This page provides the roles and privileges and privilege group and privileges of the App Marketplace microservice.

Roles and Privileges

The following table describes the scope and roles of the App Marketplace microservice:

RolePrivilege Group / PrivilegeDescription
ROLE_BUSINESS_ADMINmarketplace/create/appAbility to create an app.
marketplace/update/appAbility to update an app.
marketplace/view/appdetailAbility to view the app details.
marketplace/view/all appsAbility to view all apps.
marketplace/view/privateappsAbility to view the list of private apps.
marketplace/view/publicappsAbility to view the list of public apps.
marketplace/create/appconfigAbility to create app configurations.
marketplace/create/appdescriptionAbility to create the description for an app. description.
marketplace/update/appconfigAbility to update the app configurations.
marketplace/update/appdescriptionAbility to update the app description.
marketplace/create/appinstallationAbility to create the app installation.
marketplace/update/appuninstalltionAbility to update the app uninstallation.
marketplace/update/appinstallationAbility to update the app installation.
marketplace/create/webhooksAbility to create webhooks.
marketplace/update/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/view/webhooksAbility to view webhooks.
marketplace/create/uijsonAbility to create UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/uijsonAbility to view UI Json configurations.
marketplace/delete/uijsonAbility to delete UI Json configurations.
marketplace/update/appdetailAbility to update the app details.
marketplace/create/apppriceAbility to create the price value for an app.
marketplace/update/apppriceAbility to update the price value of an app.
marketplace/create/apikeyandsecretAbility to create an api key and secret key.
marketplace/update/developerAbility to update a developer.
marketplace/create/developerAbility to create a developer.
marketplace/view/developerAbility to view a developer.
marketplace/delete/developerAbility to delete a developer.
marketplace/view/appinstallationAbility to view the installed apps.
marketplace/admin/allAbility to navigate to the landing page of the app marketplace.
marketplace/create/privilegeAbility to create a privilege.
marketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
marketplace/update/privilegeAbility to update a privilege.
marketplace/delete/privilegeAbility to delete a privilege.
marketplace/view/appmasterdetailsAbility to view appmaster details.
ROLE_MARKETPLACE_ADMINmarketplace/create/appAbility to create an app.
marketplace/update/appAbility to update an app.
marketplace/view/appdetailAbility to view the app details.
marketplace/view/all appsAbility to view all apps.
marketplace/view/privateappsAbility to view the list of private apps.
marketplace/view/publicappsAbility to view the list of public apps.
marketplace/create/appconfigAbility to create a list of app configurations.
marketplace/create/appdescriptionAbility to create the app description.
marketplace/update/appconfigAbility to update the app configurations.
marketplace/update/appdescriptionAbility to update the app description.
marketplace/create/appinstallationAbility to create app installation.
marketplace/update/appuninstalltionAbility to update the app uninstallation.
marketplace/update/appinstallationAbility to update the app installation.
marketplace/create/webhooksAbility to create webhooks.
marketplace/update/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/view/webhooksAbility to view webhooks.
marketplace/create/uijsonAbility to create UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/uijsonAbility to view UI Json configurations.
marketplace/delete/uijsonAbility to delete UI Json configurations.
marketplace/update/appdetailAbility to update the app details.
marketplace/create/apppriceAbility to create the price value for an app.
marketplace/update/apppriceAbility to update the price value of an app.
marketplace/create/apikeyandsecretAbility to create an api key and secret key.
marketplace/update/developerAbility to update a developer.
marketplace/create/developerAbility to create a developer.
marketplace/view/developerAbility to view a developer.
marketplace/delete/developerAbility to delete a developer.
marketplace/view/appinstallationAbility to view the installed apps.
marketplace/admin/allAbility to navigate to the landing page of the app marketplace and perform all operation based on the privileges given in the privilege group.
marketplace/create/privilegeAbility to create a privilege.
marketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
marketplace/update/privilegeAbility to update a privilege.
marketplace/delete/privilegeAbility to delete a privilege.
marketplace/view/appmasterdetailsAbility to view appmaster details.
ROLE_PAYMENT_ADMINmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_CATALOG_ADMINmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_SHIPPING_ADMINmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_MARKETPLACE_USERmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_GUESTmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_REG_USERmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_RULESMANAGER_ADMINmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.

Privilege Group and Privileges

The following table describes the privilege group and privileges of the App Marketplace microservice:

marketplace/admin/allmarketplace/create/appAbility to create an app.
marketplace/update/appAbility to update an app.
marketplace/view/appdetailAbility to view the app details.
marketplace/view/allAbility to view all apps.
marketplace/view/privateappsAbility to view the list of private apps.
marketplace/view/publicappsAbility to view the list of public apps.
marketplace/create/appconfigAbility to create a list of app configurations.
marketplace/create/appdescriptionAbility to create the app description.
marketplace/update/appconfigAbility to update the app configurations.
marketplace/update/appdescriptionAbility to update the app description.
marketplace/create/appinstallationAbility to install an app.
marketplace/update/appuninstalltionAbility to update the app uninstallation.
marketplace/update/appinstallationAbility to update the app installation.
marketplace/create/webhooksAbility to create webhooks.
marketplace/update/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/view/webhooksAbility to view webhooks.
marketplace/create/uijsonAbility to create UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/uijsonAbility to view UI Json configurations.
marketplace/delete/uijsonAbility to delete UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/appmasterdetailsAbility to view the app master details.
marketplace/update/appdetailAbility to update the app details.
marketplace/create/apppriceAbility to create the price value of an app.
marketplace/update/apppriceAbility to update the price value of an app.
marketplace/create/apikeyandsecretAbility to create an api key and secret key.
marketplace/update/developerAbility to update a developer.
marketplace/create/developerAbility to create a developer.
marketplace/view/developerAbility to view a developer.
marketplace/delete/developerAbility to delete a developer.
marketplace/view/appinstallationAbility to view installed apps.
marketplace/create/privilegemarketplace/create/appAbility to create an app.
marketplace/create/appconfigAbility to create a list of app configurations.
marketplace/create/appdescriptionAbility to create the app description.
marketplace/create/appinstallationAbility to create the app installation.
marketplace/create/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/create/uijsonAbility to create UI Json configurations.
marketplace/create/apppriceAbility to create the price value of an app.
marketplace/create/apikeyandsecretAbility to create an api key and secret key.
marketplace/create/developerAbility to create a developer.
marketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
marketplace/view/privilegemarketplace/view/appdetailAbility to view the app details.
marketplace/view/allAbility to view all apps.
marketplace/view/privateappsAbility to view the list of private apps.
marketplace/view/publicappsAbility to view the list of public apps.
marketplace/view/webhooksAbility to create webhooks.
marketplace/view/uijsonAbility to view the UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/appmasterdetailsAbility to view appmaster details.
marketplace/view/developerAbility to view a developer.
marketplace/view/appinstallation"Ability to view app installation.
marketplace/update/privilegeAbility to update a privilege.
marketplace/update/privilegemarketplace/update/developerAbility to update a developer.
marketplace/update/apppriceAbility to update the price value for an app.
marketplace/update/appdetailAbility to update the app details.
marketplace/update/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/update/appuninstalltionAbility to update the app uninstallation.
marketplace/update/appinstallationAbility to update the app installation.
marketplace/update/appconfigAbility to update the app configurations.
marketplace/update/appdescriptionAbility to update the app description.
marketplace/update/appAbility to update an app.
marketplace/delete/privilegemarketplace/delete/uijsonAbility to delete the UI Json configurations.
marketplace/delete/developerAbility to delete a developer.

Revision History
2023-16-10| SW – Added content for 8.15 release.