This page provides Business administrators a user guide for the Foundation microservice for the Infosys Equinox Commerce platform.

Page Contents

Getting Started


Accessing the Foundation Console

Infosys Equinox or your systems integrator will create one or more businesses with the appropriate configurations and microservices enabled for your company, during implementation.

The Foundation microservice gives business admins the ability to manage business and microservices settings as well as to create and manage stores for the business.

For a detailed overview of the Foundation microservice, see the Foundation Microservice Overview.

Business On-Boarding Workflow

Once a company has received its Infosys Equinox Commerce deployment, business admins are tasked with setting up the commerce infrastructure for the business. This process will vary based on the setup and needs for each business, below is a possible onboarding workflow for a business admin with a new implementation of Infosys Equinox Commerce:

  • Planning
    • Identify the store or stores to be created and gather their relevant details (for example, type, name, locales, and currencies supported, etc.).
    • Identify the microservices required for each store and whether each store will use a separate instance of each microservice or whether stores will share the same instance of one or more microservices (for example, cart and checkout, orders, inventory).
    • Identify company employees who will serve as editors and managers for each microservice.
  • Collection Management
    • Create collections within a business and configure these collections for each store per Infosys Equinox Commerce microservice (for example, promotion, inventory, customer, etc.)
  • Store Management
    • Create and configure store(s).
    • Associate the appropriate collection of each microservice with the appropriate store(s).
  • Authorization Management
    • Create Infosys Equinox Commerce accounts for microservice editor and manager roles (for example, Catalog Editors, Catalog Managers, Customer Service Representatives (CSRs), etc.)

For example, say Business X has four stores (for example, XS1, XS2, XS3, and XS4) with a separate and distinct catalog, price list, and promotion data and configurations. However, all four stores may use the same cart, order, and customers (user) microservice configurations. In this case, the following collections will need to be created for Business X:

image alt text

Service Glossary

  • Business – the parent of a store or set of stores. The basic use of a business is to manage common sets of users, catalogs, and other services for the stores associated with the business.
  • Business Admin – a role that manages business settings, creates and manages stores, and enables microservice(s) for a business.
  • Business-to-business (B2B) – a business model in which commerce transactions are carried out between two businesses.
  • Business-to-customer (B2C) – a business model in which commerce transactions are carried out between a business and an end-customer (storefront user).
  • Business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) – this business model combines two or more businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C) to provide comprehensive services to both businesses and customers, thereby providing mutually beneficial services.
  • Collection – provides a set of properties that control the behavior of the microservice when launched. Allows Business Admins to set up different information for each store so that a Business can have multiple stores, each with its own configuration for a specific microservice.
  • Microservice – a self-contained application that is the building block of a loosely coupled services architecture consisting of other microservices. The Infosys Equinox Commerce platform version 8.0 includes the following microservices:
    • Foundation
    • Accounts (B2B)
    • Address
    • Authorization
    • Cart
    • Catalog
    • Customers (Users)
    • Feeds
    • Feed Job
    • Inventory
    • Lists
    • Loyalty
    • Merchandising
    • Notification
    • Orders
    • Payment
    • Pricing
    • Promotions
    • Ratings and Reviews
    • Search
    • Shipping
    • Subscription
    • Tax
  • Store – represents a specific physical location or online store of a business.
  • Storefront – a consumer-facing website that presents products, content, and promotions across multiple channels such as desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Accessing the Foundation Console

top | Configuring Search Parameters

Infosys Equinox’s cloud-based solution (SaaS) offers the option to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) at the Business instance level for admin users. By default, all admin users are required to enter an email ID and password to log in. But with MFA, the admin users can be required to pass an additional security check with a unique and random OTP (One Time Password) code sent via email or SMS.

To access the Foundation console, 

  1. Log in to the Foundation service for your business (URL provided by Infosys Equinox): 
    image alt text
    If the MFA has not been enabled, the All Businesses page appears:If the MFA has been enabled, a random and unique OTP code is sent to the Admin user’s email address or SMS number. For example,
  2. Enter the unique OTP from the email or SMS to access the system:

If an incorrect OTP is provided, the system blocks access and displays a verification error message:

After reaching a configurable failed retry threshold, the admin user is redirected back to the login screen to enter a valid email address and password again before the system will send a new OTP for verification.

Note: MFA is configurable to include things like the number of failed retry attempts, the number of times a code can be sent, etc. Additionally, it can be configured to accept verification via email, SMS, or both.

Configuring Search Parameters

Accessing the Foundation Console | All Businesses Page

In the Foundation landing page, you can search the businesses based on Business Name, Business ID, Default Locale, Default Currency, and/or Business Status, modify the search fields as needed, and select the number of pre-defined rows per screen.

Searching for Business(es)

To search for business(es),

  1. Click the Business Name, Business ID, Default Locale, Default Currency, and/or Business Status drop-down list in the header to open an entry field to provide search criteria.
    Note: For displaying a predefined number of businesses per screen, see Selecting Predefined Rows.
  2. Enter the desired search criteria in the search field:
  3. Click the Go button.
    The business(s), which matches the search criteria appears:

Modify Searchable Fields

To modify the searchable fields,

  1. Click the vertical ellipse available at the beginning of the search field.
  2. Select or deselect the items to add or remove the searchable fields in the header:
  3. Click the Go button.
    The selected searchable fields appear in the header:

Selecting Predefined Rows

By default, 10 businesses per screen will appear, but the number of businesses per screen can be modified as follows:

  1. Click the row select option at the bottom-left of the page.

  2. Select the desired number of rows:
    A list of businesses appears as per the row selection:

Managing Businesses

Configuring Search Parameters| Revision History

In the All Businesses page, you can:


  • Pagination option appears in all screens that contain the businesses’ information.
  • To navigate to the next page, click the page number.

Creating a New Business

For creating a business, see the video given below or refer to the step-by-step instructions.

To create a new business,

  1. In the All Businesses page, click the Add a Business button.
    The Create Business page appears:
  2. Enter/select the following required information:
    Field Description
    Business Name* 

    Enter a name that describes the business.

    Storage Service Link

    Enter the cloud storage location for system files. For example,
    Note: This field is not in use. It is used for reference purpose only.

    CDN Link

    Enter the Content Delivery Network link. For example,
    Note: This field is not in use. It is used for reference purpose only.

    Default Locale

    Select the default locale of the business. 
    Note: This field is not in use. It is used for reference purpose only.

    Default Currency

    Select the default currency of the business.
    Note: This field is not in use. It is used for reference purpose only.


    Enable or disable the event management system for the business. This field is mainly used for the SaaS business model. If enabled, it creates business-specific secrets and enables the API gateway.

