The following table describes the collection properties for the Customers (User) microservice:

S. No.AttributeDefault ValueDescription
1activation_redirect_url attribute specifies the user activation param redirection URL. The possible values are and
2activationparam_expiry_millisec86400000This attribute specifies the user activation param expiry time in milliseconds. The possible values are 86400000 and 172800000.
3address_limit20This attribute specifies the user address limit. The possible values are 10, 15, and 20.
4allow_update_emailtrueThis attribute specifies whether the email property is allowed to update or not. The possible values are true and false.
5allow_update_phonetrueThis attribute specifies whether the phone number property is allowed to update or not. The possible values are true and false.
6default_localeen_USThis attribute specifies the default locale of the collection. The locale should be mentioned in the Java standard locale format.
7enable_user_mergetrueThis attribute specifies the user account merge happens or not. The possible values are true and false.
8google_login_keys{“clientid”:””,”clientsecret”:”1CRvU82CN2dZHvf0NUqF7svz”}This attribute holds the client ID and client secret keys for Google login.
9last_password_check_count3This attribute specifies the user last password checking count. The possible values are 3, 4, and 5.
10login_attempt_expiry_millisecs3600000This attribute specifies the user login attempt expiry time in milliseconds.
11max_login_attempts15This attribute indicates the user maximum login attempt count. The possible values are 4, 6, 8, and 10.
12MFA_enabledfalseThis attribute specifies the multi-factor authentication (MFA) enables or not. The possible values are true and false.
13MFA_expiry_millisecs300000This attribute specifies the expiry time (in milliseconds) for the MFA token (OTP). The possible values are 300000, 600000, and 900000.
14MFA_recent_OTP_check_count3This attribute indicates the most recent number of OTPs, which can be validated for redundancy. The possible values are 3, 4, and 5.
15MFA_resend_limit3This attribute indicates the maximum number of resend attempts for MFA OTP. The possible values are 3, 4, and 5.
16MFA_retry_limit3This attribute indicates the maximum number of OTP retry attempts for MFA. The possible values are 3, 4, and 5.
17notificationparam_expiry_millisec180000This attribute specifies the user notification param expiry time in milliseconds. The possible values are 180000, 360000, and 540000.
18public_profile_classcom.skava.strategyimpl.DefaultPublicProfileStrategyImplThis attribute indicates the public profile class name, which can be used to customize the public profile properties of the user.

