provide a formula as a flat value to calculate the voucher value and select a voucher name.

    Loyalty OptIn / OptOut Action 

    To configure the opt-in or opt-out status of the reward types.  You need to select reward type and status. The value true in status indicates the user is opted-in to the Loyalty Rewards program. The value false in status indicates the user is opted-out of the Loyalty Rewards program.  

    Cycle Transaction Action 

    To update the transactions for the Loyalty Cycle program. 

    Update Profile Property 

    To update information related to the user such as order count, subscription count, account type, etc.  

    You need to select the property to be updated and provide a formula (for example, ${}+1) to calculate the value of the selected property.  

    Note: The business can configure the profile properties in the profilePropertyparameter on the loyalty collection properties page. The defined action properties appear in the Property Name drop-down list. 

    Loyalty Forfeit Action 

    To forfeit a particular reward type.  You need to select a reward type to be forfeited. 

    Order Total Value 

    To calculate the total order value based on the configured months and the last opt-in date. The total order value will be calculated from the cycled transaction and the current month’s value is taken from the reward bank (cycle value). 

    You need to select the property Order Total Value and provide Cycle Months Count. (For example, 10 or 12) 

    Loyalty Partial Forfeit Action 

    To partially forfeit the reward points earned by the user. The total points to be forfeited is calculated using a formula.

    Set Tier Action 

    To calculate the tier of the user.  You need to select a tier value. 

    Note: You can configure the tiers in the tierConfigMap store property.

    Note: A business can configure additional action types based on the requirements. All the action types including the default action types can be configured in the customActionTypesConfig collection property. Once configured, the action types appear in the Action Type drop-down list.
  4. Configure the conditions which are specific to the action type.
    Note: For more details on configuring conditions, refer to Configuring Conditions to the Loyalty.
  5. Click the Save button to create an action.
    Note: You can create multiple actions to a loyalty. The loyalty will be executed based on the created date.

Viewing or Editing an Action

The created actions will be displayed as an accordion under the Actions tab.

To view or edit an action,

  1. Click on a particular action or the Edit icon. For example,
  2. Make necessary changes in the action name, reward type, and/or formula.
  3. Click the Save button. The updated action is displayed under the Actions tab.
    Note: To discard the changes, click Cancel.

Viewing/Editing a Loyalty Group

In the Loyalty Group page, you can view or edit a particular loyalty group.

To view/edit a loyalty group,

  1. In the Loyalty Group page, click on a particular loyalty group. The following page appears where you can view the list of loyalties available within the group and general details of the loyalty group.
  2. Click the Edit icon to make necessary changes if required:
  3. Click the Save button.

Configuring Loyalty Events

Loyalty Group Page | Configuring Loyalty Rewards

Before creating a loyalty group and loyalty, you need to configure events. In the Loyalty Events page, you can create an event and assign properties to it. Once created, the event name will be displayed under Event Type while creating a new loyalty.

For configuring an event, see the video given below or refer to the step-by-step instructions:

Creating a New Event

To create a new event,

  1. Click Events in the left panel. The Loyalty Events page appears:
  1. Click the Create Events button. The Create Events page appears:
  1. Enter a name for the event.
  2. Enter the description. This name will be displayed in the Event drop-down list while creating a loyalty.
  3. Select a status: 
    • In-Active to deactivate the event. Later, you can change the status to ‘Active’ if required.
    • Active to activate the event. Only the active events are used in loyalties.
  4. In the Additional Properties section, click the Add Property button. A row will be added. You can also add multiple properties to an event.
  5. Enter a key and value (JSON path). For example,

Note: In Value, enter a valid JSON of the requested data. For example,

    • Object: {“data”: {“price”:100,”quantity”:5,”type”:”Mobile”}}
    • Valid Path: For obtaining price, enter data.price; for obtaining quantity, enter data.quantity
  1. Select a data type.
  2. Click the Save button. The added event appears under the Loyalty Events page.

Viewing/Editing a Loyalty Event

To view or edit an event,

  1. Click Events in the left panel.
  2. In the Loyalty Events page, click a particular event; for example,
  1. Make necessary changes.
  2. Click the Save button. The updated event appears under the Loyalty Events page.

Configuring Loyalty Rewards

Configuring Loyalty EventsManaging Rewards Bank of the Users

Before creating a loyalty group and loyalty, you need to configure rewards. In the Loyalty Rewards page, you can create a new loyalty reward. The configured loyalty rewards (for example, Type: Dollar, Symbol: $) appear under Reward Type while configuring actions to the loyalty.

For configuring a reward, see the video given below or refer to the step-by-step instructions:

Creating a New Reward

To create a new reward,

  1. Click Rewards in the left panel. The Loyalty Rewards page appears:
  2. Click the Create Reward button to create a new reward. The Rewards screen appears:
  3. Enter or select the required information in the fields.
    The following table provides the field description for the Create Reward screen:




    Enter the reward name. For example, Loyalty


    Enter the reward symbol. For example, L


    Select a status:

    • Active: a reward with this status show up on the storefront. 
    • Inactive:  a reward having this status cannot be used. 

    Block Earning

    Select any one of the following:

    • True – The reward earning is blocked.
    • False – The reward earning is not blocked. The default value is false.

    Note: When it is blocked, the customers cannot earn loyalty points on the storefront site.

    Block Redemption

    Select any one of the following:

    • True – The reward redemption activity is blocked.
    • False – The reward redemption activity is not blocked. The default value is False.

