This document describes the supported feeds for the Merchandising microservice.

merchandiseapproval Feed

This feed is used to approve the project and save the approved changes to the categories into the default project. This feed also sends the approved category, category attributes and navigation milestone to the queue if the parameter “isdeltaindexenabled=true” is configured in the feed job params. After the feed is completed, an email is notified to the registered email address with the feed status.

The frequency to run this feed is ONDEMAND.

To view the feed in the feed history page, see:

For more information on Project Approval Workflow, see Managing Project Approval Workflow in the Merchandising Admin Guide.

merchandiseexport Feed

This feed is triggered when you export all merchandising details such as category attributes, categories, category milestones, site navigation(s), site navigation milestones, and site navigation hierarchy from the Merchandise Admin console to your local computer in the .xlsx file format. After the feed is completed, an email is notified to the registered email address with the feed status.

The frequency to run this feed is ONDEMAND.

To view the feed in the feed history page, see:

For more information on exporting merchandising details via the Merchandising Admin console, see Exporting Merchandising Details in the Merchandising Admin Guide.

merchandiseimport Feed

This feed is used to import the merchandising details such as category attributes, categories, category milestones, site navigation(s), site navigation milestones, and site navigation hierarchy into the Merchandise Admin console via the import template excel sheet. The extension can be .xlsx or .xls file format. After the feed is completed, an email is notified to the registered email address with the feed status.

The frequency to run this feed is ONDEMAND.

To view the feed in the feed history page, see:

For more information on exporting merchandising details via the Merchandising Admin console, see Importing Merchandising Details in the Merchandising Admin Guide.

merchandisepublish Feed

This feed is used to clone the merchandise related data from the stage environment (authoring DB) to the production environment (live DB). There are three different types of publishing:

  • FULL: Publishes the complete data from the authoring DB to the live DB.
    Note: You need to run this type of feed when you have a complete change in the data.
  • INCREMENTAL: Publishes the incremental data from the authoring DB to the live DB
    Note: You need to run this type of feed when you have minimal updates in data.
  • ROLLBACK: Restores the data from the previous full version.

There is no admin UI support to trigger this feed. It is integrated only at the API level.

The frequency to run this feed is ONDEMAND.

To view the feed in the feed history page, see:


Note: For detailed information about Feeds microservice, see here.


Revision History
2022-21-11 | JP – Updated content for Release 8.13.
2019-09-24 | AN – Updated content for September 2019 release.
2019-07-10 | AM – Updated content for July 2019 release.
2019-05-02 | AM – Added stem sentence.
2019-01-23 | PLK – Content uploaded.