The following table describes the collection properties for the Cart microservice.

S. No.AttributeDefault ValueDescription
1allowedEventNameNAList of possible actions for which events are triggered.
The possible values are createCart, updateCart, deleteCart, createCartItem, updateCartItem, deleteCartItem, createCartPayment, updateCartPayment, deleteCartPayment, createCartPromotion, updateCartPromotion, and deleteCartPromotion.
2allowGuestTrueGuest users can add products to cart only when it is set to true. The possible values are true and false.
3allowGuestCheckoutTrueGuest users can check out products added to cart only when it is set to true. The possible values are true and false.
4allowPriceOverrideFalseIndicates the price which can be overriden when set to true.
5maxBagCount50Contains the maximum number of items that can be added to a shopping cart at a time.
6cartCheckoutPlugin com.skava.cart.checkout.strategyimpl.DefaultCheckoutStrategyServiceImplHolds a plugin that contains the validation and calculation logic for the cart.
7requiredBundleMainProduct falseIndicates that the bundle product should have at least one main product when it is set to true. The possible values are true and false.
8requiredBundleMandatoryProductfalseIndicates that the bundle product should have at least one mandatory product when it is set to true. The possible values are true and false.
9cartShippingValidatorsNAIndicates a class, which contains the validations while adding shipping details in a cart and cart item(s).
10cartValidatorsNAIndicates a class, which contains the validations on a cart.
11cartPropertiesValidatorsNASpecifies a class, which contains the validations while adding custom cart properties.
12cartPromotionValidatorsNASpecifies a class, which contains the validations while adding promotion(s) in a cart.
13cartPaymentValidatorsNAIndicates a class, which contains the validations during payment operations in a cart.
14cartMergeValidatorsNASpecifies a class, which contains the validations while merging a cart.
15cartItemValidatorsNASpecifies a class, which contains the validations on cart item(s).
16cartItemPropertiesValidatorsNAIndicates a class, which contains the validations on cart item(s) properties.
17cartCommunicationPreferenceValidatorsNAIndicates a class, which contains the validations on contact preference of a cart.
18cartAddressValidatorsNAIndicates a class, which contains the validations while adding address details in a cart and cart item(s).
19customchargesconfiguration{"name":"csrdefinedcharges","configuration":[{"name":"displayName","type":"String"},{"name":"chargeAgainst","type":"List","values":"RETURNS, SALES, BOTH"},{"name":"chargeValue","type":"Number"},{"name":"taxable","type":"Boolean"}],"definition":{"type":"ORDER","chargeType":"FLAT","chargeSource":null,"chargeValueOverridable":true,"waivedByDefault":true,"waiveOverridable":true}}Holds the other charges configuration, which can be customized based on the business need.
"name": "deductshipping",
"displayName": "Deduct Shipping Charge",
"type": "CART",
"chargeAgainst": "RETURNS",
"chargeType": "PERCENTAGE",
"chargeSource": "SHIPPING",
"chargeValue": -5,
"chargeValueOverridable": true,
"waivedByDefault": false,
"waiveOverridable": true,
"taxable": false,
"description": ""
"name": "restockingfees",
"displayName": "Restocking Fees",
"type": "ITEM",
"chargeAgainst": "ITEM",
"chargeType": "FLAT",
"chargeSource": null,
"chargeValue": -2.00,
"chargeValueOverridable": true,
"waivedByDefault": false,
"waiveOverridable": true,
"taxable": false,
"description": ""
Holds the configuration details of other charges of a cart.
"name": "Return Window 1",
"description": "Zero Deduction",
"startDuration": 0,
"endDuration": 30,
"deductionPercentage": 0
"name": "Return Window 2",
"desc": "Partial Deduction",
"startDuration": 31,
"endDuration": 60,
"deductionPercentage": 50
"name": "Return Window 3",
"desc": "Full Deduction",
"startDuration": 61,
"endDuration": 365,
"deductionPercentage": 100
Holds a list of return window configurations of each order.
22maxItemQuantityLimit0This property limits the maximum quantity for an item in a cart.
23noOfDays5This property determines after how many days cart reminder e-mail can be sent to the customer.
24reminderAfter1This property is used for how frequent the reminders to the customers must be sent.
25reminderCount5This property is the reminder count to determine after how many reminder count an email has to be sent to the customer.

Revision History
2024-03-05 | SD – Updated collection properties.
2023-01-12 | AN – Updated content for 8.13 release.
2020-01-14 | AM – Content updated for February 2020 release.
2019-06-08 | PLK – Minor copyedits.
2019-05-05 | PLK – Updated to a new table tool.
2019-04-17 | AN – Content updated for the April 2019 release.
2019-01-21 | PLK – Page created and content uploaded.