The following table describes the scope and roles of the App Marketplace microservice:

RolePrivilege Group / PrivilegeDescription
ROLE_BUSINESS_ADMINmarketplace/create/appAbility to create an app.
marketplace/update/appAbility to update an app.
marketplace/view/appdetailAbility to view the app details.
marketplace/view/all appsAbility to view all apps.
marketplace/view/privateappsAbility to view the list of private apps.
marketplace/view/publicappsAbility to view the list of public apps.
marketplace/create/appconfigAbility to create app configurations.
marketplace/create/appdescriptionAbility to create the description for an app. description.
marketplace/update/appconfigAbility to update the app configurations.
marketplace/update/appdescriptionAbility to update the app description.
marketplace/create/appinstallationAbility to create the app installation.
marketplace/update/appuninstalltionAbility to update the app uninstallation.
marketplace/update/appinstallationAbility to update the app installation.
marketplace/create/webhooksAbility to create webhooks.
marketplace/update/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/view/webhooksAbility to view webhooks.
marketplace/create/uijsonAbility to create UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/uijsonAbility to view UI Json configurations.
marketplace/delete/uijsonAbility to delete UI Json configurations.
marketplace/update/appdetailAbility to update the app details.
marketplace/create/apppriceAbility to create the price value for an app.
marketplace/update/apppriceAbility to update the price value of an app.
marketplace/create/apikeyandsecretAbility to create an api key and secret key.
marketplace/update/developerAbility to update a developer.
marketplace/create/developerAbility to create a developer.
marketplace/view/developerAbility to view a developer.
marketplace/delete/developerAbility to delete a developer.
marketplace/view/appinstallationAbility to view the installed apps.
marketplace/admin/allAbility to navigate to the landing page of the app marketplace.
marketplace/create/privilegeAbility to create a privilege.
marketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
marketplace/update/privilegeAbility to update a privilege.
marketplace/delete/privilegeAbility to delete a privilege.
marketplace/view/appmasterdetailsAbility to view appmaster details.
ROLE_MARKETPLACE_ADMINmarketplace/create/appAbility to create an app.
marketplace/update/appAbility to update an app.
marketplace/view/appdetailAbility to view the app details.
marketplace/view/all appsAbility to view all apps.
marketplace/view/privateappsAbility to view the list of private apps.
marketplace/view/publicappsAbility to view the list of public apps.
marketplace/create/appconfigAbility to create a list of app configurations.
marketplace/create/appdescriptionAbility to create the app description.
marketplace/update/appconfigAbility to update the app configurations.
marketplace/update/appdescriptionAbility to update the app description.
marketplace/create/appinstallationAbility to create app installation.
marketplace/update/appuninstalltionAbility to update the app uninstallation.
marketplace/update/appinstallationAbility to update the app installation.
marketplace/create/webhooksAbility to create webhooks.
marketplace/update/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/view/webhooksAbility to view webhooks.
marketplace/create/uijsonAbility to create UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/uijsonAbility to view UI Json configurations.
marketplace/delete/uijsonAbility to delete UI Json configurations.
marketplace/update/appdetailAbility to update the app details.
marketplace/create/apppriceAbility to create the price value for an app.
marketplace/update/apppriceAbility to update the price value of an app.
marketplace/create/apikeyandsecretAbility to create an api key and secret key.
marketplace/update/developerAbility to update a developer.
marketplace/create/developerAbility to create a developer.
marketplace/view/developerAbility to view a developer.
marketplace/delete/developerAbility to delete a developer.
marketplace/view/appinstallationAbility to view the installed apps.
marketplace/admin/allAbility to navigate to the landing page of the app marketplace and perform all operation based on the privileges given in the privilege group.
marketplace/create/privilegeAbility to create a privilege.
marketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
marketplace/update/privilegeAbility to update a privilege.
marketplace/delete/privilegeAbility to delete a privilege.
marketplace/view/appmasterdetailsAbility to view appmaster details.
ROLE_PAYMENT_ADMINmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_CATALOG_ADMINmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_SHIPPING_ADMINmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_MARKETPLACE_USERmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_GUESTmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_REG_USERmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
ROLE_RULESMANAGER_ADMINmarketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.

The following table describes the privilege group and privileges of the App Marketplace microservice:

marketplace/admin/allmarketplace/create/appAbility to create an app.
marketplace/update/appAbility to update an app.
marketplace/view/appdetailAbility to view the app details.
marketplace/view/allAbility to view all apps.
marketplace/view/privateappsAbility to view the list of private apps.
marketplace/view/publicappsAbility to view the list of public apps.
marketplace/create/appconfigAbility to create a list of app configurations.
marketplace/create/appdescriptionAbility to create the app description.
marketplace/update/appconfigAbility to update the app configurations.
marketplace/update/appdescriptionAbility to update the app description.
marketplace/create/appinstallationAbility to install an app.
marketplace/update/appuninstalltionAbility to update the app uninstallation.
marketplace/update/appinstallationAbility to update the app installation.
marketplace/create/webhooksAbility to create webhooks.
marketplace/update/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/view/webhooksAbility to view webhooks.
marketplace/create/uijsonAbility to create UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/uijsonAbility to view UI Json configurations.
marketplace/delete/uijsonAbility to delete UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/appmasterdetailsAbility to view the app master details.
marketplace/update/appdetailAbility to update the app details.
marketplace/create/apppriceAbility to create the price value of an app.
marketplace/update/apppriceAbility to update the price value of an app.
marketplace/create/apikeyandsecretAbility to create an api key and secret key.
marketplace/update/developerAbility to update a developer.
marketplace/create/developerAbility to create a developer.
marketplace/view/developerAbility to view a developer.
marketplace/delete/developerAbility to delete a developer.
marketplace/view/appinstallationAbility to view installed apps.
marketplace/create/privilegemarketplace/create/appAbility to create an app.
marketplace/create/appconfigAbility to create a list of app configurations.
marketplace/create/appdescriptionAbility to create the app description.
marketplace/create/appinstallationAbility to create the app installation.
marketplace/create/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/create/uijsonAbility to create UI Json configurations.
marketplace/create/apppriceAbility to create the price value of an app.
marketplace/create/apikeyandsecretAbility to create an api key and secret key.
marketplace/create/developerAbility to create a developer.
marketplace/view/privilegeAbility to view a privilege.
marketplace/view/privilegemarketplace/view/appdetailAbility to view the app details.
marketplace/view/allAbility to view all apps.
marketplace/view/privateappsAbility to view the list of private apps.
marketplace/view/publicappsAbility to view the list of public apps.
marketplace/view/webhooksAbility to create webhooks.
marketplace/view/uijsonAbility to view the UI Json configurations.
marketplace/view/appmasterdetailsAbility to view appmaster details.
marketplace/view/developerAbility to view a developer.
marketplace/view/appinstallation"Ability to view app installation.
marketplace/update/privilegeAbility to update a privilege.
marketplace/update/privilegemarketplace/update/developerAbility to update a developer.
marketplace/update/apppriceAbility to update the price value for an app.
marketplace/update/appdetailAbility to update the app details.
marketplace/update/webhooksAbility to update webhooks.
marketplace/update/appuninstalltionAbility to update the app uninstallation.
marketplace/update/appinstallationAbility to update the app installation.
marketplace/update/appconfigAbility to update the app configurations.
marketplace/update/appdescriptionAbility to update the app description.
marketplace/update/appAbility to update an app.
marketplace/delete/privilegemarketplace/delete/uijsonAbility to delete the UI Json configurations.
marketplace/delete/developerAbility to delete a developer.

Revision History
2023-16-10| SW – Added content for 8.15 release.