    Sample Data

    Enable this flag to set up the business with sample data (for a B2C/B2B/B2B2C store and the applicable microservices). All the background data is set up for the business via feeds. Once completed, you will have a sample storefront setup readily for the business.
    Note: If you disable this flag, you need to set up the business data manually.

    Business Logo

    Upload the business logo.

    Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory.
  3. Click the Create button to save the newly created business. The Business Overview page appears with the following tabs:
  • Note: Once the business has been created, on the All Businesses page you can view or edit the created business details.

Editing a Business

To edit a business, perform the following steps:

In the All Businesses page, click a particular business:

The Business Overview page appears with the following tabs:

Business Overview Page

In the Business Overview page, you can:

Editing Business Information

To edit the business information,

  1. In the Business Information tab, update the required business details:
  2. Click the Save button to save the updated business details.

Enabling or Disabling Microservices

In the Available Microservices page, a super admin user can enable the required microservices opted by the client.


  • The disabled microservice(s) cannot be associated with the stores within the business.
  • If the client opts for a third-party service instead of the enabled service, the super admin can uncheck the service.

To enable or disable the microservices available under the business,

  1. In the Business Overview page, click the Available Microservices tab:
  2. Select the desired microservice(s) for your business. 
    Note: Only the selected microservice will be available for use within the business.
  3. Click the Save button.

Managing Keys and Credentials

When you create a business, two or three sets of security keys and credentials will be created for the business instance, automatically. In the Keys & Credentials tab, a business admin can view:

image alt text

Note: API Gateway Keys and RabbitMQ Credentials will be hidden if the Events slider is disabled under the Business Information tab.

Business Secret Keys

To invoke all Infosys EquinoxAPI(s), you need to use x-auth-token. The business secret key is the key, which allows you to generate x-auth-token (JWT token). Each business will have its own business secret key. This business secret key restricts other business(es) to access its data.

When the business requires refreshing the business secret key, the business admin can contact the Infosys Equinox Commerce admin. The Infosys Equinox Commerce admin creates a new business secret key. An email is sent to the business admin about the new business secret key creation. In addition, the newly created business secret key is displayed in the Business Secrets Keys section. A business can have a maximum of two active business secret keys. The Infosys Equinox Commerce admin can terminate the old business secret key if the business requires.

Viewing Business Secret Keys

To view a business secret key, in the Business Secret Keys section, click Show against Business Secret Keys:

The business secret key is displayed:

Note: To refresh or terminate the business secret key, contact Infosys Equinox Commerce admin.

API Gateway Keys

All Infosys Equinox API request(s) in Infosys Equinox Cloud must go through the API gateway with the API gateway key. The API gateway key is used for metering and throttling in the API gateway and authenticate the API(s) at the API gateway layer. Each business will have its own API gateway key, which must be used in its request.

When the business requires refreshing the API gateway key, the business admin can contact the Infosys Equinox Cloud admin. The Infosys Equinox Cloud admin creates a new API gateway key for the business. An email is sent to the business admin about the new API gateway key creation. The newly created API gateway key is displayed in the API Gateway Keys section. A business can have any number of active API gateway keys. An Infosys Equinox Cloud admin can terminate the API gateway key(s) if the business requires.

Viewing API Gateway Keys

To view an API gateway key, in the API Gateway Keys section, click Show against API Gateway Keys.

The API gateway key(s) and its creation date are displayed.


  • A business is allowed to use any of the available API gateway keys in this list.
  • To refresh or terminate the API gateway key, contact Infosys Equinox Cloud admin.
RabbitMQ Credential

A business admin can view the login credential in the RabbitMQ Credentials section and use this login credentials to configure the RabbitMQ for consuming the events in the Infosys Equinox Cloud or Enterprise.

Viewing Login Credential

To view the credential, in the RabbitMQ Credentials section, click Show against Credential:

The login credential is displayed.

Configuring Custom Properties

In the Advanced tab, business admins can add and/or view custom properties to customize the implementation.

For more information, see:


Adding a Custom Property

To add a custom property,

  1. In the Advanced tab, click the Add Properties button.
  2. Enter a property name and its value:Foundation_Additional_Properties_Inputs
  3. Click the Save button to save the added custom property:
    Note: To add another custom property, click the Add Properties button again.
List of Custom Properties

This table lists out custom properties that you can configure at the business level:

Sl. #PropertyDescriptionTypePossible ValuesExample
1enableCustomRolesWhen this property is set to:
  • true – then, the Custom Roles option will be displayed in the left navigation panel for the business.
  • false – then, the custom roles will not be displayed for the business.
Note: For information on customizing the role, see Configuring Custom Roles.
Booleantrue, falsetrue
2domainThis property holds the domain details for B2B or B2C automatic store set up.JSONA valid JSON[{“key”:”Telco”,”path”:”e9a42671-9438-4ee6-8f48-6d3d80e61da4″},{“key”:”Auto”,”path”:”a2fa019e-bd0b-44e4-9aaf-cd5dd1ac0b6d”},{“key”:”MLM”,”path”:”eb3a94f8-caa3-4c31-96cf-a31b00f14016″},{“key”:”Retail”,”path”:”60575c82-ad6d-448e-a081-0fd93de4e48b”}]
3sheetPathThis property holds the cloud path of an Excel sheet which is used for B2B or B2C automatic store set up.URLA valid sheet path
4EcareBotThis business property, when set to true, displays the business assistant on all admin consoles.Booleantrue, falsetrue

Managing Stores

In the All Stores page, you can:



  • To view the pages specific to the roles such as business admin or store ops, use the Go to menu available at the top-right side of the All Stores page.
  • Pagination option appears in all screens that contain the stores’ information.
  • To navigate to the next page, click the page number.

Configuring Search Parameters for a Store

Searching for Store(s)

To search for Store(s),

  1. Click the Store Name, Store ID, Store Type, Store Status, and/or Default Locale drop-down option in the header to open an entry field to provide search criteria.
  2. Enter the desired search criteria in the search field, and then click the Go button:
    The Store(s), which matches the search criteria appears.

Modifying Searchable Fields

To modify the searchable fields,

  1. Click the vertical ellipse available at the beginning of the search field.
  2. Select or deselect the items to add or remove the searchable fields in the header:
    The selected searchable fields appear in the header.
    Note: To reset the search field in the header, click the Reset button.

Selecting Predefined Rows

By default, 10 stores per screen will appear, but the number of categories per screen can be modified as follows:

  1. Click pages drop-down option located at lower left in the All Stores page.
  2. Select 10 Rows25 Rows, or 50 Rows from the drop-down list.The selected rows of categories appear on the screen.
    Note: To reset the search field in the header, click the Reset button.

Creating a Store

A Business Admin can create a store. 