    Note: After selecting the True option, the user will not be able to redeem the earned points.

    Reward Approval Required

    Select any one of the following:

    • True – The approval workflow is enabled for a particular reward type.
    • False – The approval workflow is disabled for a particular reward type. When False is selected the admin user manually approves the pending points.

    Manually Added

    Select any one of the following:

    • True – The reward type value is added to the user profile based on the transaction(s). Indicates that the appeasement reward type is enabled, where the reward points are provided by the CSR. For more information, refer to Providing Appeasement by CSR User.
    • False – The reward type value is not added to the user profile.
  4. In the Transaction Details, perform the following:




    Select any one of the following transaction types:

    • EARNED – allocates the rewards to the user
    • APPROVED – approves the earned rewards
    • EXPIRED – expires the earned and approved rewards
    • FORFEITED – forfeits the approved rewards
    • CANCELED – cancels the earned rewards
    • BLOCK REDEEMED – blocks the reward redemption activity
    • REDEEMED – redeems the approved rewards
    • REVERSE REDEEMED – reverses the redeemed rewards in case of returns or cancelation

    Execute Rule

    Select any one of the following:

    • True – The rule is executed.
    • False – The rule is not executed.


    Enter the expiration time in days.

    Note: The transactions details associated with the reward type is displayed in the Loyalty tab of the associated customer’s account.
  5. Click the Save button. The added reward appears under the Loyalty Rewards page.

Viewing/Editing a Loyalty Reward

To view or edit a reward,

  1. Click Rewards in the left panel. The Loyalty Rewards page appears:
  2. In the Loyalty Rewards page, click a particular reward.
  3. Make the necessary changes:
  4. Click the Save button to save the changes to the reward details.

Managing Rewards Bank of the Users

Configuring Loyalty RewardsLoyalty Points Report

You can manage the reward banks of the users by:

Creating a Reward Bank for a User 

To create a reward bank for a user, 

  1. Click Rewards Bank in the left navigation panel:

  2. Click Create Banks.
    A popup to provide reward bank details appears:
  3. Enter/select the required information in the following fields:



    User Id* 

    Enter the unique ID of the user to whom the reward bank is to be created. 


    Enter the tier of the user.  


    Select the status of the reward bank. The possible values are: 

    • Active: Indicates the active status of the reward bank. Only the active reward banks can be used by the user. 
    • Inactive: Indicates the inactive status of the reward bank. The inactive reward banks cannot be used by the user. 
    Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory. 
  4. Click Save to save the reward bank. 

Editing the Reward Bank of a User

To edit the reward bank of a user, 

  1. Click Rewards Bank in the left navigation panel:

  2. Click on a reward bank.
    The reward bank details appear:
  3. Update the required information.
  4. Click Save to save the updates.

Debiting the Loyalty Rewards of a User

You can debit the loyalty rewards of a user. The reward value is debited via the required transaction for the selected reward type.

To debit the loyalty rewards of a user,

  1. Click Rewards Bank in the left navigation panel:
  2. Select the required user.
    The reward bank details of the user is shown:
  3. In the Transactions section, click Debit.
    The Debit popup appears:

    The following table describes the above fields:



Reward Type

Select a reward type from the dropdown list. This field is mandatory.

Note: For more details on the reward types, see Configuring Loyalty Rewards.


Enter a value to be debited from the customer. This field is mandatory.


Describe a reason to debit the rewards, for example, Adjustment for Order Items Return or Replacement. This field is optional. 

  1. Click Save to debit the loyalty rewards from the user.
    The required transaction appears in the Transaction section.
    For example, when debiting the loyalty points of the user, the following transaction is created:

Crediting the Loyalty Rewards to a User

You can award loyalty rewards to a user. The reward value is approved and credited via the required transaction(s) for the selected reward type.

To credit rewards to a user,

  1. Click Rewards Bank in the left navigation panel:
  2. Select the required user.
    The reward bank details of the user is shown:
  3. In the Transactions section, click Credit.
    The Credit popup appears:

The following table describes the above fields:



Reward Type

Select a reward type from the dropdown list.

Note: For more details on the reward types, see Configuring Loyalty Rewards.


Enter a value to be awarded to the user.


Describe a reason for crediting the reward, for example, Customer Satisfaction or Shipping. This field is optional.

  1. Click Save to credit the loyalty rewards to the customer.
    The required transaction(s) appears in the Transaction section.
    For example,  when crediting a voucher value to the user, the following transactions are created:

Loyalty Points Report

Managing Rewards Bank of the Users | Revision History

In the Report tab, you can:

Exporting Loyalty Points Balance of Users

To export the available loyalty points balance of users,

  1. Click Report in the left navigation panel.
  2. Click Export.
    The available loyalty points balance of the users is downloaded to your local computer.
    Note: You can download the monthly loyalty points balance of users by clicking the link specific for a month.


Revision History

Loyalty Points Report| top

2023-10-19| AN – Updated content for Release 8.15.4.
2023-08-02| AN – Updated content for Release 8.15.0.
2022-12-21| AN – Updated for release 8.13.
2022-10-21| AN – Updated for release 8.12.
2022-04-13| SW – Updated for release 8.11.
2021-12-30 | SW – Updated for release 8.11.
2020-10-21 | HM – Minor copyedit.
2020-03-28 | AM – Minor copyedit
2019-10-29 | JP – Page created and content uploaded.