The following table describes the collection properties for the Loyalty microservice:
S. No. | Attribute | Default Value | Description |
1 | minimumRewardsValueForRedemption | 1 | Indicates the minimum rewards value where a user can redeem in a single transaciton. |
2 | cycleperiod | 1 | Specifies the cycle period (in days). |
3 | defaultlocale | en_US | Indicates the default locale of the collection. The locale should be mentioned in the Java standard locale format. |
4 | applicablelocales | en_US | Indicates the list of locales applicable to the collection. The locale should be mentioned in the Java standard locale format. |
5 | isRewardApprovalRequired | TRUE | Indicates whether the reward approval is required or not. Enable or disable the status of the property key to mention if the reward approval is required or not.
6 | synchronousRedemption | true | Indicates whether to redeem the approved points synchronously (if the value is true) or asynchronously (if the value value is false).
7 | customActionTypesConfig | NA | Contains the custom actions of the rule settings. This field is used to customize the action configuration of loyalty rules. This field contains a valid JSON string. For example, see, customActionTypesConfig |
8 | expirationPeriod | 1 | Indicates the loyalty points expiration period (in days). |
9 | roundOffValue | 2 | Indicates the number of decimal places. |
10 | loyaltyProperty | null | Indicates the default properties of Events APIs to define loyalty event modal attributes. This field contains a valid JSON string. |
11 | allowedRewardTypesForOptIn | null | Holds a list of default reward types. The list of reward types configured here will be eligible based on opt-in functionality. When the user opts-in to the loyalty program, the user will be able to earn these rewards. Note:
12 | duplicateTransactionCheck | false | Specifies whether duplicate transactions are allowed or not. The value can be:
13 | enrollBankOnTransaction | true | Specifies whether to show the validation error message or create a reward bank for a new user who does not exist in the loyalty database. If this flag is true , shows the validation error message if the user is not available in the loyalty database. If the value is false , creates a reward bank for a new user even though the user does not exist in the database. |
14 | frequencyFeedCurrentTimeInMs | NA | Holds the current time in milliseconds which overrides the existing current time to update any missing transactions. |
15 | frequencyTransactionConfig | NA | Holds the transaction frequency configurations. This configuration helps to automatically perform the transactions on the given frequenci(es). For example, to provide loyalty points monthly to all the Gold users. The frequency can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, halfyearly, and yearly. The transaction details are given using the TransactionRequest model. Multiple frequencies with their transaction details can be given as comma-separated.For example, { |
16 | isInternalUser | true | Specifies whether the user is from the User (Customers) service or not. If the value is true, the user is from the User service. |
17 | pointsExpiryDays | NA | Holds the number of days for which the expiry points will be calculated and sent as an event. Here, the points that will expire in the next three days, four days and five days will be calculated and sent in the event. |
18 | profileProperty | NA | Defines the dynamic profile properties based on business requirements. These properties are used as operands while configuring loyalty conditions. For example, { Note: Updated the existing field timeBasis with the new value CustomPeriod and added the new fields startTime and endTime. Based on the start time and end time mentioned in the property, loyalty points will be reset. |
19 | reasonstoCreditRewards | NA | Holds a list of reasons to credit or debit reward points (Store Credit or Loyalty) by a CSR. These reasons are shown as options when a CSR credits or debits the reward points. |
20 | roundOffMode | HALF_UP | Holds the round-off mode. The value can be:
21 | tierConfig | Specifies the current tier and next tier mappings which are used to track the loyalty events. | |
22 | timeZone | UTC | Holds the timezone value of the respective collection. The timezone should be mentioned in the Java standard timezone format. |
23 | enableExtendedFeature | false | When this property is set to:
Revision History
2024-09-13 | SD – Updated collection properties.
2024-03-05 | SD – Updated collection properties.
2023-10-22 | JP – Updated content for 8.15.4 release.
2023-08-03 | AN – Updated content for 8.15.0 release.
2022-12-22 | AN – Updated content for 8.13 release.
2021-01-21 | SW – Updated the descriptions.
2020-10-08 | HM – Updated content with properties.
2020-05-26 | AN – Updated content for June 2020 release.
2020-01-14 | AN – Updated content for February 2020 release.
2019-10-31 | AN – Page created and content uploaded.