Frequently Asked Questions for the Promotions Microservice

Q) When a promotion is created with future date and Inactive status, the user is still not able to edit the “Offer On” and “Offer Type” values. Why is this restriction imposed?

We will not allow changing the “Offer On” and “Offer Type” values because the conditions and actions that you would create in the next steps are tied to these values. Different values would have the option to create different actions and hence making them editable will result in loss of data which would be irreversible.

Q) What would be the acceptable values for priority field ?

The priority field can accept a value between 0 – 25 where 25 being the highest and 0 being the lowest priority.

Q) If the priority value is the same for “”n”” number of promotions, then which of the promotions will be applied first? How does one determine which of the “”n”” promotions will be applied first, second, etc.?

If more than one promotion shares the same priority, then whichever ending first will take the highest priority among them. If more than one promotion having the same End Date, then whichever starting first will take the highest priority among them. If more than one promotion having the same start date, then it will execute based on the order it is created.

Q) What is the difference in values like “”Always”” and “”If Condition Matches”” that is part of Stop Further Processing in Promotions? How will they behave differently?

There are 4 options for “”Stop Further Processing”” within promotions and each of them works in the way described below:

  • Never – Execution never stops irrespective of any conditions configured within the promotion.
  • Always – Execution always stops irrespective of any conditions configured within the promotion.
  • If Condition Matches – Execution stops only when the authored condition is met.
  • If Stop Condition Matches – Execution stops only when the authored stop condition is met.

Revision History
2019-09-18 | JP – Content uploaded for September 2019 release.