For creating a store, see the video given below or refer to the step-by-step instructions.

To create a store, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Go to in the upper right of the screen.
  2. Select Business Admin to view the Business Admin’s All Stores page.
  3. Click the Add a Store button on the All Stores page. The Create Store page appears:
  4. Enter/select the following required information:
    Field Description
    Store Name*

    Enter a name that describes the store.

    Store ID

    This field is generated automatically.

    Time Zone*

    Select the time zone of the store.

    Store Type*

    Select the type of store, it can be:

    • Business to Business to create a B2B store.
    • Business to Customer to create a B2C store.
    • E-commerce to create an E-Commerce store.
      Note: This field is not in use. It is used for reference purpose only.

    Note: You can create a B2B2C (Buisness to Business to Customer) store type only via the store property activateB2B2C


    Select a list of locales of the store.

    Default Locale*

    Select the default locale of the store.

    Ship To Regions*

    Select a list of regions, where the items can be shipped.

    Default Ship To Region*

    Select the default ship-to-region of the store.


    Select a list of currencies of the store.

    Default Currency*

    Select the default currency of the store.


    When the status of a store is made inactive, the store will not be picked up by the business.


    • Active to activate the store.
    • In-Active to deactivate the store. Later, you can change the status to ‘Active’ if required.
    Auto-associate collections

    Enable this toggle to create the collections for all the applicable microservices and associate them with the store automatically. 

    • When this toggle is disabled, you need to create the collections and associate them with the store manually.
    • The  store property autoCreateAssociation is created with the provided value. 
    Enable Backorder

    Enable this toggle to allow backorders in the store.
    Note: When this toggle is disabled, the customers cannot place backorders.

    Sample Data

    Enable this toggle to create and set up the store automatically with the sample data as per the selected domain. Before you enable this toggle, you also need to enable the Auto-associate collections toggle. It triggers the automatestore feed to complete the store automation process.


    Select any one of the domains given below:

    • Retail – the retail domain data is imported into the store during the store automation process.
    • Auto – the automobile domain data is imported into the store during the store automation process.
    • MLM – the Multilevel Marketing (MLM) data is imported into the store during the store automation process.
    • Telco – the telecommunication domain data is imported into the store during the store automation process.
    Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory.
  5. Click the Create button to create a store.
    If you have enabled the Sample Data toggle, the automatestore feed is triggered to complete the store setup steps. While the feed runs to complete the store setup:
      • The following screen is shown while creating an empty store:
      • The following screen is shown when a store is created without any data setup:
      • The following screen is shown before triggering the feeds automatically:
      • The following screen is shown when the feeds are started, indicates the store automation process time is approximately 15 minutes.

        Note: To continue the store automation process, click Ok
      • The following screen is shown when a particular feed is running. It shows the progress of the feed as highlighted in the screen:
      • The following screen is shown when there are errors after running the feed:

        • To go back to the All Stores page, click Cancel.
        • To restart the store automation process, click Retrigger.
        • To view the feed (batch) histories, click the link available at the bottom.
      • The following screen is shown when the feeds are successfully triggered:
      • The following screen is shown when the store setup is completed successfully:
  6. Do any one of the following:
    • To open the Store Ops page of the store, click Go To Admin.
    • To launch the storefront configuration page of the store, click Go To Store. To reflect the data in the storefront, you need to update the new store ID: 

Store Overview Page

You can view the Store Overview page to:

Viewing the Store Overview Page

To view the Store Overview page,

  1. Click a particular store.
    Note: Click the Edit button against a particular store to edit it. For more details, see edit a store.
  2. Click Store Overview in the left navigation panel.
    The Store Overview page appears:

Editing a Store

To edit a store,

  1. Click the Edit Store button on the Store Overview page.
    The Store detail page appears:
  2. Make necessary changes as required under the Store Info tab.
  3. Click the Save button.
    Note: To discard the changes, click the Cancel button.

Associating Microservice Collections with a Store

Before associating microservice collections with a store, you need to configure the collections. To configure the collections, see Managing Collections of a Microservice.

For associating microservice collections with a store, see the video given below:

To associate microservice collections with a store,

  1. In the Store Overview page, click the Service Association tab.
    The Service Association tab of the Store Overview page appears:
  2. Click the edit icon against a particular microservice to change the collection association.
  3. Select a collection, to which you want to associate the store.
    Configure service-wise specific instructions:
  4. Click the Associate button to associate the collection with the store.
  5. Click the Save button after associating the required microservice collections with the store.Foundation_ServiceAssociationSave

Associating the Store and a Catalog Collection with a Catalog

To associate the store and a Catalog Collection with a catalog, in the selected collection, select the required catalog under the Catalog Name column.

Associating a Pricing Collection with a Price List or Price Rule

To associate a Pricing Collection with a price list or price rule,

  1. In the selected collection, select the required price list under the Pricelist Name column.
    Note: You can use the search option to find a specific price list.
  2. Enable the Enable Price Rule toggle if you want to add a price rule for the selected collection.
  3. In the selected collection, select the required price rule under the Price Rule Name column.

Associating a Pricing Collection with Multiple Shipping Regions

To associate a Pricing Collection with multiple shipping regions,

  1. In the Store Info tab, select the required shipping regions.
    The locales of the selected shipping regions are listed for the Pricing in the Service Association tab:
    Note: For more information, refer to Editing a Store.
  2. Go to the Service Association tab, click the Add button to add the remaining shipping region(s).
     Another Pricing collection row appears in the Service Association tab.
  3. Select a locale of the shipping region to be associated in the newly added Pricing collection row.

Associating the Store and an Inventory Collection with a Bin

To associate the store and an Inventory Collection with a bin, in the selected collection, select the required bin under the Inventory Name column.

Adding Store-Specific Properties

In the Advanced tab of the Store Overview page, the Business Admins can add and/or view custom properties to customize the implementation. 
You can add the below store properties:

