Below are the steps to develop and publish any standard apps in the platform.
The steps briefly involved are as follows:
Initial Set Up
Set Up for Serverless App
- Node.js 18
- Any IDE, for example, Visual Studio Code
- Access to the cloud account to host the app.
- Install the Serverless Framework.
- Configure your cloud credentials, for example, for AWS as the cloud provider.
- Install the necessary dependencies based on the package.json file.
App Development
- Identify the list of extensions enabled for the Tax app integrations. Refer to the list of tax extensions and other extensions on the Equinox platform.
- Develop and host an app (HTTPS endpoint function) that accepts webhook extensions with a POST method.
App Functions
- CalculateTaxAPIFunction: This function is invoked at runtime during the user checkout journey in the storefront with the Equinox event payload for calculateTax to retrieve tax from the third-party provider.
- ValidateAPIFunction: This validation function is used in App Admin to validate the configuration parameters entered during the app installation flow.
- ParameterStoreAPIFunction: This util function is used at the app side to store the app secret created on app creation and used for signature validation.
- Validates the signature of the event using the received signature and the API secret.
- Validates the merchant details received in the event of a null check.
- Constructs the payload to call the third-party API, receives the response from the 3rd party, and converts the response to Equinox for calculating the tax extension.
Extension: taxservice/tax/calculatetax
Microservice | Extension | Webhook Name | Description | Request & Response Payload |
Tax | CalculateTax | taxservice/tax/calculatetax | During the tax calculation for the items in the cart, the tax calculation request body is sent to the registered app, and the response would be the tax-calculated value by the third-party tax providers. | Request
JavaDoc: TaxRequest.html Response JavaDoc: TaxResponse.html |
CalculateTaxAPIFunction – Validate signature
It fetches the app secret stored for the app and uses it to generate the signature for the payload received:
- Fetch the App secret for the app ID included in the payload.
- Generate the signature using the calculateHMACSHA256 function. It takes the event payload and app secret as parameters.
- The verifySignature function validates the signature received in the payload header against the generated signature.
- If there is a mismatch, it returns an authentication failure response.
- Validates the signature of the event using the received signature and the API secret.
- Validates the merchant details received in the event for a null check.
- Constructs a static payload, calls the third-party API, and sends the success or failure response for the Equinox validator extension.
Event Payload: Validate.txt
{ “responseMessage”: “Product Validated Successfully”, “status”: 200 } |
{ “responseCode”: “”, “responseMessage”: “”, “timeStamp”: “2024-05-08T09:36:52.188Z”, “status”: 409 } |
It receives the API secret key and then writes the secret key to the parameter store.
Webhook configuration in the app template.
{ “entity”: “app”, “url”: “”, “webhookType”: “ASYNC”, “priority”: “Normal”, “events”: [ “appmarketplaceservices/generateapikeyandsecret/create” ] } |
Event Payload
Sample Response
{ “responseCode”: “SECRET_KEY_UPDATION_SUCCESS”, “responseMessage”: “Parameter Value Updated Successfully for Parameter Key – /APP/App-Klarna/uat/HMAC_KEY”, “timeStamp”: “2024-05-15T08:17:03.377Z”, “status”: 200 } |
App Deployment
- Serverless deploy command based on the staging environment: serverless deploy –stage <stage-name>
- Validate if the functions deployed are fine.
Publishing App in Equinox App Microservice
- Refer to the sample app template JSON file Avalara Tax App_CLOUD_V1.json used for the Avalara app.