The possible value is com.skava.strategyimpl.DefaultPublicProfileStrategyImpl.
19public_profile_searchkeyfirstName,lastName,userNameThis attribute indicates the public profile search key of the user profile separated by commas, such as firstName, lastName, userName.
20reset_password_redirect_url attribute specifies the user reset param password redirection URL. The possible values are and
21resetparam_expiry_millisec86400000This attribute specifies the user reset param expiry time in milliseconds. The possible values are 86400000 and 172800000.
22site_url attribute specifies the redirection site URL for login on-behalf-of. The possible values are and
23OAuth.enabledfalseThis attribute indicates whether OAuth is enabled or not. The value:
  • true indicates OAuth is enabled.
  • false indicates OAuth is not enabled.
24OAuth.jwksURI attribute gets the JWS key to validate the token from SSO.
25OAuth.redirectURI attribute contains the redirect URI for authorizing the user who tries to authenticate with OAuth.
26OAuth.authorizationScopeopenid profileThis attribute indicates the authorization scope values used by OAuth clients to specify what access privileges are being requested for access tokens.
27OAuth.authorizationAudienceAdmin-User-ConnectionThis attribute indicates the audience who consumes the OAuth provider.
28OAuth.userMetaDataClaim attribute contains the claim to receive additional user metadata such as first name, last name, phone number, gender, and DOB from the OAuth provider.
29OAuth.authorizationDomaindev-n-e7v7s6.auth0.comThis attribute indicates the domain name of the OAuth provider.
30OAuth.clientSecretUy4O-hmDSzUg-G-J-kBRkp8iir0mYtYUXWhM_AMkJxsqoyNMa9NqocKTkkiEBI91This attribute contains the client secret received from the OAuth provider. It is an optional property. If the secret manager is enabled, it should be available in the secret manager.
31OAuth.clientIdC67OhU2ad3x93ZtbP26fFrkiBR3kuNqRThis attribute contains the client ID received from the OAuth provider.
32LDAP.enabledfalseThis attribute indicates whether LDAP is enabled or not.
The value:
  • true indicates LDAP is enabled.
  • false indicates LDAP is not enabled. The default is false.
33LDAP.providerUrlldap://localhost:10389/dc=skava,dc=comThis attribute indicates the domain information of the LDAP provider.
34LDAP.managerDNuid=admin,ou=systemThis attribute indicates the distinguished name of the LDAP manager.
35LDAP.managerPasswordsecretThis attribute specifies the password of the LDAP manager.
36LDAP.userDnPatternuid={0},ou=users,ou=systemThis attribute specifies the distinguished name pattern of the LDAP user.
37LDAP.groupSearchBaseou=groups,ou=systemThis attribute indicates the base search pattern of the LDAP groups.
38LDAP.groupRoleAttributecnThis attribute indicates the attribute of the LDAP group. This value along with role prefix is mapped with the Skava roles.
39LDAP.groupSearchFilter(uniqueMember={0})This attribute indicates the search filter of the group. It is combined with the property `LDAP.groupSearchBase` to find the group information of the user.
40LDAP.rolePrefixROLE_This attribute contains the prefix to be added with the LDAP user group attribute. This makes LDAP role names look similar to the Skava role names.
LinkThis attribute defines whether the activation method of a user is either an activation email link or mobile OTP.
42password_expiry_days0Thia attribute specifies the number of days after which the password is expired.The value is given in days.
43firebase_user_configNAThis attribute holds the configuration and server property details of Firebase.
44skipTotalCountfalseThis attribute is used to skip total count using the "Search All Users" API.
When this property is set to:
  • true - the API retrieves the total count of the users.
  • false - the API does not retrieve the total count of the users.
45passwordMinLength6This attribute is used to set the minimum length of the password.
46passwordMaxLengthNAThis attribute is used to set the maximum length of the password.
47requiredNumbertrueThis attribute specifies whether the password should contain digits or not.
48requiredUpperCasetrueThis attribute specifies whether the password should contain upper-case letters or not.
49requiredLowerCasetrueThis attribute specifies whether the password should contain lower-case letters or not.
50allowedSpecialChars!@#$%^&*_This attribute specifies to set list of allowed special characters in a password.
51allowed_identitiesEMAIL,PHONENUMBERThis attribute allows a list of identities, that is, Email and Phone Number.
52excludeProviderListForInviteNAList of domains that will be excluded from mail invite.
53nextresetmail_intervaltime_millisec0Cooldown time to request reset password link in milliseconds
54password_change_interval-1User can update the password n(limit)times within given time interval.
55password_change_limit_interval-1User can update the password within the given limit.
56zipcodeValidatorcom.skava.strategyimpl.DefaultZipCodeValidatorStrategyImplThis attribute holds the zipcode validator class.
57allowedProviderListForInviteThis property enables you to limit user creation to specific email domains. By default, it holds no value. However, if required, you can update it with a comma-separated string of domain values.

Revision History
2024-03-05 | SD – Updated collection properties.
2021-12-24 | JP – Updated content for 8.13 release.
2021-01-21 | HM – Minor copyedit.
2020-10-08 | HM – Updated collection properties.
2020-01-24 | AN – Updated content for February 2020 release.
2019-07-09 | JP – Updated collection properties for the July 2019 release.
2019-05-01 | PLK – Minor copyedit.
2019-04-15 | MA – Content updated for the April 2019 release.
2019-01-21 | PLK – Page created and content uploaded.