Property Key Description TypePossible Values ExampleConsumable Services 
activateB2B2C Specifies whether the B2B2C store is enabled or not. The value true indicates the B2B2C store, which creates Accounts and Customers (User) services along with the other selected services.Booleantrue, falseTRUEStorefront Orchestration
allowedCountriesHolds a list of allowed countries.StringList of comma-separated country codesUS,USA,CA,GRShipping
allowedPromotionPriceFacetsHolds a list of comma-separated PriceFacets which enables the discounts functionality for the additional components (PV, CV, and SB).StringPV,CV,SB,GRPPV,CVStorefront Orchestration
allowedRewardTypesForOptInHolds a list of default reward types. The list of reward types configured here will be eligible based on opt-in functionality and will be displayed in the storefront for the user to opt-in. When the user opts-in to the loyalty program, the user will be able to earn the Loyalty rewards.
  • Before providing values here, you need to create reward types. For more details, see the section Configuring Loyalty Rewards in Loyalty Admin Guide.
  • You MUST mention the reward type. If no value is mentioned, the option to opt-in to the Loyalty Rewards program is not displayed in storefront.
StringLOYALTY, STORE CREDITLOYALTYStorefront Orchestration and Admin Orchestration
autoCreateAssociation Specifies whether the collections for all the applicable microservices are created and associated with the store automatically or not. When this toggle is enabled, the collections are created and associated with the store automatically. When this toggle is disabled, you need to create the collections and associate them with the store manually. Booleantrue, falseTRUEFoundation 
defaultAddressforShippingMethodHolds the default shipping address.JSON{
"AddressLine1": "132, My Street",
"City": "Newyork",
"Email": "email",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Country": "US",
"Mobile": "+16784567845",
"State": "Newyork",
"Zip": "10017"
defaultCheckOutFlowEnables the default checkout flow when the value is true.Booleantrue, falseTRUEOrders
enableBackOrderEnables the back order when the value is true.Booleantrue, falseTRUEInventory
excludePriceFacetsHolds a list of price facets to be excluded from the storefront and in the API response.StringSBSBStorefront Orchestration
fetchRewardsEventId Holds the ID of an event used to fetch rewards before the actual reward points are credited to the account. StringOrder Shipped, Order CreatedOrder ShippedStorefront Orchestration and Loyalty
orderChannelTypesDetermines the type of channel used to place the order. StringWeb, Phone, Walk in Center Web, PhoneOrder Admin
percentInPriceToPayByPointsDefines the percentage of eligible to pay by points. For example, if the eligible to pay by points is 100$, and if you set perecentInPriceToPayByPoints to 50%, then 50% of 100$ (that is 50$ if pointValueInPriceUnit value is 1) will be eligible to pay by points.

Note: The eligible to pay by points is calculated based on the store property redeemloyaltyproperty.
String0-100100Storefront Orchestration and Admin Orchestration
pointValueInPriceUnitHolds the loyalty points to price conversion value in unit. For example, the value 1 is one point that is equal to one dollar. String0-1001Storefront Orchestration and Admin Orchestration
PriceRuleConfigMapHolds a list of account types which are used in price rules to set different prices based on the account type.JSON{"id":"AccountType","name":"AccountType","options":["Retail Customer","Brand Affiliate - Individual","Brand Affiliate - Business Entity","Preferred Customer/Member"]}Admin
productPropertiesForPromotionHolds a product property to send to the Promotions service from the SFO and Admin SFO services.StringAny product propertypointEarnStorefront Orchestration and Admin Orchestration
productPropertyToAllowDiscountHolds a product property to determine whether the product is eligible for discount or not. For example, the products that are configured with the attribute pointDiscount as true will be eligible discount.

  • For normal products, configured at the SKU level.
  • For bundle products, configured at the product level.
StringAny product propertypointDiscountStorefront Orchestration, Admin Orchestration, and Cart
productPropertyToEarnRewardsHolds an attribute to identify whether a product is eligible to earn loyalty points or not. For example, the products that are configured with the attribute pointEarn as true will be eligible to earn the loyalty points.

  • For normal products, configured at the SKU level.
  • For bundle products, configured at the product level.
StringAny product propertypointEarnStorefront Orchestration and Admin Orchestration
redeemloyaltypropertyHolds an attribute that is used to identify if a product is eligible to redeem loyalty points or not. For example, the products with the attribute pointRedeem as true will be eligible to redeem the loyalty points.
For example, if an order has,
  • Product1: the price is 100$ with the pointRedeem property value as true
  • Product2: the price is 200$ with the pointRedeem property value as false
The total value of the products that are eligible for redemption is 100$.
  • For normal products, configured at the SKU level
  • For bundle products, configured at the product level.
    StringAny product propertypointRedeemStorefront Orchestration and Admin Orchestration
    sfStoreDetailsHolds the store details for the storefront.JSON{
    "associations": [
    "serviceName": "pricing",
    "properties": [
    "store": {
    "info": [
    "properties": [
    Storefront Orchestration
    siteURLHolds the storefront URL of the store.StringAny valid URLhttps://<<EnvironmentName>>
    tierConfigMapHolds the percentage and tier name which is displayed in the storefront. For example, T1 is mapped with the percentage as 5% and tier name as Basic. StringValid JSON value{
    "tier": {
    "T1": {
    "displayPercentage": "5%",
    "displayName": "Tier 1"
    "T2": {
    "displayPercentage": "10%",
    "displayName": "Tier 2"
    "T3": {
    "displayPercentage": "20%",
    "displayName": "Tier 3"
    customization_jsHolds the S3 URL of the minified JS file that customizes the admin console of all the applicable services at the store level.URLNA Admin
    customization_cssHolds the S3 URL of the minified CSS file that customizes the admin console of all the applicable services at the store level.URLNA Admin
    discountModelRewardTypesHolds a list of reward types that needs to be considered as discounts.StringVOUCHER, LOYALTYLOYALTYLoyalty
    enableVoucherSupportSpecifies whether the voucher support is enabled in the Cart service or not. BooleanTrue, FalseTrueAdmin and Storefront Orchestration (Cart)
    livePriceEnabledIndexes the latest schedule price for sort/filter operations.BooleanTrue, FalseFALSEFeed Jobs
    enableVoucherSupportSpecifies whether the voucher support is enabled or not. When this property is set to:
    • true, customers can earn vouchers.

    • false, voucher support is not enabled.
    FALSEAdmin Orchestration (Cart)
    productPropertyToEarnVouchersSpecifies product property name to identify if the product is eligible for earning and redeeming using vouchers.
    The default value is earnVoucher.
    productPropertyToRedeemVouchersIt is a product property name to identify if the product is eligible for earning and redeeming using vouchers.
    The default value is redeemVoucher.
    enableAppMarketplaceFeature flag for newly added Marketplace Admin.
    The default value is FALSE.
    True, FalseFALSEAppMarketplace Admin
    enableDashboardFeature flag for newly added Dashboard link under Store Overview.
    The default value is FALSE.
    True, FalseFALSECatalog, Foundation Admin
    domain, sheetPathIt is a segment or domain and data sheet path for the domain.--Foundation
    cdnConfigWhen the seller publishes the site and if the site has been cached by the CDN, then the Storefront Orchestration service reads this property information and flushes the cache asynchronously.

