The following table describes the collection properties for the Reporting microservice:

S. No.AttributeDefault ValueDescription
1s3RegionNullHolds the region of the S3 bucket.
2s3BucketNullContains the name of the S3 bucket. This bucket contains the .csv file which is created by the report feed.
3s3OutputBucketNullContains the name of the S3 outbut bucket. This bucket stores the logs generated by the AWS Athena service.
4default_localeen_USHolds the default locale. the driver class name to connect to the database and fetch reports.
6dburljdbc:redshift:// the DB URL to connect to the database and fetch reports.
7dbusernameNAHolds the DB user name of the reporting data.
8dbpasswordNAHolds the DB password of the reporting data.
9maxAllowedDays1000Indicates the maximum time interval (in days) to get the report data.
10s3AccessKeyNAHolds the access key of the S3 bucket.
11s3SecretKeyNAHolds the secret key of the S3 bucket.

Revision History
2023-01-12 | AN – Updated content for 8.13 release.
2020-01-14 | AN – Updated content for February 2020 release.
2019-05-01 | PLK – Content copyedited.
2019-04-16 | MA – Content uploaded.