This page provides the list of events and associated payloads for the Foundation microservice.

List of Events

SL.#NameDescriptionPublish LocationRouting KeysDurabilityPayload Type
1Create BusinessThis event is triggered when a business is created.Topic:
2Update BusinessThis event is triggered when the business is updated.Topic:
3Create StoreThis event is triggered when a store is created.Topic:
4Update StoreThis event is triggered when the store is updated.Topic:
5Create Business PropertiesThis event is triggered when the business properties are created.Topic: ecommfoundation.businessproperties.createfalseFoundationBusinessProperties
6Update Business PropertiesThis event is triggered when the business properties are updated.Topic: ecommfoundation.businessproperties.updatefalseFoundationBusinessProperties
7Delete Business PropertyThis event is triggered when the business property is deleted.Topic: ecommfoundation.businessproperty.deletefalseFoundationBusinessProperties
8Create Store PropertiesThis event is triggered when the store properties are created.Topic: ecommfoundation.storeproperties.createfalseFoundationStoreProperties
9Update Store PropertiesThis event is triggered when the store properties are updated.Topic: ecommfoundation.storeproperties.updatefalseFoundationStoreProperties
10Create Store AssociationsThis event is triggered when the associations are created.Topic: ecommfoundation.assocations.createfalseFoundationStoreAssociation
11Update Store AssociationsThis event is triggered when the associations are updated.Topic: ecommfoundation.assocations.updatefalseFoundationStoreAssociation
12Update Store AssociationThis event is triggered when the association is updated.Topic: ecommfoundation.assocation.updatefalseFoundationStoreAssociation
13Create Store Association PropertiesThis event is triggered when the association properties are created.Topic: ecommfoundation.assocationproperties.createfalseFoundationStoreAssociationProperties
14Update Store Association PropertiesThis event is triggered when the associations properties are updated.Topic: ecommfoundation.assocationproperties.updatefalseFoundationStoreAssociationProperties
15Update Store Association PropertyThis event is triggered when the association property is updated.Topic: ecommfoundation.assocationproperty.updatefalseFoundationStoreAssociationProperties
16Delete Store Association PropertyThis event is triggered when the association property is deleted.Topic: ecommfoundation.assocationproperty.deletefalseFoundationStoreAssociationProperties
17Update Business StatusThis event is triggered when the business status is updated.Topic:

Payload Models

Below are payloads for the Foundation microservice events.


namestringIndicates the business name.AdminBusiness
statusintegerRepresents the status of the business. The possible values are 0 – indicates the inactive status and 1 – indicates the active status.1
storageServiceUrlstringRepresents the AWS (s3) bucket URL.
cdnUrlstringRepresents the AWS CloudFront CDN URL.
logoUrlstringIndicates the URL of the business logo.
defaultLocalestringRepresents the default locale of the business.en_US
defaultCurrencystringRepresents the default currency of the business.USD
services[].namestringIndicates the service name, which is an identifier of service.catalog
services[].statusintegerIndicates the status of the service associated with the business. The possible values are: 0 – indicates the inactive status and 1 – indicates the active status.1
properties[].namestringContains the name of the business property for a particular business ID.prop.username
properties[].valuestringContains the value of the business property for the given name and business ID.true
properties[].createdBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has created this entry.1
properties[].updatedBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has updated this entry.1
createdBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has created this entry.1
updatedBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has updated this entry.1


allowPreviewbooleanIndicates whether the store is allowed to be previewed or not.false
associations[].collectionIdlongIndicates the ID of the collection of the service associated.1
associations[].defaultAssociationbooleanIndicates whether the association is the default association or not.false
associations[].idlongIndicates an auto-generated unique ID of the store and service association.0
associations[].jurisdiction[].countryCodestringIndicates the country code of this store jurisdiction.US
associations[].jurisdiction[].documentIdstringIndicates the document ID, which corresponds to the price list of this store jurisdiction.1
associations[].namestringIndicates the name of the service associated with the store.loyalty
associations[].properties[].collectionIdlongIndicates the collection ID of the service associated.1
associations[].properties[].namestringIndicates the name of the property.prop_maintenancedate
associations[].properties[].valuestringIndicates the value of the store association property.25
associations[].createdBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has created this entry.1
associations[].updatedBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has updated this entry.1
businessIdlongIndicates the ID of the business to which this store belongs.1
currencies[]List [string]Indicates the list of currency for this store.USD
defaultCurrencystringIndicates the default currency of the store.USD
defaultLocalestringIndicates the default locale of the store.en_US
defaultShippingRegionstringIndicates the default ship-to-region of the store.US
idlongIndicates an auto-generated unique ID of the store.0
launchUrlstringIndicates the URL with which the store can be launched.
locales[]List [string]Indicates the list of locales of this store.en_US
logoUrlstringIndicates the URL of the store logo.
namestringIndicates the store name provided by the user.StoreA
previewUrlstringIndicates the URL with which the store can be previewed for future dates.
properties[].descriptionstringIndicates the description of the store property.Maintenance date of every month
properties[].namestringIndicates the name of the property.prop_maintenancedate
properties[].valuestringIndicates the value of the store association property.25
shippings[]List [string]Indicates the list of shipping countries of this store.US
statusintegerIndicates the status of the store.1
timeZonestringIndicates the timezone of the store provided by the user.UTC
typeintegerIndicates the type of the store. It refers to the ID of the StoreType object. The value 1 indicates a B2B store. The value 2 indicates a B2C store.1
createdBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has created this entry.1
updatedBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has updated this entry.1


namestringContains the name of the business property for a particular business ID.prop.username
valuestringContains the value of the business property for the given name and business ID.true
createdBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has created this entry.1
updatedBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has updated this entry.1


descriptionstringIndicates the description of the store property.Maintenance date of every month
namestringIndicates the name of the store property for the particular business ID.prop_maintenancedate
valuestringIndicates the value of a store property with respect to the name and store ID.25
createdBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has created this entry.1
updatedBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has updated this entry.1


collectionIdlongIndicates the ID of the collection of the service associated.1
defaultAssociationbooleanIndicates whether the association is the default association or not.false
idlongIndicates an auto-generated unique ID of the store.0
jurisdiction[].countryCodestringIndicates the country code of this store jurisdiction.US
jurisdiction[].documentIdstringIndicates the document ID, which corresponds to the price list of this store jurisdiction.1
namestringIndicates the name of the service associated with the store.loyalty
properties[].collectionIdlongIndicates the ID of the collection.1
properties[].namestringIndicates the name of the property.prop_maintenancedate
properties[].valuestringIndicates the value of the store association property.25
createdBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has created this entry.1
updatedBystringRepresents ID of the user, who has updated this entry.1


collectionIdlongIndicates the ID of the collection.1
namestringIndicates the name of the property.prop_maintenancedate
valuestringIndicates the value of the store association property.25

Revision History
2019-06-08 | PLK – Minor copyedits.
2019-05-16 | Ananthi – Updated to a new table tool.
2019-05-06 | PLK – Minor copyedits.
2019-04-11 | MA – Updated content for April 2019 release.
2019-01-22 | PLK – Page added.