    Sample data:

    {}Foundation Admin (Emall)
    sellerRoleAccountTypesThis property is used to define the Seller role account type. Once configured for that account type, the ROLE_SELLER_USER is assigned, and the seller user can sign up to Emall.--Storefront Orchestration
    setResetParamInResponseThis property is used to set or skip the reset param in response. If the flag is enabled, the reset param will not be displayed in the API response.
    By default, the property is disabled, that is, it is set to false.
    preferenceBasedSubscriptionThis property either enables the existing preference flow subscription or multiple subscriptions flow. When this property is set to:
    • true, enables the preference based subscription flow.
    • false, enables the multiple subscriptions flow.
    trueAdmin Orchestration
    productCompareAppURLThis property is used to view the product comparison based on the products added for comparison.

    Based on the attributes which can be comparable, users can view the ‘Descriptive Comparison of Products’ section which would be generated by the Product Compare AI app.

    In the value, enter the app URL.
    Foundation Admin Console,
    Ultra Storefront
    EnablePromotionProximityWhen this property is set to:
    • true: enables the Proximity promotion.

    • false: the Proximity promotion is not enabled.
    BooleanTrue, FalseFoundation Admin Console, Promotions Admin Console
    quicksightDashboardInfoThis property is used to show a new card “Analytics & Insights” on the Store Ops page and also on the left navigation panel to navigate to the Dashboard page.

    Sample value is as follows:

    {"Order": "dashboard_id", "Inventory": "dashboard_id"}

    For dashboard ID for the service can be obtained from the QuickSight plugin.

    Before configuring this property, ensure the QuickSight plugin is installed for the store.
    enableCartApprovalIf this property value is set to:
    • true, then enables multiple shopping carts. For example, converting user cart to approval carts for workflow.

    • false, then only one cart is enabled.
    BooleanTrue, FalsefalseAccounts
    allowGuestUserToGetAttributesIf this property value is set to:
    • true, then the guest users are allowed to get account attributes.

    • false, then the get account attributes API throws 500 error for the guest users.

    BooleanTrue, FalsefalseStorefront Orchestration
    EnablePriceParamHolds the price parameters containing conditions.BooleanPricing
    priceRuleCustomTypeHolds the custom attributes created for an account.Pricing
    ComparebyAIThis property, used with productCompareAppURL, controls the display of the “Descriptive Comparison Products” section on the Compare Products page. The value can be:
    • true: The section is displayed.

    • false: The section is hidden.

    Note: The app is being deployed in the Azure. The app will only be called if the app URL is configured in the store property, that is, productCompareAppURL.
    BooleanTrue, FalsefalseUltra Storefront, Storefront Orchestration
    productCompareAppURLThis property contains the app URL of Product Compare AI app and requires the ComparebyAI store property to be configured when defined.App URLUltra Storefront, Storefront Orchestration
    ProximityPromotionURLThis property contains the app URL of Proximity Promotion AI app and requires the EnableProximityPromotion store property to be configured when defined.
    Note: The app is being deployed in the Azure. The app will only be called if the app URL is configured.
    App URLUltra Storefront, Storefront Orchestration
    bundleSuggestionAppURLThis property contains the app URL of Bundle Suggestion AI app.App URLUltra Storefront, Storefront Orchestration

    To add custom properties:

    1. Click the Advanced tab on the Store Overview page.Foundation_ServiceAssociation_Advanced
    2. In the Advanced tab of the Store Overview page, click the Add Properties button.
    3. Provide a property name and its value. Foundation_Store_Additional_Properties_Inputs

      For example, if you want to customize the admin consoles at the store level, enter the property key as:

      In the property value, you need to upload CSS and JS files from your local computer by clicking the Add File button. Alternatively, you can also provide the S3 URL of these files in the property value.

      For example, after uploading the custom JS and CSS files, the Accounts admin console appears as shown below:
    4. Click the Save button to save the custom properties.
      Note: You can add more custom properties by repeating the above procedure.

    Updating StoreFront Orchestration Specific Properties

    In the SF Orchestration Properties tab of the Store Overview page, business admin can update and/or view the below storefront orchestration specific properties:

    Service Property Key Description
    Customers Allow customer deletion Specifies whether the customer deletion is allowed or not. When this toggle is enabled, a CSR can be allowed to delete a customer account. 
    Retention period for customer deletion Specifies the retention period of the customers before deleting them.
    Google Places API Key Holds the Google places API key which is used to access the Google Places APIs.
    Inventory Enable Inventory Check Specifies whether the inventory check is allowed or not.
    Include Out Of Stock Specifies whether the out-of-stock products are shown on the storefront site (for example, in the PLP, PDP pages) or not. Enable this toggle to show out-of-stock products on the storefront site.


    To update the storefront orchestration specific properties:

    1. In the SF Orchestration Properties tab of the Store Overview page, make the required updates in the available SFO properties.
    2. Click the Save button to update the storefront orchestration-specific properties.

    Managing Store Operations

    To launch a Store Ops page,

    1. In the All Stores page, click a particular store:
      It displays the Store Overview page:
      Note: To edit the store details, see Editing a Store.
    2. Click the Store Ops button on the Store Overview page.
      The Store Ops page appears:
    3. In the Store Ops page:

    Indexing and Publishing the Store Data

    Infosys Equinox Commerce allows you to:

    Initially, you need to index the store data in the authoring environment and then publish them in the live environment to bring the changes to the storefront.

    You need to refer to the following sections to understand the prerequisites required before running the feed and steps required for indexing or publishing the data.

    Indexing the Store Data

    The Catalog, Pricing, and Merchandising data should be indexed in the store’s SOLR collections to obtain the product/SKU details to the storefront.

    Depending on your business requirements, in Infosys Equinox Commerce, you can opt for any one of the following indexing types:

    Full Indexing

    Infosys Equinox Commerce allows you to run full indexing when you want to index the entire catalog and pricing or merchandising data available in the respective collections associated with the store.

    You can run full indexing for:

    • Catalog and Pricing – to index the entire product and SKU details along with the pricing information.
    • Merchandising – to index the entire categories and site navigation details.
    Full Indexing the Catalog and Pricing Data


    Before you run full indexing for catalog and pricing, ensure you have a valid catalog and pricing data in the collection’s default project.

    Note: For successful indexing, there must be an active product(s) containing at least one active SKU with valid pricing information.

    Scenarios for Not Indexing a Product

    A product will NOT be indexed in the following scenarios:

    • If the status of the product is inactive.
    • If the current date does not fall between the start and end date and time of product and/or SKUs. It is considered as expired.
    • If the product does not have any active SKUs associated with it.
    • If there is NO pricing information for ANY of the SKUs associated.