{ "createAppRequest": { "appName": "Avalara", "appVersion": "1.0.0", "appKey": "avalarauat", "appShortDescription": "The Avalara app in Equinox connects your business with Avalara AvaTax to calculate SALES tax accurately and dynamically.", "appSummary": "The Avalara app in Equinox connects your business with Avalara AvaTax to calculate SALES tax accurately and dynamically.The sales tax also gets calculated based on the appropriate tax codes.", "appCategory": "Tax", "pricingType": "FREE", "appDisplayType": "DESKTOP", "visibilityType": "PUBLIC", "developerOrg": "EquinoxAppTeam", "appGoal": "", "tags": [ "string" ], "appSupport": { "email": "", "phoneNumber": "" }, "appImages": [ { "type": "image", "url": "", "remarks": "AppImage" } ], "properties": [ { "locale": "en_US", "name": "", "value": "" } ] }, "appConfigurationRequest": { "createAppDescription": { "appDescriptionList": { "en_US": { "ataGlance": "The Avalara app in Equinox is designed to calculate sales tax rates for all 13,000+ jurisdictions in the United States, providing comprehensive coverage by connecting with Avalara Avatax..", "readMoreDescription": { "section1": "Access state and local tax rates, regularly updated based on the latest laws, exemptions, and jurisdiction boundaries.", "section2": "Verify tax rates based on address, rather than relying on less accurate ZIP code rates.", "section3": "Use advanced rules to more easily apply standardized tax codes to products sold or purchased.", "section4": "" }, "characteristics": { "category": "Tax", "goal": "To calculate SALES TAX", "helpCenterUrl": "", "developedBy": "Equinox" } } } }, "createAppConfig": { "apiConfig": [ { "action": "baseUrl", "apiUrl": "" } ], "appScopes": [ { "role": "ROLE_TAX_ADMIN", "services": [ "tax" ] } ], "properties": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ], "webhooksConfig": [ { "url": "", "webhookType": "SYNC", "priority": "Normal", "events": [ "taxservice/tax/calculatetax" ] }, { "entity": "app", "url": "", "webhookType": "ASYNC", "priority": "Normal", "events": [ "appmarketplaceservices/generateapikeyandsecret/create" ] }, { "entity": "app", "url": "", "webhookType": "SYNC", "priority": "Normal", "events": [ "appmarketplaceservices/validator/merchantdetails" ] } ] }, "appActivationInputData": { "uiSchema": { "title": "Configure AvaTax for your Merchant account", "elements": [ { "uiElement": "textbox", "label": "Company Code", "required": "true", "default": "DEFAULT", "minLength": 1, "pattern": "^[^ ]{1,}$", "key": "companyCode" }, { "uiElement": "textbox", "label": "Account/Username", "required": "true", "default": "", "minLength": 1, "pattern": "^[^ ]{1,}$", "key": "merchantId" }, { "uiElement": "textbox", "label": "Key/Password", "required": "true", "default": "", "minLength": 1, "pattern": "^[^ ]{1,}$", "key": "privateKey" }, { "uiElement": "textbox", "label": "Warehouse Address Line1", "required": "true", "default": "", "minLength": 1, "pattern": "", "key": "addressLine1" }, { "uiElement": "textbox", "label": "City", "required": "true", "default": "", "minLength": 1, "pattern": "", "key": "city" }, { "uiElement": "textbox", "label": "State", "required": "true", "default": "", "minLength": 2, "pattern": "", "key": "state" }, { "uiElement": "textbox", "label": "Country", "required": "true", "default": "", "minLength": 2, "pattern": "", "key": "country" }, { "uiElement": "textbox", "label": "Postal Code", "required": "true", "default": "", "minLength": 4, "pattern": "", "key": "postalCode" }, { "uiElement": "checkbox", "label": "Sandbox Mode", "required": "true", "default": "true", "key": "isSandbox" }, { "uiElement": "checkbox", "label": "Enable Tax For Shipping Charge", "required": "false", "default": "false", "key": "enableTaxForShippingCharge" } ] } } } }
- Refer to the link to update the app metadata.
- Refer to the link to configure the extensions.
- Refer to the admin guide to register the app in the Infosys Equinox App Marketplace.
Validate App in Test Store
To validate the app in the test store
- Once the app is registered or created, navigate to the App Marketplace Admin console from the StoreOps page.
The app will be available on the Unpublished Apps page. - Install the app to the store.
- Validate the app to check all the functionalities.
App Approval Workflow
- App marketplace has workflow enabled for the apps to be published.
- Submit the app for approval.
- App Marketplace admin user can approve or reject an app as a marketplace admin.
- If the app is approved, the developer can publish the app to Apps Manager.
Here is the sample postman collection of the Avalara app: Avalara Enterprise.postman_collection
Revision History
2024-05-20 | JP – Page created and content added for release 8.17.4.