This page gives an overview of the Ratings and Reviews microservice, including core features, for the Infosys Equinox platform.


The Ratings and Reviews microservice provides the functionality for customers to rate and review the products that are tried, purchased, or review the feedback provided by other customers before purchasing the product. Once the consumers are on the product details page (PDP), an option will be displayed to view the ratings along with the count of reviews. In the PDP, a list of questions and answers related to that product are shown. When there are no ratings and reviews available “Write a review” option will be displayed for the product. In Storefront, the following options are available to the customer(s):

  • view the average ratings for each product provided by varied customers.
  • a clickable snapshot for each rating score with options to also view the reviews posted by other customers.
  • like and unlike posted reviews.
  • a sort option to sort by High to Low and vice versa.
  • post questions and answers
  • like or unlike the answers to a question

Similar to other Infosys Equinox microservices, Ratings and Reviews enables both business and administrator facing service. The administrators and the moderators have the ability to review and approve/reject the reviews posted by the users. Reports can be generated based on “Overall Ratings” and “Recently Reviewed” products by the admin users.

See also Flyer – Ratings & Reviews.

Core Features

  • Ability to approve or reject the reviews posted by a customer(s).
  • Ability to send an email notification to a customer(s) when the review gets approved or rejected.
  • Ability to generate a report based on “Overall Ratings” or “Recently Reviewed”.
  • Ability to export a list of ratings and reviews.
  • Ability to manage questions and answers.
  • Ability to generate an answer to a question posted by the customer automatically (via AI app).
  • Ability to classify a review as positive or negative automatically (via AI app).
  • Ability to approve or reject the questions and answers created by customers and admin users.
  • Ability to generate the summary and keywords of the reviews (via AI app).
  • Ability to create and view the question-answers for a product using product ID. Answers can be added manually as well for a product.
  • Ability to retrieve the hashtags of the reviews using AI apps.
  • Enables auto rejection of reviews and Q&A if there is any abusive, sexual, offensive or personally identifiable information.
  • Admin users can now respond to individual reviews from the Ratings & Reviews admin console. (New!)
  • Customers can view these admin responses on the storefront against the corresponding reviews after selecting the “Save Response” button. (New!)

Revision History
2025-01-16 | SW – Verified and updated content for the release 8.19.4.
2024-11-18 | JP – Verified and updated content until release 8.18.8.
2024-01-08 | AN – Added content for the 8.16.3 release.
2023-11-20 | SD – Updated the domain name.
2023-11-02 | AN – Added content for the 8.15 release.
2019-03-03 | AM – Added content for April 2020 release.