    Steps for Full Indexing Catalog and Pricing Data

    To run a full indexing feed on the catalog and pricing data,

    1. In the Store Ops page, click the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
      A list of indexing and publishing options appears.
    2. Select the option Full Indexing – Catalog & Pricing only in the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
    3. Click the Go button.
      The Refreshing Data popup appears.
    4. Click the Proceed button to trigger the full indexing process of catalog and pricing data.
      • To ignore indexing the data, click the Cancel button.
      • Once the full indexing process is triggered, you will get a success message.
      • The feeds such as CatalogEventPublisher, CatalogEventListener, CatalogB2BEventPublisher (for a B2B store), CatalogB2BEventListener (for a B2B store), PriceEventPublisher, PriceEventListener, PriceRuleEventPublisher (applicable only when a price rule is mapped with the store), and PriceRuleEventListener (applicable only when a price rule is mapped with the store), are triggered. For more details on these feeds, see
      • To view the feed running details, go to the URL: https://<<EnvironmentName>><<BusinessID>>&page=1&size=10
        For example, the feed histories of the Search collection 373:

        : You can get the Search collection ID in the Service Association tab of the store.
      • You can also view the feed run history using the Swagger link: https://<<EnvironmentName>>.com/feedservices/swagger-ui/Job_History/getFeedRunHistories
    5. In the storefront site, ensure whether you can find the catalog and prices for the SKUs are reflected or not:

    Full Indexing the Merchandising Data


    Before you run full indexing for merchandising, ensure you have valid merchandising data in the collection’s default project.

    Note: For successful indexing, there must be active categories containing valid milestones.

    Scenarios for Not Indexing a Category

    A category will NOT be indexed in the following scenarios:

    • If the status of the category is inactive.
    • If the category does not have any active milestones associated with it
    • If the category does not have any valid milestones (milestones applicable for the current period) associated with it.
    • If the category is NOT mapped to any of the valid site navigation milestones.

    Steps for Full Indexing Merchandising Data

    To run a full indexing feed on the merchandising data,

    1. In the Store Ops page, click the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
      A list of indexing and publishing options appears.
    2. Select the option Full Indexing – Merchandising only in the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
    3. Click the Go button.
      The Refreshing Data popup appears.
    4. Click the Proceed button to trigger the full indexing process of merchandising data.
      • To ignore indexing the data, click the Cancel button.
      • Once the full indexing process is triggered, you will get a success message.
      • The feeds such as MerchandiseEventListener and MerchandiseEventPublisher are triggered. For more details on these feeds, see
      • To view the feed running details, go to the URL: https://<<EnvironmentName>><<BusinessID>>&page=1&size=10
        For example, the feed histories of the Search collection 373:

        Note: You can get the Search collection ID in the Service Association tab of the store.
      • You can also view the feed run history using the Swagger link: https://<<EnvironmentName>>
    5. In the storefront site, ensure whether you can find categories and its products are reflected or not:
    Delta Indexing

    Infosys Equinox Commerce allows you to run delta indexing when you want to index only the changes made in the catalog or pricing data available in the respective collections associated with the store. Here, the changes are made after the previous delta indexing or full indexing.

    You can run the delta indexing for:

    • Catalog Data – to index only the changes made in the catalog data.
    • Pricing Data – to index only the changes made in the pricing data.
    Delta Indexing the Catalog Data


    Before you run delta indexing for catalog, ensure you have a valid updated catalog data in the collection’s default project.

    When this feed is triggered, any changes made to the existing products and/or SKUs and newly added products and/or SKUs will be indexed.

    Scenarios for Not Indexing a Product

    A product will NOT be indexed in the following scenarios:

    • If the status of the product is inactive.
    • If the product does not have any active SKUs associated with it.
    • If there is NO Pricing information available in the associated SKUs.

    Steps for Delta Indexing the Catalog Data

    To run a delta indexing feed on the catalog data,

    1. In the Store Ops page, click the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
      A list of indexing and publishing options appears.
    2. Select the option Delta Indexing – Catalog only in the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
    3. Click the Go button.
      The Refreshing Data popup appears.
    4. Click the Proceed button to trigger the delta indexing process of catalog data.
      • To ignore indexing the data, click the Cancel button.
      • Once the delta indexing process is triggered, you will get a success message.
      • Once the feed is triggered successfully, the progress of the feed can be viewed in the Feed History page. For more information, see Viewing a Feed History.
    Delta Indexing the Pricing Data


    Before you run delta indexing for pricing, ensure you have a valid updated pricing data in the collection’s default project.

    Steps for Delta Indexing the Pricing Data

    To run a delta indexing on the pricing data,

    1. In the Store Ops page, click the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
      A list of indexing and publishing options appears.
    2. Select the option Delta Indexing – Pricing only in the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
    3. Click the Go button.
      The Refreshing Data popup appears.
    4. Click the Proceed button to trigger the delta indexing process of pricing data.
      • To ignore indexing the data, click the Cancel button.
      • Once the delta indexing process is triggered, you will get a success message.
      • Once the feed is triggered successfully, the progress of the feed can be viewed in the Feed History page. For more information, see Viewing a Feed History.

    Publishing the Store Data

    Infosys Equinox Commerce allows you to publish the Catalog, Pricing, Merchandising, Promotions, Foundation, Accounts, and Search data from the authoring environment to the production environment. 

    Depending on your business requirements, in Infosys Equinox Commerce, you can opt for any one of the following publishing types: 

    Full Publishing the Store Data

    This option publishes the complete store data [such as Catalog, Pricing, Merchandising, Promotions, Foundation, Accounts (applicable for B2B), and Search] from the authoring environment to the production environment.


    Before you run the full publish feed, you need to ensure the following:

    • Availability of a valid Catalog, Pricing, Promotions, and Merchandising data in the respective collection’s default project. However, the Accounts and Foundation data are published directly to the production environment. 
    • Index the data ONLY in the authoring environment’s SOLR server before publishing it to the production environment.

    Steps for Full Publishing the Store Data

    To publish the complete store data,

    1. In the Store Ops page, click the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
      A list of indexing and publishing options appears.
    2. Select the option Full Publish in the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
    3. Click the Go button.
      The Publish Store Data popup appears.
    4. Click the Proceed button to trigger the full publishing process of the store data.
      • To ignore publishing the data, click the Cancel button.
      • Once the full publishing process is triggered, you will get a success message.
      • Once the feed is triggered successfully, the progress of the feed can be viewed in the Feed History page. For more information, see Viewing a Feed History.
      • For re-triggering a failed publish feed, see Retriggering a Failed Publish Feed.
      • Full publish process triggers the publishmaster feed. The publishmaster feed triggers the following applicable feeds:
        • catalogpublish
        • searchpublish
        • merchandisepublish
        • promotionspublish
        • pricepublish
        • accountpublish
        • foundationpublish
          These feeds publish the data from the respective services to the production environment.
    Full Publishing the Promotions Data

    This option publishes the complete store data of the Promotions microservice from the authoring environment to the production environment.


