The following table describes the collection properties for the Address microservice:

S. No.AttributeDefault ValueDescription
1allowedEventNameNAThis attribute
indicates the list of possible actions for which events are triggered. The possible value is validateAddress.
2physicaladdressstrategypartnercom.skava.address.strategy.impl.DefaultPhysicalAddressValidationStrategyImplThis attribute
indicates the implementation class name to validate the physical address.
3digitaladdressstrategypartnercom.skava.address.strategy.impl.DefaultDigitalAddressValidationStrategyImplThis attribute
indicates the implementation class name to validate the digital address.
4phonedetailsstrategypartnercom.skava.address.strategy.impl.DefaultPhoneDetailsValidationStrategyImplThis attribute
indicates the implementation class name to validate the phone number.
5physicaladdresspluginpartnercom.skava.address.plugin.impl.DefaultPhysicalAddressValidationPluginImplThis attribute
indicates the implementation class name to validate the physical address.
6digitaladdresspluginpartner com.skava.address.plugin.impl.DefaultDigitalAddressValidationPluginImpl This attribute
indicates the implementation class name to validate the digital address.
7phonedetailspluginpartner com.skava.address.plugin.impl.DefaultPhoneDetailsValidationPluginImpl This attribute
indicates the implementation class name to validate the phone number.
8cacheValidation.ttl60000This attribute specifies the cache lifetime in milliseconds.
9addressValidation.ttl30000This attribute specifies the address lifetime in milliseconds.
10addressValidatorsThis attribute
indicates a validator class, which is required for input validations.
11address.validation.configNAThis attribute provides predefined data to load the third-party plugins.

Revision History
2020-02-04 | AN – Content updated for February 2020 release.
2019-06-08 | PLK – Minor copyedits.
2019-05-01 | PLK – Minor copyedit.
2019-04-15 | AN – Content updated for April 2019 release.
2019-01-21 | PLK – Page created and content uploaded.