    Before you run the full publish feed, you need to ensure the following:

    • Availability of a valid Promotions data in the respective collection’s default project. 
    • Index the data ONLY in the authoring environment’s SOLR server before publishing it to the production environment.

    Steps for Full Publishing of the Promotions Data

    To publish the promotions data,

    1. In the Store Ops page, click the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
      A list of indexing and publishing options appears.
    2. Select the option Promotion Full Publish in the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
    3. Click the Go button.
      The Publish Store Data popup appears.
    4. Click the Proceed button to trigger the full publishing process of the store data.
      • To ignore publishing the data, click the Cancel button.
      • Once the full publishing process is triggered, you will get a success message.
      • Once the feed is triggered successfully, the progress of the feed can be viewed in the Feed History page. For more information, see Viewing a Feed History.
      • For re-triggering a failed publish feed, see Retriggering a Failed Publish Feed.
      • The full publish process of the promotions data triggers the publishmaster feed. The publishmaster feed triggers the promotionspublish feed. The feed publishes the data from the Promotions microservice to the production environment.
    Delta Publishing the Store Data

    This option publishes ONLY the latest changes made to the store data [such as Catalog, Pricing, Merchandising, Foundation, Accounts (applicable only for B2B), and Search] from the authoring environment to the production environment.


    Before you run the delta publish feed, you need to ensure the following:

    • Availability of a valid Catalog, Pricing, and Merchandising data in the respective collection’s default project. However, the Accounts and Foundation data are published directly to the production environment. 
    • Index the data ONLY in the authoring environment’s SOLR server before publishing it to the production environment. 

    Steps for Delta Publishing the Store Data

    To publish only the recent changes from the store data,

    1. In the Store Ops page, click the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
      A list of indexing and publishing options appears.
    2. Select the option Delta Publish in the Refresh/Publish Data dropdown.
    3. Click the Go button.
      The Publish Store Data popup appears.

    4. Click the Proceed button to trigger the delta publishing process of the store data.
      • To ignore publishing the data, click the Cancel button.
      • Once the delta publishing process is triggered, you will get a success message.
      • For re-triggering a failed publish feed, see Retriggering a Failed Publish Feed.
      • Once the feed is triggered successfully, the progress of the feed can be viewed in the Feed History page. For more information, see Viewing a Feed History.
      • Delta publish process triggers the publishmaster feed. The publishmaster feed triggers the following applicable feeds:
        • catalogpublish
        • searchpublish
        • merchandisepublish
        • pricepublish
        • accountpublish
        • foundationpublish
          These feeds publish the data from the respective services to the production environment.

    Launching the Admin Console via the Store Operations Page

    To launch the admin console of a microservice, click a particular service.
    Save Metadata

    Dashboard – Sales Metrics, Task Trays, Other Reports


    Dashboard provides a high-level one-page view of the store’s order and sales statistics for the last 7 days, key tasks to be performed so that the business admin can action on the items in the task trays for the day, recently updated items, the chart that shows the top 5 selling products, and inventory availability details.

    The tasks can be customized in the collection property of the required service based on the business requirement:

    Accessing the Dashboard

    To access the dashboard,

    1. Click available on the top left corner of the Store Overview page:
    2. Select Dashboard on the left navigation panel.

      The Dashboard page appears. For more information on the Dashboard page, see the next section.

    Dashboard Page and Reports

    These reports provide you with the current state of the store and the anomalies to be fixed through the preset filters.

    The following page explains the details available on the Dashboard page:

    Call Out


    Displays the total number of orders and sales matrix like the total value of the sales and the average order price.

    Displays the catalog and pricing-related report types.

    The task trays can be configured; for example, products with no images, products with no SKU, SKUs to expire in 7 days, SKUs with no images, Catalog or Pricing projects that are submitted and pending approval for the last 7 days, SKUs with multiple products, SKUs with zero prices, pricing projects to be approved, and so on.

    A business or store admin can click, which navigates to the required page with the preset filter results; for example, on clicking “Products with No Images”, the following screen is displayed:

    Displays the recently updated items for the last 7 days.

    Displays the 5 top selling SKUs for the last 7 days.

    Displays the inventory availability details (such as preorder, backorder, low stock, and/or out-of-stock) of SKUs.

    Configuring Collections for Microservices

    In the Business Overview page, click Microservices in the left navigation panel. It shows All Microservices page:


    The All Microservices page can be used to navigate to collections of a microservice.


    • If a microservice does not appear in All Microservices page, it indicates it has not been added for the Business.
    • If a microservice appears in All Microservices page but does not have an arrow, it indicates it has been disabled for the Business and cannot be configured.

    Navigating to Collections of a Microservice

    To navigate to the collections of a microservice, click a microservice:


    It shows the collections management page of the microservice:



    • Pagination option appears in all screens that contain the collections’ information.
    • To navigate to the next page, click the page number.

    Managing Collections of a Microservice

    In the collections management page of a microservice, you can:

    For managing collections of a microservice, see the video given below or click the above links for step-by-step instructions:

    Creating a Collection for the Microservice

    To create a collection,

    1. In the collections management page of the microservice, click the Create Collection button:
      The Create Collection page appears.
    2. Enter/select the following required information:

      Field Description
      Collection Name*

      Enter the name of the collection.

      Collection Description*

      Enter a description that describes the collection.


      Enable or disable the status of the collection. You can:

      • enable the toggle to activate the collection. It allows picking the collection by a business.
      • disable the toggle to deactivate the collection. It does not allow picking the collection by a business.
      Collection Properties

      Update the values of the collection properties.

      Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory.
    3. Click the Create button to create the collection.Foundation_Microservices_CollectionsCreatePage

    Note: To know about the collection properties of the microservice, refer to Available Collection Properties.

    Configuring a Collection of the Microservice

    To configure a collection:

    1. In the collections management page of the microservice, click the Configure button against a collection
      Note: You can open the Feeds dashboard of the respective microservice by clicking the Feeds button.
      The Configure Collection page appears.
    2. Update the required information.Foundation_Microservices_CollectionsUpdate
    3. Click the Save button to configure the collection.

    Launching the Admin Console via the Collections Management Page

    To launch the admin console, in the collections management page of the microservice click the Launch button against a collection:
    Note: You can open the Feeds dashboard of the respective microservice by clicking the Feeds button.

    The admin console page of the microservice appears:


    Available Collection Properties

    Below is the list of available collection properties, by service.

    Accounts Collection Properties
    Address Collection Properties
    Authorization Collection Properties
    Cart Collection Properties
    Catalog Collection Properties
    Customers (User) Collection Properties
    Inventory Collection Properties
    Lists Collection Properties
    Loyalty Collection Properties
    Merchandising Collection Properties
    Notification Collection Properties
    Order Collection Properties
    Payment Collection Properties
    Pricing Collection Properties
    Promotions Collection Properties
    Search Collection Properties
    Shipping Collection Properties
    Subscription Collection Properties
    Tax Collection Properties

    Managing Teams

    In the Team page, a user can be invited and. or role is assigned to a user.

    In the Team page you can:


    • Pagination option appears in all screens that contain the teams’ information.
    • To navigate to the next page, click the page number.

    Inviting User(s) as a Business Admin

    To invite user(s) as a business admin, 

    1. Click the Team in the left navigation pane.
    2. Click the Invite Members button.
    3. In the Email Address section, enter the required email address(es).
    4. Enable the Business Admin.
      image alt text
    5. Click the Send Invite button.
      The following confirmation message is displayed on the screen:
      image alt text
      The Business Admin receives an email for creating an Infosys Equinox Commerce account.
    6. Click the ACTIVATE button in the email.
      image alt text
    7. In the User Registration form, enter the necessary details and click the Register button.
      After successful registration, the Business Admin can log in to the Infosys Equinox Commerce console by entering the registered email ID and password. The console displays only those business(es) for which that Business Admin has privileges to access and manage.

    Inviting User(s) as a Business User

    To invite user(s) and assign them the roles, 

    1. Click the Team in the Left Navigation panel.
    2. Click the Invite Members button.
      The Invite User page appears:
      image alt text
    3. In the Email Address section, enter the required email address(es).
    4. In the Role section, select an appropriate role that is associated with the microservice.
      For example, selecting the role ROLE_PROMOTION_EDITOR provides the user with editor role in the Promotion Admin console.
    5. In the Store section, select the required store.
      Note: To add multiple roles for a store, click image alt text and repeat the above steps 4 and 5.
    6. Click the Send Invite button.
      The following confirmation message is displayed on the screen:
      image alt text
      The Business User receives an email for creating an Infosys Equinox Commerce account.
    7. Click the ACTIVATE button in the email.
      image alt text
    8. In the User Registration form, enter the necessary details and click the Register button.
      After successful registration, the Business User can log in to the Infosys Equinox Commerce console by entering the registered email ID and password. The console displays only those business(es) for which that Business User has privileges to access and manage.

    Configuring Custom Roles


    In the Foundation Admin console, you can configure your own custom roles for the selected service(s) and associate privilege(s) and privilege group(s) that are required for the given role. Once created, you invite users via Teams and assign the configured roles to them for the selected store(s).

    In Custom Roles, you can:

    Note: You cannot delete predefined roles which are available by default.

    Before You Begin

    You must configure the enableCustomRoles property with the value true in the Business Overview’s Advanced tab. For more information, see Configuring Custom Properties.

    Once configured, the Custom Roles is visible in the left navigation panel for the business with the predefined roles. To create a new custom role, see Creating a New Role with Privileges.

    Viewing Custom Roles

    To view the existing custom roles,

    1. Log in to the Foundation service for your business (URL provided by Infosys Equinox).
    2. Click on a particular business.
    3. Click Custom Roles in the left navigation panel:

      The List of Custom Roles page appears:

    Creating a New Role with Privileges

    To create a new role with the custom name and associate the required privileges or privilege groups,

    1. Log in to the Foundation service for your business (URL provided by Infosys Equinox).
    2. Click on a particular business.
    3. Click Custom Roles in the left navigation panel:

      The List of Custom Roles landing page appears:
    4. On the landing page of the custom roles, click the Create Role button.
      The Create Custom Roles page appears:
    5. Enter the role name and select the required service.
    6. Once you select the service, select the required privilege group. Once you select the privilege group, you can view the associated privileges.
    7. Click  to add more services with the corresponding privileges to create the role.
    8. Click the Create button.
      Once the role is created successfully, the role appears on the List of Custom Roles page.
      Note: For inviting users and assigning the configured roles to them for the selected store(s) in the Teams page,  see Managing Teams.

    Editing the Existing Custom Role

    You can edit the existing custom roles; however, you cannot edit the predefined roles which are created by default.

    To edit the custom role,

    1. Log in to the Foundation service for your business (URL provided by Infosys Equinox).
    2. Click on a particular business.
    3. Click Custom Roles in the left navigation panel:The List of Custom Roles landing page appears:
    4. Click  to edit a particular custom role; for example:
    5. Update the role name if required.
    6. Deselect and select another service if required.
    7. Once you select the service, select the required privilege group. Once you select the privilege group, you can view the associated privileges.
    8. Click to add more services with the corresponding privileges if required.
    9. Click the Update button:The changes are updated.

    Deleting a Custom Role

    You can delete the existing custom roles; however, you cannot delete the predefined roles which is created by default.

    To delete a custom role,

    1. Log in to the Foundation service for your business (URL provided by Infosys Equinox).
    2. Click on a particular business.
    3. Click Custom Roles in the left navigation panel:
      The List of Custom Roles landing page appears:
    4. Click  to delete a particular custom role; for example:

      After clicking OK in a confirmation pop-up. The role is deleted successfully.

    Managing Feeds

    You can manage the feeds of the microservices via the Feeds Admin console. To view the Feeds Admin console, click Batch Jobs in the left navigation panel:

    Note: You can also view the feeds of a specific microservice collection, from the collections management page. For more details, see Managing Collections of a Microservice.

    Managing Developer Apps

    You can register the app in the Developers Apps and publish it to the App Marketplace. See Developer Apps and App Marketplace.


    All Businesses Page | top

    Revision History
    2024-24-07 | JP – Updated store & business properties for 8.18 release.
    2023-20-10 | JP, SW, AN – Updated content for 8.15.4 release.
    2023-08-03 | AN – Updated content for 8.15.0 release.
    2023-01-12 | AN – Updated content for 8.13 release.
    2022-11-04 | AN – Updated contents for 8.13 release.
    2022-11-01 | AN – Updated Swagger URL for release 8.12.
    2022-10-10 | AN – Updated Full Indexing section.
    2022-04-10 | JP – Fixed link and http issues.
    2021-12-21 | AN – Updated contents for 8.11 release.
    2021-02- 09 | AN – Formatted the TOC.
    2020-05-25 | JP – Updated the document for Release 8.8.0.
    2020-03-13 | AM – Updated content for April 2020 release.
    2020-01-22 | AN – Revamped the document.
    2019-09-18 | JP – Updated content for September 2019 release.
    2019-06-08 | PLK – Minor copyedits.
    2019-05-08 | AN – Inserted images and fixed links issues.
    2019-05-04 | PLK – Updated content for April 2019 release.
    2019-01-22 | PLK – Page created, content uploaded, and TOC and links added.